public Brewfest_RamRidingQuests(Dictionary <string, string> args)
            : base(args)
                // NB: Core attributes are parsed by QuestBehaviorBase parent (e.g., QuestId, NonCompeteDistance, etc)

                // QuestBehaviorBase will handle QuestId, but we re-acquire here because it is 'required'...
                GetAttributeAsNullable <int>("QuestId", true, ConstrainAs.QuestId(this), null);

                TerminationChecksQuestProgress = false;

                // RidingPath processing...
                RidingPath          = HuntingGroundsType.GetOrCreate(Element, "RidingPath");
                IsAttributeProblem |= RidingPath.IsAttributeProblem;

            catch (Exception except)
                // Maintenance problems occur for a number of reasons.  The primary two are...
                // * Changes were made to the behavior, and boundary conditions weren't properly tested.
                // * The Honorbuddy core was changed, and the behavior wasn't adjusted for the new changes.
                // In any case, we pinpoint the source of the problem area here, and hopefully it can be quickly
                // resolved.
                IsAttributeProblem = true;
        // Empty, for now

        #region Overrides of CustomForcedBehavior

        public override void OnStart()
            // Hunting ground processing...
            // NB: We had to defer this processing from the constructor, because XElement isn't available
            // to parse child XML nodes until OnStart() is called.
            HuntingGrounds      = HuntingGroundsType.GetOrCreate(Element, "HuntingGrounds", HuntingGroundCenter);
            IsAttributeProblem |= HuntingGrounds.IsAttributeProblem;

            // Let QuestBehaviorBase do basic initializaion of the behavior, deal with bad or deprecated attributes,
            // capture configuration state, install BT hooks, etc.  This will also update the goal text.
                string.Format("Using {0} on {1}",
                              string.Join(", ", MobIds.Select(m => GetMobNameFromId(m)).Distinct())));

            // If the quest is complete, this behavior is already done...
            // So we don't want to falsely inform the user of things that will be skipped.
            if (!IsDone)
                ItemToUse = Me.CarriedItems.FirstOrDefault(i => (i.Entry == ItemId));
                if (ItemToUse == null)
                    LogError("[PROFILE ERROR] Unable to locate in our bags", GetItemNameFromId(ItemId));

                CurrentHuntingGroundWaypoint = HuntingGrounds.FindFirstWaypoint(Me.Location);
        public KillUntilComplete(Dictionary <string, string> args)
            : base(args)
            QBCLog.BehaviorLoggingContext = this;

                // Primary attributes...
                MobIds = (GetAttributeAsArray <int>("MobIds", false, ConstrainAs.MobId, new[] { "NpcIds" }, null) ?? new int[0])
                         .Concat(GetNumberedAttributesAsArray <int>("MobId", 0, ConstrainAs.MobId, new[] { "NpcId" }) ?? new int[0])

                HuntingGroundCenter = GetAttributeAsNullable <Vector3>("", false, ConstrainAs.Vector3NonEmpty, null) ?? Me.Location;

                // Tunables...
                WaitForNpcs = GetAttributeAsNullable <bool>("WaitForNpcs", false, null, null) ?? true;
                ImmediatelySwitchToHighestPriorityTarget = GetAttributeAsNullable <bool>("ImmediatelySwitchToHighestPriorityTarget", false, null, null) ?? true;

                double?forcedTolerance = null;
                if (MovementBy == MovementByType.FlightorPreferred)
                    forcedTolerance = 3f;

                // Hunting ground processing...
                HuntingGrounds = HuntingGroundsType.GetOrCreate(
                    new WaypointType(HuntingGroundCenter, "hunting ground center"),

                IsAttributeProblem |= HuntingGrounds.IsAttributeProblem;

                AddMobIdsToPersueList(MobIds, PursuitList);
            catch (Exception except)
                // Maintenance problems occur for a number of reasons.  The primary two are...
                // * Changes were made to the behavior, and boundary conditions weren't properly tested.
                // * The Honorbuddy core was changed, and the behavior wasn't adjusted for the new changes.
                // In any case, we pinpoint the source of the problem area here, and hopefully it
                // can be quickly resolved.
                IsAttributeProblem = true;
        public TargetAndMoveToMob(Dictionary <string, string> args)
            : base(args)
                // NB: Core attributes are parsed by QuestBehaviorBase parent (e.g., QuestId, NonCompeteDistance, etc)

                // Primary attributes...
                MobIds = GetNumberedAttributesAsArray <int>("MobId", 1, ConstrainAs.MobId, null);

                // Qualifiers
                TargetOnlyIfHealthPercentAbove = GetAttributeAsNullable <double>("TargetOnlyIfHealthPercentAbove", false, ConstrainAs.Percent, null) ?? 0.0;
                TargetOnlyIfHealthPercentBelow = GetAttributeAsNullable <double>("TargetOnlyIfHealthPercentBelow", false, ConstrainAs.Percent, null) ?? 100.0;
                TargetOnlyIfMobHasAuraId       = GetNumberedAttributesAsArray <int>("TargetOnlyIfMobHasAuraId", 0, ConstrainAs.AuraId, null);
                TargetOnlyIfMobMissingAuraId   = GetNumberedAttributesAsArray <int>("TargetOnlyIfMobMissingAuraId", 0, ConstrainAs.AuraId, null);

                // Tunables...
                HuntingGroundCenter     = GetAttributeAsNullable <WoWPoint>("", false, ConstrainAs.WoWPointNonEmpty, null) ?? Me.Location;
                IgnoreLoSToTarget       = GetAttributeAsNullable <bool>("IgnoreLoSToTarget", false, null, null) ?? false;
                MoveWithinMaxRangeOfMob = GetAttributeAsNullable <double>("MoveWithinMaxRangeOfMob", false, null, null) ?? 30.0;
                WaitForNpcs             = GetAttributeAsNullable <bool>("WaitForNpcs", false, null, null) ?? true;

                // Hunting ground processing...
                HuntingGrounds =
                                                   new WaypointType(HuntingGroundCenter, "hunting ground center"));
                IsAttributeProblem |= HuntingGrounds.IsAttributeProblem;

            catch (Exception except)
                // Maintenance problems occur for a number of reasons.  The primary two are...
                // * Changes were made to the behavior, and boundary conditions weren't properly tested.
                // * The Honorbuddy core was changed, and the behavior wasn't adjusted for the new changes.
                // In any case, we pinpoint the source of the problem area here, and hopefully it
                // can be quickly resolved.
                IsAttributeProblem = true;
Example #5
        public FlyTo(Dictionary <string, string> args)
            : base(args)
            QBCLog.BehaviorLoggingContext = this;

                DefaultAllowedVariance = GetAttributeAsNullable <double>("AllowedVariance", false, new ConstrainTo.Domain <double>(0.0, 50.0), null)
                                         ?? 0.0;
                DefaultArrivalTolerance = GetAttributeAsNullable <double>("ArrivalTolerance", false, new ConstrainTo.Domain <double>(1.5, 30.0), new string[] { "Distance" })
                                          ?? 3;
                DefaultDestination     = GetAttributeAsNullable <Vector3>("", false, ConstrainAs.Vector3NonEmpty, null);
                DefaultDestinationName = GetAttributeAs <string>("DestName", false, ConstrainAs.StringNonEmpty, new[] { "Name" })
                                         ?? ((DefaultDestination != null) ? DefaultDestination.ToString() : string.Empty);
                IgnoreIndoors = GetAttributeAsNullable <bool>("IgnoreIndoors", false, null, null) ?? false;
                Land          = GetAttributeAsNullable <bool>("Land", false, null, null) ?? false;
                MinHeight     = GetAttributeAsNullable("MinHeight", false, new ConstrainTo.Domain <float>(0, 200),

                // 'Destination choices' processing...
                PotentialDestinations =
                                                    ? new WaypointType(DefaultDestination.Value, DefaultDestinationName, DefaultAllowedVariance, DefaultArrivalTolerance)
                                                    : null, DefaultArrivalTolerance);
                IsAttributeProblem |= PotentialDestinations.IsAttributeProblem;

            catch (Exception except)
                // Maintenance problems occur for a number of reasons.  The primary two are...
                // * Changes were made to the behavior, and boundary conditions weren't properly tested.
                // * The Honorbuddy core was changed, and the behavior wasn't adjusted for the new changes.
                // In any case, we pinpoint the source of the problem area here, and hopefully it
                // can be quickly resolved.
                IsAttributeProblem = true;
        public CombatUseItemOnV2(Dictionary <string, string> args)
            : base(args)
                // NB: Core attributes are parsed by QuestBehaviorBase parent (e.g., QuestId, NonCompeteDistance, etc)

                // Primary attributes...
                ItemId = GetAttributeAsNullable <int>("ItemId", true, ConstrainAs.ItemId, null) ?? 0;

                string itemUseAlwaysSucceeds = GetAttributeAs <string>("ItemAppliesAuraId", false, ConstrainAs.StringNonEmpty, null) ?? string.Empty;
                if (itemUseAlwaysSucceeds == "AssumeItemUseAlwaysSucceeds")
                    ItemAppliesAuraId = 0;
                    ItemAppliesAuraId = GetAttributeAsNullable <int>("ItemAppliesAuraId", false, ConstrainAs.AuraId, null) ?? 0;

                MobIds                     = GetNumberedAttributesAsArray <int>("MobId", 1, ConstrainAs.MobId, null);
                UseWhenMeHasAuraId         = GetAttributeAsNullable <int>("UseWhenMeHasAuraId", false, ConstrainAs.AuraId, null) ?? 0;
                UseWhenMeMissingAuraId     = GetAttributeAsNullable <int>("UseWhenMeMissingAuraId", false, ConstrainAs.AuraId, null) ?? 0;
                UseWhenMobCastingSpellId   = GetAttributeAsNullable <int>("UseWhenMobCastingSpellId", false, ConstrainAs.SpellId, null) ?? 0;
                UseWhenMobHasAuraId        = GetAttributeAsNullable <int>("UseWhenMobHasAuraId", false, ConstrainAs.AuraId, null) ?? 0;
                UseWhenMobMissingAuraId    = GetAttributeAsNullable <int>("UseWhenMobMissingAuraId", false, ConstrainAs.AuraId, null) ?? 0;
                UseWhenMobHasHealthPercent = GetAttributeAsNullable <double>("UseWhenMobHasHealthPercent", false, ConstrainAs.Percent, null) ?? 0;

                // Either HuntingGroundCenter or <HuntingGrounds> subelement must be provided...
                // The sanity check for this is done in OnStart() since that's where we must do
                // all sub-element processing due to the way CustomForcedBehavior is architected.
                HuntingGroundCenter = GetAttributeAsNullable <Vector3>("", false, ConstrainAs.Vector3NonEmpty, null);

                // Tunables...
                CollectionDistance             = GetAttributeAsNullable <double>("CollectionDistance", false, ConstrainAs.Range, null) ?? 100;
                InteractBlacklistTimeInSeconds = GetAttributeAsNullable <int>("InteractBlacklistTimeInSeconds", false, ConstrainAs.CollectionCount, null) ?? 180;
                MaxRangeToUseItem           = GetAttributeAsNullable <double>("MaxRangeToUseItem", false, ConstrainAs.Range, null) ?? 25.0;
                NumOfTimes                  = GetAttributeAsNullable <int>("NumOfTimesToUseItem", false, ConstrainAs.RepeatCount, null) ?? 1;
                RecallPetAtMobPercentHealth = GetAttributeAsNullable <double>("RecallPetAtMobPercentHealth", false, ConstrainAs.Percent, null) ?? UseWhenMobHasHealthPercent;
                UseItemStrategy             = GetAttributeAsNullable <UseItemStrategyType>("UseItemStrategy", false, null, null) ?? UseItemStrategyType.UseItemOncePerTarget;
                WaitTimeAfterItemUse        = GetAttributeAsNullable <int>("WaitTimeAfterItemUse", false, ConstrainAs.Milliseconds, null) ?? 0;

                // Hunting ground processing...
                HuntingGrounds =
                                                        ? new WaypointType(HuntingGroundCenter.Value, "hunting ground center")
                                                        : null));
                IsAttributeProblem |= HuntingGrounds.IsAttributeProblem;

            catch (Exception except)
                // Maintenance problems occur for a number of reasons.  The primary two are...
                // * Changes were made to the behavior, and boundary conditions weren't properly tested.
                // * The Honorbuddy core was changed, and the behavior wasn't adjusted for the new changes.
                // In any case, we pinpoint the source of the problem area here, and hopefully it
                // can be quickly resolved.
                IsAttributeProblem = true;