Example #1
        protected override void Initialize()
            //Load the state of Settings saved to INI if there are any.
            if (LogDebug)
                Console.WriteLine("Registering feature pages");
            //Initialize feature pages
            HomeSeerSystem.RegisterFeaturePage(Id, "sample-guided-process.html", "Sample Guided Process");
            HomeSeerSystem.RegisterFeaturePage(Id, "sample-blank.html", "Sample Blank Page");
            HomeSeerSystem.RegisterFeaturePage(Id, "sample-trigger-feature.html", "Trigger Feature Page");
            HomeSeerSystem.RegisterDeviceIncPage(Id, "add-sample-device.html", "Add Sample Device");

            // If a speaker client is needed that handles sending speech to an audio device, initialize that here.
            // If you are supporting multiple speak devices such as multiple speakers, you would make this call
            // in your reoutine that initializes each speaker device. Create a new instance of the speaker client
            // for each speaker. We simply initalize one here as a sample implementation
            _speakerClient = new SpeakerClient(Name);
            // if the HS system has the setting "No password required for local subnet" enabled, the user/pass passed to Connect are ignored
            // if the connection is from the local subnet, else the user/pass passed here are must exist as a user in the system
            // You will need to allow the user to supply a user/pass in your plugin settings
            // This functions connects your speaker client to the system. Your client will then appear as a speaker client in the system
            // and can be selected as a target for speech and audio in event actions.
            // When the system speaks to your client, your SpeakText function is called in SpeakerClient class
            _speakerClient.Connect("default", "default");

            Status = PluginStatus.Ok();
Example #2
        protected override void Initialize()
                pluginConfig = new PluginConfig(HomeSeerSystem);

                logger.Info("Starting Plugin");

                HomeSeerSystem.RegisterEventCB(Constants.HSEvent.CONFIG_CHANGE, PlugInData.PlugInId);

                // Device Add Page
                HomeSeerSystem.RegisterDeviceIncPage(PlugInData.PlugInId, "adddevice.html", "Add Tasmota Device");

                // Feature pages
                HomeSeerSystem.RegisterFeaturePage(PlugInData.PlugInId, "configuration.html", "Configuration");
                HomeSeerSystem.RegisterFeaturePage(PlugInData.PlugInId, "devicelist.html", "Devices");
                HomeSeerSystem.RegisterFeaturePage(PlugInData.PlugInId, "mqttconfiguration.html", "MQTT Server Configuration");


                logger.Info("Plugin Started");
            catch (Exception ex)
                string result = Invariant($"Failed to initialize PlugIn with {ex.GetFullMessage()}");