public List <Widget> AddWidgetToMachine(Widget newWidget)
            // first lets get an object ready to send to our pretend API.  This endpong needs
            // a Widget with the added property "dateTime"
            HttpObjFactoryBase sendFactory = (HttpObjFactoryBase)ViewModelLocator.Container.Resolve <ISendHttpObjFactory>();
            IHttpObj           widget      = sendFactory.GetWidget(newWidget);

            // now that our object is ready, lets send it to our pretend API (we don't actually use the object above, just pretend we do).
            // lets now pretend the next line is the response from the API.
            var response = @"{'first_Name':'Izzy','last_Name':'Gonzales'}";
            // Unfortunately for us,
            // the response is in a different format than most of our other models.  The response has
            // the property names with underscores! So we'll send it to our factories to get back a proper type we can use
            HttpObjFactoryBase responseFactory = (HttpObjFactoryBase)ViewModelLocator.Container.Resolve <IResponseHttpObjFactory>();
            var responseWidget = (Widget)responseFactory.GetWidget <string>(response);

            if (widgets == null)
                widgets = new List <Widget>();
            if (widgets.Count < 3)
        public List <Widget> GetWidgets()
            // pretend you just called an API and got this response
            var response = @"[{'firstName':'Fred','lastName':'Jones'},{'firstName':'Jessie','lastName':'Smith'}]";
            // grab reference to the factory I use for handling responses
            HttpObjFactoryBase responseFactory = (HttpObjFactoryBase)ViewModelLocator.Container.Resolve <IResponseHttpObjFactory>();
            // get an instance of the proper object from the factory
            var tempWidgets = responseFactory.GetWidgets(response);

            tempWidgets.ForEach(x => widgets.Add(x as Widget));