// Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        clickDetect           = GetComponent <ClickDetectScript>();           // Grab the click detection attached to this object
        holdDetect            = GetComponent <HoldDetectScript>();            // Grab the hold detection attached to this object
        dataObject            = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Timer");    //Grab the object that contains the data
        playerData            = dataObject.GetComponent <PlayerDataScript>(); //Grab player data
        gameTimer             = dataObject.GetComponent <GameTimerScript>();  //Grab timer data
        timeSpawned           = gameTimer.timer;                              //Sync object timer to game time
        holdAnim              = animHolder.GetComponent <Animator>();
        feedbackAnimator      = feedbackObject.GetComponent <Animator>();
        feedbackExploAnimator = feedbackExploObject.GetComponent <Animator>();

        //The following lines establish which level difficulty this button belongs to based on naming conventions
        //and then assigns the appropriate speedMod
        theSet     = theParent.transform.parent.gameObject;
        theSetName = theSet.transform.name;
        if (theSetName != "GameManagerObject")
            theSetValue = theSetName[5];
            setNumber   = int.Parse(theSetValue.ToString());
            speedMod    = speedMods[setNumber - 1];
            speedMod = 1f;

        timeToDie       *= speedMod;
        timeToClick     *= speedMod;
        timeToHold      *= speedMod;
        baseTimeForGood *= speedMod;

        holdAnim.speed = (1 / speedMod);
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     clickDetect           = GetComponent <ClickDetectScript>();           // Grab the click detection attached to this object
     holdDetect            = GetComponent <HoldDetectScript>();            // Grab the hold detection attached to this object
     dataObject            = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Timer");    //Grab the object that contains the data
     gameCam               = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("UICam").GetComponent <Camera>();
     playerData            = dataObject.GetComponent <PlayerDataScript>(); //Grab player data
     gameTimer             = dataObject.GetComponent <GameTimerScript>();  //Grab timer data
     timeSpawned           = gameTimer.timer;                              //Sync object timer to game time
     feedbackAnimator      = feedbackObject.GetComponent <Animator>();     // Grab the animator for the feedback object
     feedbackExploAnimator = feedbackExploObject.GetComponent <Animator>();
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        gameTimer   = dataObject.GetComponent <GameTimerScript>();  // update timer
        clickDetect = GetComponent <ClickDetectScript>();           // Grab the click detection attached to this object
        holdDetect  = GetComponent <HoldDetectScript>();            // Grab the hold detection attached to this object
        playerData  = dataObject.GetComponent <PlayerDataScript>(); //Grab player data

        scoreMultiplier = playerData.multiplier;

        if (clickDetect.wasClicked && holdDetect.isHeld) //If it has been clicked and is being held down
            wasHeld   = true;                            //Logs that the object has been hit
            timeHeld += Time.deltaTime;

            if (startedPlaying)
                holdAnim.speed = (1 / speedMod);
            if (!startedPlaying)
                holdAnim.SetBool("Held", true);
                startedPlaying = true;

        if (!clickDetect.wasClicked && wasHeld) //JS If it has been clicked and is released
            holdAnim.speed = 0;                 //JS
            clickDetect.touchDetect = false;

         * if(wasHeld && !holdDetect.isHeld) // If the player held over, but released
         * {
         *  //This should mostly be used to report a failed click/clean up unused objects
         *  playerData.unsuccessfulHits++; //Log failed hit in data
         *  //Debug.Log("Object should die here");
         *  Destroy(theParent);
         * }

        if (gameTimer.timer > timeSpawned + timeToDie && timeHeld == 0f) //If the object has outlasted its live timer and it was never charged
            //This should mostly be used to report a failed click/clean up unused objects
            playerData.unsuccessfulHits++; //Log failed hit in data

            //Debug.Log("Object should die here");
            feedbackObject.SetActive(true); //Activate the feedback object
            playerData.playerCombo = 0;

            gameObject.SetActive(false); //Deactivate the target object

        if (gameTimer.timer > timeSpawned + timeToDie && timeHeld > 0f && timeHeld <= baseTimeForGood) //If the object has outlasted its live but it got charged a bit
            //This should mostly be used to report a failed click/clean up unused objects
            playerData.unsuccessfulHits++; //Log failed hit in data

            //Debug.Log("Object should die here");
            feedbackObject.SetActive(true); //Activate the feedback object
            playerData.playerCombo  = 0;
            playerData.playerScore += (50 * scoreMultiplier);
            gameObject.SetActive(false); //Deactivate the target object

        if (gameTimer.timer > timeSpawned + timeToDie && timeHeld > baseTimeForGood) //If the object has outlasted its live but it got charged a lot
            //This should mostly be used to report a failed click/clean up unused objects
            playerData.successfulHits++; //Log failed hit in data

            //Debug.Log("Object should die here");
            feedbackObject.SetActive(true); //Activate the feedback object
            playerData.playerScore += (200 * scoreMultiplier);
            gameObject.SetActive(false); //Deactivate the target object

        if (timeHeld >= timeToHold) //If it has been held long enough
            //This is where we do stuff after the object has been clicked
            playerData.successfulHits++; //Log successful hit in data
                                         // Debug.Log("We clicked it reddit");
            feedbackObject.SetActive(true); //Activate the feedback object
            playerData.playerScore += (400 * scoreMultiplier);
            gameObject.SetActive(false); //Deactivate the target object

        if (gameTimer.timer > timeSpawned + timeToClick)
            //Shouldn't actually need this check, should be handled inside the "Was clicked" part, but hey!
            //Debug.Log("THIS WAS THE CLICK MOMENT");
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        gameTimer   = dataObject.GetComponent <GameTimerScript>();  // update timer
        clickDetect = GetComponent <ClickDetectScript>();           // Grab the click detection attached to this object
        holdDetect  = GetComponent <HoldDetectScript>();            // Grab the hold detection attached to this object
        playerData  = dataObject.GetComponent <PlayerDataScript>(); //Grab player data

        scoreMultiplier = playerData.multiplier;

        if (clickDetect.wasClicked && holdDetect.isHeld) //If it has been clicked and is being held down
            wasHeld = true;                              //Logs that the object has been hit

        if (keepGoing)
            oncePerFrame = true;

        if (wasHeld && !keepGoing)
            if (!oncePerFrame)

        if (wasHeld && !holdDetect.isHeld && !keepGoing) // If the player held over, but released
            //This should mostly be used to report a failed click/clean up unused objects
            playerData.unsuccessfulHits++; //Log failed hit in data
            playerData.playerCombo = 0;
            //Debug.Log("Object should die here");

            feedbackObject.SetActive(true); //Activate the feedback object
            audioObject.SetActive(false);   //Deactivate the button sound object
            feedbackObject.transform.eulerAngles      = new Vector3(0, 0, -theParent.transform.rotation.z);
            feedbackExploObject.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, -theParent.transform.rotation.z);
            sliderGraphicsParent.SetActive(false); //Deactivate the target object

        if (holdDetect.isHeld && clickDetect.wasClicked) //If it has been clicked and is being held down
            timeHeld += Time.deltaTime;

        if (gameTimer.timer > timeSpawned + timeToDie) //If the object has outlasted its live timer
            //This should mostly be used to report a failed click/clean up unused objects
            playerData.unsuccessfulHits++; //Log failed hit in data
            playerData.playerCombo = 0;
            //Debug.Log("Object should die here");
            feedbackObject.SetActive(true); //Activate the feedback object
            audioObject.SetActive(false);   //Deactivate the button sound object
            feedbackObject.transform.eulerAngles      = new Vector3(0, 0, -theParent.transform.rotation.z);
            feedbackExploObject.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, -theParent.transform.rotation.z);
            sliderGraphicsParent.SetActive(false); //Deactivate the target object

        if (moveFinished) //If it has been held long enough
            //This is where we do stuff after the object has been clicked
            playerData.successfulHits++; //Log successful hit in data
                                         // Debug.Log("We clicked it reddit");
            playerData.playerScore += (400 * scoreMultiplier);
            feedbackObject.SetActive(true); //Activate the feedback object
            audioObject.SetActive(false);   //Deactivate the button sound object
            feedbackObject.transform.eulerAngles      = new Vector3(0, 0, -theParent.transform.rotation.z);
            feedbackExploObject.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, -theParent.transform.rotation.z);
            sliderGraphicsParent.SetActive(false); //Deactivate the target object

        if (gameTimer.timer > timeSpawned + timeToClick)
            //Shouldn't actually need this check, should be handled inside the "Was clicked" part, but hey!
            //Debug.Log("THIS WAS THE CLICK MOMENT");
    void SlideObject()
        lastX = gameObject.transform.position.x;

        /* The following is the old code for moving the slider at a fixed speed
         * float step = moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime * playerData.speedMultiplier;
         * transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, endObject.transform.position, step);
         * Debug.Log(transform.position);
         * if(transform.position == endObject.transform.position)
         * {
         *  moveFinished = true;
         * }

        keepGoing = true;

        holdDetect = GetComponent <HoldDetectScript>(); // Grab the hold detection attached to this object

        touchID = holdDetect.touchID;                   //Grab the appropriate touch ID for this object

        for (int i = 0; i < Input.touchCount; i++)
            if (Input.GetTouch(i).fingerId == touchID)
                touch = Input.GetTouch(i);

        if (!grabOffset)
            RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(theButton, touch.position, gameCam, out pointerOffset);
            grabOffset = true;

         * if (offsetSet)
         * {
         *  offsetOrientCounter++;
         * }
         * if (offsetOrientCounter > 1)
         * {
         *  offsetSet = false;
         *  offsetOrientCounter = 0;
         * }
         * if (!offsetSet)
         * {
         *  touchXOffset = -touch.position.x;
         *  touchYOffset = -touch.position.y;
         *  offsetSet = true;
         * }
         * //We need to read the screen movements, relative to the rotation of the game object, eg left to right we waant to match the screen
         * //movements, but right to left we'd have to inverse the player input to get the appropriate behaviour
         * if(theParent.transform.eulerAngles.z >=0 && theParent.transform.eulerAngles.z <= 90)
         * {
         *  //This handles horizontal left to right, to vertical bottom to top
         *  positionToMove = new Vector3(((touch.position.x + touchXOffset) + (touch.position.y + touchYOffset)) / 2, 0, 0);
         * }
         * else if(theParent.transform.eulerAngles.z > 90 && theParent.transform.eulerAngles.z <= 180)
         * {
         *  //This handles vertical bottom to top, to horizontal right to left
         *  positionToMove = new Vector3((-(touch.position.x + touchXOffset) + (touch.position.y + touchYOffset)) / 2, 0, 0);
         * }
         * else if (theParent.transform.eulerAngles.z > 180 && theParent.transform.eulerAngles.z <= 270)
         * {
         *  //This handles horizontal right to left, to vertical top to bottom
         *  positionToMove = new Vector3((-(touch.position.x + touchXOffset) + -(touch.position.y + touchYOffset)) / 2, 0, 0);
         * }
         * else if (theParent.transform.eulerAngles.z > 270)
         * {
         *  //This handles vertical top to bottom, to horizontal left to right
         *  positionToMove = new Vector3(((touch.position.x + touchXOffset) + -(touch.position.y + touchYOffset)) / 2, 0, 0);
         * }
         * //Vector3 positionToMove = new Vector3((Mathf.Abs((touch.position.x + touchXOffset)) + Mathf.Abs((touch.position.y + touchYOffset))) / 2, 0, 0);
         * float step = Time.deltaTime * playerData.speedMultiplier;
         * transform.localPosition += positionToMove * 0.035f;
         * //gameObject.transform.localPosition = positionToMove;

        pointerOffset.y = 0;

        RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(gamePanel, touch.position, gameCam, out pointerLocalPosition);

        pointerLocalPosition.y = 0;

        if (pointerLocalPosition.x - pointerOffset.x >= 0)
            theButton.localPosition = pointerLocalPosition - pointerOffset;

        if (transform.localPosition.x >= endObject.transform.localPosition.x)
            moveFinished = true;

        if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended)
            noTouch = true;

        currentX = gameObject.transform.position.x;

        if (!holdDetect.isHeld)
            theButton.localPosition += new Vector3(1, 0, 0);