Example #1
        public async Task Echo([Remainder] string message)
            var account = UserAccounts.GetAccount(Context.User);

            string css  = "<style>\n    body{\n    background-color: #36393e;\n}\n    h1{\n        color: " + account.Color + ";\n    }\n    h5{\n        color: blue;\n    }";
            string html = string.Format("\n</style>\n<h1>{0}</h1>\n<h5>bericht door {1}</h5>", message, Context.User.Username);

            var converter = new HtmlToImageConverter();

            converter.Width  = 400;
            converter.Height = 80;
            var jpgBytes = converter.GenerateImage(css + html, NReco.ImageGenerator.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
            await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(new MemoryStream(jpgBytes), "echo.jpg");

             * var embed = new EmbedBuilder();
             * embed.WithTitle("message door " + Context.User.Username);
             * embed.WithDescription(message);
             * embed.WithColor(new Color(0, 255, 0));
             * embed.WithThumbnailUrl(Context.User.GetAvatarUrl());
             * embed.WithCurrentTimestamp();
             * await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed);
Example #2
        public async Task Succ([Remainder] string args = "")
            SocketUser target        = null;
            var        mentionedUser = Context.Message.MentionedUsers.FirstOrDefault();

            if (mentionedUser == null)
                await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(dir + "succ.png");

            target = mentionedUser ?? Context.User;
            string avatarUrl = target.GetAvatarUrl();
            var    guildUser = (SocketGuildUser)target;

            string css        = "<style>\n    #avatar{\n        position: absolute;\n        top: 377px;\n        left: 175px;\n        z-index: 1;\n        width: 65px;\n        height: 65px;\n    }\n    body {\n        margin: 0;\n    }\n</style>";
            string imgpath    = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/464773560393662465/475988185915195402/succ_edit.png";
            string body       = "\n<img id=\"back\" src=\"" + imgpath + "\">\n";
            string avatarhtml = "<img id=\"avatar\" src = \"" + avatarUrl + "\">";
            string fullhtml   = css + body + avatarhtml;
            var    converter  = new HtmlToImageConverter
                Width  = 375,
                Height = 535

            var jpgBytes = converter.GenerateImage(fullhtml, NReco.ImageGenerator.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
            await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(new System.IO.MemoryStream(jpgBytes), "succd.jpg");
Example #3
        public string RenderHtml(string html)
            var htmlToImageConv = new HtmlToImageConverter();
            var jpegBytes       = htmlToImageConv.GenerateImage(html, ImageFormat.Jpeg);

            return(String.Format("data:image/png;base64,{0}", Convert.ToBase64String(jpegBytes)));
Example #4
        public async Task Auction([Remainder] string arg = "")
            if (!IsUserRaidLeader((SocketGuildUser)Context.User))

            if (_auctionSignal)
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"**Auction already running!**");

            _bidCounter      = 0;
            _auctionItemName = arg;

            string html      = ItemGrabber.GetItemInfo(_auctionItemName);
            var    converter = new HtmlToImageConverter
                Width = 340,
            var jpgBytes = converter.GenerateImage(html, NReco.ImageGenerator.ImageFormat.Jpeg);

            new Task(new Action(AuctionFunction)).Start();
            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"**Auction start for item: {arg} - Bid time: [{Config.bot.auctionTime}] sec.**");

            await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(new MemoryStream(jpgBytes), "itemPic.jpg");
        private Bitmap ConvertHtmlToImage(string html)
            byte[] pngBytes = new HtmlToImageConverter().GenerateImage(html, ImageFormat.Png);
            Bitmap bmp;

            using (var ms = new MemoryStream(pngBytes))
                bmp = new Bitmap(ms);
Example #6
 public async Task Color(CommandContext Context, params string[] col)
     string html      = string.Format("<body bgcolor=\"{0}\">", col);
     var    converter = new HtmlToImageConverter
         Width  = 800,
         Height = 800
     var pngBytes = converter.GenerateImage(html, ImageFormat.Png);
     await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(new MemoryStream(pngBytes), "gya.png");
Example #7
 public async Task html(string color = "red")
     string css       = "<style>\nh1{\ncolor: " + color + ";\n}\n</style>\n";
     string html      = String.Format("<h1>Hello {0}!</h1>", Context.User.Username);
     var    converter = new HtmlToImageConverter {
         Width  = 500,
         Height = 70
     var jpgBytes = converter.GenerateImage(css + html, NReco.ImageGenerator.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
     await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(new MemoryStream(jpgBytes), "hello.jpg");
Example #8
 public async Task Debug()
     //await Smug();
     var converter = new HtmlToImageConverter
         Width  = 375,
         Height = 535
     var jpgBytes = converter.GenerateImageFromFile("./Resources/html/succ_template.html", NReco.ImageGenerator.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
     await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(new System.IO.MemoryStream(jpgBytes), "succd.jpg");
Example #9
 public async Task Hello(string color = "red")
     string css       = "<style>\n    h1{\n        color: " + color + ";\n    }\n</style>";
     string html      = "\n<h1>woot</h1>";
     var    converter = new HtmlToImageConverter
         Width  = 80,
         Height = 50
     var jpgBytes = converter.GenerateImage(css + html, NReco.ImageGenerator.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
     await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(new System.IO.MemoryStream(jpgBytes), "woot.jpg");
Example #10
 public async Task HtmlTest(CommandContext Context, string color = "red")
     string css       = "<style>\n h1{\n color: " + color + ";\n }\n</style>\n";
     string html      = string.Format("<h1>ya mom gay, {0} </h1>", Context.User.Username);
     var    converter = new HtmlToImageConverter
         Width  = 350,
         Height = 70
     var pngBytes = converter.GenerateImage(css = html, NReco.ImageGenerator.ImageFormat.Png);
     await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(new MemoryStream(pngBytes), "Hello.png");
Example #11
 public async Task Hello(string color = "#c30d0d")
     string css       = "<style>\n    hi{\n        coler: #c30d0d;\n    }\n</style>\n";
     string html      = String.Format("<h1>HELLO {0}!</h1>", Context.User.Username);
     var    converter = new HtmlToImageConverter
         Width  = 50,
         Height = 50
     var jpgBytes = converter.GenerateImage(css + html, NReco.ImageGenerator.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
     await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(new MemoryStream(jpgBytes), "HELLO.jpg");
Example #12
 public async Task Hello()
     string css       = "<style>h1{color: red;}</style>";
     string html      = String.Format("<h1>Hello {0}</h1>", Context.User.Username);
     var    converter = new HtmlToImageConverter
         Width  = 300,
         Height = 70
     var jpgBytes = converter.GenerateImage(css + html, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
     await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(new MemoryStream(jpgBytes), "hello.jpg");
Example #13
 public async Task TextToImage(CommandContext Context, params string[] msg)
     string message   = string.Join(" ", msg);
     string css       = "<style>\n h1{\n color: rgb(51,51,51);\n }\n</style>\n";
     string html      = string.Format("<h1>{0}</h1>", message);
     var    converter = new HtmlToImageConverter
         Width  = 1920,
         Height = 600
     var pngBytes = converter.GenerateImage(css = html, ImageFormat.Png);
     await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(new MemoryStream(pngBytes), "gya.png");
Example #14
 public async Task Hello([Remainder] string arg = "")
     var    mentionedUser = Context.Message.MentionedUsers.FirstOrDefault();
     string css           = "<style>\n    body{\n        background-image: url(https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/393526436343971851/415031891268206593/Nero-text.jpg);\n    }\n    h1{\n        color: rgb(180, 0, 0)\n    }\n</style>\n";
     string html          = String.Format("<font size=20><h1>Welcome to Aestus, {0}</h1></font>", mentionedUser.Username);
     var    converter     = new HtmlToImageConverter
         Width  = 2056,
         Height = 1156
     var pngBytes = converter.GenerateImage(css + html, NReco.ImageGenerator.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
     await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(new MemoryStream(pngBytes), "слыш письку саси :))).jpg");
Example #15
        public void  image_generator(SocketGuildUser user)
            string css       = "<style>\n h1{\n    color:#BB0A21 ;\n border-radius:20px;\n font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;\n font-size:150%;\n}\n</style>\n";
            string html      = String.Format("<body bgcolor=383838><h1>{0} Won!</h1>\n</body>", user.Username);
            var    Convertor = new HtmlToImageConverter
                Width  = 280,
                Height = 80
            var pngbytes = Convertor.GenerateImage(css + html, ImageFormat.Png);

            winimage = new MemoryStream(pngbytes);
Example #16
        public async Task Hoi()
            var account = UserAccounts.GetAccount(Context.User);

            //#36393e  #2f3338
            string css       = "<style>\n    body{\n    background-color: #36393e\n}\n    h1{\n        color: " + account.Color + ";\n    }\n";
            string html      = String.Format("</style>\n<h1>hello {0}!</h1>", Context.User.Username);
            var    converter = new HtmlToImageConverter();

            converter.Width  = 250;
            converter.Height = 50;
            var jpgBytes = converter.GenerateImage(css + html, NReco.ImageGenerator.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
            await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(new MemoryStream(jpgBytes), "Hello.jpg");
        public void GenerateImage(Stream stream)
            var converter = new HtmlToImageConverter();

            if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Unix)
                converter.WkHtmlToImageExeName = "wkhtmltoimage";
            using var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
            converter.GenerateImage(_bodyHtml, "png", memoryStream);
            memoryStream.Position = 0;
            using var image       = Image.FromStream(memoryStream);
            image.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Png);
Example #18
        public async Task memes(string link = "", [Remainder] string legenda = "")
                if (Context.Channel.Id == 469200747184128009)
                    await Context.Message.DeleteAsync();

                    const int delay = 5000;
                    var       m     = await this.ReplyAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}. Opa, você não pode executar  o comando neste canal, por favor utilize comandos-bot:smile:!");

                    await Task.Delay(delay);

                    await m.DeleteAsync();
                    if (link.Equals("laranja"))
                        link = "https://i.imgur.com/LXCmEUk.png";
                    if (link.Equals("jailson"))
                        link = " https://i.imgur.com/ebbgZ6f.jpg";
                    string html      = "<meta charset='utf-8'>\n<style>\n\n    .img_background{\n        background: url('" + link + "') no-repeat;\n        width: 302px;\n        height: 302px;\n        z-index: 1;\n        \n    }\n\nh1{\n    z-index: 2;\n    color: #fff;\n    font-family: 'Franklin Gothic Medium', 'Arial Narrow', Arial, sans-serif;\n    width: 302px;\n    font-size: 18pt;\n    text-transform: uppercase;\n    text-shadow: 1px 3px 2px #000;\n}\n</style>\n\n<div class='img_background'>\n    <center><h1>" + legenda + "</h1></center>\n</div>";
                    var    converter = new HtmlToImageConverter
                        Width  = 298,
                        Height = 298
                    var jpgBytes = converter.GenerateImage(html, NReco.ImageGenerator.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
                    await Context.Message.DeleteAsync();
                    await ReplyAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}");

                    await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(new MemoryStream(jpgBytes), "meme_habbop.jpg");
            }catch (Exception ex)
                await Context.Message.DeleteAsync();

                const int delay = 5000;
                var       m     = await this.ReplyAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}. Opa, ocorreu um erro na hora de executar o comando!:x:!");

                await Task.Delay(delay);

                await m.DeleteAsync();
Example #19
        public async Task ImageShit([Remainder] string args = "")
            const string css  = "<style>\n	h1{\n		color: rgb(27,82,122);\n	}\n</style>\n";
            string       html = $"<h1>{args}</h1>";

            if (args == "")
                html = $"<h1>Hello {Context.User.Username}</h1>";
            byte[] jpegBytes =
                new HtmlToImageConverter {
                Width = 200, Height = 70
            }.GenerateImage(css + html, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
            await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(new MemoryStream(jpegBytes), "Hello.jpeg");
        //private static string unformattedHtml = File.ReadAllText(directory + file);

        public static byte[] HtmlToJpeg(UserAccount user)
            string userName = user.username;
            string userXp   = "XP: " + user.XP.ToString();
            string userLvl  = "Level: " + user.lvl.ToString();

            HtmlBuilder.BuildNewDoc(userName, userXp, userLvl);
            var convert = new HtmlToImageConverter
                Width  = 200,
                Height = 150
            var bytes = convert.GenerateImageFromFile(file, ImageFormat.Jpeg);

Example #21
 public async Task GeneratedImage(string color = "red", SocketUser user = null)
     if (user == null)
         user = Context.User as SocketGuildUser;
     string css       = "<style>\n    h1{\n        color: " + color + ";\n    }\n</style>\n";
     string html      = String.Format("<h1>Who's Thicc? {0}!<h1>", user.Username);
     var    converter = new HtmlToImageConverter
         Width  = 340,
         Height = 110
     var jpgBytes = converter.GenerateImage(css + html, NReco.ImageGenerator.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
     await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(new MemoryStream(jpgBytes), "hello.jpg");
Example #22
        public async Task Test()
                var    userImg = @"https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/" + Context.User.Id + @"/" + Context.User.AvatarId + @".png".Replace(" ", "%20");
                string html    = String.Format($"<html><head> <meta charset=\"utf-8\"> <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\"> <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/twitter-bootstrap/4.1.0/css/bootstrap.min.css\"></head><body style=\"overflow:hidden;background-image:url(&quot;http://zanoxhosting.ga/DMNHosting/api/discord/welcomeAssets/img/eS4IxK3.png&quot;);\"> <div style=\"display:table;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;height:100%;width:100%;\"> <div style=\"display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle;\"> <div style=\"margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;text-align:center;\"><img src=\"{userImg}\" style=\"height:125px;width:125px;\"><div></div>\" <div style=\"color:#FFF;\"><h1 style=\"font-size:25px;\"><b>Welcome to {Context.Guild.Name},</b></h1> <h1 style=\"font-size:15px;\"><b>{Context.User.Username}</b></h1> </div></div></div></div><script src=\"https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js\"></script> <script src=\"https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/twitter-bootstrap/4.1.0/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js\"></script></body></html>");

                var converter = new HtmlToImageConverter {
                    Width = 500, Height = 250
                var jpgBytes = converter.GenerateImage(html, NReco.ImageGenerator.ImageFormat.Png);
                await Context.Guild.DefaultChannel.SendMessageAsync("test");

                await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(new MemoryStream(jpgBytes), $"Welcome {Context.User.Username}.png");
            catch (Exception e)
                ExceptionAlert(Context, e);
Example #23
        public async Task AnnounceLeave(SocketGuildUser user) //Welcomes the new user
            var    account = UserAccounts.GetOrCreateAccount(user.Guild.Id);
            var    channel = _client.GetChannel(account.DefaultChannelID) as SocketTextChannel; // Gets the channel to send the message in
            var    userImg = @"https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/" + user.Id + @"/" + user.AvatarId + @".png".Replace(" ", "%20");
            string html    = String.Format($"<html><head> <meta charset=\"utf-8\"> <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\"> <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/twitter-bootstrap/4.1.0/css/bootstrap.min.css\"></head><body style=\"overflow:hidden;background-image:url(&quot;http://zanoxhosting.ga/api/discord/welcomeAssets/img/eS4IxK3.png&quot;);\"> <div style=\"display:table;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;height:100%;width:100%;\"> <div style=\"display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle;\"> <div style=\"margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;text-align:center;\"><img src=\"{userImg}\" style=\"height:125px;width:125px;\"><div></div>\" <div style=\"color:#FFF;\"><h1 style=\"font-size:25px;\"><b>Farewell,</b></h1> <h1 style=\"font-size:15px;\"><b>{user.Username}</b></h1> </div></div></div></div><script src=\"https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js\"></script> <script src=\"https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/twitter-bootstrap/4.1.0/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js\"></script></body></html>");

            var converter = new HtmlToImageConverter {
                Width = 500, Height = 250

            byte[] jpgBytes = converter.GenerateImage(html, NReco.ImageGenerator.ImageFormat.Png);
            File.WriteAllBytes($"Farewell {user.Username}.png", jpgBytes);

            await channel.SendFileAsync($"Farewell {user.Username}.png", $"Farewell, {user.Mention}");

                File.Delete($"Farewell {user.Username}.png");
            catch { }
Example #24
        public async Task RenderHTML(CommandContext Context, params string[] url)
            using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
                using (HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(string.Join(" ", url)))
                    using (HttpContent content = response.Content)
                        string myContent = await content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                        string html      = string.Format("{0}", myContent);
                        var    converter = new HtmlToImageConverter
                            Width  = 1920,
                            Height = 1080
                        var pngBytes = converter.GenerateImage(html, NReco.ImageGenerator.ImageFormat.Png);
                        await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(new MemoryStream(pngBytes), "gya.png");
Example #25
        public static string ToPng(string json, string fileName)
            string outFile = fileName.Substring(0, fileName.LastIndexOf(".", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) + ".jpg";

            string dir = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory;

            string h1 = File.ReadAllText(dir + "\\HTML\\head.html");
            string h2 = File.ReadAllText(dir + "\\HTML\\foot.html");

            var imageCons = new HtmlToImageConverter();

            imageCons.Width = 1200;
            var bytes = imageCons.GenerateImage(h1 + json + h2, ImageFormat.Jpeg);

            using (StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(outFile)) {
                sw.BaseStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length - 1);

Example #26
        public static byte[] GenerateImage(string html, string format = "png", int?width = null, int?height = null)
            var htmlToImageConv = new HtmlToImageConverter();

            if (format == "png")
                htmlToImageConv.CustomArgs = "--transparent";

            if (width.HasValue)
                htmlToImageConv.Width = width.Value;

            if (height.HasValue)
                htmlToImageConv.Height = height.Value;

            var image = htmlToImageConv.GenerateImage(html, format == "jpg" ? ImageFormat.Jpeg : ImageFormat.Png);

Example #27
        public ActionResult ConvertHtmlToImage(IFormCollection collection)
            // Create a HTML to Image converter object with default settings
            HtmlToImageConverter htmlToImageConverter = new HtmlToImageConverter();

            // Set license key received after purchase to use the converter in licensed mode
            // Leave it not set to use the converter in demo mode
            htmlToImageConverter.LicenseKey = "4W9+bn19bn5ue2B+bn1/YH98YHd3d3c=";

            // Set HTML Viewer width in pixels which is the equivalent in converter of the browser window width
            htmlToImageConverter.HtmlViewerWidth = int.Parse(collection["htmlViewerWidthTextBox"]);

            // Set HTML viewer height in pixels to convert the top part of a HTML page
            // Leave it not set to convert the entire HTML
            if (collection["htmlViewerHeightTextBox"][0].Length > 0)
                htmlToImageConverter.HtmlViewerHeight = int.Parse(collection["htmlViewerHeightTextBox"]);

            // Set if the created image has a transparent background
            htmlToImageConverter.TransparentBackground = SelectedImageFormat(collection["imageFormatComboBox"]) == System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png ? collection["transparentBackgroundCheckBox"].Count > 0 : false;

            // Set the maximum time in seconds to wait for HTML page to be loaded
            // Leave it not set for a default 60 seconds maximum wait time
            htmlToImageConverter.NavigationTimeout = int.Parse(collection["navigationTimeoutTextBox"]);

            // Set an adddional delay in seconds to wait for JavaScript or AJAX calls after page load completed
            // Set this property to 0 if you don't need to wait for such asynchcronous operations to finish
            if (collection["conversionDelayTextBox"][0].Length > 0)
                htmlToImageConverter.ConversionDelay = int.Parse(collection["conversionDelayTextBox"]);

            System.Drawing.Image[] imageTiles = null;

            if (collection["HtmlPageSource"] == "convertUrlRadioButton")
                string url = collection["urlTextBox"];

                // Convert the HTML page given by an URL to a set of Image objects
                imageTiles = htmlToImageConverter.ConvertUrlToImageTiles(url);
                string htmlString = collection["htmlStringTextBox"];
                string baseUrl    = collection["baseUrlTextBox"];

                // Convert a HTML string with a base URL to a set of Image objects
                imageTiles = htmlToImageConverter.ConvertHtmlToImageTiles(htmlString, baseUrl);

            // Save the first image tile to a memory buffer

            System.Drawing.Image outImage = imageTiles[0];

            // Create a memory stream where to save the image
            System.IO.MemoryStream imageOutputStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();

            // Save the image to memory stream
            outImage.Save(imageOutputStream, SelectedImageFormat(collection["imageFormatComboBox"]));

            // Write the memory stream to a memory buffer
            imageOutputStream.Position = 0;
            byte[] outImageBuffer = imageOutputStream.ToArray();

            // Close the output memory stream

            string imageFormatName = collection["imageFormatComboBox"][0].ToLower();

            // Send the image file to browser
            FileResult fileResult = new FileContentResult(outImageBuffer, "image/" + (imageFormatName == "jpg" ? "jpeg" : imageFormatName));

            fileResult.FileDownloadName = "HTML_to_Image." + imageFormatName;

Example #28
 public ActionResult Print(int id)
     var secretNumber = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
     ArtifactCloneController.SecretNumber = secretNumber;
     var displayUrl = Url.Action("Display", "ArtifactClone", new { id = id, secretNumber = secretNumber },this.Request.Url.Scheme);
     var htmlToImageConverter = new HtmlToImageConverter();
     htmlToImageConverter.Height = 350;
     htmlToImageConverter.Width = 500;
     return File(htmlToImageConverter.GenerateImageFromFile(displayUrl, ImageFormat.Png), "image/png","TheGraph.png");
Example #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Send the PDF document referenced by "dt" to the PACS system defined in the database lkpInterfaceDefinitions for this document
        /// effective 1/22/16 the values required to be present in lkpInterfaceDefinitions are as follows:
        /// interfaceType = "PACS"
        /// ipAddress, port self explanatory
        /// stringParam1: "their" AET
        /// stringParam2: "our" AET
        /// stringParam3: qualified path to DCMTK binaries, e.g., C:\HUGHES_DCMTK_DICOM\bin
        /// intParam1: send file type, see enum.  1=pdf, 2=jpg, 3=bmp
        /// stringParam4: Modality to send to PACS.  Defaults to "OT"
        /// stringParam5: Additional parameters.  see documentation for DCMTK "storescu".  e.g., when sending a jpg, you might have to specify jpg type, e.g., "-xy"
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt">Document Template, as per the HTML document generation</param>
        /// <param name="patient">V3 Patient object</param>
        /// <param name="filename">Name of the PDF file to be converted to a .DCM (DICOM) file and transmitted to PACS</param>
        /// <param name="apptId">Appointment ID</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool send2PACS(DocumentTemplate dt, RiskApps3.Model.PatientRecord.Patient patient, string filenameIn, int apptId)
            List<TripleArg> args = new List<TripleArg>();   // for want of a tuple which doesn't exist till .NET 4.0
            List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> dicomOutputArgs = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
            List<InterfaceInstance> interfaces = new List<InterfaceInstance>();

            string accessionNumber = "";
            string patientname = "";
            string dob = "";
            string gender = "";
            string apptDate = "";
            string apptTime = "";

            ParameterCollection pacsArgs = new ParameterCollection();
            pacsArgs.Add("documentTemplateID", dt.documentTemplateID);
            string filename;
            Image img = null;

            SqlDataReader reader = BCDB2.Instance.ExecuteReaderSPWithParams("sp_getInterfaceDefinitionFromTemplateID", pacsArgs);
            while (reader.Read())
                InterfaceInstance instance = new InterfaceInstance();

                if (reader.IsDBNull(0) == false)
                    instance.InterfaceId = reader.GetInt32(0);
                if (reader.IsDBNull(1) == false)
                    instance.InterfaceType = reader.GetString(1);
                if (reader.IsDBNull(2) == false)
                    instance.IpAddress = reader.GetString(2);
                if (reader.IsDBNull(3) == false)
                    instance.Port = reader.GetString(3);
                if (reader.IsDBNull(4) == false)
                    instance.AeTitleRemote = reader.GetString(4);
                if (reader.IsDBNull(5) == false)
                    instance.AeTitleLocal = reader.GetString(5);
                if (reader.IsDBNull(6) == false)
                    instance.DCMTKpath = reader.GetString(6);
                if (reader.IsDBNull(7) == false)
                    instance.PacsSubType = reader.GetInt32(7);   // for now, 1 == PDF, 2 == JPG, 3 == BMP (see enum pacsSubTypes, above)
                // there is no intParam2 for PACS as yet...skipping ahead to the new-as-of-jan-2016 string param 4
                if (reader.IsDBNull(9) == false)
                    instance.Modality = reader.GetString(9);
                if (reader.IsDBNull(10) == false)
                    instance.AdditionalParams = reader.GetString(10);

                if (instance.InterfaceId > 0)
                    interfaces.Add(instance);   // multiple PACS interfaces per document are now supported.


            // just do this once...
            if (apptId > 0)
                // This is an FMH specific hack, they are sending the Accession Number in the HL7 ADT_A08 message in PID|26...
                // and it is being stored in the appointment table in the unused field "referral".
                // No more obvious way of accomplishing this has jumped out at me yet, but this will have to be made more generic as new
                // customers are brought on-line.
                string sqlStr = "SELECT referral,patientname,dob,gender,apptDate,apptTime FROM tblAppointments WHERE apptID=" + apptId.ToString() + ";";
                reader = BCDB2.Instance.ExecuteReader(sqlStr);
                while (reader.Read())
                    if (reader.IsDBNull(0) == false)
                        accessionNumber = reader.GetString(0);
                    if (reader.IsDBNull(1) == false)   // taking this from appointment table, alternatively, could use Patient object
                        patientname = reader.GetString(1);
                    if (reader.IsDBNull(2) == false)
                        dob = reader.GetString(2);
                    if (reader.IsDBNull(3) == false)
                        gender = reader.GetString(3);
                    if (reader.IsDBNull(4) == false)
                        apptDate = reader.GetString(4);
                    if (reader.IsDBNull(5) == false)
                        apptTime = reader.GetString(5);

            foreach (InterfaceInstance iface in interfaces)     // send document to each eligible interface, converting it as need be
                if ((iface.InterfaceId > 0) && (iface.InterfaceType == "PACS"))     // no interface?  not a PACS interface?  bye bye!
                    // Ok!  We're sending this thing to PACS... go ahead and convert the PDF file to a DCM file...
                    // This will call into the DCMTK library to do their pdf2dcm, dcmodify (to set metadata), and storescu.  Add appropriate parameters to the DCM.

                    filename = filenameIn;      // reinit

                    // filter out oddball cases of calling this method with conflicting interface parameters versus the type of file passed in.
                    // however, we WILL reconvert PDFs to an image upon demand, see below.
                    if (((filename.ToUpper().Contains(".JPG")) || (filename.ToUpper().Contains(".BMP"))) && (iface.PacsSubType == (int)pacsSubTypes.PDF))
                        Logger.Instance.WriteToLog("Send2PACS:  Attempted to send an image file to a PDF interface, interfaceID #" + iface.InterfaceId + ".  Request Aborted" + (apptId > 0 ? " for appt id " + apptId.ToString() + "." : "."));
                    if (iface.PacsSubType == (int)pacsSubTypes.JPG)    // jpg
                        // If we were sent a PDF file, yet it's pacsSubType is different, convert the document to an image
                        // this could happen depending on what type of file is generated from the survey, and the settings made in lkpInterfaceDefinitions
                        // as of now, we're not converting between jpgs and bmps... if you send a bmp and interface type is jpg, bail... and vice versa
                        if (filename.ToUpper().Contains(".BMP"))
                            Logger.Instance.WriteToLog("Send2PACS:  Attempted to send a BMP file to a JPG interface.  Request Aborted" + (apptId > 0 ? " for appt id " + apptId.ToString() + "." : "."));
                        if (filename.ToUpper().Contains(".PDF"))    // re-convert this html to an image instead
                            HtmlToImageConverter htmlToJpgConverter = new HtmlToImageConverter();
                            htmlToJpgConverter.LicenseKey = "sjwvPS4uPSskPSgzLT0uLDMsLzMkJCQk";
                            filename = filename.ToUpper().Replace(".PDF", "") + ".jpg";
                            htmlToJpgConverter.ConvertHtmlToFile(dt.htmlText, "", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg, filename);

                    if ((iface.PacsSubType == (int)pacsSubTypes.BMP) ||  (iface.PacsSubType == (int)pacsSubTypes.inverseBMP)) // bitmap
                        // If we were sent a PDF file, yet it's pacsSubType is different, convert the document to an image
                        // this could happen depending on what type of file is generated from the survey, and the settings made in lkpInterfaceDefinitions
                        // as of now, we're not converting between jpgs and bmps... if you send a bmp and interface type is jpg, bail... and vice versa
                        if (filename.ToUpper().Contains(".JPG"))
                            Logger.Instance.WriteToLog("Send2PACS:  Attempted to send a JPG file to a BMP interface.  Request Aborted" + (apptId > 0 ? " for appt id " + apptId.ToString() + "." : "."));
                        if (filename.ToUpper().Contains(".PDF"))     // re-convert this html to an image instead
                            HtmlToImageConverter htmlToJpgConverter = new HtmlToImageConverter();
                            htmlToJpgConverter.LicenseKey = "sjwvPS4uPSskPSgzLT0uLDMsLzMkJCQk";
                            filename = filename.ToUpper().Replace(".PDF", "") + ".bmp";
                            if (iface.PacsSubType == (int)pacsSubTypes.inverseBMP)
                                img = htmlToJpgConverter.ConvertHtmlToImageObject(dt.htmlText, "");
                                htmlToJpgConverter.ConvertHtmlToFile(dt.htmlText, "", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp, filename);

                        // jdg 1/26/2016 invert bmp
                        if (iface.PacsSubType == (int)pacsSubTypes.inverseBMP)
                            InvertBitmap(filename, img);


                    string dcmFilename = filename + ".dcm";

                    TripleArg arg1 = new TripleArg();
                    //arg1.ArgSwitch = filename;
                    arg1.ArgSwitch = "\"" + filename + "\"";

                    TripleArg arg2 = new TripleArg();
                    //arg2.ArgSwitch = dcmFilename;
                    arg2.ArgSwitch = "\"" + dcmFilename + "\"";

                    if ((patient != null) && (iface.PacsSubType == (int)pacsSubTypes.PDF)) // for some reason, img2dcm (jpg) doesn't have a patient identifier arg.  will have to insert this into the metadata later.
                        TripleArg arg3 = new TripleArg();
                        arg3.ArgSwitch = "+pi";
                        arg3.Name = patient.unitnum;

                    if ((iface.PacsSubType == (int)pacsSubTypes.BMP) || (iface.PacsSubType == (int)pacsSubTypes.inverseBMP))       // defaults to jpg
                        TripleArg arg4 = new TripleArg();
                        arg4.ArgSwitch = "-i";
                        arg4.Name = "BMP";

                    if ((iface.PacsSubType == (int)pacsSubTypes.JPG) || (iface.PacsSubType == (int)pacsSubTypes.BMP) || (iface.PacsSubType == (int)pacsSubTypes.inverseBMP))    // jpg, bmp
                        // do the conversion jpg --> dcm;  this is a local command, no ip/port needed for this one.
                        wrapDCMTKmethodAsExternalCommand(null, null, iface.DCMTKpath + "\\img2dcm.exe", args);
                        // do the conversion pdf --> dcm;  this is a local command, no ip/port needed for this one.
                        wrapDCMTKmethodAsExternalCommand(null, null, iface.DCMTKpath + "\\pdf2dcm.exe", args);
                    if (!File.Exists(dcmFilename))
                        Logger.Instance.WriteToLog("Send2PACS: Unable to convert JPG or PDF to DCM OR perhaps just unable to write it to disk.  Check lkp_AutomationDocuments, lkpInterfaceDefinitions, document storage location and DICOM binary library (" + iface.DCMTKpath + ") for existence and/or permissions.  Filename: " + dcmFilename + ".");
                        continue;        // something went wrong, but didn't throw an error...

                    // I'm guessing that we'll be adding a study/series ID later, just add another TripleArg here, if you didn't build the DCM with it in the metadata initially
                    // If you need to fetch the UID, here is a sample of what a findscu would look like... don't forget the -aec and -aet...
                    // findscu localhost 5678 -S -k StudyInstanceUID -k QueryRetrieveLevel=STUDY -k AccessionNumber=22222893 -aet Hughes -aec Hughes2
                    // and of course, you have to read the resulting array list.


                    TripleArg modArg0 = new TripleArg();   // dcm file name
                    modArg0.ArgSwitch = "\"" + dcmFilename + "\"";

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(accessionNumber))
                        TripleArg modArg1 = new TripleArg();   // accession number
                        modArg1.ArgSwitch = "-m";
                        modArg1.Name = "AccessionNumber";    // DICOM literal string, do not modify
                        modArg1.Value = accessionNumber;
                        // make a note of this circumstance, it's especially critical for FMH
                        Logger.Instance.WriteToLog("Send2PACS:  Accession number is not set for Interface #" + iface.InterfaceId + " for appt # : " + apptId.ToString());

                    TripleArg modArg2 = new TripleArg();   // Modality hard-coded to "OT".  May need to be parameterized later.
                    modArg2.ArgSwitch = "-i";
                    modArg2.Name = "Modality";  // DICOM literal string, do not modify
                    modArg2.Value = iface.Modality;     //  "OT";   no longer hard-coded jdg 1/21/16


                    TripleArg modArg3 = new TripleArg();   // Patient Name
                    modArg3.ArgSwitch = "-m";
                    modArg3.Name = "PatientName";   // DICOM literal string, do not modify
                    patientname = patientname.Replace(",  ", ",");   // hack for extra space in name...
                    patientname = patientname.Replace(", ", ",");   // hack for extra space in name...
                    modArg3.Value = "\"" + patientname.Replace(",", "^") + "\"";

                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dob))
                            dob = DateTime.ParseExact(dob, "MM/dd/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString("yyyyMMdd");    // FMH preferred format... DICOM Standard??
                    catch (Exception) { }   // else use dob as found in database

                    TripleArg modArg4 = new TripleArg();   // Date of Birth
                    modArg4.ArgSwitch = "-m";
                    modArg4.Name = "PatientBirthDate";  // DICOM literal string, do not modify
                    modArg4.Value = dob;

                    TripleArg modArg5 = new TripleArg();   // Gender
                    modArg5.ArgSwitch = "-m";
                    modArg5.Name = "PatientSex";    // DICOM literal string, do not modify
                    modArg5.Value = gender;

                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(apptDate))
                            apptDate = DateTime.ParseExact(apptDate, "MM/dd/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString("yyyyMMdd");
                    catch (Exception) { }   // else use apptDate as found in database

                    TripleArg modArg6 = new TripleArg();   // Study Date
                    modArg6.ArgSwitch = "-m";
                    modArg6.Name = "StudyDate"; // DICOM literal string, do not modify
                    modArg6.Value = apptDate;

                    if ((iface.PacsSubType == (int)pacsSubTypes.JPG) || (iface.PacsSubType == (int)pacsSubTypes.BMP))  // pdf already has this in the metadata; img2dcm won't take patient id argument like pdf2dcm, for reasons that escape me
                        TripleArg modArg7 = new TripleArg();   // MRN
                        modArg7.ArgSwitch = "-m";
                        modArg7.Name = "PatientID"; // DICOM literal string, do not modify
                        modArg7.Value = patient.unitnum;

                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(apptTime))
                            apptTime = DateTime.ParseExact(apptTime, "hh:mm tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString("hhmm") + "00";
                            TripleArg modArg8 = new TripleArg();   // Date of Birth
                            modArg8.ArgSwitch = "-m";
                            modArg8.Name = "StudyTime"; // DICOM literal string, do not modify
                            modArg8.Value = apptTime;
                    catch (Exception) { }   // no time?  no big deal.

                    TripleArg modArg9 = new TripleArg();   // Study ID
                    modArg9.ArgSwitch = "-m";
                    modArg9.Name = "StudyID"; // DICOM literal string, do not modify
                    //modArg9.Value = "1";
                    modArg9.Value = iface.InterfaceId.ToString();

                    TripleArg modArg10 = new TripleArg();   // Series ID
                    modArg10.ArgSwitch = "-m";
                    modArg10.Name = "SeriesNumber"; // DICOM literal string, do not modify
                    //modArg10.Value = "1";
                    modArg10.Value = iface.InterfaceId.ToString();

                    TripleArg modArg11 = new TripleArg();   // Instance
                    modArg11.ArgSwitch = "-m";
                    modArg11.Name = "InstanceNumber"; // DICOM literal string, do not modify
                    //modArg11.Value = "1";
                    modArg11.Value = iface.InterfaceId.ToString();

                    wrapDCMTKmethodAsExternalCommand(null, null, iface.DCMTKpath + "\\dcmodify.exe", args);


                    TripleArg sendArg1 = new TripleArg();   // file to xmit
                    sendArg1.ArgSwitch = "\"" + dcmFilename + "\"";

                    TripleArg sendArg2 = new TripleArg();   // ae title HRA
                    sendArg2.ArgSwitch = "-aet";
                    sendArg2.Name = iface.AeTitleLocal;

                    TripleArg sendArg3 = new TripleArg();   // ae title remote
                    sendArg3.ArgSwitch = "-aec";
                    sendArg3.Name = iface.AeTitleRemote;

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(iface.AdditionalParams))
                        TripleArg sendArg4 = new TripleArg();   // additional params
                        sendArg4.ArgSwitch = iface.AdditionalParams;

                    // Send it out... finally!
                    dicomOutputArgs = wrapDCMTKmethodAsExternalCommand(iface.IpAddress, iface.Port, iface.DCMTKpath + "\\storescu.exe", args);
                    // todo: parse out any useful returned values... in the meantime, unless an error is thrown we'll return success
                    Logger.Instance.WriteToLog("Send2PACS: Successful send to " + iface.AeTitleRemote + " for Interface #" + iface.InterfaceId + " " + (apptId > 0 ? " for appt id " + apptId.ToString() : ""));

                        File.Delete(dcmFilename);   // no point in keeping these around.
                        File.Delete(dcmFilename + ".bak");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Logger.Instance.WriteToLog("Send2PACS: Unable to delete " + dcmFilename + ", underlying error was " + e.Message);

            // if some interfaces were processed, return true.
            if (interfaces.Count > 0) return true;
            else return false;
 private Bitmap ConvertHtmlToImage(string html)
     byte[] pngBytes = new HtmlToImageConverter().GenerateImage(html, ImageFormat.Png);
     Bitmap bmp;
     using (var ms = new MemoryStream(pngBytes))
         bmp = new Bitmap(ms);
     return bmp;
Example #31
 public void SetUp()
     processServiceMock   = new Mock <IProcessService>();
     htmlToImageConverter = new HtmlToImageConverter(processServiceMock.Object);
        public async Task <string> MakeCertificate(string UserName, string language)
            string result = null;

            language = "ru";
                UserInfo userinfo = await db.UserInfoes.FirstOrDefaultAsync(e => e.UserName == UserName);

                string Lname = "";
                string Fname = "";

                if (userinfo.Lname != null)
                    Lname = userinfo.Lname;

                if (userinfo.Fname != null)
                    Fname = userinfo.Fname;

                DateTime CurrentDate = DateTime.Now.AddHours(6);
                string   Day         = CurrentDate.Day.ToString();
                string   Month       = CurrentDate.Month.ToString();
                string   Year        = CurrentDate.Year.ToString();
                string   Date        = Day + "." + Month + "." + Year;
                string   imageName   = "";

                await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() =>
                    int usernameLg = (Lname.Length + Fname.Length) / 2;

                    int fontSize = 140;
                    int alfa     = 840 - usernameLg * 89;

                    if (usernameLg > 20)
                        fontSize = 120;
                        alfa     = 840 - usernameLg * 80;

                    int leftPosition = 600 + alfa;

                    var htmlToImageConv = new HtmlToImageConverter();

                    //string html = "<html> <head><meta http-equiv=Content-Type content='text/html; charset=UTF-8'><style type='text/css'>@font-face{font-family: 'Font Name';src: url('http://academy.marinehealth.asia/Images/cert/10846.ttf') format('truetype');}body {font-family: 'Font Name', Fallback, sans-serif;}</style><script type = 'text/javascript' src = 'a8535914-f191-11e9-9d71-0cc47a792c0a_id_a8535914-f191-11e9-9d71-0cc47a792c0a_files/wz_jsgraphics.js' ></script></head><body ><div style = 'position:absolute;left:50%;margin-left:-1462px;top:0px;width:2924px;height:1995px;border-style:outset;overflow:hidden' > <div style = 'position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px' ><img src='http://academy.marinehealth.asia/Images/cert/cert-ru.jpg'></div><div style = 'position:absolute;right:120px;top:820px;color:#2b529f;font-size:" + fontsize + ";text-align:end'>" + Lname + " <br>" + Fname + " </div><div style='position: absolute; right: 150px; top: 1875px;color:#2b529f;font-size:50px;'>" + DateTime.Now.AddHours(6).ToString("dd.MM.yyyy") + "</div></body></html>";

                    string html = "<html> <head><meta http-equiv=Content-Type content='text/html; charset=UTF-8'><style type='text/css'></style><script type = 'text/javascript' src = 'a8535914-f191-11e9-9d71-0cc47a792c0a_id_a8535914-f191-11e9-9d71-0cc47a792c0a_files/wz_jsgraphics.js'></script></head><body style='font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'><div style = 'position:absolute;left:50%;margin-left:-1462px;top:0px;width:2924px;height:2075px;border-style:outset;overflow:hidden'> <div style = 'position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px' ><img src='http://academy.marinehealth.asia/Images/cert/certificate-v3.jpg'></div><div style='position:absolute;left:" + leftPosition + "px;top:1030px;color:#000;font-size:" + fontSize + "px;font-weight:900'>" + Lname + " " + Fname + "</div><div style='position: absolute; left:1350px;top:1770px;color:#717171;font-size:45px;font-weight:900'>" + DateTime.Now.AddHours(6).ToString("dd.MM.yyyy") + "</div></body></html>";

                    //string html = "<html><head><meta http-equiv=Content-Type content='text/html; charset=UTF-8'><meta name='viewport' content='width = device - width, minimum - scale = 0.1' ></head><body style='margin: 0px; background: #0e0e0e;font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;'><img style='-webkit-user-select: none;margin: auto;display:table' src='http://academy.marinehealth.asia/Images/cert/certificate-v3.jpg' width='1320' height='930'><div style='position:absolute;left:" + leftPosition + "px;top:480px;color:#000000;font-size:" + fontSize + "px'>Шарипжанов Айдар</div><div style='position:absolute; left:1020px; top:795px; color:#615f60d9; font-size:17px; font-weight:900'>04.11.2020</div></body></html>";

                    var img = htmlToImageConv.GenerateImage(html, ImageFormat.Jpeg);

                    imageName = "~/Images/UserCertificate/" + userinfo.Fname + "_" + "(certificate_" + userinfo.Id + ")" + ".jpg";

                    string path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(imageName);
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(path, img);

                Users_Certificates UserCerNew = new Users_Certificates();
                UserCerNew.CertificateURL = imageName;
                UserCerNew.PublicCert     = true;
                UserCerNew.UserId         = userinfo.Id;
                UserCerNew.TypeCert       = 3;
                UserCerNew.MakeDate       = DateTime.Now.AddHours(6).Date;
                await db.SaveChangesAsync();

                result = imageName;
            { }
Example #33
        protected void convertToImageButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create a HTML to Image converter object with default settings
            HtmlToImageConverter htmlToImageConverter = new HtmlToImageConverter();

            // Set license key received after purchase to use the converter in licensed mode
            // Leave it not set to use the converter in demo mode
            htmlToImageConverter.LicenseKey = "4W9+bn19bn5ue2B+bn1/YH98YHd3d3c=";

            // Set HTML Viewer width in pixels which is the equivalent in converter of the browser window width
            htmlToImageConverter.HtmlViewerWidth = int.Parse(htmlViewerWidthTextBox.Text);

            // Set HTML viewer height in pixels to convert the top part of a HTML page
            // Leave it not set to convert the entire HTML
            if (htmlViewerHeightTextBox.Text.Length > 0)
                htmlToImageConverter.HtmlViewerHeight = int.Parse(htmlViewerHeightTextBox.Text);

            // Set if the created image has a transparent background
            htmlToImageConverter.TransparentBackground = SelectedImageFormat() == System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png ? transparentBackgroundCheckBox.Checked : false;

            // Set the maximum time in seconds to wait for HTML page to be loaded
            // Leave it not set for a default 60 seconds maximum wait time
            htmlToImageConverter.NavigationTimeout = int.Parse(navigationTimeoutTextBox.Text);

            // Set an adddional delay in seconds to wait for JavaScript or AJAX calls after page load completed
            // Set this property to 0 if you don't need to wait for such asynchcronous operations to finish
            if (conversionDelayTextBox.Text.Length > 0)
                htmlToImageConverter.ConversionDelay = int.Parse(conversionDelayTextBox.Text);

            System.Drawing.Image[] imageTiles = null;

            if (convertUrlRadioButton.Checked)
                string url = urlTextBox.Text;

                // Convert the HTML page given by an URL to a set of Image objects
                imageTiles = htmlToImageConverter.ConvertUrlToImageTiles(url);
                string htmlString = htmlStringTextBox.Text;
                string baseUrl    = baseUrlTextBox.Text;

                // Convert a HTML string with a base URL to a set of Image objects
                imageTiles = htmlToImageConverter.ConvertHtmlToImageTiles(htmlString, baseUrl);

            // Save the first image tile to a memory buffer

            System.Drawing.Image outImage = imageTiles[0];

            // Create a memory stream where to save the image
            System.IO.MemoryStream imageOutputStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();

            // Save the image to memory stream
            outImage.Save(imageOutputStream, SelectedImageFormat());

            // Write the memory stream to a memory buffer
            imageOutputStream.Position = 0;
            byte[] outImageBuffer = imageOutputStream.ToArray();

            // Close the output memory stream

            // Send the image as response to browser

            string imageFormatName = imageFormatComboBox.SelectedValue.ToLower();

            // Set response content type
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "image/" + (imageFormatName == "jpg" ? "jpeg" : imageFormatName));

            // Instruct the browser to open the image file as an attachment or inline
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename={0}; size={1}", "HTML_to_Image." + imageFormatName, outImageBuffer.Length.ToString()));

            // Write the image buffer to HTTP response

            // End the HTTP response and stop the current page processing