Example #1
        public static HmdType GetHmdType()
            HmdType type = HmdType.Unsupported;

            if (WaveVR_Render.Instance != null)
                type = HmdType.WaveVR;

    #if UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER
            string deviceName = UnityEngine.XR.XRSettings.loadedDeviceName;
            string deviceName = UnityEngine.VR.VRSettings.loadedDeviceName;

            if (deviceName == "OpenVR")
                type = HmdType.SteamVR;
            else if (deviceName == "Oculus")
                type = HmdType.OVR;

        public static HmdType GetHmdType()
            HmdType type = HmdType.Unsupported;

            #if UNITY_5_3
            string deviceName = VRSettings.loadedDevice.ToString();

            // there is no "official" Vive support in Unity 5.3, thus refer to SteamVR plugin for checking hmd type
            if (deviceName == "None")
                var steamCam = Object.FindObjectOfType <SteamVR_Camera>();
                if (steamCam != null)
                    type = HmdType.SteamVR;
            string deviceName = UnityEngine.XR.XRSettings.loadedDeviceName;

            if (deviceName == "OpenVR")
                type = HmdType.SteamVR;

Example #3
        public static IDeviceParamFactory InitParamFactory(HmdType hmdType)
            if (hmdType == HmdType.SteamVR)
                return(new SteamVRParamFactory());

            if (hmdType == HmdType.OVR)
                return(new OVRParamFactory());

            if (hmdType == HmdType.WaveVR)
                return(new WaveVRParamFactory());

            Debug.LogError("Cannot get suitable projection parameter for current HMD.");
Example #4
        private static void VerifyValueProperties(String idString, HmdValueIDProperties valueIDProperties, ICountProperty expectedCountProperty,
                                                  HmdType hmdType, String enumReferenceName, params String[] parentOverrideArray)
            // Verify idString
            Assert.AreEqual(idString, valueIDProperties.idLowerCase);

            // Verify CountProperty is correct

            // Verify Parents are correct
            if (parentOverrideArray != null)
                Assert.AreEqual(parentOverrideArray.Length, valueIDProperties.ParentOverrideCount);
                for (int i = 0; i < parentOverrideArray.Length; i++)

            // Verify HmdType is correct
            Assert.AreEqual(hmdType, valueIDProperties.hmdType);
            if (enumReferenceName == null)
                Assert.AreEqual(enumReferenceName, valueIDProperties.EnumReference.Name);
        public static IDeviceParamFactory InitParamFactory(HmdType hmdType)
            if (hmdType == HmdType.SteamVR)
                return(new SteamVRParamFactory());

        public void TestGeneralProperties()
            HmdValueIDProperties valueIDProperties;
            ICountProperty       defaultCountProperty = UnrestrictedCount.Instance;
            HmdType defaultHmdType = HmdType.String;

            //valueIDProperties = HmdParser.ParseValueProperties("test", "0-* enum(hey what)");
            //TestUtil.VerifyValue(TestU, defaultCountProperty, IDProperties.rootParentReference, HmdType.Enumeration, "heywhat");
Example #7
 public HmdValueIDProperties(String idString, ICountProperty countProperty, HmdType hmdType, HmdEnumReference enumReference,
                             HmdBlockIDProperties directParent, HmdParentReference[] parentOverrideList)
     : base(IsBlock, idString, countProperty, directParent, parentOverrideList)
     if (hmdType == HmdType.Enumeration && enumReference == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("For Enumeration types, must have an enumReference", "enumReference");
     this.hmdType       = hmdType;
     this.enumReference = enumReference;
Example #8
        public HmdProperties(ICountProperty defaultCountProperty, HmdType defaultHmdType)
            this.defaultCountProperty = defaultCountProperty;
            this.defaultHmdType       = defaultHmdType;

            this.root         = new HmdBlockIDProperties(RootName, new StaticCount(1), null);
            this.valueIDTable = new HmdIDPropertiesTable <HmdValueIDProperties>();
            this.blockIDTable = new HmdIDPropertiesTable <HmdBlockIDProperties>();

            //AddPropertiesFromDefinition(root); // should I add this?
            this.enumList = null;
            //this.enumInlineList = null;
Example #9
        public void InitParamFactory()
            // if not yet initialized
            if (paramFactory == null)
                // get device type
                hmdType = StereoRenderDevice.GetHmdType();

                // create parameter factory
                paramFactory = StereoRenderDevice.InitParamFactory(hmdType);
                if (paramFactory == null)
                    Debug.LogError("Current VR device is unsupported.");
Example #10
        public static String GenerateParsingCode(HmdType hmdType, String enumTypeReferenceName, GeneratorLanguage language, String variable)
            if (language == GeneratorLanguage.CSharp)
                switch (hmdType)
                case HmdType.String:

                case HmdType.Boolean:
                    return(String.Format("Boolean.Parse({0})", variable));

                     * case HmdType.Integer:
                     *  IntegerDumType integerDumType = (IntegerDumType)dumType;
                     *  if (integerHmdType.byteSize == 1)
                     *  {
                     *      return String.Format(integerHmdType.isUnsigned ? "Byte" : "SByte" + ".Parse({0})", variable);
                     *  }
                     *  if (integerHmdType.byteSize == 2)
                     *  {
                     *      return String.Format(integerHmdType.isUnsigned ? "UInt16" : "Int16" + ".Parse({0})", variable);
                     *  }
                     *  if (integerHmdType.byteSize == 4)
                     *  {
                     *      return String.Format(integerHmdType.isUnsigned ? "UInt32" : "Int32" + ".Parse({0})", variable);
                     *  }
                     *  if (integerHmdType.byteSize == 8)
                     *  {
                     *      return String.Format(integerHmdType.isUnsigned ? "UInt64" : "Int64" + ".Parse({0})", variable);
                     *  }
                     *  throw new FormatException(String.Format("The Integer byte size {0}, is not supported by C#", integerHmdType.byteSize));
                     * case HmdType.Decimal:
                     *  throw new NotImplementedException();
                     * case HmdType.Enumeration:
                     *  EnumDumType enumDumType = (EnumDumType)dumType;
                     *  return String.Format("({0})Enum.Parse(typeof({0}), {1})",enumHmdType.name, variable);
                throw new FormatException(String.Format("Unhandled Dum Type Enum \"{0}\" ({1})", hmdType, (Int32)hmdType));
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Unrecognized GeneratorLanguage type \"{0}\"", language));
Example #11
        public static String ToHmdTypeString(this HmdType hmdType)
            Int32 index = (Int32)hmdType;

            if (index >= 0 && index < typeStrings.Length)
                if (typeStrings[index] == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(
                              String.Format("Error, the typeStrings entry for hmdType \"{0}\" ({1}) was null?", hmdType.ToString(), index));

            throw new InvalidOperationException(
                      String.Format("Error, unrecognized hmdType \"{0}\" ({1})", hmdType.ToString(), index));
Example #12
		internal HmdDesc(HmdDesc_Raw raw)
			this.Handle                     = raw.Handle;
			this.Type                       = (HmdType)raw.Type;
			this.ProductName                = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(raw.ProductName);
			this.Manufacturer               = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(raw.Manufacturer);
			this.VendorId                   = raw.VendorId;
			this.ProductId                  = raw.ProductId;
			this.SerialNumber               = raw.SerialNumber;
			this.FirmwareMajor              = raw.FirmwareMajor;
			this.FirmwareMinor              = raw.FirmwareMinor;
			this.CameraFrustumHFovInRadians = raw.CameraFrustumHFovInRadians;
			this.CameraFrustumVFovInRadians = raw.CameraFrustumVFovInRadians;
			this.CameraFrustumNearZInMeters = raw.CameraFrustumNearZInMeters;
			this.CameraFrustumFarZInMeters  = raw.CameraFrustumFarZInMeters;
			this.HmdCaps                    = raw.HmdCaps;
			this.TrackingCaps               = raw.TrackingCaps;
			this.DistortionCaps             = raw.DistortionCaps;
			this.Resolution                 = raw.Resolution;
			this.WindowsPos                 = raw.WindowsPos;
			this.DefaultEyeFov              = new FovPort[2] { raw.DefaultEyeFov_0, raw.DefaultEyeFov_1 };
			this.MaxEyeFov                  = new FovPort[2] { raw.MaxEyeFov_0, raw.MaxEyeFov_1 };
			this.EyeRenderOrder             = new Eye[2] { Eye.Left, Eye.Right };
			this.DisplayDeviceName          = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(raw.DisplayDeviceName);
			this.DisplayId                  = raw.DisplayId;
Example #13
		private static extern IntPtr ovrHmd_CreateDebug(HmdType type);
Example #14
        /// <summary>
		/// Creates a 'fake' HMD used for debugging only. This is not tied to specific hardware,
		/// but may be used to debug some of the related rendering.
        /// </summary>
		public static Hmd CreateDebug(HmdType type)
			IntPtr hmdPtr = ovrHmd_CreateDebug(type);
			if (hmdPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
				return null;

			return new Hmd(hmdPtr);
Example #15
        public static void TestPropertyParser(String propertyString, HmdType hmdType)
            HmdValueIDProperties valueIDProperties = CallParserWithDefaults(propertyString, TestPropertyDictionary);

            VerifyValueProperties(String.Empty, valueIDProperties, UnrestrictedCount.Instance, hmdType, null);
Example #16
        String ILanguageGenerator.GenerateStringToTypeParseCode(HmdType hmdType, String variableName)
            switch (hmdType)
            case HmdType.String:

            case HmdType.Boolean:
                return(String.Format("Boolean.Parse({0})", variableName));

            case HmdType.Int:
                return(String.Format("Int32.Parse({0})", variableName));

            case HmdType.Int1:
                return(String.Format("SByte.Parse({0})", variableName));

            case HmdType.Int2:
                return(String.Format("Int16.Parse({0})", variableName));

            case HmdType.Int3:
            case HmdType.Int4:
                return(String.Format("Int32.Parse({0})", variableName));

            case HmdType.Int5:
            case HmdType.Int6:
            case HmdType.Int7:
            case HmdType.Int8:
                return(String.Format("Int64.Parse({0})", variableName));

            case HmdType.Int9:
            case HmdType.Int10:
            case HmdType.Int11:
            case HmdType.Int12:
            case HmdType.Int13:
            case HmdType.Int14:
            case HmdType.Int15:
            case HmdType.Int16:
                throw new FormatException("The Integer byte sizes 9-16 are not supported by C#");

            case HmdType.UInt:
                return(String.Format("UInt32.Parse({0})", variableName));

            case HmdType.UInt1:
                return(String.Format("Byte.Parse({0})", variableName));

            case HmdType.UInt2:
                return(String.Format("UInt16.Parse({0})", variableName));

            case HmdType.UInt3:
            case HmdType.UInt4:
                return(String.Format("UInt32.Parse({0})", variableName));

            case HmdType.UInt5:
            case HmdType.UInt6:
            case HmdType.UInt7:
            case HmdType.UInt8:
                return(String.Format("UInt64.Parse({0})", variableName));

            case HmdType.UInt9:
            case HmdType.UInt10:
            case HmdType.UInt11:
            case HmdType.UInt12:
            case HmdType.UInt13:
            case HmdType.UInt14:
            case HmdType.UInt15:
            case HmdType.UInt16:
                throw new FormatException("The Integer byte sizes 9-16 are not supported by C#");

            case HmdType.Decimal:
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            case HmdType.Enumeration:
                throw new InvalidOperationException("You called the wrong function for this type");

            case HmdType.Empty:
                throw new InvalidOperationException("You can't parse an empty type");
            throw new FormatException(String.Format("Unhandled Hmd Type Enum \"{0}\" ({1})", hmdType, (Int32)hmdType));
Example #17
File: OvrCapi.cs Project: uxl/rdgvr
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a 'fake' HMD used for debugging only. This is not tied to specific hardware,
 /// but may be used to debug some of the related rendering.
 /// </summary>
 public Hmd(HmdType type)
     this.HmdPtr = ovrHmd_CreateDebug(type);
     if (this.HmdPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
         throw new ArgumentException("Failed to create debug HMD of type " + type);
Example #18
        // Maybe change to pass in the string offset and length?
        public static HmdValueIDProperties ParseValueProperties(String idString, String props, HmdBlockIDProperties definitionParent, HmdProperties hmdProperties)
            if (idString == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("idString");

            Boolean defaultCountPropertyOverriden = false;
            Boolean defaultHmdTypeOverriden       = false;

            ICountProperty countProperty = hmdProperties.defaultCountProperty;
            HmdType        hmdType       = hmdProperties.defaultHmdType;

            HmdEnumReference enumReference = null;

            HmdParentReference[] parentOverrideList = null;

            Int32 offset = 0, saveOffset;

            // TODO: To save on memory, maybe I'll add some type of hash lookup so I don't have to instantiate multiple HmdType classes?
            while (true)
                while (true)
                    if (offset >= props.Length)
                        return(new HmdValueIDProperties(idString, countProperty, hmdType, enumReference,
                                                        definitionParent, parentOverrideList));
                    if (!Char.IsWhiteSpace(props[offset]))

                if (props[offset] >= '0' && props[offset] <= '9')
                    saveOffset = offset;

                    // keep going while you see 0-9, '-' or '*'
                        if (offset >= props.Length)
                    } while ((props[offset] >= '0' && props[offset] <= '9') || props[offset] == '-' || props[offset] == '*');

                    // Check that the 'count' property has not been specified Twice
                    if (defaultCountPropertyOverriden)
                        throw new FormatException("You've specified the 'count' property twice!");
                    defaultCountPropertyOverriden = true;

                    countProperty = CountProperty.Parse(props.Substring(saveOffset, offset - saveOffset));
                else if (props[offset] == 's')
                    if (offset + 6 > props.Length) // 6 = "string".Length
                        throw new FormatException(String.Format("Found character '{0}', expected to become \"{1}\", but there are some characters missing",
                                                                HmdTypeClass.String[0], HmdTypeClass.String));

                    if (props[offset + 1] != 't' ||
                        props[offset + 2] != 'r' ||
                        props[offset + 3] != 'i' ||
                        props[offset + 4] != 'n' ||
                        props[offset + 5] != 'g')
                        throw new FormatException(String.Format("Expected 'string', but got '{0}'", props.Substring(offset, 6)));

                    offset += 6;

                    // Check that the 'type' property has not been specified Twice
                    if (defaultHmdTypeOverriden)
                        throw new FormatException("You've specified the 'type' property twice!");
                    defaultHmdTypeOverriden = true;

                    hmdType = HmdType.String;
                else if (props[offset] == HmdTypeClass.Boolean[0])
                    if (offset + HmdTypeClass.Boolean.Length > props.Length)
                        throw new FormatException(
                                  String.Format("Found character '{0}', expected to become \"{1}\", but there are some characters missing",
                                                HmdTypeClass.Boolean[0], HmdTypeClass.Boolean));
                    for (int i = 1; i < HmdTypeClass.Boolean.Length; i++)
                        if (props[offset] != HmdTypeClass.Boolean[i])
                            throw new FormatException(String.Format("Expected \"{0}\", but got \"{1}\"", HmdTypeClass.Boolean, props.Substring(offset - i, HmdTypeClass.Boolean.Length)));

                    // Check that the 'type' property has not been specified Twice
                    if (defaultHmdTypeOverriden)
                        throw new FormatException("You've specified the 'type' property twice!");
                    defaultHmdTypeOverriden = true;

                    hmdType = HmdType.Boolean;
                else if (props[offset] == 'i' || props[offset] == 'u')
                    Byte    byteSize;
                    Boolean isUnsigned = false;
                    if (props[offset] == 'u')
                        isUnsigned = true;
                        if (props[offset] != 'i')
                            throw new FormatException(
                                      String.Format("Found character 'u', expected to become \"uint\", but the next character was '{0}'", props[offset]));

                    if (offset + 3 > props.Length)
                        throw new FormatException(
                                  String.Format("Found character '{0}', expected to become \"{1}\", but there are some characters missing",
                                                isUnsigned ? 'u' : 'i', isUnsigned ? "uint" : "int"));

                    if (props[offset + 1] != 'n' || props[offset + 2] != 't')
                        throw new FormatException(String.Format("Expected \"{0}\", but got \"{1}\"",
                                                                isUnsigned ? "uint" : "int", isUnsigned ? props.Substring(offset - 1, 4) : props.Substring(offset, 3)));

                    offset += 3;

                    if (offset < props.Length && props[offset] >= '0' && props[offset] <= '9')
                        saveOffset = offset;
                        } while (offset < props.Length && props[offset] >= '0' && props[offset] <= '9');
                        byteSize = Byte.Parse(props.Substring(saveOffset, offset - saveOffset));
                        byteSize = 0;

                    // Check that the 'type' property has not been specified Twice
                    if (defaultHmdTypeOverriden)
                        throw new FormatException("You've specified the 'type' property twice!");
                    defaultHmdTypeOverriden = true;

                    hmdType = HmdTypeClass.GetIntegerType(isUnsigned, byteSize);
                else if (props[offset] == 'e')
                    if (offset >= props.Length)
                        throw new FormatException("Found character 'e', expected to become \"enum\" or \"empty\" but the string abrubtly ended");

                    if (props[offset] == HmdTypeClass.Empty[1])
                        if (offset + HmdTypeClass.Empty.Length - 1 > props.Length)
                            throw new FormatException("Found \"em\", expected to become \"empty\", but there are some characters missing");
                        for (int i = 2; i < HmdTypeClass.Empty.Length; i++)
                            if (props[offset] != HmdTypeClass.Empty[i])
                                throw new FormatException(String.Format("Expected \"{0}\", but got \"{1}\"", HmdTypeClass.Empty, props.Substring(offset - i, HmdTypeClass.Empty.Length)));

                        // Check that the 'type' property has not been specified Twice
                        if (defaultHmdTypeOverriden)
                            throw new FormatException("You've specified the 'type' property twice!");
                        defaultHmdTypeOverriden = true;

                        hmdType = HmdType.Empty;
                    else if (props[offset] == HmdTypeClass.Enumeration[1])
                        if (offset + HmdTypeClass.Enumeration.Length + 1 > props.Length)
                            throw new FormatException(
                                      String.Format("Found \"en\", expected to become \"{0}\", but there are some characters missing",
                        for (int i = 2; i < HmdTypeClass.Enumeration.Length; i++)
                            if (props[offset] != HmdTypeClass.Enumeration[i])
                                throw new FormatException(String.Format("Expected \"{0}\", but got \"{1}\"", HmdTypeClass.Enumeration, props.Substring(offset - i, HmdTypeClass.Enumeration.Length)));

                        // skip whitespace
                        while (true)
                            if (offset >= props.Length)
                                throw new FormatException("Expected '(' or 'a-zA-Z', but got EOF");
                            if (!Char.IsWhiteSpace(props[offset]))

                        if (props[offset] == '(')
                            saveOffset = offset + 1;
                            // skip to the next whitespace or ';'
                            while (true)
                                if (offset >= props.Length)
                                    throw new FormatException("Expected ')' but reached end of string");
                                if (props[offset] == ')')

                            String enumReferenceName = (definitionParent == null || definitionParent.definitionContext == null) ?
                                                       idString.ToLower() : HmdIDProperties.CombineIDContext(definitionParent.idWithContext, idString.ToLower());
                            HmdEnum newInlineEnum = new HmdEnum(enumReferenceName, props.Substring(saveOffset, offset - saveOffset));

                            enumReference = newInlineEnum;
                            if (hmdProperties != null)


                            if (defaultHmdTypeOverriden)
                                throw new FormatException("You've specified the 'type' property twice!");
                            defaultHmdTypeOverriden = true;
                            hmdType = HmdType.Enumeration;
                        else if ((props[offset] >= 'a' && props[offset] <= 'z') || (props[offset] >= 'A' && props[offset] <= 'Z'))
                            saveOffset = offset;
                            // skip to the next whitespace or ';'
                            while (true)
                                if (offset >= props.Length)
                                if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(props[offset]))
                            if (offset - saveOffset <= 0)
                                throw new FormatException("Unable to parse enum type, the \"enum\" keyword must be either \"enum <type>\" (with only one space before <type>) or \"enum(<value> <value> ...)\"");

                            enumReference = new HmdEnumReferenceByString(props.Substring(saveOffset, offset - saveOffset));

                            if (defaultHmdTypeOverriden)
                                throw new FormatException("You've specified the 'type' property twice!");
                            defaultHmdTypeOverriden = true;
                            hmdType = HmdType.Enumeration;
                            throw new FormatException(String.Format("Expected '(' or 'a-zA-Z' after \"enum\", but got '{0}'", props[offset]));
                        throw new FormatException(String.Format(
                                                      "Found character 'e', expected to become \"enum\" or \"empty\" but the second character is '{0}'", props[offset]));
                else if (props[offset] == '(')
                    if (parentOverrideList != null)
                        throw new FormatException("You've specified the 'parents' property twice!");

                    parentOverrideList = ParseParentList(props, ref offset);
                    throw new FormatException(
                              String.Format("Could not recognize first character of property '{0}', of the props string \"{1}\"", props[offset], props));
Example #19
 public static bool IsNotUnityNativeSupport(HmdType type)
     return(type == HmdType.WaveVR);
Example #20
        String ILanguageGenerator.HmdTypeToLanguageType(HmdType hmdType)
            switch (hmdType)
            case HmdType.String:

            case HmdType.Boolean:

            case HmdType.Int:

            case HmdType.Int1:

            case HmdType.Int2:

            case HmdType.Int3:
            case HmdType.Int4:

            case HmdType.Int5:
            case HmdType.Int6:
            case HmdType.Int7:
            case HmdType.Int8:

            case HmdType.Int9:
            case HmdType.Int10:
            case HmdType.Int11:
            case HmdType.Int12:
            case HmdType.Int13:
            case HmdType.Int14:
            case HmdType.Int15:
            case HmdType.Int16:
                throw new FormatException("The Integer byte sizes 9-16 are not supported by C#");

            case HmdType.UInt:

            case HmdType.UInt1:

            case HmdType.UInt2:

            case HmdType.UInt3:
            case HmdType.UInt4:

            case HmdType.UInt5:
            case HmdType.UInt6:
            case HmdType.UInt7:
            case HmdType.UInt8:

            case HmdType.UInt9:
            case HmdType.UInt10:
            case HmdType.UInt11:
            case HmdType.UInt12:
            case HmdType.UInt13:
            case HmdType.UInt14:
            case HmdType.UInt15:
            case HmdType.UInt16:
                throw new FormatException("The Integer byte sizes 9-16 are not supported by C#");

            case HmdType.Decimal:
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            case HmdType.Enumeration:
                throw new InvalidOperationException("You called the wrong function for this type");

            case HmdType.Empty:
                throw new FormatException("You can't get the type of an empty type.");
            throw new FormatException(String.Format("Unhandled Hmd Type Enum \"{0}\" ({1})", hmdType, (Int32)hmdType));