Example #1
        public static void RunMerge <T>(this Hyland.Unity.WorkView.ExecutableFilterQuery query, IEnumerable <T> externalList, Action <Hyland.Unity.WorkView.Object, T> mapper = null)
            // If a mapper wasn't given, create one
            if (mapper == null)
                mapper = (obj, item) =>
                    var avm = obj.CreateAttributeValueModifier();

                    foreach (var prop in item.GetType().GetProperties().Where(prop => WorkViewAttributeAttribute.IsDefined(prop)))
                        var address = WorkViewAttributeAttribute.GetAttributeAddress(prop);
                        if (address.Depth != 1)

                        var attribute = query.Class.Attributes.Find(address.FullPath);

                        avm.SetAttributeValue(attribute, prop.GetValue(item));


            var dictionary = Merge <T>(query, externalList);

            foreach (var item in dictionary.UpdateItemList)
                if (item.ObjectId is long id)
                    mapper(query.Class.GetObjectByID(id), item.Item);

            foreach (var item in dictionary.NewItemList)
                mapper(query.Class.CreateObject(), item.Item);
Example #2
        public static ObjectDictionary <T> Merge <T>(this Hyland.Unity.WorkView.ExecutableFilterQuery query, IEnumerable <T> externalList)
            if (query == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(query));

            if (externalList == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(externalList));

            var totalList = new ObjectDictionary <T>();

            var itemResults = query.Execute(long.MaxValue);

            totalList.Mode = InsertionMode.Add;

            foreach (var item in itemResults)
                // Get WorkView Object of each item in the query
                var @object = query.Class.GetObjectByID(item.ObjectID);
                // Try to add it to the running list, if it already has an item by it's key, delete other appearances of it.
                if (!totalList.Add(@object))

            // Switch mode to overwrite existing item and mark them for update if needed
            totalList.Mode = InsertionMode.Merge;

            // Add external items for overwriting
            foreach (var item in externalList)
