Example #1
        //public AnalyzerQualifierResult CreateQualifierStatistics(HistoryJson.History history, int matchId)
        //    AnalyzerQualifierResult result = null;
        //    string matchName = history.Events.FirstOrDefault(ob => ob.Detail.Type == "other").Detail.MatchName;
        //    HistoryJson.Game[] games = GetData.GetMatches(history);
        //    //beatmapid, score
        //    List<QualifierTeam> teams = new List<QualifierTeam>();

        //    //List<Team> dbTeams = new List<Team>();
        //    //List<DBPlayer> dbPlayers = new List<DBPlayer>();
        //    //List<TeamPlayerList> dbTeamPlayerList = new List<TeamPlayerList>();

        //    using (GAFContext context = new GAFContext())
        //    {
        //        foreach (var game in games)
        //        {
        //            foreach (var score in game.scores)
        //            {
        //                if (!score.user_id.HasValue)
        //                    continue;

        //                DBPlayer dbPlayer = dbPlayers.FirstOrDefault(p => p.OsuId.Value == score.user_id.Value);

        //                if (dbPlayer == null)
        //                {
        //                    dbPlayer = context.Player.FirstOrDefault(p => p.OsuId.HasValue && p.OsuId.Value == score.user_id.Value);
        //                    dbPlayers.Add(dbPlayer);
        //                }

        //                TeamPlayerList dbTeamPlayer = dbTeamPlayerList.FirstOrDefault(tp => tp.PlayerListId.Value == dbPlayer.Id);

        //                if (dbTeamPlayer == null)
        //                {
        //                    dbTeamPlayer = context.TeamPlayerList.FirstOrDefault(tp => tp.PlayerListId.HasValue && tp.PlayerListId.Value == dbPlayer.Id);

        //                    dbTeamPlayerList.Add(dbTeamPlayer);
        //                }

        //                Team dbTeam = dbTeams.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == dbTeamPlayer.TeamId);

        //                if (dbTeam == null)
        //                {
        //                    dbTeam = context.Team.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == dbTeamPlayer.TeamId.Value);
        //                    dbTeams.Add(dbTeam);
        //                }

        //                QualifierTeam team = teams.FirstOrDefault(t => t.TeamName.Equals(dbTeam.Name));

        //                if (team == null)
        //                {
        //                    team = new QualifierTeam(dbTeam.Name, new QualifierPlayer[]
        //                    {
        //                        new QualifierPlayer(dbPlayer.OsuId.Value, dbPlayer.Nickname, new (long, HistoryJson.Score)[]
        //                        {
        //                            (game.beatmap.id.Value, score)
        //                        })
        //                    });

        //                    teams.Add(team);
        //                }
        //                else
        //                {
        //                    QualifierPlayer player = team.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.UserId == dbPlayer.OsuId.Value);

        //                    if (player == null)
        //                    {
        //                        List<QualifierPlayer> players = team.Players.ToList();
        //                        players.Add(new QualifierPlayer(dbPlayer.OsuId.Value, dbPlayer.Nickname, new (long, HistoryJson.Score)[]
        //                        {
        //                            (game.beatmap.id.Value, score)
        //                        }));

        //                        team.Players = players.ToArray();
        //                    }
        //                    else
        //                    {
        //                        List<(long, HistoryJson.Score)> scores = player.Scores.ToList();
        //                        scores.Add((game.beatmap.id.Value, score));

        //                        player.Scores = scores.ToArray();
        //                    }
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }

        //    result = new AnalyzerQualifierResult(matchId, "stage", matchName, teams.ToArray());
        //    result.TimeStamp = history.Events.Last().TimeStamp;

        //    return result;

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a statistic for a osu mp match
        /// </summary>
        public AnalyzerResult CreateStatistic(HistoryJson.History history, int matchId)
            AnalyzerResult result = null;

                string             matchName = history.Events.FirstOrDefault(ob => ob.Detail.Type == "other").Detail.MatchName;
                HistoryJson.Game[] games     = GetData.GetMatches(history);
                //beatmapid, score
                List <(long, HistoryJson.Score)> scores = new List <(long, HistoryJson.Score)>();

                foreach (var game in games)
                    foreach (var score in game.scores)
                        scores.Add((game.beatmap.id ?? -1, score));

                var HighestScoreRankingResult = CalculateHighestRankingAndPlayCount(games, history, true);

                (string, string)teamNames = GetVersusTeamNames(matchName);
                Tuple <int, int> wins        = GetWins(games);
                TeamColor        winningTeam = wins.Item1 > wins.Item2 ? TeamColor.Blue : TeamColor.Red;
                TeamColor        losingTeam  = wins.Item1 > wins.Item2 ? TeamColor.Red : TeamColor.Blue;

                result = new AnalyzerResult()
                    MatchId              = matchId,
                    MatchName            = matchName,
                    HighestScore         = HighestScoreRankingResult.Item1[0].Item1,
                    HighestScoreBeatmap  = HighestScoreRankingResult.Item1[0].Item2,
                    HighestScoresRanking = HighestScoreRankingResult.Item1[0].Item3,

                    HighestAccuracyScore          = HighestScoreRankingResult.Item1[1].Item1,
                    HighestAccuracyBeatmap        = HighestScoreRankingResult.Item1[1].Item2,
                    HighestAverageAccuracyRanking = HighestScoreRankingResult.Item1[1].Item3,

                    WinningTeam      = winningTeam == TeamColor.Red ? teamNames.Item2 : teamNames.Item1,
                    WinningTeamColor = winningTeam,
                    WinningTeamWins  = winningTeam == TeamColor.Red ? wins.Item2 : wins.Item1,

                    LosingTeam     = losingTeam == TeamColor.Red ? teamNames.Item2 : teamNames.Item1,
                    LosingTeamWins = losingTeam == TeamColor.Red ? wins.Item2 : wins.Item1,
                    Scores         = scores.ToArray(),

                    TimeStamp = history.Events.Last().TimeStamp
                result.HighestScoreUser    = HighestScoreRankingResult.Item1[0].Item3.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Player.UserId == result.HighestScore.user_id).Player;
                result.HighestAccuracyUser = HighestScoreRankingResult.Item1[1].Item3.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Player.UserId == result.HighestAccuracyScore.user_id).Player;
                result.Ranks    = HighestScoreRankingResult.Item1[0].Item3;
                result.Beatmaps = HighestScoreRankingResult.Item2.Select(b => b.BeatMap).ToArray();
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Log("Analyzer: " + ex.ToString());
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// calculates the highest ranking players and beatmap play counts
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="games"><see cref="GetData.GetMatches(HistoryJson.History)"/></param>
        /// <returns>Tuple { Tuple { HighestScore, HighestScoreBeatmap, HighestScoreRanking }[], BeatmapPlayCount } }</returns>
        public Tuple <Tuple <HistoryJson.Score, HistoryJson.BeatMap, Rank[]>[], BeatmapPlayCount[]> CalculateHighestRankingAndPlayCount(HistoryJson.Game[] games, HistoryJson.History history, bool calculateMVP = false)
            HistoryJson.Score   highestScore        = null;
            HistoryJson.BeatMap highestScoreBeatmap = null;
            List <Player>       highestScoreRanking = new List <Player>();
            List <Rank>         sortedRanksScore    = new List <Rank>();

            HistoryJson.Score   highestAccuracy        = null;
            HistoryJson.BeatMap highestAccuracyBeatmap = null;
            List <Rank>         sortedRanksAccuracy    = new List <Rank>();

            StringComparer curCultIgnore = StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase;

            List <HistoryJson.Score> scores     = new List <HistoryJson.Score>();
            List <BeatmapPlayCount>  playCounts = new List <BeatmapPlayCount>();

            int warmupCounter = 0;
            List <HistoryJson.Score> hAcc;
            List <HistoryJson.Score> hScore;
            List <HistoryJson.Score> hMisses;
            List <HistoryJson.Score> hCombo;
            List <HistoryJson.Score> h300;

            bool doubleAllScores;

            foreach (HistoryJson.Game game in games)
                doubleAllScores = false;
                List <HistoryJson.Score> gameScores = game.scores;

                if (gameScores == null)
                else if (Program.Config.WarmupMatchCount > 0 && warmupCounter < Program.Config.WarmupMatchCount)

                int playCountIndex = playCounts.FindIndex(bpc => bpc.BeatMap.id.Value == game.beatmap.id.Value);

                if (playCountIndex > -1)
                    playCounts.Add(new BeatmapPlayCount()
                        BeatMap = game.beatmap,
                        Count   = 1,

                if (game.mods.Contains("ez", curCultIgnore))
                    doubleAllScores = true;

                for (int i = 0; i < game.scores.Count; i++)
                    HistoryJson.Score score         = game.scores[i];
                    Player            CurrentPlayer = highestScoreRanking.Find(player => player.UserId == score.user_id.Value);

                    if (doubleAllScores || score.mods.Contains("EZ", curCultIgnore))
                        ModifyScore(ref score, score.score.Value * 2);

                    if (CurrentPlayer == null)
                        CurrentPlayer          = new Player();
                        CurrentPlayer.UserId   = score.user_id.Value;
                        CurrentPlayer.UserName = GetData.GetUser(score, history).Username;
                        CurrentPlayer.Scores   = new HistoryJson.Score[] { score };
                        List <HistoryJson.Score> scoresPlayer = CurrentPlayer.Scores.ToList();
                        CurrentPlayer.Scores = scoresPlayer.ToArray();

                    if (highestScore == null || score.score.Value > highestScore.score.Value)
                        highestScore        = score;
                        highestScoreBeatmap = game.beatmap;

                    if (highestAccuracy == null || highestAccuracy.accuracy.Value < score.accuracy.Value)
                        highestAccuracy        = score;
                        highestAccuracyBeatmap = game.beatmap;

                if (calculateMVP)
                    hAcc    = game.scores.OrderBy(f => f.accuracy.Value).ToList();
                    hScore  = game.scores.OrderBy(f => f.score.Value).ToList();
                    hMisses = game.scores.OrderByDescending(f => f.statistics.count_miss.Value).ToList();
                    hCombo  = game.scores.OrderBy(f => f.max_combo.Value).ToList();
                    h300    = game.scores.OrderBy(f => f.statistics.count_300.Value).ToList();

                    int x;
                    for (int i = hAcc.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                        if (i < hAcc.Count - 1)
                            x = i + 1;
                            while (x < hAcc.Count - 1 && hAcc[i].accuracy.Value == hAcc[x].accuracy.Value)

                            highestScoreRanking.Find(p => p.UserId == hAcc[i].user_id.Value).MVPScore += x * _accMulti;

                        highestScoreRanking.Find(p => p.UserId == hAcc[i].user_id.Value).MVPScore += i * _accMulti;

                    for (int i = hScore.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                        if (i < hScore.Count - 1)
                            x = i + 1;
                            while (x < hScore.Count - 1 && hScore[i].score.Value == hScore[x].score.Value)

                            highestScoreRanking.Find(p => p.UserId == hScore[i].user_id.Value).MVPScore += x * _scoreMulti;

                        highestScoreRanking.Find(p => p.UserId == hScore[i].user_id.Value).MVPScore += i * _scoreMulti;

                    for (int i = hMisses.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                        if (i < hMisses.Count - 1)
                            x = i + 1;
                            while (x < hMisses.Count - 1 && hMisses[i].statistics.count_miss.Value == hMisses[x].statistics.count_miss.Value)

                            highestScoreRanking.Find(p => p.UserId == hMisses[i].user_id.Value).MVPScore -= x * _missesMulti;

                        highestScoreRanking.Find(p => p.UserId == hMisses[i].user_id.Value).MVPScore -= i * _missesMulti;

                    for (int i = hCombo.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                        if (i < hCombo.Count - 1)
                            x = i + 1;
                            while (x < hCombo.Count - 1 && hCombo[i].max_combo.Value == hCombo[x].max_combo.Value)

                            highestScoreRanking.Find(p => p.UserId == hCombo[i].user_id.Value).MVPScore += x * _comboMulti;

                        highestScoreRanking.Find(p => p.UserId == hCombo[i].user_id.Value).MVPScore += i * _comboMulti;

                    for (int i = h300.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                        if (i < h300.Count - 1)
                            x = i + 1;
                            while (x < h300.Count - 1 && h300[i].max_combo.Value == h300[x].max_combo.Value)

                            highestScoreRanking.Find(p => p.UserId == h300[i].user_id.Value).MVPScore += x * _300Multi;

                        highestScoreRanking.Find(p => p.UserId == h300[i].user_id.Value).MVPScore += i * _300Multi;

            highestScoreRanking.ForEach(ob =>

            highestScoreRanking = highestScoreRanking.OrderByDescending(player => player.HighestScore.score.Value).ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < highestScoreRanking.Count; i++)
                Rank rank = new Rank()
                    Player = highestScoreRanking[i],
                    Place  = i + 1


            sortedRanksAccuracy = sortedRanksScore.OrderByDescending(r => r.Player.AverageAccuracy).ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < sortedRanksAccuracy.Count; i++)
                sortedRanksAccuracy[i].Place = i + 1;

            return(new Tuple <Tuple <HistoryJson.Score, HistoryJson.BeatMap, Rank[]>[], BeatmapPlayCount[]>(
                       new Tuple <HistoryJson.Score, HistoryJson.BeatMap, Rank[]>[]
                new Tuple <HistoryJson.Score, HistoryJson.BeatMap, Rank[]>(highestScore, highestScoreBeatmap, sortedRanksScore.ToArray()),
                new Tuple <HistoryJson.Score, HistoryJson.BeatMap, Rank[]>(highestAccuracy, highestAccuracyBeatmap, sortedRanksAccuracy.ToArray()),
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// parses a osu mp match
        /// </summary>
        public (HistoryJson.History, int) ParseMatch(string matchIdString, params string[] parameters)
            const string historyUrl        = "https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/";
            const string historyUrlVariant = "https://osu.ppy.sh/mp/";

            if (matchIdString.Contains(historyUrlVariant))
                matchIdString = matchIdString.Replace(historyUrlVariant, historyUrl);

            int matchId = -1;

            string[] multiLinkSplit = matchIdString.Split(new[] { "\r\n", "\r", "\n", Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None);

            foreach (string s in multiLinkSplit)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
                if (s.Contains(historyUrl))
                    string[] split = s.Split('/');

                    foreach (string str in split)
                        if (int.TryParse(str, out int PresultSplit))
                            matchId = PresultSplit;
                    if (matchId > 0)

                    string numbers = null;
                    int    indexOf = s.IndexOf(historyUrl) + historyUrl.Length;

                    string sub = s.Substring(indexOf, s.Length - indexOf);

                    foreach (char c in sub)
                        if (c.Equals(' '))

                        if (int.TryParse(c.ToString(), out int result))
                            numbers += result;

                    if (int.TryParse(numbers, out int resultMP))
                        matchId = resultMP;

            if (matchId <= 0)
                return(null, -1);

            string endpointUrl = $"https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/{matchId}/history";

            if (parameters != null && parameters.Length > 0)
                endpointUrl += "?" + parameters[0];

                for (int i = 1; i < parameters.Length; i++)
                    endpointUrl += "&" + parameters[i];

            HistoryJson.History historyJson = GetData.ParseJsonFromUrl(endpointUrl);

            return(historyJson, matchId);