Example #1
        public JsonResult GetDPBReportData(List <int> compList)
            var objectivesList            = homeRepo.GetAllObjectives();
            List <CompanyTO> CompanyList  = new List <CompanyTO>();
            List <Int32>     companyIds   = new List <Int32>();
            List <string>    companyColor = new List <string>();

            if (userComapniesData.companyId != null && userComapniesData.companyId.Count > 0)
                CompanyList        = userComapniesData.comPanies;
                ViewBag.companyIds = userComapniesData.companyId;
                ViewBag.CompList   = userComapniesData.comPanies.Select(x => x.Company_Name).ToList();
                CompanyList      = homeRepo.GetCompanies();
                ViewBag.CompList = CompanyList.Select(x => x.Company_Name).ToList();

            var metaDataList = homeRepo.GetMetadatas();
            int count        = 0;

            List <double?>[] dataseries     = new List <double?> [100];
            List <double?>   customerSeries = new List <double?>();

            if (compList != null && compList.Count > 0)
                var selectedComp = homeRepo.GetAllObjectives().Where(x => compList.Contains(x.Company_Id)).ToList();
                CompanyList = CompanyList.Where(x => compList.Contains(x.Company_Id)).ToList();
                if (selectedComp != null && selectedComp.Count > 0)
                    companyColor = CompanyList.Select(x => x.CompanyColor).ToList();
                    foreach (var co in compList)
                        customerSeries = new List <double?>();
                        foreach (var meta in metaDataList)
                            var obj = selectedComp.Where(x => x.Metadata_Id == meta.Metadata_Id && x.Company_Id == co).Select(t => t.Score_Max).Sum();
                            obj = Math.Round((Double)obj, 2);
                        dataseries[count] = customerSeries;

                companyColor = CompanyList.Select(x => x.CompanyColor).ToList();
                foreach (var cmp in CompanyList)
                    var companyObjectives = objectivesList.Where(t => t.Company_Id == cmp.Company_Id).ToList();
                    customerSeries = new List <double?>();

                    foreach (var mtdata in metaDataList)
                        var metadata = companyObjectives.Where(x => x.Metadata_Id == mtdata.Metadata_Id).Select(t => t.Score_Max).Sum();
                        metadata = Math.Round((Double)metadata, 2);

                    dataseries[count] = customerSeries;

            var metadataForChart = metaDataList.Select(x => x.Metadata_Name).ToList();

            object FinalChartDataSeries = new { dataseries = dataseries, companyColor = companyColor, compList = ViewBag.CompList, metadataForChart = metadataForChart };

            return(Json(FinalChartDataSeries, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Example #2
        // GET: Search
        public ActionResult SearchAlgorithm(string searchKey)
            ViewBag.SearchText = searchKey;
            bool isProfolio      = false;
            bool isSection       = false;
            bool isSectionByName = false;
            bool isCompany       = false;
            //Get the user from UserRole table
            //Get the useraccess from UserAccess table
            List <int> companyId = new List <int>();

            var userComapniesData = utilObj.getUsercompanyInfo();

            if (userComapniesData.companyId == null)
                companyId = homeRepo.GetCompanies().Select(x => x.Company_Id).ToList();
                companyId = userComapniesData.companyId;

            var companyList = homeRepo.GetCompanies().Where(c => companyId.Contains(c.Company_Id)).Select(x => new { x.Company_Name, x.Company_Id }).OrderBy(x => x.Company_Id).ToList();

            Dictionary <List <int>, string> companyObject = new Dictionary <List <int>, string>();

            List <string> cList      = new List <string>();
            List <int>    compIdList = new List <int>();

            foreach (var c in companyList)
                List <int> ids = new List <int>();
                companyObject.Add(ids, c.Company_Name);
            ViewBag.companyObject = companyObject;
            ViewBag.CompanyList   = cList;
            ViewBag.CompanyIdList = compIdList;
            //Portfolio portfolio = db.Portfolios.Find(id);
            var portfolioList = homeRepo.GetPortfolios().ToList();

            var selectedCompanyList = companyList.Where(x => x.Company_Name.ToLower().Contains(searchKey.ToLower())).ToList();

            if (selectedCompanyList.Count > 0)
                isCompany             = true;
                ViewBag.PortFolioList = portfolioList;
                companyList           = selectedCompanyList;
            else if (searchKey.ToLower().Contains("report"))
                isCompany = true;

            if (("portfolio".Contains(searchKey.ToLower()) || "pal".Contains(searchKey.ToLower())) && !isCompany)
                isProfolio            = true;
                ViewBag.PortFolioList = portfolioList;
            if (!isProfolio && !isCompany)
                var portFolioCheck = portfolioList.Where(x => x.Portfolio_Name.ToLower().Contains(searchKey.ToLower())).ToList();
                if (portFolioCheck.Count > 0)
                    isProfolio            = true;
                    portfolioList         = portFolioCheck;
                    ViewBag.PortFolioList = portfolioList;
            if (!isProfolio && !isCompany)
                if (searchKey.ToLower().Contains("section") || searchKey.ToLower().Contains("dpb") || "digital".Contains(searchKey.ToLower()) || "picture".Contains(searchKey.ToLower()) || "benchmark".Contains(searchKey.ToLower()))
                    var sectionCheck = homeRepo.GetMetadatas().ToList();
                    if (sectionCheck.Count > 0)
                        var           sectionList = sectionCheck;
                        List <string> secList     = new List <string>();
                        foreach (var sec in sectionList)
                        ViewBag.SectionName = secList;
                        isSection           = true;
                else if (!isSection && !isCompany)
                    var sectionCheck = homeRepo.GetMetadatas().Where(x => x.Metadata_Name.ToLower().Contains(searchKey.ToLower())).ToList();
                    if (sectionCheck.Count > 0)
                        var           sectionList = sectionCheck;
                        List <string> secList     = new List <string>();
                        foreach (var sec in sectionList)
                        ViewBag.SectionName = secList;
                        isSectionByName     = true;

            if (isCompany)
                ViewBag.PortFolioList = portfolioList;
                var portfolio_Agile_Lab_byComp = homeRepo.GetPALData();

                SearchByCompany        searchByComp    = new SearchByCompany();
                List <SearchPortfolio> searchPortfolio = new List <SearchPortfolio>();

                List <SearchBySection> searchCompBySection = new List <SearchBySection>();

                cList         = new List <string>();
                compIdList    = new List <int>();
                companyObject = new Dictionary <List <int>, string>();
                foreach (var c in companyList)
                    List <int> ids = new List <int>();
                    companyObject.Add(ids, c.Company_Name);
                ViewBag.companyObject = companyObject;
                ViewBag.CompanyList   = cList;
                ViewBag.CompanyIdList = compIdList;
                var sectionCheck = homeRepo.GetMetadatas();
                if (sectionCheck.Count > 0)
                    var           sectionList = sectionCheck;
                    List <string> secList     = new List <string>();
                    foreach (var sec in sectionList)
                    ViewBag.SectionName = secList;

                foreach (var compIdByComp in companyList)
                    foreach (var portfByComp in portfolioList)
                        SearchPortfolio search = new SearchPortfolio();

                        var tempCompQuery = portfolio_Agile_Lab_byComp.Where(x => x.Company_Id == compIdByComp.Company_Id && x.Portfolio_Id == portfByComp.Portfolio_Id).FirstOrDefault();

                        search.PortfolioId   = tempCompQuery != null ? tempCompQuery.Portfolio_Id : portfByComp.Portfolio_Id;
                        search.PortfolioName = portfByComp.Portfolio_Name;
                        search.CompanyName   = compIdByComp.Company_Name;
                        search.CurrentUsage  = tempCompQuery.Current_Usage;


                    foreach (var secitem in sectionCheck)
                        var             tempcompQ           = homeRepo.GetAllObjectives().Where(x => x.Metadata_Id == secitem.Metadata_Id && x.Company_Id == compIdByComp.Company_Id).ToList();
                        SearchBySection SearchCompBySection = new SearchBySection();

                        double score = 0;
                        foreach (var val in tempcompQ)
                            double score_max = val.Score_Max != null?Convert.ToDouble(val.Score_Max) : 0;

                            score = score + score_max;
                        //if (tempQ.Count > 0)
                            SearchCompBySection.CompanyName = compIdByComp.Company_Name;
                            SearchCompBySection.SectionName = secitem.Metadata_Name;
                            SearchCompBySection.Score_MAx   = score;
                searchByComp.protfolio = searchPortfolio;
                searchByComp.section   = searchCompBySection;
                return(View("SearchByCompanyView", searchByComp));

            if (isProfolio && !isCompany)
                var portfolio_Agile_Lab = homeRepo.GetPALData();//.Where(t => companyId.Contains(t.Company_Id)).ToList();

                List <SearchPortfolio> searchPortfolio = new List <SearchPortfolio>();
                foreach (var compId in companyList)
                    foreach (var portf in portfolioList)
                        SearchPortfolio search = new SearchPortfolio();

                        var tempQuery = portfolio_Agile_Lab.Where(x => x.Company_Id == compId.Company_Id && x.Portfolio_Id == portf.Portfolio_Id).FirstOrDefault();

                        search.PortfolioId   = tempQuery != null ? tempQuery.Portfolio_Id : portf.Portfolio_Id;
                        search.PortfolioName = portf.Portfolio_Name;
                        search.CompanyName   = compId.Company_Name;
                        search.CurrentUsage  = tempQuery.Current_Usage;
                //search.CompanyName = companyList.Select(x => x.Company_Name).ToList();
                //search.CompanyId = companyId;
                return(View("PortfolioView", searchPortfolio));
            if ((isSection || isSectionByName) && !isCompany)
                List <SearchBySection> searchBySec = new List <SearchBySection>();

                var sectionList = homeRepo.GetMetadatas();
                // var objectives = db.Objectives.Include(o => o.Company).Include(o => o.Metadata).Include(o => o.Objectives1).ToList();

                if (isSectionByName)
                    sectionList = homeRepo.GetMetadatas().Where(x => x.Metadata_Name.ToLower().Contains(searchKey)).ToList();
                foreach (var compId in companyList)
                    foreach (var secitem in sectionList)
                        var             tempQ       = homeRepo.GetAllObjectives().Where(x => x.Metadata_Id == secitem.Metadata_Id && x.Company_Id == compId.Company_Id).ToList();
                        SearchBySection searchbySec = new SearchBySection();

                        double score = 0;
                        foreach (var val in tempQ)
                            double score_max = val.Score_Max != null?Convert.ToDouble(val.Score_Max) : 0;

                            score = score + score_max;
                        //if (tempQ.Count > 0)
                            searchbySec.CompanyName = compId.Company_Name;
                            searchbySec.SectionName = secitem.Metadata_Name;
                            searchbySec.Score_MAx   = score;

                return(View("SearchBySectionView", searchBySec));
