Example #1
        private async Task CopyModelAsCsvToStreamAsync(NameValueCollection requestParameters, Stream responseStream, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            const int DefaultFrameRate = 30;

            string dateTimeFormat = Program.Host.Model.Global.DateTimeFormat;

            // TODO: Improve operation for large point lists:
            // Pick-up "POST"ed parameters with a "genurl" param, then cache parameters
            // in a memory cache and return the unique URL (a string instead of a file)
            // with a "download" param and unique ID associated with cached parameters.
            // Then extract params based on unique ID and follow normal steps...

            string pointIDsParam              = requestParameters["PointIDs"];
            string startTimeParam             = requestParameters["StartTime"];
            string endTimeParam               = requestParameters["EndTime"];
            string frameRateParam             = requestParameters["FrameRate"];
            string alignTimestampsParam       = requestParameters["AlignTimestamps"];
            string missingAsNaNParam          = requestParameters["MissingAsNaN"];
            string fillMissingTimestampsParam = requestParameters["FillMissingTimestamps"];
            string instanceName               = requestParameters["InstanceName"];

            ulong[] pointIDs;
            string  headers;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pointIDsParam))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("PointIDs", "Cannot export data: no values were provided in \"PointIDs\" parameter.");

                pointIDs = pointIDsParam.Split(',').Select(ulong.Parse).ToArray();
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("PointIDs", $"Cannot export data: failed to parse \"PointIDs\" parameter value \"{pointIDsParam}\": {ex.Message}");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(startTimeParam))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("StartTime", "Cannot export data: no \"StartTime\" parameter value was specified.");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pointIDsParam))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("EndTime", "Cannot export data: no \"EndTime\" parameter value was specified.");

            DateTime startTime, endTime;

                startTime = DateTime.ParseExact(startTimeParam, dateTimeFormat, null, DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Cannot export data: failed to parse \"StartTime\" parameter value \"{startTimeParam}\". Expected format is \"{dateTimeFormat}\". Error message: {ex.Message}", "StartTime", ex);

                endTime = DateTime.ParseExact(endTimeParam, dateTimeFormat, null, DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Cannot export data: failed to parse \"EndTime\" parameter value \"{endTimeParam}\". Expected format is \"{dateTimeFormat}\". Error message: {ex.Message}", "EndTime", ex);

            if (startTime > endTime)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("StartTime", "Cannot export data: start time exceeds end time.");

            using (DataContext dataContext = new DataContext())
                // Validate current user has access to requested data
                if (!dataContext.UserIsInRole(s_minimumRequiredRoles))
                    throw new SecurityException($"Cannot export data: access is denied for user \"{Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity?.Name ?? "Undefined"}\", minimum required roles = {s_minimumRequiredRoles.ToDelimitedString(", ")}.");

                headers = GetHeaders(dataContext, pointIDs.Select(id => (int)id));

            int frameRate;

            if (!int.TryParse(frameRateParam, out frameRate))
                frameRate = DefaultFrameRate;

            bool alignTimestamps       = alignTimestampsParam?.ParseBoolean() ?? true;
            bool missingAsNaN          = missingAsNaNParam?.ParseBoolean() ?? true;
            bool fillMissingTimestamps = alignTimestamps && (fillMissingTimestampsParam?.ParseBoolean() ?? false);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(instanceName))
                instanceName = TrendValueAPI.DefaultInstanceName;

            LocalOutputAdapter adapter;

            LocalOutputAdapter.Instances.TryGetValue(instanceName, out adapter);
            HistorianServer serverInstance = adapter?.Server;

            if ((object)serverInstance == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot export data: failed to access internal historian server instance \"{instanceName}\".");

            const int TargetBufferSize = 524288;

            StringBuilder        readBuffer  = new StringBuilder(TargetBufferSize * 2);
            ManualResetEventSlim bufferReady = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);
            List <string>        writeBuffer = new List <string>();
            object writeBufferLock           = new object();
            bool   readComplete = false;

            Task readTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    using (SnapClient connection = SnapClient.Connect(serverInstance.Host))
                        Dictionary <ulong, int> pointIDIndex = new Dictionary <ulong, int>(pointIDs.Length);
                        float[] values = new float[pointIDs.Length];

                        for (int i = 0; i < pointIDs.Length; i++)
                            pointIDIndex.Add(pointIDs[i], i);

                        for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                            values[i] = float.NaN;

                        Ticks[] subseconds = Ticks.SubsecondDistribution(frameRate);
                        ulong interval     = (ulong)(subseconds.Length > 1 ? subseconds[1].Value : Ticks.PerSecond);

                        ulong lastTimestamp = 0;

                        // Write data pages
                        SeekFilterBase <HistorianKey> timeFilter = TimestampSeekFilter.CreateFromRange <HistorianKey>(startTime, endTime);
                        MatchFilterBase <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> pointFilter = PointIdMatchFilter.CreateFromList <HistorianKey, HistorianValue>(pointIDs);
                        HistorianKey historianKey     = new HistorianKey();
                        HistorianValue historianValue = new HistorianValue();

                        // Write row values function
                        Action bufferValues = () =>
                            readBuffer.Append(missingAsNaN ? string.Join(",", values) : string.Join(",", values.Select(val => float.IsNaN(val) ? "" : $"{val}")));

                            if (readBuffer.Length < TargetBufferSize)

                            lock (writeBufferLock)


                        using (ClientDatabaseBase <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> database = connection.GetDatabase <HistorianKey, HistorianValue>(instanceName))
                            // Start stream reader for the provided time window and selected points
                            TreeStream <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> stream = database.Read(SortedTreeEngineReaderOptions.Default, timeFilter, pointFilter);
                            ulong timestamp = 0;

                            while (stream.Read(historianKey, historianValue) && !cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                                if (alignTimestamps)
                                    timestamp = (ulong)Ticks.RoundToSubsecondDistribution((long)historianKey.Timestamp, frameRate).Value;
                                    timestamp = historianKey.Timestamp;

                                // Start a new row for each encountered new timestamp
                                if (timestamp != lastTimestamp)
                                    if (lastTimestamp > 0)

                                    for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                                        values[i] = float.NaN;

                                    if (fillMissingTimestamps && lastTimestamp > 0 && timestamp > lastTimestamp)
                                        ulong difference = timestamp - lastTimestamp;

                                        if (difference > interval)
                                            ulong interpolated = lastTimestamp;

                                            for (ulong i = 1; i < difference / interval; i++)
                                                interpolated = (ulong)Ticks.RoundToSubsecondDistribution((long)(interpolated + interval), frameRate).Value;
                                                readBuffer.Append($"{Environment.NewLine}{new DateTime((long)interpolated, DateTimeKind.Utc).ToString(dateTimeFormat)},");

                                    readBuffer.Append($"{Environment.NewLine}{new DateTime((long)timestamp, DateTimeKind.Utc).ToString(dateTimeFormat)},");
                                    lastTimestamp = timestamp;

                                // Save value to its column
                                values[pointIDIndex[historianKey.PointID]] = historianValue.AsSingle;

                            if (timestamp > 0)

                            if (readBuffer.Length > 0)
                                lock (writeBufferLock)
                    readComplete = true;
            }, cancellationToken);

            Task writeTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(responseStream))
                    //Ticks exportStart = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
                    string[] localBuffer;

                    // Write column headers

                    while ((writeBuffer.Count > 0 || !readComplete) && !cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)

                        lock (writeBufferLock)
                            localBuffer = writeBuffer.ToArray();

                        foreach (string buffer in localBuffer)

                    // Flush stream

                    //Debug.WriteLine("Export time: " + (DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks - exportStart).ToElapsedTimeString(3));
            }, cancellationToken);

            await readTask;
            await writeTask;
Example #2
        private async Task CopyModelAsCsvToStreamAsync(SecurityPrincipal securityPrincipal, NameValueCollection requestParameters, Stream responseStream, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            const double DefaultFrameRate     = 30;
            const int    DefaultTimestampSnap = 0;

            string dateTimeFormat             = Program.Host.Model.Global.DateTimeFormat;
            string cacheIDParam               = requestParameters["CacheID"];
            string pointIDsParam              = requestParameters["PointIDs"];
            string startTimeParam             = requestParameters["StartTime"];
            string endTimeParam               = requestParameters["EndTime"];
            string timestampSnapParam         = requestParameters["TSSnap"];
            string frameRateParam             = requestParameters["FrameRate"];
            string alignTimestampsParam       = requestParameters["AlignTimestamps"];
            string missingAsNaNParam          = requestParameters["MissingAsNaN"];
            string fillMissingTimestampsParam = requestParameters["FillMissingTimestamps"];
            string instanceName               = requestParameters["InstanceName"];
            string toleranceParam             = requestParameters["TSTolerance"]; // In milliseconds

            ulong[] pointIDs;
            string  headers;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cacheIDParam) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(pointIDsParam))
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot export data: no point ID values can be accessed. Neither the \"CacheID\" nor the \"PointIDs\" parameter was provided.");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pointIDsParam))
                pointIDs = GetCachedPointIDs(cacheIDParam);

                if (pointIDs is null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("CacheID", $"Cannot export data: failed to load cached point ID list referenced by \"CacheID\" parameter value \"{cacheIDParam}\".");
                    pointIDs = pointIDsParam.Split(',').Select(ulong.Parse).ToArray();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("PointIDs", $"Cannot export data: failed to parse \"PointIDs\" parameter value \"{pointIDsParam}\": {ex.Message}");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(startTimeParam))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("StartTime", "Cannot export data: no \"StartTime\" parameter value was specified.");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(endTimeParam))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("EndTime", "Cannot export data: no \"EndTime\" parameter value was specified.");

            DateTime startTime, endTime;

                startTime = DateTime.ParseExact(startTimeParam, dateTimeFormat, null, DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Cannot export data: failed to parse \"StartTime\" parameter value \"{startTimeParam}\". Expected format is \"{dateTimeFormat}\". Error message: {ex.Message}", "StartTime", ex);

                endTime = DateTime.ParseExact(endTimeParam, dateTimeFormat, null, DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Cannot export data: failed to parse \"EndTime\" parameter value \"{endTimeParam}\". Expected format is \"{dateTimeFormat}\". Error message: {ex.Message}", "EndTime", ex);

            if (startTime > endTime)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("StartTime", "Cannot export data: start time exceeds end time.");

            using (DataContext dataContext = new DataContext())
                // Validate current user has access to requested data
                if (!dataContext.UserIsInRole(securityPrincipal, s_minimumRequiredRoles))
                    throw new SecurityException($"Cannot export data: access is denied for user \"{Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity?.Name ?? "Undefined"}\", minimum required roles = {s_minimumRequiredRoles.ToDelimitedString(", ")}.");

                headers = GetHeaders(dataContext, pointIDs.Select(id => (int)id));

            if (!double.TryParse(frameRateParam, out double frameRate))
                frameRate = DefaultFrameRate;

            if (!int.TryParse(timestampSnapParam, out int timestampSnap))
                timestampSnap = DefaultTimestampSnap;

            if (!double.TryParse(toleranceParam, out double tolerance))
                tolerance = 0.5;

            int  toleranceTicks        = (int)Math.Ceiling(tolerance * Ticks.PerMillisecond);
            bool alignTimestamps       = alignTimestampsParam?.ParseBoolean() ?? true;
            bool missingAsNaN          = missingAsNaNParam?.ParseBoolean() ?? true;
            bool fillMissingTimestamps = alignTimestamps && (fillMissingTimestampsParam?.ParseBoolean() ?? false);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(instanceName))
                instanceName = TrendValueAPI.DefaultInstanceName;

            LocalOutputAdapter.Instances.TryGetValue(instanceName, out LocalOutputAdapter adapter);
            HistorianServer serverInstance = adapter?.Server;

            if (serverInstance is null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot export data: failed to access internal historian server instance \"{instanceName}\".");

            const int TargetBufferSize = 524288;

            StringBuilder        readBuffer  = new StringBuilder(TargetBufferSize * 2);
            ManualResetEventSlim bufferReady = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);
            List <string>        writeBuffer = new List <string>();
            object writeBufferLock           = new object();
            bool   readComplete = false;

            Task readTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    using SnapClient connection          = SnapClient.Connect(serverInstance.Host);
                    Dictionary <ulong, int> pointIDIndex = new Dictionary <ulong, int>(pointIDs.Length);
                    float[] values = new float[pointIDs.Length];

                    for (int i = 0; i < pointIDs.Length; i++)
                        pointIDIndex.Add(pointIDs[i], i);

                    for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                        values[i] = float.NaN;

                    ulong interval;

                    if (Math.Abs(frameRate % 1) <= double.Epsilon * 100)
                        Ticks[] subseconds = Ticks.SubsecondDistribution((int)frameRate);
                        interval           = (ulong)(subseconds.Length > 1 ? subseconds[1].Value : Ticks.PerSecond);
                        interval = (ulong)(Math.Floor(1.0d / frameRate) * Ticks.PerSecond);

                    ulong lastTimestamp = 0;

                    // Write data pages
                    SeekFilterBase <HistorianKey> timeFilter = TimestampSeekFilter.CreateFromRange <HistorianKey>(startTime, endTime);
                    MatchFilterBase <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> pointFilter = PointIdMatchFilter.CreateFromList <HistorianKey, HistorianValue>(pointIDs);
                    HistorianKey historianKey     = new HistorianKey();
                    HistorianValue historianValue = new HistorianValue();

                    // Write row values function
                    void bufferValues()
                        readBuffer.Append(missingAsNaN ? string.Join(",", values) : string.Join(",", values.Select(val => float.IsNaN(val) ? "" : $"{val}")));

                        if (readBuffer.Length < TargetBufferSize)

                        lock (writeBufferLock)


                    // Start stream reader for the provided time window and selected points
                    using ClientDatabaseBase <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> database = connection.GetDatabase <HistorianKey, HistorianValue>(instanceName);
                    TreeStream <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> stream = database.Read(SortedTreeEngineReaderOptions.Default, timeFilter, pointFilter);
                    ulong timestamp = 0;

                    // Adjust timestamp to use first timestamp as base
                    bool adjustTimeStamp = timestampSnap switch
                        0 => false,
                        1 => true,
                        2 => false,
                        _ => true

                    long baseTime = timestampSnap switch
                        0 => Ticks.RoundToSecondDistribution(startTime.Ticks, frameRate, startTime.Ticks - startTime.Ticks % Ticks.PerSecond),
                        _ => startTime.Ticks

                    while (stream.Read(historianKey, historianValue) && !cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                        if (alignTimestamps)
                            if (adjustTimeStamp)
                                adjustTimeStamp = false;
                                baseTime        = (long)historianKey.Timestamp;

                            // Make sure the timestamp is actually close enough to the distribution
                            Ticks ticks = Ticks.ToSecondDistribution((long)historianKey.Timestamp, frameRate, baseTime, toleranceTicks);
                            if (ticks == Ticks.MinValue)

                            timestamp = (ulong)ticks.Value;
                            timestamp = historianKey.Timestamp;

                        // Start a new row for each encountered new timestamp
                        if (timestamp != lastTimestamp)
                            if (lastTimestamp > 0)

                            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                                values[i] = float.NaN;

                            if (fillMissingTimestamps && lastTimestamp > 0 && timestamp > lastTimestamp)
                                ulong difference = timestamp - lastTimestamp;

                                if (difference > interval)
                                    ulong interpolated = lastTimestamp;

                                    for (ulong i = 1; i < difference / interval; i++)
                                        interpolated = (ulong)Ticks.RoundToSecondDistribution((long)(interpolated + interval), frameRate, startTime.Ticks).Value;
                                        readBuffer.Append($"{Environment.NewLine}{new DateTime((long)interpolated, DateTimeKind.Utc).ToString(dateTimeFormat)},");

                            readBuffer.Append($"{Environment.NewLine}{new DateTime((long)timestamp, DateTimeKind.Utc).ToString(dateTimeFormat)},");
                            lastTimestamp = timestamp;

                        // Save value to its column
                        values[pointIDIndex[historianKey.PointID]] = historianValue.AsSingle;

                    if (timestamp > 0)

                    if (readBuffer.Length > 0)
                        lock (writeBufferLock)
                    readComplete = true;

            Task writeTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                using StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(responseStream);

                // Write column headers

                while ((writeBuffer.Count > 0 || !readComplete) && !cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                    string[] localBuffer;


                    lock (writeBufferLock)
                        localBuffer = writeBuffer.ToArray();

                    foreach (string buffer in localBuffer)

                // Flush stream

                //Debug.WriteLine("Export time: " + (DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks - exportStart).ToElapsedTimeString(3));

            await readTask;
            await writeTask;