Example #1
        public static HkShape CreateCharacterShape(float height, float width, float headHeight, float headSize, float headForwardOffset, float downOffset = 0, bool capsuleForHead = false)
            HkCapsuleShape capsule = new HkCapsuleShape(Vector3.Up * (height - downOffset) / 2.0f, Vector3.Down * (height) / 2.0f, width / 2.0f);

            if (headSize > 0)
                HkConvexShape headShape;

                if (capsuleForHead)
                    headShape = new HkCapsuleShape(new Vector3(0, 0, -0.3f), new Vector3(0, 0, 0.3f), headSize);
                    headShape = new HkSphereShape(headSize);
                //headShape = new HkCapsuleShape(new Vector3(0, 0, -0.05f), new Vector3(0, 0, 0.05f), headSize);

                HkShape[] shapes = new HkShape[]
                    new HkConvexTranslateShape(headShape, Vector3.Up * (headHeight - downOffset) / 2.0f + Vector3.Forward * headForwardOffset, HkReferencePolicy.TakeOwnership),

                return(new HkListShape(shapes, shapes.Length, HkReferencePolicy.TakeOwnership));
        public static HkShape CreateCharacterShape(float height, float width, float headHeight, float headSize, float headForwardOffset, float downOffset = 0, bool capsuleForHead = false)
            HkCapsuleShape capsule = new HkCapsuleShape(Vector3.Up * (height - downOffset) / 2.0f, Vector3.Down * (height) / 2.0f, width / 2.0f);

            if (headSize > 0)
                HkConvexShape headShape;

                if (capsuleForHead)
                    headShape = new HkCapsuleShape(new Vector3(0, 0, -0.3f), new Vector3(0, 0, 0.3f), headSize);
                    headShape = new HkSphereShape(headSize);
                //headShape = new HkCapsuleShape(new Vector3(0, 0, -0.05f), new Vector3(0, 0, 0.05f), headSize);

                HkShape[] shapes = new HkShape[]
                    new HkConvexTranslateShape(headShape, Vector3.Up * (headHeight - downOffset) / 2.0f + Vector3.Forward * headForwardOffset, HkReferencePolicy.TakeOwnership),
                return new HkListShape(shapes, shapes.Length, HkReferencePolicy.TakeOwnership);
                return capsule;
Example #3
        protected override bool IsPositionValid(MyTransformD clientDelta)
            if (m_character.Physics != null && m_character.Physics.CharacterProxy != null)
                float offset = 2 * MyPerGameSettings.PhysicsConvexRadius + 0.03f;

                float width  = (m_character.Definition.CharacterCollisionWidth * m_character.Definition.CharacterCollisionScale) - offset;
                float height = (m_character.Definition.CharacterCollisionHeight - m_character.Definition.CharacterCollisionWidth * m_character.Definition.CharacterCollisionScale) - offset;

                HkCapsuleShape capsule = new HkCapsuleShape(Vector3.Up * height / 2.0f, Vector3.Down * height / 2.0f, width / 2.0f);

                clientDelta.Position = clientDelta.Position + m_character.WorldMatrix.Up * (m_character.Definition.CharacterCollisionHeight / 2 + offset);

                MyPhysics.GetPenetrationsShape(capsule, ref clientDelta.Position, ref clientDelta.Rotation, m_results, MyPhysics.CollisionLayers.DefaultCollisionLayer);
                bool otherFound = false;
                foreach (var colision in m_results)
                    if (colision.Body.Quality == HkCollidableQualityType.Character)
                    otherFound = true;
Example #4
        public static HkShape CreateCharacterShape(float height, float width, float headHeight, float headSize, float headForwardOffset, float downOffset = 0f, bool capsuleForHead = false)
            HkCapsuleShape shape = new HkCapsuleShape((Vector3.Up * (height - downOffset)) / 2f, (Vector3.Down * height) / 2f, width / 2f);

            if (headSize <= 0f)
            HkConvexShape childShape = !capsuleForHead ? ((HkConvexShape) new HkSphereShape(headSize)) : ((HkConvexShape) new HkCapsuleShape(new Vector3(0f, 0f, -0.3f), new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0.3f), headSize));

            HkShape[] shapes = new HkShape[] { (HkShape)shape, (HkShape) new HkConvexTranslateShape(childShape, ((Vector3.Up * (headHeight - downOffset)) / 2f) + (Vector3.Forward * headForwardOffset), HkReferencePolicy.TakeOwnership) };
            return((HkShape) new HkListShape(shapes, shapes.Length, HkReferencePolicy.TakeOwnership));
Example #5
 public static void DrawShape(HkShape shape, MatrixD worldMatrix, Color color, float alpha, bool shaded = true)
     color.A = (byte)(alpha * 255f);
     if (shape.ShapeType != HkShapeType.Capsule)
         MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawSphere(worldMatrix.Translation, 0.05f, color, 1f, false, false, true, false);
         HkCapsuleShape shape2 = (HkCapsuleShape)shape;
         Vector3        vector = (Vector3)Vector3.Transform(shape2.VertexB, worldMatrix);
         MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawCapsule(Vector3.Transform(shape2.VertexA, worldMatrix), vector, shape2.Radius, color, false, false, false);
Example #6
        public static void InitCapsulePhysics(this IMyEntity entity, MyStringHash materialType, Vector3 vertexA, Vector3 vertexB, float radius, float mass, float linearDamping, float angularDamping, ushort collisionLayer, RigidBodyFlag rbFlag)
            mass = (rbFlag & RigidBodyFlag.RBF_STATIC) != 0 ? 0 : mass;

            var physics = new Sandbox.Engine.Physics.MyPhysicsBody(entity, rbFlag)
                MaterialType   = materialType,
                AngularDamping = angularDamping,
                LinearDamping  = linearDamping

            var massProperties = HkInertiaTensorComputer.ComputeSphereVolumeMassProperties(radius, mass);

            physics.ReportAllContacts = true;
            HkCapsuleShape shape = new HkCapsuleShape(vertexA, vertexB, radius);

            physics.CreateFromCollisionObject((HkShape)shape, (vertexA + vertexB) / 2, entity.PositionComp.WorldMatrix, massProperties);
            entity.Physics = physics;
Example #7
        public static void InitCapsulePhysics(this IMyEntity entity, MyStringHash materialType, Vector3 vertexA, Vector3 vertexB, float radius, float mass, float linearDamping, float angularDamping, ushort collisionLayer, RigidBodyFlag rbFlag)
            float single1 = mass;

            mass = ((rbFlag & RigidBodyFlag.RBF_STATIC) != RigidBodyFlag.RBF_DEFAULT) ? 0f : single1;
            MyPhysicsBody body1 = new MyPhysicsBody(entity, rbFlag);

            body1.MaterialType   = materialType;
            body1.AngularDamping = angularDamping;
            body1.LinearDamping  = linearDamping;
            MyPhysicsBody    body       = body1;
            HkMassProperties properties = HkInertiaTensorComputer.ComputeSphereVolumeMassProperties(radius, mass);

            body.ReportAllContacts = true;
            HkCapsuleShape shape = new HkCapsuleShape(vertexA, vertexB, radius);

            body.CreateFromCollisionObject((HkShape)shape, (vertexA + vertexB) / 2f, entity.PositionComp.WorldMatrix, new HkMassProperties?(properties), 15);
            entity.Physics = body;
Example #8
        private void ThrustDamage()
            if (m_flames.Count > 0 && MySession.Static.ThrusterDamage && Sync.IsServer && IsWorking && CubeGrid.InScene && CubeGrid.Physics != null && CubeGrid.Physics.Enabled)
                if (CurrentStrength == 0 && !MyFakes.INACTIVE_THRUSTER_DMG)


                foreach (var flameInfo in m_flames)
                    var l = GetDamageCapsuleLine(flameInfo);
                    HkShape shape;
                    if (l.Length != 0)
                        shape = new HkCapsuleShape(Vector3.Zero, l.To - l.From, flameInfo.Radius * BlockDefinition.FlameDamageLengthScale);
                        shape = new HkSphereShape(flameInfo.Radius * BlockDefinition.FlameDamageLengthScale);
                    MyPhysics.GetPenetrationsShape(shape, ref l.From, ref Quaternion.Identity, m_flameCollisionsList, 0);

                    foreach (var obj in m_flameCollisionsList)
                        var ent = obj.GetCollisionEntity();
                        if (ent == null || ent.Equals(this))

                        if (!(ent is MyCharacter))
                            ent = ent.GetTopMostParent();
                        if (m_damagedEntities.Contains(ent))

                        if (ent is IMyDestroyableObject)
                            (ent as IMyDestroyableObject).DoDamage(flameInfo.Radius * BlockDefinition.FlameDamage * 10, MyDamageType.Environment, true, attackerId: EntityId);
                        else if (ent is MyCubeGrid)
                            var grid = ent as MyCubeGrid;
                            if (grid.BlocksDestructionEnabled)
                                DamageGrid(flameInfo, l, grid);
Example #9
        private void ThrustDamage()
            if (m_flames.Count > 0 && MySession.Static.ThrusterDamage && Sync.IsServer && IsWorking && CubeGrid.InScene && CubeGrid.Physics != null && CubeGrid.Physics.Enabled)
                if (CurrentStrength == 0 && !MyFakes.INACTIVE_THRUSTER_DMG)


                foreach (var flameInfo in m_flames)
                    var     l = GetDamageCapsuleLine(flameInfo);
                    HkShape shape;
                    if (l.Length != 0)
                        shape = new HkCapsuleShape(Vector3.Zero, l.To - l.From, flameInfo.Radius * m_thrustDefinition.FlameDamageLengthScale);
                        shape = new HkSphereShape(flameInfo.Radius * m_thrustDefinition.FlameDamageLengthScale);
                    MyPhysics.GetPenetrationsShape(shape, ref l.From, ref Quaternion.Identity, m_flameCollisionsList, 0);

                    foreach (var obj in m_flameCollisionsList)
                        var entity = obj.GetEntity();
                        if (entity == null)
                        if (entity.Equals(this))
                        if (!(entity is MyCharacter))
                            entity = entity.GetTopMostParent();
                        if (m_damagedEntities.Contains(entity))

                        if (entity is IMyDestroyableObject)
                            (entity as IMyDestroyableObject).DoDamage(flameInfo.Radius * m_thrustDefinition.FlameDamage * 10, MyDamageType.Environment, true);
                        else if (entity is MyCubeGrid && MySession.Static.DestructibleBlocks)
                            DamageGrid(flameInfo, l, entity as MyCubeGrid);
        /// <summary>
        ///  Sets default values for ragdoll bodies and constraints - useful if ragdoll model is not correct
        /// </summary>
        public void SetRagdollDefaults()
            if (MyFakes.ENABLE_RAGDOLL_DEBUG)

            var wasKeyframed = Ragdoll.IsKeyframed;


            // Compute total mass of the character and distribute it amongs ragdoll bodies
            var definedMass = (Entity as MyCharacter).Definition.Mass;

            if (definedMass <= 1)
                definedMass = 80;

            float totalVolume = 0f;

            foreach (var body in Ragdoll.RigidBodies)
                float bodyLength = 0;

                var shape = body.GetShape();

                Vector4 min, max;

                shape.GetLocalAABB(0.01f, out min, out max);

                bodyLength = (max - min).Length();

                totalVolume += bodyLength;

            // correcting the total volume
            if (totalVolume <= 0)
                totalVolume = 1;

            // bodies default settings
            foreach (var body in Ragdoll.RigidBodies)
                body.MaxLinearVelocity  = 1000.0f;
                body.MaxAngularVelocity = 1000.0f;

                var shape = body.GetShape();

                Vector4 min, max;

                shape.GetLocalAABB(0.01f, out min, out max);

                float bodyLength = (max - min).Length();

                float computedMass = definedMass / totalVolume * bodyLength;

                body.Mass = MyPerGameSettings.Destruction ? MyDestructionHelper.MassToHavok(computedMass) : computedMass;

                float radius = shape.ConvexRadius;
                if (shape.ShapeType == HkShapeType.Capsule)
                    HkCapsuleShape   capsule        = (HkCapsuleShape)shape;
                    HkMassProperties massProperties = HkInertiaTensorComputer.ComputeCapsuleVolumeMassProperties(capsule.VertexA, capsule.VertexB, radius, body.Mass);
                    body.InertiaTensor = massProperties.InertiaTensor;
                    HkMassProperties massProperties = HkInertiaTensorComputer.ComputeBoxVolumeMassProperties(Vector3.One * bodyLength * 0.5f, body.Mass);
                    body.InertiaTensor = massProperties.InertiaTensor;

                Debug.Assert(body.Mass != 0.0f, "Body's mass was set to 0!");
                body.AngularDamping          = 0.005f;
                body.LinearDamping           = 0.0f;
                body.Friction                = 6f;
                body.AllowedPenetrationDepth = 0.1f;
                body.Restitution             = 0.05f;


            if (wasKeyframed)

            // Constraints default settings
            foreach (var constraint in Ragdoll.Constraints)
                if (constraint.ConstraintData is HkRagdollConstraintData)
                    var constraintData = constraint.ConstraintData as HkRagdollConstraintData;
                    constraintData.MaxFrictionTorque = MyPerGameSettings.Destruction ? MyDestructionHelper.MassToHavok(0.5f) : 3f;
                else if (constraint.ConstraintData is HkFixedConstraintData)
                    var constraintData = constraint.ConstraintData as HkFixedConstraintData;
                    constraintData.MaximumLinearImpulse  = 3.40282e28f;
                    constraintData.MaximumAngularImpulse = 3.40282e28f;
                else if (constraint.ConstraintData is HkHingeConstraintData)
                    var constraintData = constraint.ConstraintData as HkHingeConstraintData;
                    constraintData.MaximumAngularImpulse = 3.40282e28f;
                    constraintData.MaximumLinearImpulse  = 3.40282e28f;
                else if (constraint.ConstraintData is HkLimitedHingeConstraintData)
                    var constraintData = constraint.ConstraintData as HkLimitedHingeConstraintData;
                    constraintData.MaxFrictionTorque = MyPerGameSettings.Destruction ? MyDestructionHelper.MassToHavok(0.5f) : 3f;

            if (MyFakes.ENABLE_RAGDOLL_DEBUG)
                Debug.WriteLine("MyPhysicsBody.SetRagdollDefaults FINISHED");
                MyLog.Default.WriteLine("MyPhysicsBody.SetRagdollDefaults FINISHED");
Example #11
        public static void InitCapsulePhysics(this IMyEntity entity, MyStringHash materialType, Vector3 vertexA, Vector3 vertexB, float radius, float mass, float linearDamping, float angularDamping, ushort collisionLayer, RigidBodyFlag rbFlag)
            mass = (rbFlag & RigidBodyFlag.RBF_STATIC) != 0 ? 0 : mass;

            var physics = new Sandbox.Engine.Physics.MyPhysicsBody(entity, rbFlag)
                MaterialType = materialType,
                AngularDamping = angularDamping,
                LinearDamping = linearDamping

            var massProperties = HkInertiaTensorComputer.ComputeSphereVolumeMassProperties(radius, mass);

            physics.ReportAllContacts = true;
            HkCapsuleShape shape = new HkCapsuleShape(vertexA, vertexB, radius);
            physics.CreateFromCollisionObject((HkShape)shape, (vertexA + vertexB) / 2, entity.PositionComp.WorldMatrix, massProperties);
            entity.Physics = physics;
        protected override bool IsPositionValid(MyTransformD clientDelta)
            if (m_character.Physics != null && m_character.Physics.CharacterProxy != null)
                float offset = 2 * MyPerGameSettings.PhysicsConvexRadius + 0.03f;

                float width = (m_character.Definition.CharacterCollisionWidth * m_character.Definition.CharacterCollisionScale) - offset;
                float height = (m_character.Definition.CharacterCollisionHeight - m_character.Definition.CharacterCollisionWidth * m_character.Definition.CharacterCollisionScale) - offset;

                HkCapsuleShape capsule = new HkCapsuleShape(Vector3.Up * height / 2.0f, Vector3.Down * height / 2.0f, width / 2.0f);

                clientDelta.Position = clientDelta.Position + m_character.WorldMatrix.Up * (m_character.Definition.CharacterCollisionHeight/2 + offset);

                MyPhysics.GetPenetrationsShape(capsule, ref clientDelta.Position, ref clientDelta.Rotation, m_results, MyPhysics.CollisionLayers.DefaultCollisionLayer);
                bool otherFound = false;
                foreach (var colision in m_results)
                    if (colision.Body.Quality == HkCollidableQualityType.Character)
                    otherFound = true;
                return !otherFound;
            return false;
Example #13
        public static unsafe void DrawCollisionShape(HkShape shape, MatrixD worldMatrix, float alpha, ref int shapeIndex, string customText = null, bool isPhantom = false)
            Color color = GetShapeColor(shape.ShapeType, ref shapeIndex, isPhantom);

            if (isPhantom)
                alpha *= alpha;
            color.A = (byte)(alpha * 255f);
            bool        smooth    = true;
            float       num       = 0.02f;
            float       num2      = 1.035f;
            bool        flag2     = false;
            HkShapeType shapeType = shape.ShapeType;

            switch (shapeType)
            case HkShapeType.Sphere:
                float radius = ((HkSphereShape)shape).Radius;
                MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawSphere(worldMatrix.Translation, radius, color, alpha, true, smooth, true, false);
                if (isPhantom)
                    MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawSphere(worldMatrix.Translation, radius, color, 1f, true, false, true, false);
                    MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawSphere(worldMatrix.Translation, radius, color, 1f, true, false, false, false);
                flag2 = true;
                goto TR_0003;

            case HkShapeType.Cylinder:
                HkCylinderShape shape4 = (HkCylinderShape)shape;
                MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawCylinder(worldMatrix, shape4.VertexA, shape4.VertexB, shape4.Radius, color, alpha, true, smooth, false);
                flag2 = true;
                goto TR_0003;

            case HkShapeType.Triangle:
                HkTriangleShape shape12 = (HkTriangleShape)shape;
                MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawTriangle(shape12.Pt0, shape12.Pt1, shape12.Pt2, Color.Green, false, false, false);
                goto TR_0003;

            case HkShapeType.Box:
                HkBoxShape shape5 = (HkBoxShape)shape;
                MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawOBB(MatrixD.CreateScale((shape5.HalfExtents * 2f) + new Vector3(num)) * worldMatrix, color, alpha, true, smooth, true, false);
                if (isPhantom)
                    MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawOBB(Matrix.CreateScale((shape5.HalfExtents * 2f) + new Vector3(num)) * worldMatrix, color, 1f, true, false, true, false);
                    MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawOBB(Matrix.CreateScale((shape5.HalfExtents * 2f) + new Vector3(num)) * worldMatrix, color, 1f, true, false, false, false);
                flag2 = true;
                goto TR_0003;

            case HkShapeType.Capsule:
                HkCapsuleShape shape3 = (HkCapsuleShape)shape;
                MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawCapsule(Vector3.Transform(shape3.VertexA, worldMatrix), Vector3.Transform(shape3.VertexB, worldMatrix), shape3.Radius, color, true, smooth, false);
                flag2 = true;
                goto TR_0003;

            case HkShapeType.ConvexVertices:
                Vector3 vector;
                ((HkConvexVerticesShape)shape).GetGeometry(DebugGeometry, out vector);
                Vector3D vectord2 = Vector3D.Transform(vector, worldMatrix.GetOrientation());
                MatrixD  xd       = worldMatrix;
                xd = MatrixD.CreateScale((double)num2) * xd;
                MatrixD *xdPtr1 = (MatrixD *)ref xd;
                xdPtr1.Translation -= vectord2 * (num2 - 1f);
                DrawGeometry(DebugGeometry, xd, color, true, true);
                flag2 = true;
                goto TR_0003;

            case HkShapeType.TriSampledHeightFieldCollection:
            case HkShapeType.TriSampledHeightFieldBvTree:
            case HkShapeType.SampledHeightField:
            case HkShapeType.ExtendedMesh:
            case HkShapeType.Transform:
            case HkShapeType.CompressedMesh:
            case HkShapeType.Collection:
            case HkShapeType.User0:
            case HkShapeType.User1:
            case HkShapeType.User2:
                goto TR_0003;

            case HkShapeType.List:
                HkShapeContainerIterator iterator = ((HkListShape)shape).GetIterator();
                while (iterator.IsValid)
                    DrawCollisionShape(iterator.CurrentValue, worldMatrix, alpha, ref shapeIndex, customText, false);
                goto TR_0003;

            case HkShapeType.Mopp:
                DrawCollisionShape((HkShape)((HkMoppBvTreeShape)shape).ShapeCollection, worldMatrix, alpha, ref shapeIndex, customText, false);
                goto TR_0003;

            case HkShapeType.ConvexTranslate:
                HkConvexTranslateShape shape7 = (HkConvexTranslateShape)shape;
                DrawCollisionShape((HkShape)shape7.ChildShape, Matrix.CreateTranslation(shape7.Translation) * worldMatrix, alpha, ref shapeIndex, customText, false);
                goto TR_0003;

            case HkShapeType.ConvexTransform:
                HkConvexTransformShape shape8 = (HkConvexTransformShape)shape;
                DrawCollisionShape((HkShape)shape8.ChildShape, shape8.Transform * worldMatrix, alpha, ref shapeIndex, customText, false);
                goto TR_0003;

            case HkShapeType.StaticCompound:
                HkStaticCompoundShape shape11 = (HkStaticCompoundShape)shape;
                if (DebugDrawFlattenHierarchy)
                    HkShapeContainerIterator iterator2 = shape11.GetIterator();
                    while (iterator2.IsValid)
                        if (shape11.IsShapeKeyEnabled(iterator2.CurrentShapeKey))
                            object[] objArray1 = new object[4];
                            object[] objArray2 = new object[4];
                            objArray2[0] = customText ?? string.Empty;
                            object[] local2 = objArray2;
                            local2[1] = "-";
                            local2[2] = iterator2.CurrentShapeKey;
                            local2[3] = "-";
                            string str = string.Concat(local2);
                            DrawCollisionShape(iterator2.CurrentValue, worldMatrix, alpha, ref shapeIndex, str, false);
                    for (int i = 0; i < shape11.InstanceCount; i++)
                        string str2;
                        bool   flag3 = shape11.IsInstanceEnabled(i);
                        if (flag3)
                            object[] objArray3 = new object[4];
                            object[] objArray4 = new object[4];
                            objArray4[0] = customText ?? string.Empty;
                            object[] local4 = objArray4;
                            local4[1] = "<";
                            local4[2] = i;
                            local4[3] = ">";
                            str2      = string.Concat(local4);
                            object[] objArray5 = new object[4];
                            object[] objArray6 = new object[4];
                            objArray6[0] = customText ?? string.Empty;
                            object[] local6 = objArray6;
                            local6[1] = "(";
                            local6[2] = i;
                            local6[3] = ")";
                            str2      = string.Concat(local6);
                        if (flag3)
                            DrawCollisionShape(shape11.GetInstance(i), shape11.GetInstanceTransform(i) * worldMatrix, alpha, ref shapeIndex, str2, false);
                goto TR_0003;

            case HkShapeType.BvCompressedMesh:

            case HkShapeType.BvTree:
                HkGridShape shape13 = (HkGridShape)shape;
                if (HkGridShapeCellDebugDraw && !shape13.Base.IsZero)
                    float cellSize       = shape13.CellSize;
                    int   shapeInfoCount = shape13.GetShapeInfoCount();
                    for (int i = 0; i < shapeInfoCount; i++)
                            Vector3S vectors;
                            Vector3S vectors2;
                            shape13.GetShapeInfo(i, out vectors, out vectors2, m_tmpShapeList);
                            Vector3 position = (Vector3)(((vectors2 * cellSize) + (vectors * cellSize)) / 2f);
                            Color   color2   = color;
                            if (vectors == vectors2)
                                color2 = new Color(1f, 0.2f, 0.1f);
                            MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawOBB((Matrix.CreateScale((((vectors2 * cellSize) - (vectors * cellSize)) + (Vector3.One * cellSize)) + new Vector3(num)) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(position)) * worldMatrix, color2, alpha, true, smooth, true, false);
                    MyRenderMessageDebugDrawTriangles msgInterface = MyRenderProxy.PrepareDebugDrawTriangles();
                        using (HkShapeBuffer buffer = new HkShapeBuffer())
                            HkShapeContainerIterator iterator3 = ((HkBvTreeShape)shape).GetIterator(buffer);
                            while (iterator3.IsValid)
                                HkShape currentValue = iterator3.CurrentValue;
                                if (currentValue.ShapeType != HkShapeType.Triangle)
                                    DrawCollisionShape(currentValue, worldMatrix, alpha, ref shapeIndex, null, false);
                                    HkTriangleShape shape17 = (HkTriangleShape)currentValue;
                                    msgInterface.AddTriangle(shape17.Pt0, shape17.Pt1, shape17.Pt2);
                            goto TR_0003;
                        msgInterface.Color = color;
                        MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawTriangles(msgInterface, new MatrixD?(worldMatrix), false, false, false, false);
                goto TR_0003;

                if (shapeType == HkShapeType.Bv)
                    HkBvShape shape19 = (HkBvShape)shape;
                    DrawCollisionShape(shape19.BoundingVolumeShape, worldMatrix, alpha, ref shapeIndex, null, true);
                    DrawCollisionShape(shape19.ChildShape, worldMatrix, alpha, ref shapeIndex, null, false);
                else if (shapeType == HkShapeType.PhantomCallback)
                    MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawText3D(worldMatrix.Translation, "Phantom", Color.Green, 0.75f, false, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_LEFT_AND_VERTICAL_TOP, -1, false);
                goto TR_0003;
            if (MyDebugDrawSettings.DEBUG_DRAW_TRIANGLE_PHYSICS)
                DrawGeometry(DebugGeometry, worldMatrix, Color.Green, false, false);
                flag2 = true;
            if (flag2 && (customText != null))
                color.A = 0xff;
                MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawText3D(worldMatrix.Translation, customText, color, 0.8f, false, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_LEFT_AND_VERTICAL_TOP, -1, false);