public static HpiDomain CreateDomain(string host, int port, SaHpiEntityPathT entity_root) { HpiDomain d = new HpiDomain(HpiConst.SAHPI_UNSPECIFIED_DOMAIN_ID, host, port, entity_root); bool ok = false; lock ( domains ) { for (long did = 0; did < long.MaxValue; ++did) { if (!domains.ContainsKey(did)) { d.SetLocalDid(did); domains[did] = d; ok = true; break; } } } if (!ok) { d = null; } return(d); }
public static HpiDomain CreateDomain( string host, int port, SaHpiEntityPathT entity_root ) { HpiDomain d = new HpiDomain( HpiConst.SAHPI_UNSPECIFIED_DOMAIN_ID, host, port, entity_root ); bool ok = false; lock ( domains ) { for ( long did = 0; did < long.MaxValue; ++did ) { if ( !domains.ContainsKey( did ) ) { d.SetLocalDid( did ); domains[did] = d; ok = true; break; } } } if ( !ok ) { d = null; } return d; }
private static void CreateDefaultDomain() { if (domains.ContainsKey(HpiConst.SAHPI_UNSPECIFIED_DOMAIN_ID)) { return; } string host = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OPENHPI_DAEMON_HOST"); if (host == null) { host = "localhost"; } int port; string portstr = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OPENHPI_DAEMON_PORT"); if (portstr != null) { try { port = Convert.ToInt32(portstr); } catch (FormatException) { port = OhpiConst.DEFAULT_PORT; } } else { port = OhpiConst.DEFAULT_PORT; } HpiDomain d = new HpiDomain(HpiConst.SAHPI_UNSPECIFIED_DOMAIN_ID, host, port, HpiUtil.MakeRootSaHpiEntityPathT()); domains[d.GetLocalDid()] = d; }
private static void CreateDefaultDomain() { if ( domains.ContainsKey( HpiConst.SAHPI_UNSPECIFIED_DOMAIN_ID ) ) { return; } string host = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable( "OPENHPI_DAEMON_HOST" ); if ( host == null ) { host = "localhost"; } int port; string portstr = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable( "OPENHPI_DAEMON_PORT" ); if ( portstr != null ) { try { port = Convert.ToInt32( portstr ); } catch ( FormatException ) { port = OhpiConst.DEFAULT_PORT; } } else { port = OhpiConst.DEFAULT_PORT; } HpiDomain d = new HpiDomain( HpiConst.SAHPI_UNSPECIFIED_DOMAIN_ID, host, port, HpiUtil.MakeRootSaHpiEntityPathT() ); domains[d.GetLocalDid()] = d; }
public static long oHpiDomainAdd( SaHpiTextBufferT Host, int Port, SaHpiEntityPathT EntityRoot, out long DomainId ) { DomainId = 0; String s = HpiUtil.FromSaHpiTextBufferT(Host); if (s == null) { return(HpiConst.SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS); } HpiDomain d = HpiCore.CreateDomain(s, Port, EntityRoot); if (d == null) { return(HpiConst.SA_ERR_HPI_INTERNAL_ERROR); } DomainId = d.GetLocalDid(); return(HpiConst.SA_OK); }
public HpiDomain(HpiDomain other) { this.local_did = other.local_did; this.remote_did = other.remote_did; this.remote_host = other.remote_host; this.remote_port = other.remote_port; this.entity_root = other.entity_root; }
public HpiDomain( HpiDomain other ) { this.local_did = other.local_did; this.remote_did = other.remote_did; this.remote_host = other.remote_host; this.remote_port = other.remote_port; this.entity_root = other.entity_root; }
public HpiSession(HpiDomain domain) { // TODO investigate overflow issue this.local_sid = Interlocked.Increment(ref cnt); this.remote_sid = 0; this.domain = new HpiDomain(domain); this.marshals = new LinkedList <OhpiMarshal>(); }
public HpiSession( HpiDomain domain ) { // TODO investigate overflow issue this.local_sid = Interlocked.Increment( ref cnt ); this.remote_sid = 0; this.domain = new HpiDomain( domain ); this.marshals = new LinkedList<HpiMarshal>(); }
/********************************************************** * Creates and returns new domain with specified Domain Id * Returns null if overwrite == false and * the specified Domain Id is already in use *********************************************************/ public static HpiDomain CreateDomainById(long did, string host, int port, SaHpiEntityPathT entity_root, bool overwrite) { HpiDomain d = null; lock ( domains ) { if ((!domains.ContainsKey(did)) || overwrite) { d = new HpiDomain(did, host, port, entity_root); domains[did] = d; } } return(d); }
public static HpiSession CreateSession(long local_did) { bool rc; HpiDomain d = null; lock ( domains ) { rc = domains.TryGetValue(local_did, out d); } if (!rc) { return(null); } HpiSession s = new HpiSession(d); lock ( sessions ) { sessions.Add(s.GetLocalSid(), s); } return(s); }
/********************************************************** * Creates and returns new domain with specified Domain Id * Returns null if overwrite == false and * the specified Domain Id is already in use *********************************************************/ public static HpiDomain CreateDomainById( long did, string host, int port, SaHpiEntityPathT entity_root, bool overwrite ) { HpiDomain d = null; lock ( domains ) { if ( ( !domains.ContainsKey( did ) ) || overwrite ) { d = new HpiDomain( did, host, port, entity_root ); domains[did] = d; } } return d; }