public OrderEntryForm2(SetupTableData setupTableData, GetSqlServer getSqlServer, Hospital hospital) : base(setupTableData, getSqlServer, hospital) { Load += orderentry_Load; InitializeComponent(); groupTestToIndividualTest = new GroupTestToIndividualTest(getSqlServer); }
static void Main() { Console.Write("Version 3, Obertyshev Anatoliy IS-4120"); Console.Write("\n"); Hospital hospital = new Hospital(); Console.ReadKey(); }
public void UpdateHospital(Hospital hospital) { Db.Hospitals.SqlQuery(@"UPDATE Hospital SET Name=@name, Description=@desc, Town=@town, Addesse=@adress WHERE Id=@id", hospital.Name, hospital.Description , hospital.Town, hospital.Address, hospital.Id); Db.SaveChanges(); }
public void a_Criar_hospital() { var hospitais = new Hospitais(); var quintador = new Hospital { Nome = "Hospital Quinta DOR" }; var barraDor = new Hospital { Nome = "Hospital Barra DOR" }; hospitais.Salvar(quintador); hospitais.Salvar(barraDor); }
/** * Construct an empty village. * * @param level the * @param lab the unique label for the village * @param p a reference to the "parent" village * @param s the user supplied seed value */ public Village(int level, int l, bool isRootV, int s) { rootVillage = isRootV; label = l; forward = new Village[4]; seed = label * (IQ + s); hospital = new Hospital(level); returned = new List<Patient>(); }
public static bool StartPlasticSurgeryCAS(Sim sim, Hospital.SurgeryTypes type) { CASChangeReporter.Instance.ClearChanges(); SimDescription simDescription = sim.SimDescription; if (simDescription == null) { throw new Exception("EditSimInCAS: sim doesn't have a description!"); } switch (sim.CurrentOutfitCategory) { case OutfitCategories.Everyday: case OutfitCategories.Formalwear: case OutfitCategories.Sleepwear: case OutfitCategories.Swimwear: case OutfitCategories.Athletic: break; default: SimpleMessageDialog.Show(Cheats.LocalizeString("EditSimInCAS", new object[0x0]), Cheats.LocalizeString("CommonOutfitCategoryRequired", new object[0x0]), ModalDialog.PauseMode.PauseSimulator); return false; } switch (type) { case Hospital.SurgeryTypes.PlasticSurgeryFaceCheap: case Hospital.SurgeryTypes.PlasticSurgeryFaceExpensive: new Sims.Advanced.SurgeryFace().Perform(new GameHitParameters<GameObject>(sim, sim, GameObjectHit.NoHit)); break; case Hospital.SurgeryTypes.PlasticSurgeryBodyCheap: case Hospital.SurgeryTypes.PlasticSurgeryBodyExpensive: new Sims.Advanced.SurgeryBody().Perform(new GameHitParameters<GameObject>(sim, sim, GameObjectHit.NoHit)); break; default: throw new Exception("PlasticSurgery: Option not defined!"); } while (GameStates.NextInWorldStateId != InWorldState.SubState.LiveMode) { SpeedTrap.Sleep(); } bool flag = !CASChangeReporter.Instance.CasCancelled; CASChangeReporter.Instance.ClearChanges(); return flag; }
private void OK_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //valid = AD.Authenticate(Me.UsernameTextBox.Text, Me.PasswordTextBox.Text) if (valid && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.comboBoxHospital.Text)) { userName = UsernameTextBox.Text; hospital = (this.comboBoxHospital.Text == "Highland") ? Hospital.Highland : Hospital.Strong; this.Close(); } else { var response = Interaction.MsgBox("invalid username, password, or hospital", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "MsgBox"); if (response == MsgBoxResult.Ok) UsernameTextBox.Focus(); } }
public SetupTableData(GetSqlServer getSqlServer, Hospital hospital) { wards = getSqlServer.FilledColumn("select Clinic_code from [CLINIC]"); DISpecimenTranslation = getSqlServer.FilledDictionary("SELECT [type], [translation] FROM [downtime].[dbo].[diTranslation]").ToReadOnly(); #if DEBUG var dr = new GetPathDirectory().Labels.GetLabelersListOfIPs_byGroup(string.Format("/{0}/Specimen Management", Enum.GetName(typeof(Hospital), hospital))); if (hospital == Hospital.Highland) { dr.Add("C42", ""); } LabelersByIp = dr.ToReadOnly(); #else LabelersByIp = new GetPathDirectory().Labels.GetLabelersListOfIPs_byGroup(string.Format("/{0}/Specimen Management", Enum.GetName(typeof(Hospital), hospital))).ToReadOnly(); #endif }
public MainMenu(Hospital hospital) : base() { InitializeComponent(); = hospital; var setupTableData = new SetupTableData(getSqlServer, hospital); //setup buttons handlers new FormStart(ButtonOrderEntry, () => new OrderEntryForm2(setupTableData, getSqlServer, hospital)); new FormStart(ButtonSmsArchiveTracking, () => new TrackSmsForm(getSqlServer)); new FormStart(ButtonAliquotReprint, () => new AliquotForm(setupTableData,getSqlServer,hospital)); // new FormStart(ButtonPlaceAddon, () => new AddOnForm(setupTableData, getSqlServer, hospital)); new FormStart(ButtonHemArchiveTracking, () => new TrackHemForm(getSqlServer)); new FormStart(ButtonUrineHemTracking, () => new TrackUrineHemForm(getSqlServer)); new FormStart(ButtonUrineChemTracking, () => new TrackUrineChemForm(getSqlServer)); new FormStart(ButtonCoagArchiveTracking, () => new TrackCoagForm(getSqlServer)); new FormStart(ButtonDowntimeRecovery, () => new RecoveryForm(getSqlServer)); new FormStart(ButtonMolisEntry, () => new MolisEntry(getSqlServer)); queries.Add("STAT Query", attributeQuery("WHERE o.priority = 'S'")); interactions.Add("Last Name Query", () => Interaction.InputBox("LastName", "EnterLastName")); queries.Add("Last Name Query", attributeQuery("WHERE o.LASTNAME='{0}'")); interactions.Add("Tracking Query", () => Interaction.InputBox("ordernumber", "enterordernumber")); queries.Add("Tracking Query", "SELECT [dttracking].ordernumber, dttracking.TRACKING, dttracking.TRACKINGCOMMENT, dttracking.tracklocation, dttracking.TIMESTAMP, dttracking.tracktechid FROM (dttracking) where dttracking.ordernumber = '{0}';"); queries.Add("Tracking Query*", "SELECT * FROM dttracking where tracklocation = 'OT->STOR';"); interactions.Add("Med Req Query", () => Interaction.InputBox("Med Req Number (Must Enter All 12 Digits - ############)", "EnterMedReqNumber")); queries.Add("Med Req Query", attributeQuery("WHERE o.mrn = '{0}'")); queries.Add("Coag Query", extensionQuery("23")); queries.Add("Chemistry Query",extensionQuery("00","79","40","19")); queries.Add("Bloodgas Query", extensionQuery("20")); queries.Add("Hematology Query", extensionQuery("18")); queries.Add("Urinalisys Query", extensionQuery("UA", "38", "26")); }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Hospital hp = new Hospital(); hp.nombre = txtNom_hos.Text = "Pablo Tobón Uribe"; hp.direccion = txtDir_hos.Text ="calle 43 A 43-09"; hp.secciones = txtSec.Text = "5"; hp.medicos = txtN_med.Text = "30"; hp.enfermeras = txtN_enf.Text = "17"; Especialidad ep = new Especialidad(); ep.especiali1 = txtEspe1.Text ="Neurologia"; ep.eespeciali2 = txtEspe2.Text="Cirujano"; ep.especiali3 = txtEspe3.Text="Ortopedista"; ep.especiali4 = txtEspe4.Text="Cardiologia"; ep.especiali5 = txtEspe5.Text="Oncologia"; Habitacion hb = new Habitacion(); = txtHos_hab.Text = txtNom_hos.Text; hb.ciudad = txtCiu_hos.Text = "Medellín"; hb.piso = txtPiso.Text = "3"; hb.numero = txtNum_pis.Text = "301 - A"; hb.tipo = txtTipo.Text = "Cuidados intensivos"; Farmacia fm = new Farmacia(); fm.nombre = txtNom_far.Text = "Farmacia Tobón Uribe"; fm.ciudad = txtCiu_far.Text = txtCiu_hos.Text; fm.direccion = txtDir_far.Text = txtDir_hos.Text; fm.medicamento = txtMedicamento.Text = "Aspirinas 100 Mg"; fm.precio = txtPrecio.Text = "500"; Paciente pa = new Paciente(); pa.nombre = txtNom_pac.Text = "Alberto"; pa.apellido = txtAp_pac.Text = "Martinez Hernandez"; pa.documento = txtNum_pac.Text = "30945298"; pa.edad = txtEd_pac.Text = "27"; pa.ciudad = txtCiu_pac.Text = txtCiu_hos.Text; }
public OrderBaseForm(SetupTableData setupTableData, GetSqlServer getSqlServer, Hospital hospital) : base() { InitializeComponent(); this.setupTableData = setupTableData; this.getSqlServer = getSqlServer; = hospital; #if DEBUG this.DebugButtonFill.Visible = true; #endif this.TextBoxTechId.Text = GlobalMutableState.userName; ComboboxPrinter.Items.AddRange(setupTableData.LabelersByIp.Keys.ToArray()); comboBoxWard.Items.AddRange(setupTableData.wards); ComboboxPrinter.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend; ComboboxPrinter.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems; comboBoxWard.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend; comboBoxWard.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems; //use SchemaFilledTable to load the table layout testTable = getSqlServer.SchemaFilledTable("SELECT TOP 1 [Id], [Name], [Tube], [Location], [Extension], [DiTranslation] FROM [dbo].[TestsWithSpecimenExtension]"); this.dataGridTests.DataSource = testTable; }
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> UpdateHospital(Hospital user) { IHttpActionResult result = null; try { int modifiedCount = await IHospitalManager.RegisterNewOrUpdateDetailsAsync(user); if (modifiedCount > 0) { result = Ok("Hospital details update succeded"); } else { result = Ok("Hospital details update failed.Please retry."); } } catch (Exception ex) { result = InternalServerError(ex); } return result; }
//reserved //public StructDoctor() //{ //} public StructDoctor(Hospital hp, int docID, string docName) { this.hp = hp; this.docID = docID; this.docName = docName; }
public override string GetInteractionName(Sim a, Hospital target, InteractionObjectPair interaction) { if ( != string.Empty) { return; } return Localization.LocalizeString(a.IsFemale, "Gameplay/Objects/RabbitHoles/Hospital/CreateBabyWith:InteractionName", new object[] { Hospital.CreateBabyWith.kCostOfBabyMaking }); }
public bool ILastHospitalSuccess(Hospital hospital) { this.h = hospital; return(true); }
private Hospital GetHospitalById(Hospital hospitalId, IEnumerable <Hospital> hospitals) => hospitalId == null ? null : hospitals.SingleOrDefault(h => h.GetId() == hospitalId.GetId());
public bool DataReadSuccess(Hospital h) { = h; return(true); }
public void Add(Hospital hospital) { this.hospitals.Add(hospital); this.hospitals.SaveChanges(); }
partial void UpdateHospital(Hospital instance);
public static string KiemTraCLS(Hospital _data, int maBN, string strTimkiem, int ploaiTKiem, double kq, List <string> TenRG) { string ktra = "center"; List <DichVuct> _lDVct = new List <DichVuct>(); if (ploaiTKiem == 0) { int stt = 0; int.TryParse(strTimkiem, out stt); var q1 = (from tenrg in TenRG join tndv in _data.TieuNhomDVs on tenrg equals tndv.TenRG join dv in _data.DichVus on tndv.IdTieuNhom equals dv.IdTieuNhom join dvct in _data.DichVucts.Where(p => p.STT == stt) on dv.MaDV equals dvct.MaDV select dvct).ToList(); _lDVct.AddRange(q1); } if (ploaiTKiem == 1) { var q1 = (from tenrg in TenRG join tndv in _data.TieuNhomDVs on tenrg equals tndv.TenRG join dv in _data.DichVus on tndv.IdTieuNhom equals dv.IdTieuNhom join dvct in _data.DichVucts.Where(p => p.MaDVct == strTimkiem) on dv.MaDV equals dvct.MaDV select dvct).ToList(); _lDVct.AddRange(q1); } var q = _data.BenhNhans.Where(p => p.MaBNhan == maBN).Select(p => p.GTinh); if (q.Count() > 0 && q.First() != null) { int GTinh = 0; GTinh = q.First().Value; if (q.First() != null && GTinh == 0)//Nếu là nữ { if (_lDVct.Count() > 0) { String TSBTnu = _lDVct.First().TSBTnu; if (TSBTnu != null && TSBTnu != "") // Nếu có TSBTnu { String TSnuTu = _lDVct.First().TSnuTu; String TSnuDen = _lDVct.First().TSnuDen; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(TSnuTu) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(TSnuDen)) { double nuTu = 0; double nuDen = 0; if (!double.TryParse(TSnuTu, out nuTu) || !double.TryParse(TSnuDen, out nuDen)) { return("center"); } if (double.TryParse(TSnuTu, out nuTu) && double.TryParse(TSnuDen, out nuDen) && kq >= nuTu && kq <= nuDen) { ktra = "center"; } else if (double.TryParse(TSnuTu, out nuTu) && kq < nuTu) { ktra = "left"; } else if (double.TryParse(TSnuDen, out nuDen) && kq > nuDen) { ktra = "right"; } } else { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(TSnuTu)) { double nuTu = 0; if (double.TryParse(TSnuTu, out nuTu)) { if (TSBTnu.Contains(">")) { if (kq > nuTu) { ktra = "center"; } else { ktra = "left"; } } else { if (kq >= nuTu) { ktra = "center"; } else { ktra = "left"; } } } } else { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(TSnuDen)) { double nuDen = 0; if (double.TryParse(TSnuDen, out nuDen)) { if (TSBTnu.Contains("<")) { if (kq < nuDen) { ktra = "center"; } else { ktra = "right"; } } else { if (kq <= nuDen) { ktra = "center"; } else { ktra = "right"; } } } } } } } else // Nếu không có TSBTnu { GTinh = 1; } } } if (q.First() != null && GTinh == 1)// Nếu là nam { if (_lDVct.Count() > 0) { String TSBTn = ""; if (_lDVct.First().TSBTn != null) { TSBTn = _lDVct.First().TSBTn; } String TSnTu = _lDVct.First().TSnTu; String TSnDen = _lDVct.First().TSnDen; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(TSnTu) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(TSnDen)) { double nTu = 0; double nDen = 0; if (!double.TryParse(TSnTu, out nTu) || !double.TryParse(TSnDen, out nDen)) { return("center"); } if (double.TryParse(TSnTu, out nTu) && double.TryParse(TSnDen, out nDen) && kq >= nTu && kq <= nDen) { ktra = "center"; } else if (double.TryParse(TSnTu, out nTu) && kq < nTu) { ktra = "left"; } else if (double.TryParse(TSnDen, out nDen) && kq > nDen) { ktra = "right"; } } else { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(TSnTu)) { double nTu = 0; if (double.TryParse(TSnTu, out nTu)) { if (TSBTn.Contains(">")) { if (kq > nTu || nTu == 0) { ktra = "center"; } else { ktra = "left"; } } else { if (kq >= nTu || nTu == 0) { ktra = "center"; } else if (kq < nTu) { ktra = "left"; } } } } else { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(TSnDen)) { double nDen = 0; if (double.TryParse(TSnDen, out nDen)) { if (TSBTn.Contains("<")) { if (kq < nDen || nDen == 0) { ktra = "center"; } else { ktra = "right"; } } else { if (kq <= nDen || nDen == 0) { ktra = "center"; } else { ktra = "right"; } } } } } } } } } return(ktra); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Hospital hs = new Hospital("Chirurgia Poznanska"); hs.Add(new Administrator("admin", "admin", "admin", "admin", "admin")); Employee emp; Console.WriteLine($"Welcome to hospital : {hs.HospitalName}"); while (true) { try { Console.Write("Enter Username : "******"Enter Password : "******"Is admin"); emp.ShowMenu(); int n; n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (n) { case 1: Console.WriteLine("Users : "); hs.PrintEmployees(); break; case 2: Console.WriteLine("Editing : "); while (true) { try { Console.WriteLine("Provide speciality : "); string[] specialities = new string[] { "administrator" }; string speciality = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (!specialities.Contains(speciality)) { throw new Exception("There is no such speciality"); } Console.Write("Enter first name : "); string firstname = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter last name : "); string lastname = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter ID : "); string idNumber = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter Username : "******"Enter Password : "******"administrator") { Console.Write("Enter new first name : "); string newfirstname = Console.ReadLine(); emp.ChangeName(newfirstname); Console.Write("Enter new last name : "); string newlastname = Console.ReadLine(); emp.ChangeSurname(newlastname); Console.Write("Enter new ID : "); string newidNumber = Console.ReadLine(); emp.ChangeIdNumber(newidNumber); Console.Write("Enter new Username : "******"Enter new Password : "******"There is no such speciality 1111111111111"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } break; case 3: Console.WriteLine("Adding : "); while (true) { try { Console.WriteLine("Provide speciality : "); string[] specialities = new string[] { "adminstrator", "doctor", "nurse", "urologist", "cardiologist", "laryngologist", "neuorologist" }; string speciality = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (!specialities.Contains(speciality)) { throw new Exception("There is no such speciality"); } Console.Write("Enter first name : "); string firstname = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter last name : "); string lastname = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter ID : "); string idNumber = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter Username : "******"Enter Password : "******"nurse") { hs.Add(new Nurse(firstname, lastname, idNumber, username, password)); break; } else if (speciality == "administrator") { hs.Add(new Administrator(firstname, lastname, idNumber, username, password)); break; } else if (speciality == "urologist" || speciality == "cardiologist" || speciality == "laryngologist" || speciality == "neurologist") { Console.Write("Provide GMC : "); string GMC = Console.ReadLine(); switch (speciality) { case "urologist": hs.Add(new Urologist(GMC, firstname, lastname, idNumber, username, password)); break; case "cardiologist": hs.Add(new Cardiologist(GMC, firstname, lastname, idNumber, username, password)); break; case "laryngologist": hs.Add(new Laryngologist(GMC, firstname, lastname, idNumber, username, password)); break; case "neurologist": hs.Add(new Neurologist(GMC, firstname, lastname, idNumber, username, password)); break; default: break; } } else { throw new Exception("There is no such speciality"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } break; case 4: Console.WriteLine("Exit"); break; } //hs.Choose(); break; case false: Console.WriteLine("Is not admin"); emp.ShowMenu(); //hs.PrintEmployees(); break; } /*switch(IsAdministrator) * { * case 1: * * }*/ }
/* * Starts a transfer to the hospital closest to the given selectedRecipient and adds the helicopter to the map */ public async Task NewTransfer(DonatableOrgan currentOrgan, User selectedRecipient, Position donorPosition) { OrganTransfer newOrganTransfer = new OrganTransfer(); =; newOrganTransfer.receiverId =; //Find the position of the donor newOrganTransfer.startLat = donorPosition.Latitude; newOrganTransfer.startLon = donorPosition.Longitude; Hospital receiverHospital = null; //await InitialiseHospitalsWithoutAddingToMap(); foreach (Hospital hospital in hospitals) { if (hospital.region.Equals(selectedRecipient.region)) { receiverHospital = hospital; } } //Find the nearest hospital newOrganTransfer.endLat = receiverHospital.latitude; newOrganTransfer.endLon = receiverHospital.longitude; newOrganTransfer.organType = OrganExtensions.ToOrgan(currentOrgan.organType); Position HospitalPosition = new Position(receiverHospital.latitude, receiverHospital.longitude); newOrganTransfer.arrivalTime = new CustomDateTime(DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(distance(donorPosition.Latitude, HospitalPosition.Latitude, donorPosition.Longitude, HospitalPosition.Longitude, 0, 0) / 70)); TransplantListAPI transplantListAPI = new TransplantListAPI(); if (await transplantListAPI.InsertTransfer(newOrganTransfer) != HttpStatusCode.OK) { await DisplayAlert("", "Failed to start transfer (failed to insert transfer)", "OK"); return; } if (await transplantListAPI.SetInTransfer(, 1) != true) { await DisplayAlert("", "Failed to start transfer (failed to set in transfer)", "OK"); return; } int TTA = (int)newOrganTransfer.arrivalTime.ToDateTimeWithSeconds().Subtract(DateTime.Now).TotalSeconds; //int waitingListId = await transplantListAPI.GetWaitingListId((int)newOrganTransfer.receiverId, newOrganTransfer.organType); //if (waitingListId == 0) { // await DisplayAlert("", "Failed to start transfer (failed to get waiting list id)", "OK"); // return; //} int waitingListId = 0; foreach (WaitingListItem item in selectedRecipient.waitingListItems) { if (item.organType == OrganExtensions.ToOrgan(currentOrgan.organType)) { waitingListId =; } } AddHelicopter(donorPosition, HospitalPosition, newOrganTransfer.organType, TTA, newOrganTransfer.receiverId, waitingListId, ); }
private void BigSwitch() { switch (currentState) { case State.Patrol: actionName = "Noname"; if (_agent.isOnNavMesh == false) { Debug.LogError("nu este pe navmesh", this); } if (_agent.isStopped) { _agent.isStopped = false; } if (_agent.enabled == false) { _agent.enabled = true; } // in caz ca agentul intra in stare de patrol iar agent este oprit/dezactivat // aleg destinatia // folosesc startPatroling pentru a putea sa intru in starea de patrol la prima iteratie if (_startPatroling == false || Vector3.Distance(transform.position, _currentDestination) < stoppingDistance) { if (randomLocations) // aleg pozitii random { var randomLocation = RandomLoc(); // o functie care returneaza o pozitie random valida in pe baza randomRange _currentDestination = randomLocation; // folosesc currentDestination care este de tip Vector3 pentru a retine mereu care este destinatie curenta // uneori agent.destination nu imi spune care este exact destinatia _agent.SetDestination(_currentDestination); } else { // aleg pozitiile din patrolPositions care este setat in inspector _agent.SetDestination(patrolPositions[_currentIndexPatrol].transform.position); _currentDestination = patrolPositions[_currentIndexPatrol].transform .position; // nu uit sa pun currentDestination; _currentIndexPatrol++; // cresc indexul din vector if (_currentIndexPatrol >= patrolPositions.Length) { _currentIndexPatrol = 0; // resetez indexul } } _startPatroling = true; } // Tranzitia 1 in starea de MEET /// daca cooldown-ul a trecut de la ultima intalnire sau daca initial nu am avut nicio intalnire if (Time.time - _lastFinishedMeetingTime >= cooldownMeeting || _lastFinishedMeetingTime == 0) { if (!cured || cured && Vector3.Distance(transform.position, _bedPosition) > 100f) { // daca nu e vindecat sau daca e vindecat si e departe de spital{ TryMeetBot(); /// incearca sa gaseasca partener if (inMeeting) { return; } } } /// Tranzitia 2 in starea de GOTOHOSPITAL if (infectionLevel > 5) // un anumit nivel // find a free hospital place { foreach (var currentHospital in Hospital.ListHospitals) { if (currentHospital.Free()) { // tuple care reprezinta pozitia unde se afla patul si indexul din vectorul de paturi din clasa de Hospital // folosesc si indexul pentru a putea "elibera" patul mai incolo, daca nu as retine si indexul ar fi mai greu // clasa Hospital retine o lista cu toate spitalele din mapa // de asemenea o lista de in care indentifica fiecare pozitie in spatiu(vector3) cu un index al patului var tuple = currentHospital.BedPosition(); if (tuple.Item2 != -1) { _currentDestination = tuple.Item1; _bedIndex = tuple.Item2; _hospital = currentHospital; _bedPosition = _currentDestination; _agent.SetDestination(_currentDestination); currentState = State.Hospital; return; } } } } // Tranzitia 3 in stareaFind Action TryFindNewAction(); break; case State.Meet: if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, _meetingPoint) < 1f) { _agent.enabled = false; } if (!_agent.enabled && !meetingBot._agent.enabled) { Debug.Log("Enabling obstacle for : " + name); talking = true; _obstacle.enabled = true; _animator.SetBool(AnimatorTalking, true); Talk(); } break; case State.Hospital: if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, _currentDestination) < 5f) { infectionLevel = 0; _hospital.LeaveBed(_bedIndex); _startPatroling = false; cured = true; currentState = State.Patrol; } break; case State.AnyAction: if (_currentAction != null) { actionName =; } if (_startAction == false && _actionPathPending == false) // if there is no action right now { if (TryFindNewAction() == false) // if we fail to find any action then go to patrol { currentState = State.Patrol; _startPatroling = true; } } if (_actionPathPending) { // if the bot is going towards the action destination if (_startAction == false && Vector3.Distance(transform.position, _currentDestination) < _currentAction.stopDistance + 0.1f) { _startAction = true; // now the action starts! // snap to the disired position and rotation transform.position = _currentDestination; transform.rotation = _currentAction.rotation; _agent.isStopped = true; Action start = null; Action end = null; int waitTime; Debug.Log("<color=green> Start Action " + + "</color>"); if ( == { Debug.Log("<color=green>entered typing</color>"); start = () => _animator.SetBool(AnimatorTyping, true); end = () => _animator.SetBool(AnimatorTyping, false); waitTime = UnityEngine.Random.Range(10, 15); } else if ( == { Debug.Log("<color=green>entered looking</color>"); start = () => { transform.LookAt(_currentAction.targetTransform); }; waitTime = 5; } else { Debug.Assert( != "typingAction" && != "lookAtSphereAction"); Debug.Log("<color=green>entered other</color>", this); waitTime = 8; } StartCoroutine(AbstractCoroutine(start, end, waitTime)); } } break; } }
public virtual Hospital Add(Hospital hospital) { return(_dbContext.Set <Hospital>().Add(hospital)); }
public int UpdateHospital(Hospital hospital) { return(new DataAccessClass().UpdateHospitalToDB(hospital)); }
public override View OnCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { Dialog.SetCanceledOnTouchOutside(false); var caption = string.Empty; if (HospitalData == null) { caption = "НОВОЕ ЛПУ"; } else { Hospital = MainDatabase.GetEntity <Hospital>(HospitalData.Hospital); caption = "ЛПУ : " + Hospital.Name; } Dialog.SetTitle(caption); View view = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.HospitalDialog, container, false); view.FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.hdNameET).Append(Hospital == null ? string.Empty : Hospital.Name); AutoCompleteTextView addressACTV = view.FindViewById <AutoCompleteTextView>(Resource.Id.hdAddressACTV); addressACTV.Append(Hospital == null ? @"Москва" : Hospital.Address); //addressACTV.AfterTextChanged += (object sender, Android.Text.AfterTextChangedEventArgs e) => //{ // if (addressACTV.Text.Contains(" ")) // { // //var suggestions = new List<SuggestAddressResponse.Suggestions>(); // //try { // // var response = Api.QueryAddress(addressACTV.Text); // // suggestions = response.suggestionss; // //} catch (Exception ex) { // // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); // //} // //addressACTV.Adapter = new AddressSuggestionAdapter(Activity, suggestions); // //if (addressACTV.IsShown) { // // addressACTV.DismissDropDown(); // //} // //addressACTV.ShowDropDown(); // } //}; //addressACTV.ItemClick += (sender, e) => { // var item = (((AutoCompleteTextView)sender).Adapter as AddressSuggestionAdapter)[e.Position]; // ((AutoCompleteTextView)sender).SetTag(Resource.String.fias_id,; // ((AutoCompleteTextView)sender).SetTag(Resource.String.qc_geo,; // ((AutoCompleteTextView)sender).SetTag(Resource.String.geo_lat,; // ((AutoCompleteTextView)sender).SetTag(Resource.String.geo_lon,; //}; view.FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.hdCloseB).Click += (s, e) => { Dismiss(); }; view.FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.hdSaveB).Click += (s, e) => { //Toast.MakeText(context, "SAVE BUTTON CLICKED", ToastLength.Short).Show() var transaction = MainDatabase.BeginTransaction(); if (HospitalData == null) { var hospital = MainDatabase.Create2 <Hospital>(); hospital.CreatedAt = DateTimeOffset.Now; hospital.UpdatedAt = DateTimeOffset.Now; hospital.Name = view.FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.hdNameET).Text; hospital.Address = view.FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.hdAddressACTV).Text; var hospitalData = MainDatabase.Create2 <HospitalData>(); hospitalData.Pharmacy = Pharmacy.UUID; hospitalData.Hospital = hospital.UUID; } else { //var hospital = MainDatabase.GetEntity<Hospital>(HospitalData.Hospital); //hospital.UpdatedAt = DateTimeOffset.Now; //hospital.Name = view.FindViewById<EditText>(Resource.Id.hdNameET).Text; //hospital.Address = view.FindViewById<EditText>(Resource.Id.hdAddressACTV).Text; Hospital.UpdatedAt = DateTimeOffset.Now; Hospital.Name = view.FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.hdNameET).Text; Hospital.Address = view.FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.hdAddressACTV).Text; if (!Hospital.IsManaged) { MainDatabase.SaveEntity(transaction, Hospital); } } transaction.Commit(); //var sync = new SyncItem() //{ // Path = @"Hospital", // ObjectUUID = hospital.UUID, // JSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(hospital) //}; //MainDatabase.AddToQueue(sync); //Context.StartService(new Intent("com.xamarin.SyncService")); OnAfterSaved(EventArgs.Empty); Dismiss(); }; return(view); }
public int AddHospital(Hospital hospital) { return(new DataAccessClass().AddHospitalToDB(hospital)); }
private void FormEditHospital_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Узнаем данные в таблицу поликлитнника нужно записывать или только обновлять string queryFlagInsert = "select * from Поликлинника"; DataTable dt = ТаблицаБД.GetTable(queryFlagInsert, ConnectionDB.ConnectionString(), "Поликлинника"); // Узнаем есть ли в таблице колонка номер телефона и e-mail. if (dt.Columns.Count == 24) { string queryUpdate = "ALTER TABLE Поликлинника ADD COLUMN НомерТелефона TEXT(50), COLUMN email TEXT(50),COLUMN Исполнитель TEXT(50) "; // Внесем изменения в структуру таблицы. ТаблицаБД.AlterTableПоликлинника(queryUpdate, ConnectionDB.ConnectionString(), "Поликлинника"); // Не очень красиво , но получим таблицу с новой структурой. dt = ТаблицаБД.GetTable(queryFlagInsert, ConnectionDB.ConnectionString(), "Поликлинника"); } int countRow = dt.Rows.Count; if (dt.Rows.Count != 0) { if (dt.Rows[0]["НачальныйНомерДоговора"].ToString() != "") { this.txtNumDog.Text = dt.Rows[0]["НачальныйНомерДоговора"].ToString(); } else { this.txtNumDog.Text = "0"; } } else { this.txtNumDog.Text = "0"; } //заполним combo box-ы string queryВрачи = "select id_главВрач,ФИО_ГлавВрач from ГлавВрач"; this.cmbВрачи.DataSource = ТаблицаБД.GetTable(queryВрачи, ConnectionDB.ConnectionString(), "ГлавВрач"); this.cmbВрачи.ValueMember = "id_главВрач"; this.cmbВрачи.DisplayMember = "ФИО_ГлавВрач"; string queryБух = "select id_главБух,ФИО_ГлавБух from ГлавБух"; this.cmbБух.DataSource = ТаблицаБД.GetTable(queryБух, ConnectionDB.ConnectionString(), "ГлавВрач"); this.cmbБух.ValueMember = "id_главБух"; this.cmbБух.DisplayMember = "ФИО_ГлавБух"; //узнаем добавлять записи или только обновлять if (countRow == 0) { //записей в таблице нет значит добьавляем новую запись flagInsert = true; } else { //записи в таблице есть значит форма работает на обновление записи flagInsert = false; } //Получим реквизиты поликлинники Hospital hospital = new Hospital(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { hospital.НаименованиеПоликлинники = row["НаименованиеПоликлинники"].ToString(); hospital.КодПоликлинники = row["КодПоликлинники"].ToString(); hospital.ЮридическийАдрес = row["ЮридическийАдрес"].ToString(); hospital.ФактическийАдрес = row["ФактическийАдрес"].ToString(); hospital.id_главВрач = Convert.ToInt32(row["id_главВрач"]); hospital.id_главБух = Convert.ToInt32(row["id_главБух"]); hospital.СвидетельствоРегистрации = row["СвидетельствоРегистрации"].ToString(); hospital.ИНН = row["ИНН"].ToString(); hospital.КПП = row["КПП"].ToString(); hospital.БИК = row["БИК"].ToString(); hospital.НаименованиеБанка = row["НаименованиеБанка"].ToString(); hospital.асчётСчёт = row["РасчётныйСчёт"].ToString(); hospital.ЛицевойСчёт = row["ЛицевойСчёт"].ToString(); hospital.НомерЛицензии = row["НомерЛицензии"].ToString(); hospital.ДатаРегистрацииЛицензии = row["ДатаРегистрацииЛицензии"].ToString(); hospital.ОГРН = row["ОГРН"].ToString(); hospital.СвидетельствоРегистрацииЕГРЮЛ = row["СвидетельствоРегистрацииЕГРЮЛ"].ToString(); //hospital.ОрганВыдавшийСвидетельство = row["ОрганВыдавшийЛицензию"].ToString(); hospital.ОрганВыдавшийЛицензию = row["ОрганВыдавшийЛицензию"].ToString(); hospital.Постановление = row["Постановление"].ToString(); hospital.ОКПО = row["ОКПО"].ToString(); hospital.ОКАТО = row["ОКАТО"].ToString(); //string s1 = row["НомерТелефона"].ToString(); //string s2 = row["email"].ToString(); hospital.Phone = row["НомерТелефона"].ToString(); hospital.Email = row["email"].ToString(); hospital.Исполнитель = row["Исполнитель"].ToString(); } //отобразим данные на форме this.textBox1.Text = hospital.НаименованиеПоликлинники; this.textBox2.Text = hospital.КодПоликлинники; this.textBox3.Text = hospital.ЮридическийАдрес; this.textBox4.Text = hospital.ФактическийАдрес; //отобразим combo box-ы string qГЛавВрач = "select ФИО_ГлавВрач from ГлавВрач where id_главВрач = " + hospital.id_главВрач + " "; DataTable tabHosp = ТаблицаБД.GetTable(qГЛавВрач, ConnectionDB.ConnectionString(), "ГлавВрач"); //переменная для хранения ФИО глав врача string главВрач = string.Empty; if (tabHosp.Rows.Count != 0) { //string главВрач = ТаблицаБД.GetTable(qГЛавВрач, ConnectionDB.ConnectionString(), "ГлавВрач").Rows[0][0].ToString().Trim(); главВрач = tabHosp.Rows[0][0].ToString().Trim(); } this.cmbВрачи.Text = главВрач; string qГЛавБух = "select ФИО_ГлавБух from ГлавБух where id_главБух = " + hospital.id_главБух + " "; DataTable tabBux = ТаблицаБД.GetTable(qГЛавБух, ConnectionDB.ConnectionString(), "ГлавВрач"); //переменная для хранения ФИО глав буха string главБух = string.Empty; if (tabBux.Rows.Count != 0) { главБух = tabBux.Rows[0][0].ToString().Trim(); //string главБух = ТаблицаБД.GetTable(qГЛавБух, ConnectionDB.ConnectionString(), "ГлавВрач").Rows[0][0].ToString().Trim(); } this.cmbБух.Text = главБух; this.maskedTextBox1.Text = hospital.ИНН; this.maskedTextBox8.Text = hospital.ОГРН; this.maskedTextBox6.Text = hospital.ОКПО; this.maskedTextBox7.Text = hospital.ОКАТО; this.textBox6.Text = hospital.НомерЛицензии; if (hospital.ДатаРегистрацииЛицензии != null) { this.dateTimePicker1.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(hospital.ДатаРегистрацииЛицензии); } this.textBox7.Text = hospital.ОрганВыдавшийЛицензию; this.textBox5.Text = hospital.НаименованиеБанка; this.maskedTextBox4.Text = hospital.асчётСчёт; // В связи с изменениями в лицевом счёте (появились буквы). //this.maskedTextBox5.Text = hospital.ЛицевойСчёт; this.txtЛицевойСчёт.Text = hospital.ЛицевойСчёт; this.maskedTextBox2.Text = hospital.КПП; this.maskedTextBox3.Text = hospital.БИК; this.textBox10.Text = hospital.Постановление; // Отобразим номер телефона. this.maskedTextBox5.Text = hospital.Phone.Trim(); // От образим e-mail. this.textBox8.Text = hospital.Email.Trim(); this.textBox9.Text = hospital.Исполнитель.Trim(); //Прочитаем файл конфигурации Config.dll (для конфигурирования выгрузки реестра в файл) using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead("Config.dll")) using (TextReader read = new StreamReader(fs)) { string sConfig = read.ReadLine(); if (sConfig == "1") { //Разрешаем выгрузку реестра в файл this.chkВыгрузки.Checked = true; } else { //запрещаем выгрузку реестра в файл this.chkВыгрузки.Checked = false; } } }
public void Delete(Hospital hospital) { this.hospitals.Delete(hospital); this.hospitals.SaveChanges(); }
private void GenerateSpecialtiesHospitals_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork()) { var hospital1 = new Hospital { Name = "Hospital 1" }; var hospital2 = new Hospital { Name = "Hospital 2" }; var hospital3 = new Hospital { Name = "Hospital 3" }; var hospital4 = new Hospital { Name = "Hospital 4" }; var hospital5 = new Hospital { Name = "Hospital 5" }; var hospitals = new[] { hospital1, hospital2, hospital3, hospital4, hospital5 }; var specialty1 = new Specialty { Code = "100", Name = "GENERAL SURGERY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty2 = new Specialty { Code = "101", Name = "UROLOGY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty3 = new Specialty { Code = "110", Name = "TRAUMA & ORTHOPAEDICS", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty4 = new Specialty { Code = "120", Name = "ENT", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty5 = new Specialty { Code = "130", Name = "OPHTHALMOLOGY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty6 = new Specialty { Code = "140", Name = "ORAL SURGERY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty7 = new Specialty { Code = "141", Name = "RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty8 = new Specialty { Code = "142", Name = "PAEDIATRIC DENTISTRY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty9 = new Specialty { Code = "143", Name = "ORTHODONTICS", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty10 = new Specialty { Code = "145", Name = "ORAL & MAXILLO FACIAL SURGERY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty11 = new Specialty { Code = "146", Name = "ENDODONTICS", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty12 = new Specialty { Code = "147", Name = "PERIODONTICS", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty13 = new Specialty { Code = "148", Name = "PROSTHODONTICS", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty14 = new Specialty { Code = "149", Name = "SURGICAL DENTISTRY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty15 = new Specialty { Code = "150", Name = "NEUROSURGERY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty16 = new Specialty { Code = "160", Name = "PLASTIC SURGERY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty17 = new Specialty { Code = "170", Name = "CARDIOTHORACIC SURGERY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty18 = new Specialty { Code = "171", Name = "PAEDIATRIC SURGERY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty19 = new Specialty { Code = "180", Name = "ACCIDENT & EMERGENCY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty20 = new Specialty { Code = "190", Name = "ANAESTHETICS", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty21 = new Specialty { Code = "191", Name = NoLongerInUse, Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty22 = new Specialty { Code = "192", Name = "CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty23 = new Specialty { Code = "199", Name = "Non-UK provider; specialty function not known, treatment mainly surgical", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty24 = new Specialty { Code = "300", Name = "GENERAL MEDICINE", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty25 = new Specialty { Code = "301", Name = "GASTROENTEROLOGY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty26 = new Specialty { Code = "302", Name = "ENDOCRINOLOGY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty27 = new Specialty { Code = "303", Name = "CLINICAL HAEMATOLOGY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty28 = new Specialty { Code = "304", Name = "CLINICAL PHYSIOLOGY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty29 = new Specialty { Code = "305", Name = "CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty30 = new Specialty { Code = "310", Name = "AUDIOLOGICAL MEDICINE", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty31 = new Specialty { Code = "311", Name = "CLINICAL GENETICS", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty32 = new Specialty { Code = "312", Name = "CLINICAL CYTOGENETICS and MOLECULAR GENETICS", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty33 = new Specialty { Code = "313", Name = "CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY and ALLERGY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty34 = new Specialty { Code = "314", Name = "REHABILITATION", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty35 = new Specialty { Code = "315", Name = "PALLIATIVE MEDICINE", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty36 = new Specialty { Code = "320", Name = "CARDIOLOGY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty37 = new Specialty { Code = "321", Name = "PAEDIATRIC CARDIOLOGY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty38 = new Specialty { Code = "325", Name = "SPORTS AND EXERCISE MEDICINE ", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty39 = new Specialty { Code = "326", Name = "ACUTE INTERNAL MEDICINE", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty40 = new Specialty { Code = "330", Name = "DERMATOLOGY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty41 = new Specialty { Code = "340", Name = "RESPIRATORY MEDICINE (also known as thoracic medicine)", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty42 = new Specialty { Code = "350", Name = "INFECTIOUS DISEASES", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty43 = new Specialty { Code = "352", Name = "TROPICAL MEDICINE", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty44 = new Specialty { Code = "360", Name = "GENITOURINARY MEDICINE", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty45 = new Specialty { Code = "361", Name = "NEPHROLOGY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty46 = new Specialty { Code = "370", Name = "MEDICAL ONCOLOGY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty47 = new Specialty { Code = "371", Name = "NUCLEAR MEDICINE", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty48 = new Specialty { Code = "400", Name = "NEUROLOGY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty49 = new Specialty { Code = "401", Name = "CLINICAL NEURO-PHYSIOLOGY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty50 = new Specialty { Code = "410", Name = "RHEUMATOLOGY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty51 = new Specialty { Code = "420", Name = "PAEDIATRICS", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty52 = new Specialty { Code = "421", Name = "PAEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty53 = new Specialty { Code = "430", Name = "GERIATRIC MEDICINE", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty54 = new Specialty { Code = "450", Name = "DENTAL MEDICINE SPECIALTIES", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty55 = new Specialty { Code = "451", Name = "SPECIAL CARE DENTISTRY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty56 = new Specialty { Code = "460", Name = "MEDICAL OPHTHALMOLOGY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty57 = new Specialty { Code = "499", Name = "Non-UK provider; specialty function not known, treatment mainly medical", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty58 = new Specialty { Code = "500", Name = "OBSTETRICS and GYNAECOLOGY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty59 = new Specialty { Code = "501", Name = "OBSTETRICS", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty60 = new Specialty { Code = "502", Name = "GYNAECOLOGY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty61 = new Specialty { Code = "504", Name = "COMMUNITY SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty62 = new Specialty { Code = "510", Name = NoLongerInUse, Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty63 = new Specialty { Code = "520", Name = NoLongerInUse, Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty64 = new Specialty { Code = "560", Name = "MIDWIFE EPISODE", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty65 = new Specialty { Code = "600", Name = "GENERAL MEDICAL PRACTICE", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty66 = new Specialty { Code = "601", Name = "GENERAL DENTAL PRACTICE", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty67 = new Specialty { Code = "610", Name = NoLongerInUse, Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty68 = new Specialty { Code = "620", Name = NoLongerInUse, Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty69 = new Specialty { Code = "700", Name = "LEARNING DISABILITY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty70 = new Specialty { Code = "710", Name = "ADULT MENTAL ILLNESS", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty71 = new Specialty { Code = "711", Name = "CHILD and ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty72 = new Specialty { Code = "712", Name = "FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty73 = new Specialty { Code = "713", Name = "PSYCHOTHERAPY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty74 = new Specialty { Code = "715", Name = "OLD AGE PSYCHIATRY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty75 = new Specialty { Code = "800", Name = "CLINICAL ONCOLOGY (previously RADIOTHERAPY)", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty76 = new Specialty { Code = "810", Name = "RADIOLOGY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty77 = new Specialty { Code = "820", Name = "GENERAL PATHOLOGY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty78 = new Specialty { Code = "821", Name = "BLOOD TRANSFUSION", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty79 = new Specialty { Code = "822", Name = "CHEMICAL PATHOLOGY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty80 = new Specialty { Code = "823", Name = "HAEMATOLOGY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty81 = new Specialty { Code = "824", Name = "HISTOPATHOLOGY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty82 = new Specialty { Code = "830", Name = "IMMUNOPATHOLOGY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty83 = new Specialty { Code = "831", Name = "MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND VIROLOGY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty84 = new Specialty { Code = "832", Name = NoLongerInUse, Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty85 = new Specialty { Code = "833", Name = "MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY (also known as Microbiology and Bacteriology)", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty86 = new Specialty { Code = "834", Name = "MEDICAL VIROLOGY", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty87 = new Specialty { Code = "900", Name = "COMMUNITY MEDICINE", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty88 = new Specialty { Code = "901", Name = "OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty89 = new Specialty { Code = "902", Name = "COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES DENTAL", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty90 = new Specialty { Code = "903", Name = "PUBLIC HEALTH MEDICINE", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty91 = new Specialty { Code = "904", Name = "PUBLIC HEALTH DENTAL", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty92 = new Specialty { Code = "950", Name = "NURSING EPISODE", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty93 = new Specialty { Code = "960", Name = "ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSIONAL EPISODE", Hospitals = hospitals }; var specialty94 = new Specialty { Code = "990", Name = NoLongerInUse, Hospitals = hospitals }; hospital1.Specialties = new[] { specialty1, specialty2, specialty3, specialty4, specialty5, specialty6, specialty7, specialty8, specialty9, specialty10, specialty11, specialty12, specialty13, specialty14, specialty15, specialty16, specialty17, specialty18, specialty19, specialty20, specialty21, specialty22, specialty23, specialty24, specialty25, specialty26, specialty27, specialty28, specialty29, specialty30, specialty31, specialty32, specialty33, specialty34, specialty35, specialty36, specialty37, specialty38, specialty39, specialty40, specialty41, specialty42, specialty43, specialty44, specialty45, specialty46, specialty47, specialty48, specialty49, specialty50, specialty51, specialty52, specialty53, specialty54, specialty55, specialty56, specialty57, specialty58, specialty59, specialty60, specialty61, specialty62, specialty63, specialty64, specialty65, specialty66, specialty67, specialty68, specialty69, specialty70, specialty71, specialty72, specialty73, specialty74, specialty75, specialty76, specialty77, specialty78, specialty79, specialty80, specialty81, specialty82, specialty83, specialty84, specialty85, specialty86, specialty87, specialty88, specialty89, specialty90, specialty91, specialty92, specialty93, specialty94 }; hospital2.Specialties = new[] { specialty1, specialty2, specialty3, specialty4, specialty5, specialty6, specialty7, specialty8, specialty9, specialty10, specialty11, specialty12, specialty13, specialty14, specialty15, specialty16, specialty17, specialty18, specialty19, specialty20, specialty21, specialty22, specialty23, specialty24, specialty25, specialty26, specialty27, specialty28, specialty29, specialty30, specialty31, specialty32, specialty33, specialty34, specialty35, specialty36, specialty37, specialty38, specialty39, specialty40, specialty41, specialty42, specialty43, specialty44, specialty45, specialty46, specialty47, specialty48, specialty49, specialty50, specialty51, specialty52, specialty53, specialty54, specialty55, specialty56, specialty57, specialty58, specialty59, specialty60, specialty61, specialty62, specialty63, specialty64, specialty65, specialty66, specialty67, specialty68, specialty69, specialty70, specialty71, specialty72, specialty73, specialty74, specialty75, specialty76, specialty77, specialty78, specialty79, specialty80, specialty81, specialty82, specialty83, specialty84, specialty85, specialty86, specialty87, specialty88, specialty89, specialty90, specialty91, specialty92, specialty93, specialty94 }; hospital3.Specialties = new[] { specialty1, specialty2, specialty3, specialty4, specialty5, specialty6, specialty7, specialty8, specialty9, specialty10, specialty11, specialty12, specialty13, specialty14, specialty15, specialty16, specialty17, specialty18, specialty19, specialty20, specialty21, specialty22, specialty23, specialty24, specialty25, specialty26, specialty27, specialty28, specialty29, specialty30, specialty31, specialty32, specialty33, specialty34, specialty35, specialty36, specialty37, specialty38, specialty39, specialty40, specialty41, specialty42, specialty43, specialty44, specialty45, specialty46, specialty47, specialty48, specialty49, specialty50, specialty51, specialty52, specialty53, specialty54, specialty55, specialty56, specialty57, specialty58, specialty59, specialty60, specialty61, specialty62, specialty63, specialty64, specialty65, specialty66, specialty67, specialty68, specialty69, specialty70, specialty71, specialty72, specialty73, specialty74, specialty75, specialty76, specialty77, specialty78, specialty79, specialty80, specialty81, specialty82, specialty83, specialty84, specialty85, specialty86, specialty87, specialty88, specialty89, specialty90, specialty91, specialty92, specialty93, specialty94 }; hospital4.Specialties = new[] { specialty1, specialty2, specialty3, specialty4, specialty5, specialty6, specialty7, specialty8, specialty9, specialty10, specialty11, specialty12, specialty13, specialty14, specialty15, specialty16, specialty17, specialty18, specialty19, specialty20, specialty21, specialty22, specialty23, specialty24, specialty25, specialty26, specialty27, specialty28, specialty29, specialty30, specialty31, specialty32, specialty33, specialty34, specialty35, specialty36, specialty37, specialty38, specialty39, specialty40, specialty41, specialty42, specialty43, specialty44, specialty45, specialty46, specialty47, specialty48, specialty49, specialty50, specialty51, specialty52, specialty53, specialty54, specialty55, specialty56, specialty57, specialty58, specialty59, specialty60, specialty61, specialty62, specialty63, specialty64, specialty65, specialty66, specialty67, specialty68, specialty69, specialty70, specialty71, specialty72, specialty73, specialty74, specialty75, specialty76, specialty77, specialty78, specialty79, specialty80, specialty81, specialty82, specialty83, specialty84, specialty85, specialty86, specialty87, specialty88, specialty89, specialty90, specialty91, specialty92, specialty93, specialty94 }; hospital5.Specialties = new[] { specialty1, specialty2, specialty3, specialty4, specialty5, specialty6, specialty7, specialty8, specialty9, specialty10, specialty11, specialty12, specialty13, specialty14, specialty15, specialty16, specialty17, specialty18, specialty19, specialty20, specialty21, specialty22, specialty23, specialty24, specialty25, specialty26, specialty27, specialty28, specialty29, specialty30, specialty31, specialty32, specialty33, specialty34, specialty35, specialty36, specialty37, specialty38, specialty39, specialty40, specialty41, specialty42, specialty43, specialty44, specialty45, specialty46, specialty47, specialty48, specialty49, specialty50, specialty51, specialty52, specialty53, specialty54, specialty55, specialty56, specialty57, specialty58, specialty59, specialty60, specialty61, specialty62, specialty63, specialty64, specialty65, specialty66, specialty67, specialty68, specialty69, specialty70, specialty71, specialty72, specialty73, specialty74, specialty75, specialty76, specialty77, specialty78, specialty79, specialty80, specialty81, specialty82, specialty83, specialty84, specialty85, specialty86, specialty87, specialty88, specialty89, specialty90, specialty91, specialty92, specialty93, specialty94 }; Console.WriteLine("Persisting UOW to DB..."); var specialties = new List <Specialty> { specialty1, specialty2, specialty3, specialty4, specialty5, specialty6, specialty7, specialty8, specialty9, specialty10, specialty11, specialty12, specialty13, specialty14, specialty15, specialty16, specialty17, specialty18, specialty19, specialty20, specialty21, specialty22, specialty23, specialty24, specialty25, specialty26, specialty27, specialty28, specialty29, specialty30, specialty31, specialty32, specialty33, specialty34, specialty35, specialty36, specialty37, specialty38, specialty39, specialty40, specialty41, specialty42, specialty43, specialty44, specialty45, specialty46, specialty47, specialty48, specialty49, specialty50, specialty51, specialty52, specialty53, specialty54, specialty55, specialty56, specialty57, specialty58, specialty59, specialty60, specialty61, specialty62, specialty63, specialty64, specialty65, specialty66, specialty67, specialty68, specialty69, specialty70, specialty71, specialty72, specialty73, specialty74, specialty75, specialty76, specialty77, specialty78, specialty79, specialty80, specialty81, specialty82, specialty83, specialty84, specialty85, specialty86, specialty87, specialty88, specialty89, specialty90, specialty91, specialty92, specialty93, specialty94 }; foreach (var specialty in specialties) { var existingSpecialty = unitOfWork.Specialties.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Code == specialty.Code); if (existingSpecialty != null) { unitOfWork.Specialties.Remove(existingSpecialty); } unitOfWork.Specialties.Add(specialty); } unitOfWork.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("Done adding hospitals and specialties!"); } }
private bool cachmoi() { //add lại danh mục cũ thay mã mới dataContext = new Hospital(); List <NhomDV> _lnhom = new List <NhomDV>(); _lnhom = dataContext.NhomDVs.ToList(); foreach (var item in _lnhom) { int idcu = item.IDNhom; int idmoi = 0; for (int j = 20; j < 100; j++) { if (dataContext.NhomDVs.Where(p => p.IDNhom == j).ToList().Count <= 0) { idmoi = j; break; } } var kt = (from a in Vssoft.Data.Common.NhomDVQD where a.IDNhom == item.IDNhom && item.TenNhomCT == a.TenNhomCT select new { IDNhom_moi = a.IDNhom, item.IDNhom }).ToList(); if (kt.Count <= 0) { NhomDV moi = new NhomDV(); moi.IDNhom = idmoi; moi.TenNhom = item.TenNhom; moi.TenNhomCT = item.TenNhomCT; moi.Status = item.Status; moi.STT = item.STT; dataContext.NhomDVs.Add(moi); dataContext.SaveChanges(); _thaythe(idcu, idmoi); var xoa = dataContext.NhomDVs.Single(p => p.IDNhom == idcu); dataContext.NhomDVs.Remove(xoa); dataContext.SaveChanges(); } } // add mã theo CV9324 dataContext = new Hospital(); foreach (var item in Vssoft.Data.Common.NhomDVQD) { var kt = dataContext.NhomDVs.Where(p => p.TenNhomCT == item.TenNhomCT).ToList(); if (kt.Count <= 0) { NhomDV moi = new NhomDV(); moi.IDNhom = item.IDNhom; moi.TenNhom = item.TenNhom; moi.TenNhomCT = item.TenNhomCT; moi.Status = item.Status; moi.STT = item.STT; dataContext.NhomDVs.Add(moi); dataContext.SaveChanges(); } } //update dataContext = new Hospital(); var nhom = dataContext.NhomDVs.ToList(); var ds = (from a in Vssoft.Data.Common.NhomDVQD join b in nhom on a.Tennhomcu equals b.TenNhomCT select new { IDNhom_moi = a.IDNhom, b.IDNhom }).ToList(); foreach (var item in ds) { _thaythe(item.IDNhom, item.IDNhom_moi); var xoa = dataContext.NhomDVs.Single(p => p.IDNhom == item.IDNhom); dataContext.NhomDVs.Remove(xoa); dataContext.SaveChanges(); } dataContext = new Hospital(); var nhom2 = dataContext.NhomDVs.ToList(); var ds2 = (from a in Vssoft.Data.Common.NhomDVQD join b in nhom2 on a.TenNhomCT equals b.TenNhomCT where a.IDNhom != b.IDNhom select new { IDNhom_moi = a.IDNhom, b.IDNhom }).ToList(); foreach (var item in ds2) { _thaythe(item.IDNhom, item.IDNhom_moi); var xoa = dataContext.NhomDVs.Single(p => p.IDNhom == item.IDNhom); dataContext.NhomDVs.Remove(xoa); dataContext.SaveChanges(); } return(true); }
public void Run() { Hospital hospital = new Hospital(); string command; while ((command = Console.ReadLine()) != "Output") { string[] tokens = command.Split(); string departmentName = tokens[0]; string doctorName = $"{tokens[1]} {tokens[2]}"; string patientName = tokens[3]; if (!(hospital.Departments.Any(n => n.Name == departmentName))) { Department department = new Department(departmentName); hospital.AddDepartment(department); } if (!(hospital.Doctors.Any(n => n.Name == doctorName))) { Doctor doctor = new Doctor(doctorName); hospital.AddDoctor(doctor); } Patient patient = new Patient(patientName); hospital.Departments.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Name == departmentName) .AddPatientToDepartment(patient); if (patient.Status == "Added") { hospital.Doctors.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Name == doctorName).AddPatient(patient); } } while ((command = Console.ReadLine()) != "End") { string[] tokens = command.Split(); if (tokens.Length == 1) { string departmentName = tokens[0]; foreach (var department in hospital.Departments.Where(n => n.Name == departmentName)) { foreach (var room in department.Rooms) { foreach (var patient in room.Patients) { Console.WriteLine(patient.Name); } } } } else { if (int.TryParse(tokens[1], out int result)) { string departmentName = tokens[0]; int roomNumber = int.Parse(tokens[1]); foreach (var department in hospital.Departments.Where(n => n.Name == departmentName)) { foreach (var room in department.Rooms.Where(r => r.Number == roomNumber)) { foreach (var patient in room.Patients.OrderBy(p => p.Name)) { Console.WriteLine(patient.Name); } } } } else { foreach (var doctor in hospital.Doctors.Where(d => d.Name == command.TrimEnd())) { foreach (var patient in doctor.Patients.OrderBy(p => p.Name)) { Console.WriteLine(patient.Name); } } } } } }
public bool HospitalUpdateSuccess(Hospital h) { = h; onHospitalRatingUpdateSuccess(); return(true); }
public void CreateHospital(Hospital hospital) { Db.Hospitals.Add(hospital); Db.SaveChanges(); }
/// <summary> /// Write patients in the CSV file. /// </summary> public static void WritePatientToCSV(Hospital hospital, ICollection <Patient> patients) { if (patients == null) { return; } foreach (var obj in patients) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); var line = hospital.Name + "; "; //Doctor's Hospital Name foreach (var prop in typeof(Patient).GetProperties()) { if (prop.Name == "Address") { foreach (var propaux in typeof(Address).GetProperties()) { line += propaux.GetValue(obj.Address, null) + "; "; } continue; } if (prop.Name == "Doctors") { foreach (var doctor in obj.Doctors) { line += doctor.IdentityCard + ", "; } line += "; "; continue; } if (prop.Name == "Diseases") { foreach (var disease in obj.Diseases) { line += disease.Name.ToString() + ", "; } line += "; "; continue; } if (prop.Name == "Room") { line += obj.Room.Number.ToString() + "; "; continue; } if (prop.Name == "Notes") { continue; } line += prop.GetValue(obj, null).ToString() + "; "; } line = line.Substring(0, line.Length - 2); sb.AppendLine(line); try { TextWriter sw = new StreamWriter(patientPath, true); sw.Write(sb.ToString()); sw.Close(); } catch (IOException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } }
public void Update(Hospital hospital) { this.hospitals.Update(hospital); this.hospitals.SaveChanges(); }
public override void AddInteractions(InteractionObjectPair iop, Sim actor, Hospital target, List<InteractionObjectPair> results) { string parent = Localization.LocalizeString(actor.IsFemale, "Gameplay/Objects/RabbitHoles/Hospital/CreateBabyWith:InteractionName", new object[] { Hospital.CreateBabyWith.kCostOfBabyMaking }); results.Add(new InteractionObjectPair(new Definition(parent, Localization.LocalizeString(actor.IsFemale, "Gameplay/Objects/RabbitHoles/Hospital/CreateBabyWith:Customize", new object[0]), true), iop.Target)); results.Add(new InteractionObjectPair(new Definition(parent, Localization.LocalizeString(actor.IsFemale, "Gameplay/Objects/RabbitHoles/Hospital/CreateBabyWith:Randomize", new object[0]), false), iop.Target)); }
public override bool Test(Sim a, Hospital target, bool isAutonomous, ref GreyedOutTooltipCallback greyedOutTooltipCallback) { if ((a.IsRobot || a.OccultManager.HasOccultType(OccultTypes.Mummy)) || a.OccultManager.HasOccultType(OccultTypes.PlantSim)) { return false; } if (a.FamilyFunds < Hospital.CreateBabyWith.kCostOfBabyMaking) { greyedOutTooltipCallback = InteractionInstance.CreateTooltipCallback(LocalizationHelper.InsufficientFunds); return false; } /* if (!a.SimDescription.Household.CanAddSpeciesToHousehold(CASAgeGenderFlags.None | CASAgeGenderFlags.Human, 1, true)) { greyedOutTooltipCallback = InteractionInstance.CreateTooltipCallback(Localization.LocalizeString(a.IsFemale, "Gameplay/Objects/RabbitHoles/Hospital/CreateBabyWith:HouseholdFull", new object[0])); return false; } */ if (this.GetSims(a).Count == 0) { greyedOutTooltipCallback = InteractionInstance.CreateTooltipCallback(Localization.LocalizeString(a.IsFemale, "Gameplay/Objects/RabbitHoles/Hospital/CreateBabyWith:NoFriendsNearBy", new object[0])); return false; } if ((a.CurrentInteraction == null) || (!a.InteractionQueue.HasInteractionOfType(this) && !a.InteractionQueue.HasInteractionOfType(Hospital.BeForcedToMakeBabyWith.Singleton))) { return true; } greyedOutTooltipCallback = InteractionInstance.CreateTooltipCallback(Localization.LocalizeString(a.IsFemale, "Gameplay/Objects/RabbitHoles/Hospital/CreateBabyWith:HaveToWait", new object[0])); return false; }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: Hospital::Hospital(const Hospital& oldHospital) // Purpose: Implementation of Hospital::Hospital() // Parameters: // - oldHospital // Return: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public Hospital(Hospital oldHospital) { Console.Write("Copying constructor for Hospital has been launched."); Console.Write("\n"); name =; }
public override bool Test(Sim a, Hospital target, bool isAutonomous, ref GreyedOutTooltipCallback greyedOutTooltipCallback) { return true; }
/// <summary> /// Loads a form to the panel /// </summary> /// <param name="tag">The tag of the button - Here is stored what type of form is supposed to be opened</param> private void LoadForm(string tag) { var yEnd = new YearEnd(); if (yEnd.InventoryRequired(false)) { switch (VisibilitySetting.HandleUnits) { case 1: yEnd.GenerateAutomaticInventory(); break; case 2: yEnd.GenerateAutomaticInventoryByUnit(); break; case 3: yEnd.GenerateAutomaticInventoryByUnit(); break; } } Form frm; switch (tag) { case "Receives": frm = new ReceivingForm(); AddTab("Receiving Form", frm); break; case "Issues": frm = new IssueForm(); AddTab("Issue Form", frm); break; case "AMCs": frm = new AMCView(); AddTab("AMC Report", frm); break; case "menuItemPriceOnlyReport": frm = new ItemPriceOnlyReport(); AddTab("Item Price Only", frm); break; case "stockoutindexer": frm = new StockOutIndicesBuilder(); AddTab("Stockout Indices Builder", frm); break; case "Facility Settings": frm = new Hospital(); AddTab("Facility Settings", frm); break; case "Drug List": frm = new ManageItems(); AddTab("Manage Drug List", frm); break; case "Supplies List": //frm = new ManageItems(); frm = new ManageSupplies(); AddTab("Manage Supplies List", frm); break; case "Item Consolidator": //frm = new ManageItems(); frm = new ItemConsolidator(); AddTab("Update Items List From The Directory Service", frm); break; case "Customize Druglist": frm = new CustomDrugList(); AddTab("Customize Drug List", frm); break; case "System Settings": frm = new SystemSetting(); AddTab("System Settings", frm); break; case "Facility Details": frm = new HospitalSettings(); AddTab("Facility Details", frm); break; case "User Accounts": frm = new UserAccounts(); AddTab("Manage Users", frm); break; case "Pipeline": frm = new Pipeline(); AddTab("Pipeline", frm); break; case "Change Password": frm = new ChangePassword(UserId); AddTab("Change Password", frm); break; break; case "Transfer Log": frm = new LogTransfer(); AddTab("Transfer Log", frm); break; case "Losses/Adjustment": frm = new LossesAdjustment(); AddTab("Losses and Adjustment", frm); break; case "Receive Log": frm = new LogReceive(); AddTab("Receive Transaction Log", frm); break; case "Issue Log": frm = new LogIssues(); AddTab("Issue Transaction Log", frm); break; case "Adjustment Log": frm = new LogAdjustment(); AddTab("Loss / Adjustment Transaction Log", frm); break; case "Inventory Log": frm = new LogInventory(); AddTab("Inventory Log", frm); break; case "Stock Status": frm = new ItemReport(); AddTab("Stock Status", frm); break; case "Over Stocked": frm = new OtherItemReport("Over Stocked"); AddTab("Over Stock Items", frm); break; case "Transfers": frm = new TransferForm(); AddTab("Transfer Form", frm); break; case "Stock Out": frm = new OtherItemReport("Stock Out"); AddTab("Stocked Out Items", frm); break; case "ConsumptionTrend": frm = new ConsumptionTrendReport(); AddTab("Consumption Trend", frm); break; case "Issues By Receiving Unit": frm = new IssuesByDep(); AddTab("Issues By Receiving Unit", frm); break; case "Expired Products": frm = new ExpiredProducts(); AddTab("Expired Products", frm); break; case "Near Expiry": frm = new NearlyExpired(); AddTab("Near Expiry Products", frm); break; case "SOH Trend": frm = new SOHTrend(); AddTab("SOH Trend", frm); break; case "Receive Trend": frm = new ReceiveTrend(); AddTab("Receive Trend", frm); break; case "Balance": frm = new BalanceReport(); AddTab("Balance", frm); break; case "Summary Report": frm = new GeneralReport(); AddTab("Summary Report", frm); break; case "Cost Summary": frm = new GeneralCostChart(); AddTab("Cost Summary", frm); break; case "Summary Chart": frm = new GeneralChart(); AddTab("General Chart", frm); break; case "ECLS": frm = new ECLS(); AddTab("CS Stock Status", frm); break; case "Year End Process": frm = new YearEndProcess(); AddTab("Inventory", frm); break; case "Default Year End Process": frm = new YearEndProcess(true); AddTab("Inventory", frm); break; case "Stock Expiry Status": frm = new GeneralExpiryChart(); AddTab("Stock Expiry Status", frm); break; case "DataBase": frm = new DatabaseActions(); AddTab("Database Actions", frm); break; case "PDA": frm = new ItemReport(); AddTab("Stock Status", frm); break; case "Consumables List": frm = new ManageSupplies(); AddTab("Supplies List", frm); break; case "RRF Form": frm = new RRFForm(); AddTab("Report and Requisition Form", frm); break; case "LossReport": frm = new ExpiredProductsReport(); AddTab("Loss / Adjustment Reporting View", frm); break; case "CostReport": frm = new CostReport(); AddTab("Cost Report", frm); break; case "ConsumptionByUnit": frm = new ConsumptionByUnits(); AddTab("Consumption By Dispensary Unit", frm); break; case "About": Program.ShowHCMISVersionInfoMessageBox(); break; } }
public ICuartel crearCuartel() { return(Hospital.getInstance()); // return new Hospital(); }
public void DeleteHospital(Hospital hospital) { Db.Hospitals.Remove(hospital); Db.SaveChanges(); }
public ActionResult Delete(int id, Hospital hospital) { _hospitalService.Delete(hospital); _logger.LogInformation("The hospital was deleted!"); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); }
public SpecimenType getSpecimenType(Hospital hospital, SetupTableData tableData) { return (hospital == Hospital.Strong) ? new SpecimenType { extension = this.SpecimenExtension, diSpecimenType = tableData.DISpecimenTranslation.get(this.SpecimenType) } : new SpecimenType { extension = this.SpecimenExtensionHighland, diSpecimenType = tableData.DISpecimenTranslation.get(this.SpecimenTypeHighland) }; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Hospital.Run(); }
public int AddHospital(Hospital entity) { entity.AddTime = TimeHelper.GetTime(entity.AddTime.ToString()); entity.LastUpdateTime = TimeHelper.GetTime(entity.LastUpdateTime.ToString()); return dal.AddEntity(entity); }
public override string GetInteractionName(Sim actor, Hospital target, InteractionObjectPair iop) { return base.GetInteractionName(actor, target, iop); }
public ActionResult Create(Hospital objHospital, FormCollection f) { eCareSendEmail objsendEmail = new eCareSendEmail(); bool isSent = false; String fileName = Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/hospitalCredentialEmail.txt"); if (ModelState.IsValid) { HttpFileCollectionBase file = Request.Files; string HospitalLogoo = Path.GetFileName(file[0].FileName); if (Request.Files["Filebutton"] != null && Request.Files["Filebutton"].ContentLength > 0) { string path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HospitalLogoPath"].ToString()), HospitalLogoo); HospitalLogoo = Path.GetFileName(Request.Files["Filebutton"].FileName); Request.Files["Filebutton"].SaveAs(path); } SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(cs); try { con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("pInsertHospitalMaster", con) { CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure }; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@HospitalName", objHospital.HospitalName); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@HospitalAddress", objHospital.HospitalAddress); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@HospitalCity", objHospital.HospitalCity); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@HospitalState", objHospital.HospitalState); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@HospitalCountry", objHospital.HospitalCountry); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@HospitalPhone", objHospital.HospitalPhone); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@HospitalEmail", objHospital.HospitalEmail); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@HospitalLogo", HospitalLogoo); //if (objHospital.HospitalLogo != null && objHospital.HospitalLogo.ContentLength > 0) //{ // string FileName = Path.GetFileName(objHospital.HospitalLogo.FileName); // FileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "-" + FileName; // string UploadPath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HospitalLogoPath"].ToString()), FileName); // objHospital.HospitalLogo.SaveAs(UploadPath); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@HospitalLogo", (DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "-" + objHospital.HospitalLogo.FileName)); //} cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IsActive", objHospital.IsActive); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EntryDateTime", DateTime.Now); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EntryBy", objHospital.EntryBy); //password generate string pass = generatePassword.CreateRandomPassword(10); objHospital.Password = pass; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@HospitalPassword", objHospital.Password); int i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (i >= 1) { ViewBag.SuccessMessage = "success"; isSent = objsendEmail.SendEmail(objHospital.HospitalEmail, objHospital.HospitalName, objHospital.Password, fileName); } else { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Email Already Exist,Please Try Different Email"; } ModelState.Clear(); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "HospitalMaster")); } catch (SqlException ex) { TempData["Message"] = "'EMAIL' already exists. Enter a different one."; ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Email Already Exist,Please Try Different Email"; } finally { con.Close(); } ModelState.Clear(); } return(View()); }
partial void InsertHospital(Hospital instance);
public async Task AddHospitalAsync(Hospital hospital) { await _context.Hospitals.AddAsync(SqlHospital.FromDomain(hospital)); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); }
partial void DeleteHospital(Hospital instance);
private void frm_UpdateGiaDV_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { _data = new Hospital(); TimKiem(""); }
public void Update(Hospital hospital) { DbOperations.ExecuteCommand(_context.CONNECTION_STRING, "dbo.Hospitals_Update", hospital.GenerateSqlParametersFromModel().ToArray()); }
public AliquotForm(SetupTableData setupTableData, GetSqlServer getSqlServer, Hospital hospital) : base(setupTableData, getSqlServer, hospital) { InitializeComponent(); }
public void InitializeHospital() { Hospital.InitializeData(); }
public bool AddHospital(Hospital hospital) { try { entities.Hospitals.Add(hospital); entities.SaveChanges(); return true; } catch (Exception x) { FileLogger.LogError(x); return false; } }