Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// A <b>Void</b> transaction is used to cancel a previously successful sale transaction. The original sale transaction
        /// can be identified by the GatewayTxnid of the original or by the ClientTxnId of the original if provided on the original
        /// Sale transaction.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="transactionId">The transaction ID of charge to void.</param>
        /// <param name="clientTransactionId">The client transaction ID of charge to void.</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="HpsGiftCardActivate"/>.</returns>
        public HpsCheckResponse Void(long?transactionId = null, long?clientTransactionId = null)
            if ((!transactionId.HasValue && !clientTransactionId.HasValue) || (transactionId.HasValue && clientTransactionId.HasValue))
                throw new ArgumentException(Resource.HpsCheckService_Invalid_Input_Id, "transactionId");

            /* Build the transaction request. */
            var transaction = new PosRequestVer10Transaction
                Item = new PosCheckVoidReqType
                    Block1 = new CheckVoidReqBlock1Type()
                ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType1.CheckVoid

            var block1 = ((PosCheckVoidReqType)transaction.Item).Block1;

            if (transactionId.HasValue)
                block1.GatewayTxnId          = transactionId.Value;
                block1.GatewayTxnIdSpecified = true;
                block1.ClientTxnIdSpecified  = false;
                block1.GatewayTxnIdSpecified = false;
                block1.ClientTxnId           = clientTransactionId.Value;
                block1.ClientTxnIdSpecified  = true;

            /* Submit the transaction. */
            var rsp = DoTransaction(transaction).Ver10;

            HpsGatewayResponseValidation.CheckResponse(rsp, ItemChoiceType2.CheckVoid);

            var voidRsp = (PosCheckVoidRspType)rsp.Transaction.Item;

            if (voidRsp.RspCode != 0)
                throw new HpsCheckException(rsp.Header.GatewayTxnId, GetResponseDetails(voidRsp.CheckRspInfo), voidRsp.RspCode, voidRsp.RspMessage);

            /* Start to fill out a new transaction response (HpsCheckResponse). */
            var response = new HpsCheckResponse
                Header            = HydrateTransactionHeader(rsp.Header),
                TransactionId     = rsp.Header.GatewayTxnId,
                AuthorizationCode = voidRsp.AuthCode,
                ResponseCode      = voidRsp.RspCode.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                ResponseText      = voidRsp.RspMessage,
                Details           = GetResponseDetails(voidRsp.CheckRspInfo)

Example #2
        public HpsCheckResponse SubmitTransaction(PosRequestVer10Transaction transaction, long?clientTransactionId = null)
            var rsp = DoTransaction(transaction, clientTransactionId).Ver10;

            HpsGatewayResponseValidation.CheckResponse(rsp, (ItemChoiceType2)transaction.ItemElementName);

            HpsCheckResponse response = new HpsCheckResponse().FromResponse(rsp);

            int    responseCode;
            string responseMsg = string.Empty;

            if (rsp.Transaction.Item is PosCheckSaleRspType)
                var item = (PosCheckSaleRspType)rsp.Transaction.Item;
                responseCode = item.RspCode;
                responseMsg  = item.RspMessage;
            else if (rsp.Transaction.Item is PosCheckVoidRspType)
                var item = (PosCheckVoidRspType)rsp.Transaction.Item;
                responseCode = item.RspCode;
                responseMsg  = item.RspMessage;
                var item = (AuthRspStatusType)rsp.Transaction.Item;
                responseCode = int.Parse(item.RspCode);
                responseMsg  = item.RspText;

            if (responseCode == null || responseCode != 0)
                throw new HpsCheckException(

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// A <b>Sale</b> transaction is used to process transactions using bank account information as the payment method.
        /// The transaction service can be used to perform a Sale or Return transaction by indicating the Check Action.
        /// <br></br><br></br>
        /// <b>NOTE:</b> The Portico Gateway supports both GETI and HPS Colonnade for processing check transactions. While
        /// the available services are the same regardless of the check processor, the services may have different behaviors.
        /// For example, GETI-processed Check Sale transactions support the ability to override a Check Sale transaction
        /// already presented as well as the ability to verify a check.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="action">Type of Check Action (Sale, Return, Override).</param>
        /// <param name="check">The Check information.</param>
        /// <param name="amount">The amount of the sale.</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="HpsCheckResponse"/>.</returns>
        public HpsCheckResponse Sale(checkActionType action, HpsCheck check, decimal amount)

            /* Build the transaction request. */
            var transaction = new PosRequestVer10Transaction
                Item = new PosCheckSaleReqType
                    Block1 = new CheckSaleReqBlock1Type
                        Amt         = amount,
                        AccountInfo = new AccountInfoType
                            AccountNumber = check.AccountNumber,
                            CheckNumber   = check.CheckNumber,
                            MICRData      = check.MicrNumber,
                            RoutingNumber = check.RoutingNumber
                        AmtSpecified = true,
                        CheckAction  = action,
                        SECCode      = check.SecCode,
                        VerifyInfo   = new VerifyInfoType
                            CheckVerify          = check.CheckVerify ? booleanType.Y : booleanType.N,
                            CheckVerifySpecified = true,
                            ACHVerify            = check.AchVerify ? booleanType.Y : booleanType.N,
                            ACHVerifySpecified   = true
                ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType1.CheckSale

            var block1 = ((PosCheckSaleReqType)transaction.Item).Block1;

            if (check.AccountType.HasValue)
                block1.AccountInfo.AccountType          = check.AccountType.Value;
                block1.AccountInfo.AccountTypeSpecified = true;
                block1.AccountInfo.AccountTypeSpecified = false;

            if (check.CheckType.HasValue)
                block1.CheckType          = check.CheckType.Value;
                block1.CheckTypeSpecified = true;
                block1.CheckTypeSpecified = false;

            if (check.DataEntryMode.HasValue)
                block1.DataEntryMode          = check.DataEntryMode.Value;
                block1.DataEntryModeSpecified = true;
                block1.DataEntryModeSpecified = false;

            if (check.CheckHolder != null)
                block1.ConsumerInfo = new ConsumerInfoType
                    Address1     = check.CheckHolder.Address != null ? check.CheckHolder.Address.Address : null,
                    CheckName    = check.CheckHolder.CheckName,
                    City         = check.CheckHolder.Address != null ? check.CheckHolder.Address.City : null,
                    CourtesyCard = check.CheckHolder.CourtesyCard,
                    DLNumber     = check.CheckHolder.DlNumber,
                    DLState      = check.CheckHolder.DlState,
                    EmailAddress = check.CheckHolder.Email,
                    FirstName    = check.CheckHolder.FirstName,
                    LastName     = check.CheckHolder.LastName,
                    PhoneNumber  = check.CheckHolder.Phone,
                    State        = check.CheckHolder.Address != null ? check.CheckHolder.Address.State : null,
                    Zip          = check.CheckHolder.Address != null ? check.CheckHolder.Address.Zip : null,
                    IdentityInfo = new IdentityInfoType {
                        DOBYear = check.CheckHolder.DobYear != null?check.CheckHolder.DobYear.ToString() : null, SSNL4 = check.CheckHolder.Ssl4 != null ? check.CheckHolder.Ssl4 : null

            /* Submit the transaction. */
            var rsp = DoTransaction(transaction).Ver10;

            HpsGatewayResponseValidation.CheckResponse(rsp, ItemChoiceType2.CheckSale);

            var saleRsp = (PosCheckSaleRspType)rsp.Transaction.Item;

            if (saleRsp.RspCode != 0)
                throw new HpsCheckException(rsp.Header.GatewayTxnId, GetResponseDetails(saleRsp.CheckRspInfo), saleRsp.RspCode, saleRsp.RspMessage);

            /* Start to fill out a new transaction response (HpsCheckResponse). */
            var response = new HpsCheckResponse
                Header            = HydrateTransactionHeader(rsp.Header),
                TransactionId     = rsp.Header.GatewayTxnId,
                AuthorizationCode = saleRsp.AuthCode,
                ResponseCode      = saleRsp.RspCode.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                ResponseText      = saleRsp.RspMessage,
                Details           = GetResponseDetails(saleRsp.CheckRspInfo)
