Example #1
        internal static void LogObject(this TestEasyLog log, HostedServiceListResponse.HostedService hostedService)
            if (hostedService == null)

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hostedService.ServiceName))
                log.Info(string.Format("HostedService Name:{0}", hostedService.ServiceName));

            log.Info(string.Format("HostedService Url:{0}", hostedService.Uri));

            LogObject(log, hostedService.Properties);
        public static async Task DownloadDeploymentAsync(string source, SubscriptionListOperationResponse.Subscription subscription, HostedServiceListResponse.HostedService service, DeploymentSlot slot, StorageAccount temporaryStorage, string downloadToPath, bool warnInsteadOfThrow = false)
            Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Preparing to download {0}/{1}...", service.ServiceName, slot);
            var computeClient = new ComputeManagementClient(GetCredentials(source, subscription));
            var storageClient = new StorageManagementClient(GetCredentials(source, subscription));

            Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Checking existing deployment in {0} slot...", slot);
            var detailedService = await computeClient.HostedServices.GetDetailedAsync(service.ServiceName);

            if (!detailedService.Deployments.Where(s => s.DeploymentSlot == slot).Any())
                if (warnInsteadOfThrow)
                    Logger.WarnFormat("[" + source + "] " + "No deployment found in selected slot, not downloading...");
                    throw new ApplicationException("No deployment found in selected slot");

            Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Getting current diagnostics extension data (if any)...");
            var detailedSlot = await computeClient.Deployments.GetBySlotAsync(service.ServiceName, slot);

            string pubConfig = null;

            if (detailedSlot.ExtensionConfiguration != null)
                foreach (var ext in detailedSlot.ExtensionConfiguration.AllRoles.Union(detailedSlot.ExtensionConfiguration.NamedRoles.SelectMany(s => s.Extensions)))
                    Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Fetching extension with id {0}...", ext.Id);
                    var extension = await computeClient.HostedServices.GetExtensionAsync(service.ServiceName, ext.Id);

                    if (extension.Type == "PaaSDiagnostics")
                        Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Found extension of type {0}, which should be the diagnostics PubConfig...", extension.Type);
                        pubConfig = extension.PublicConfiguration;
            if (pubConfig == null)
                Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "No PaaSDiagnostics extension found...");

            Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Preparing temp storage account {0}...", temporaryStorage.Name);
            var keys = await storageClient.StorageAccounts.GetKeysAsync(temporaryStorage.Name);

            var csa       = new CloudStorageAccount(new StorageCredentials(temporaryStorage.Name, keys.PrimaryKey), true);
            var client    = csa.CreateCloudBlobClient();
            var container = client.GetContainerReference("acd-temp-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N").ToLower());

            Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Creating temp container {0}...", container.Name);
            await container.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

            Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Downloading package to storage account {0}...", temporaryStorage.Name);
            var getPackageOperation = await computeClient.Deployments.BeginGettingPackageBySlotAsync(service.ServiceName, slot, new DeploymentGetPackageParameters
                ContainerUri = container.Uri

            await WaitForOperationAsync(source, subscription, computeClient, getPackageOperation.RequestId);

            Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Downloading from storage to {0}...", downloadToPath);
            var result = await container.ListBlobsSegmentedAsync(null);

            var prefix = string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm"), service.ServiceName, slot);

            foreach (var item in result.Results)
                var    cloudblob = client.GetBlobReferenceFromServer(item.StorageUri);
                string filename  = prefix + " " + cloudblob.Name;
                Logger.Info("[" + source + "] " + "Downloading: " + filename);
                await cloudblob.DownloadToFileAsync(Path.Combine(downloadToPath, filename), FileMode.Create);

            if (pubConfig != null)
                Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Writing PubConfig to {0}...", prefix + ".PubConfig.xml");
                string pubconfigFilename = Path.Combine(downloadToPath, prefix + ".PubConfig.xml");
                File.WriteAllText(pubconfigFilename, pubConfig);

            Logger.Info("[" + source + "] " + "Cleaning up temp storage...");
            await container.DeleteAsync();

            Logger.Info("[" + source + "] " + "Package download succesful");
        private static async Task CleanupExistingExtensions(string source, SubscriptionListOperationResponse.Subscription subscription, HostedServiceListResponse.HostedService service, ComputeManagementClient computeClient, ExtensionImage availableDiagnosticsExtension)
            // Get whatever is currently on Production
            Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Retrieving current deployment details and currently used extensions...");
            DeploymentGetResponse currentProductionSlotDetails = null, currentStagingSlotDetails = null;
            var details = computeClient.HostedServices.GetDetailed(service.ServiceName);

            if (details.Deployments.Where(s => s.DeploymentSlot == DeploymentSlot.Production).Any())
                currentProductionSlotDetails = await computeClient.Deployments.GetBySlotAsync(service.ServiceName, DeploymentSlot.Production);
            if (details.Deployments.Where(s => s.DeploymentSlot == DeploymentSlot.Staging).Any())
                currentStagingSlotDetails = await computeClient.Deployments.GetBySlotAsync(service.ServiceName, DeploymentSlot.Staging);

            // Compile a list of diagnostic id's still in use
            List <string> diagIdsInUse = new List <string>();

            if (currentProductionSlotDetails != null && currentProductionSlotDetails.ExtensionConfiguration != null)
                diagIdsInUse.AddRange(currentProductionSlotDetails.ExtensionConfiguration.AllRoles.Select(s => s.Id));
                diagIdsInUse.AddRange(currentProductionSlotDetails.ExtensionConfiguration.NamedRoles.SelectMany(s => s.Extensions).Select(s => s.Id));
            if (currentStagingSlotDetails != null && currentStagingSlotDetails.ExtensionConfiguration != null)
                diagIdsInUse.AddRange(currentStagingSlotDetails.ExtensionConfiguration.AllRoles.Select(s => s.Id));
                diagIdsInUse.AddRange(currentStagingSlotDetails.ExtensionConfiguration.NamedRoles.SelectMany(s => s.Extensions).Select(s => s.Id));

            // Check if diag extension already exists for this service. If so, delete it.
            Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Retrieving all extensions for {0}...", service.ServiceName);
            var currentExtensions = await computeClient.HostedServices.ListExtensionsAsync(service.ServiceName);

            foreach (var currentDiagExtension in currentExtensions.Where(d => d.Type == availableDiagnosticsExtension.Type))
                if (diagIdsInUse.Contains(currentDiagExtension.Id))
                    Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Skip deleting diagnostics extension {0}, because it is in use by the deployment", currentDiagExtension.Id);
                    Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Deleting unused diagnostics extension named {0}...", currentDiagExtension.Id);
                        var deleteOperation = await computeClient.HostedServices.DeleteExtensionAsync(service.ServiceName, currentDiagExtension.Id);
                        await WaitForOperationAsync(source, subscription, computeClient, deleteOperation.RequestId);
                    catch (Exception)
                        Logger.ErrorFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Couldn't delete extension {0}, might be in use...", currentDiagExtension.Id);
        public static async Task DeployAsync(string source, SubscriptionListOperationResponse.Subscription subscription, HostedServiceListResponse.HostedService service,
                                             StorageAccount storage, DeploymentSlot slot, UpgradePreference upgradePreference, string pathToCspkg,
                                             string pathToCscfg, string pathToDiagExtensionConfig, StorageAccount diagStorage, string deploymentLabel,
                                             bool cleanupUnusedExtensions, bool forceWhenUpgrading)
            Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Preparing for deployment of {0}...", service.ServiceName);
            var credentials   = GetCredentials(source, subscription);
            var computeClient = new ComputeManagementClient(credentials);
            var storageClient = new StorageManagementClient(credentials);

            // Load csdef
            var csCfg = File.ReadAllText(pathToCscfg);

            // Load diag config
            var diagConfig = pathToDiagExtensionConfig != null?File.ReadAllText(pathToDiagExtensionConfig) : null;

            // Upgrade cspkg to storage
            Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Fetching key for storage account {0}...", storage.Name);
            var keys = await storageClient.StorageAccounts.GetKeysAsync(storage.Name);

            var csa          = new CloudStorageAccount(new StorageCredentials(storage.Name, keys.PrimaryKey), true);
            var blobClient   = csa.CreateCloudBlobClient();
            var containerRef = blobClient.GetContainerReference("acd-deployments");

            if (!await containerRef.ExistsAsync())
                Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Creating container {0}...", containerRef.Name);
                await containerRef.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();
            var filename = service.ServiceName + "-" + slot.ToString() + ".cspkg";

            var blobRef = containerRef.GetBlockBlobReference(filename);

            Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Uploading package to {0}...", blobRef.Uri);
            await blobRef.UploadFromFileAsync(pathToCspkg, FileMode.Open);

            // Private diagnostics config
            string diagStorageName = null, diagStorageKey = null;

            if (diagStorage == null)
                Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Using storage account credentials from .cscfg for diagnostics...");
                Regex regex = new Regex("Diagnostics.ConnectionString.*?DefaultEndpointsProtocol.*?AccountName=(.+?);.*?AccountKey=([a-zA-Z0-9/+=]+)", RegexOptions.Singleline);
                Match m     = regex.Match(csCfg);
                if (m.Success)
                    diagStorageName = m.Groups[1].Value;
                    diagStorageKey  = m.Groups[2].Value;
                    Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Extracted storage account {0} from .cscfg for diagnostics...", diagStorageName);
                    throw new ApplicationException("Couldn't extract Diagnostics ConnectionString from .cscfg");
                Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Using storage account {0} for diagnostics...", diagStorage.Name);
                if (storage.Name == diagStorage.Name)
                    diagStorageName = diagStorage.Name;
                    diagStorageKey  = keys.PrimaryKey;
                    Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Fetching keys for storage account {0}...", diagStorage.Name);
                    var diagKeys = await storageClient.StorageAccounts.GetKeysAsync(diagStorage.Name);

                    diagStorageName = diagStorage.Name;
                    diagStorageKey  = diagKeys.PrimaryKey;
            var privateDiagConfig = string.Format(@"<PrivateConfig xmlns=""http://schemas.microsoft.com/ServiceHosting/2010/10/DiagnosticsConfiguration"">
    <StorageAccount name=""{0}"" key=""{1}"" />
  </PrivateConfig>", diagStorageName, diagStorageKey);

            // Get diagnostics extension template
            Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Retrieving available extensions...");
            var availableExtensions = await computeClient.HostedServices.ListAvailableExtensionsAsync();

            var availableDiagnosticsExtension = availableExtensions.Where(d => d.Type == "PaaSDiagnostics").First();

            // Cleanup of existing extensions
            if (cleanupUnusedExtensions)
                await CleanupExistingExtensions(source, subscription, service, computeClient, availableDiagnosticsExtension);
                Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Skip cleaning unused extensions as configured");

            // Extensions config
            var extensionConfiguration = new ExtensionConfiguration();

            // Create the extension with new configuration
            if (diagConfig != null)
                var diagnosticsId = "acd-diagnostics-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
                Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Adding new diagnostics extension {0}...", diagnosticsId);
                var createExtensionOperation = await computeClient.HostedServices.BeginAddingExtensionAsync(service.ServiceName, new HostedServiceAddExtensionParameters()
                    ProviderNamespace = availableDiagnosticsExtension.ProviderNameSpace,
                    Type                 = availableDiagnosticsExtension.Type,
                    Id                   = diagnosticsId,
                    Version              = availableDiagnosticsExtension.Version,
                    PublicConfiguration  = diagConfig,
                    PrivateConfiguration = privateDiagConfig
                await WaitForOperationAsync(source, subscription, computeClient, createExtensionOperation.RequestId);

                // Extension configuration
                extensionConfiguration.AllRoles.Add(new ExtensionConfiguration.Extension
                    Id = diagnosticsId

            // Create deployment parameters
            var deployParams = new DeploymentCreateParameters
                StartDeployment        = true,
                Name                   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"),
                Configuration          = csCfg,
                PackageUri             = blobRef.Uri,
                Label                  = deploymentLabel ?? DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("u") + " " + Environment.UserName,
                ExtensionConfiguration = extensionConfiguration
            var upgradeParams = new DeploymentUpgradeParameters
                Configuration          = csCfg,
                PackageUri             = blobRef.Uri,
                Label                  = deploymentLabel ?? DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("u") + " " + Environment.UserName,
                ExtensionConfiguration = extensionConfiguration,
                Mode  = upgradePreference == UpgradePreference.UpgradeSimultaneously ? DeploymentUpgradeMode.Simultaneous : DeploymentUpgradeMode.Auto,
                Force = forceWhenUpgrading

            Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Label for deployment: {0}", deployParams.Label);

            switch (upgradePreference)
            case UpgradePreference.DeleteAndCreateDeploymentInitiallyStopped:
            case UpgradePreference.DeleteAndCreateDeployment:
                // In the case of initially stopped, set StartDeployment to false (we default to 'true' above)
                if (upgradePreference == UpgradePreference.DeleteAndCreateDeploymentInitiallyStopped)
                    deployParams.StartDeployment = false;

                // Is there a deployment in this slot?
                Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Fetching detailed service information...");
                var detailedService = await computeClient.HostedServices.GetDetailedAsync(service.ServiceName);

                var currentDeployment = detailedService.Deployments.Where(s => s.DeploymentSlot == slot).FirstOrDefault();
                if (currentDeployment != null)
                    // Yes, there is. Save the deployment name for the recreate. This is to increase compatibility with
                    // cloud service monitoring tools.
                    deployParams.Name = currentDeployment.Name;

                    // Delete it.
                    Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Deployment in {0} slot exists, deleting...", slot);
                    var deleteOperation = await computeClient.Deployments.BeginDeletingBySlotAsync(service.ServiceName, slot);
                    await WaitForOperationAsync(source, subscription, computeClient, deleteOperation.RequestId);

                // Create a new deployment in this slot
                Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Creating deployment in {0} slot...", slot);
                var createOperation = await computeClient.Deployments.BeginCreatingAsync(service.ServiceName, slot, deployParams);
                await WaitForOperationAsync(source, subscription, computeClient, createOperation.RequestId);


            case UpgradePreference.UpgradeWithUpdateDomains:
            case UpgradePreference.UpgradeSimultaneously:
                // Is there a deployment in this slot?
                Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Fetching detailed service information...");
                var detailedService = await computeClient.HostedServices.GetDetailedAsync(service.ServiceName);

                var currentDeployment = detailedService.Deployments.Where(s => s.DeploymentSlot == slot).FirstOrDefault();
                if (currentDeployment != null)
                    // Yes, there is. Upgrade it.
                    Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Deployment in {0} slot exists, upgrading...", slot);
                    var upgradeOperation = await computeClient.Deployments.BeginUpgradingBySlotAsync(service.ServiceName, slot, upgradeParams);
                    await WaitForOperationAsync(source, subscription, computeClient, upgradeOperation.RequestId);
                    // No, there isn't. Create.
                    Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "No deployment in {0} slot yet, creating...", slot);
                    var createOperation = await computeClient.Deployments.BeginCreatingAsync(service.ServiceName, slot, deployParams);
                    await WaitForOperationAsync(source, subscription, computeClient, createOperation.RequestId);


            Logger.InfoFormat("[" + source + "] " + "Deployment succesful");