public static string Process(string html)
            // Check for web parts - these cannot be migrated

            // TODO: Check for references of /Documents folder - these files are not migrated

            //Replace space characters
            string result = html.Replace("\u200B", "").Replace(" ", " ");

            result = result.Replace("size=\"+0\"", "");
            result = result.Replace("<s>", "~~").Replace("</s>", "~~");

            //Convert Span Highlights
            result = HtmlSpan.Process(result);

            //Convert embedded YouTube videos to markdown
            result = Youtube.convertYoutubeVideos(result);
            result = Greybox.Process(result);

            //Remove unhandled tags
            result = HtmlDescriptionList.Process(result);
            result = HtmlDescriptionDetails.Process(result);

            //Remove nodes, but keep the child nodes
            result = HtmlHelper.RemoveNode(result, "dl", true);
            result = HtmlHelper.RemoveNode(result, "dt", true);
            result = HtmlHelper.RemoveNode(result, "dd", true);

            result = HtmlHelper.ConvertTagsInPre(result);

            result = HtmlFont.Process(result);

            //Remove leading and trailing whitespace
            result = TrimWhitespaceAroundBoldText(result);

            result = HtmlHelper.RemoveNode(result, "dl", true);
