public void GetDynamicMemberNames_should_contain_properties()
            var context = new HxlTemplateContext(new { a = "", b = "" });

            Assert.SetEqual(new[] { "a", "b", "TemplateFactory", "Data", "DataProviders", "Parent" },
        public void TryGetMember_should_obtain_owner_property()
            var    context = new HxlTemplateContext(new { a = "hello", });
            var    binder  = new FakeGetMemberBinder("a");
            object result;

            Assert.True(context.TryGetMember(binder, out result));
            Assert.Equal("hello", result);
        protected void GenerateAndAssert()
            // TODO Stage the stream context fixture instead to avoid strange names
            var    type     = this.Assembly.GetTypes().Single(t => t.Name.EndsWith("input_hxl", StringComparison.Ordinal));
            var    template = (HxlTemplate)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
            var    expected = ExpectedHtml;
            string actual   = null;

            try {
                HxlTemplateContext context = HxlTemplateContext.WithData(null, this.Data);
                var factory = new HxlTemplateFactoryCollection();
                context.TemplateFactory = factory;

                actual = this.ActualHtml = template.TransformText(context);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                string tempFile2 = WriteCompilerOutput("<error>", expected);
                Assert.Fail("Failed transforming text: {0} - {1}", tempFile2, ex);

            // TODO Assert on generated code
            // TODO Whitespace normalization should be an option because future tests will need to look for it
            actual   = NormalizeForComparison(actual);
            expected = NormalizeForComparison(expected);
            bool result = string.Equals((actual),

            if (!result)
                string tempFile = WriteCompilerOutput(actual, expected);
                string message  = string.Format("Comparison failed: {0}", tempFile);
                // Console.WriteLine(message);
                Assert.Equal(expected, actual);

            // Check lines of generated source
            foreach (var m in ExpectedSource)
                if (!this.GeneratedSource.Contains(m))
                    string temp = WriteCompilerOutput(actual, expected);
                    Assert.Fail("Generated source missing line: {0} ({1})", m, temp);

            // Cache the output
            WriteCompilerOutput(actual, expected);