private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { _HourlyEmployee = new HourlyPaidEmployee(txt_Id.Text, txt_Name.Text, txt_Address.Text, Convert.ToDouble(txt_HourlyRate.Text), Convert.ToInt16(txt_Hours.Text), Convert.ToDouble(txt_ORate.Text)); MessageBox.Show("New Employee Object Created"); this.Close(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //create mapper instance EmployeeMapper em = new EmployeeMapper(); // Get the same employee twice Employee emp1 = em.GetById(1); Employee emp2 = em.GetById(1); // check that the same object is returned by each call bool sameobject1 = emp1.Equals(emp2); // Get all hourly paid employees List<Employee> hpes = em.GetAllHourlyPaid(); // Check that objects are not duplicated (may need to change these to match your data) // first hpe has empl1 as supervisor bool sameobject2 = emp1.Equals(hpes[0].Supervisor); // S/B TRUE // second hpe has first hpe as supervisor NO DATA Has not been retrieved for this supervisor, although it's in the identity Map. bool sameobject3 = hpes[0].Equals(hpes[1].Supervisor); // S/B FALSE // Get the supervisor for hpes[1], should have Id of 3 Employee emp3 = em.GetById(3); bool sameobject4 = emp3.Equals(hpes[1].Supervisor); // S/B TRUE // Create a new hourly paid employee HourlyPaidEmployee newhpe = new HourlyPaidEmployee(); Address newaddress = new Address("Entity Park", 100, new PostCode("KA1 1BX")); newhpe.Address = newaddress; newhpe.Name = "Michael"; newhpe.Username = "******"; newhpe.PhoneNumber = "2222"; newhpe.Supervisor = emp1; // store and retrieve - object from database should have ID set int newID = em.StoreHourlyPaid(newhpe); Employee newEmp = em.GetById(newID); // set break point here and inspect objects with debugger Console.ReadLine(); }
static void AddEmpl() { string myType; string myID; string myName; string myAddress; double mySalary; double mySalaryRate; int myHours; double myOvertimeRate; DateTime myStart; DateTime myEnd; Console.WriteLine("Add Employee"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Type M/W/H:"); myType = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("ID: "); myID = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Name: "); myName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Address: "); myAddress = Console.ReadLine(); //Console.Write("Salary: "); //mySalary = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); if (myType == "M") { try { Console.Write("Salary:"); mySalary = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); Posts myPostHistory = new Posts(); MonthlyPaidEmployee myEmployee = new MonthlyPaidEmployee(myID, myName, myAddress, mySalary);//, myPostHistory); myBusiness.AddEmployee(myID, myEmployee); //myEmployees.Add(myID, myEmployee); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Employee Entered; press any key to continue."); Console.ReadLine(); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Salary is less than £20000"); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Press Any Key to continue"); Console.ReadLine(); } } else if (myType == "W") { try { Console.Write("Salary:"); mySalary = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Overtime Rate: "); myOvertimeRate = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); Posts myPostHistory = new Posts(); WeeklyPaidEmployee myEmployee = new WeeklyPaidEmployee(myID, myName, myAddress, mySalary, myOvertimeRate);//, myPostHistory); myBusiness.AddEmployee(myID, myEmployee); //myEmployees.Add(myID, myEmployee); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Employee Entered; press any key to continue."); Console.ReadLine(); } catch (WeeklyWageException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Salary is greater than £1000"); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Press Any Key to continue"); Console.ReadLine(); } } else if (myType == "H") { Console.Write("Temporary Y/N: "); myType = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Salary Rate: "); mySalaryRate = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Hours: "); myHours = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Overtime Rate: "); myOvertimeRate = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); if (myType == "N") { HourlyPaidEmployee myEmployee = new HourlyPaidEmployee(myID, myName, myAddress, mySalaryRate, myHours, myOvertimeRate); myBusiness.AddEmployee(myID, myEmployee); //myEmployees.Add(myID, myEmployee); } else if (myType == "Y") { Console.Write("Start Date: "); myStart = Convert.ToDateTime(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("End Date: "); myEnd = Convert.ToDateTime(Console.ReadLine()); TemporaryHourlyPaidEmployee myEmployee = new TemporaryHourlyPaidEmployee(myID, myName, myAddress, mySalaryRate, myHours, myOvertimeRate, myStart, myEnd); myBusiness.AddEmployee(myID, myEmployee); //myEmployees.Add(myID, myEmployee); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Employee Entered; press any key to continue."); Console.ReadLine(); } // Employee myEmployee = new Employee(myID, myName, myAddress);//, mySalary); //Console.WriteLine(myEmployee.ToString()); }