Example #1
            /// <summary>
            /// <para>Gets full history of entry with next smallest ID, or null if query is over.</para>
            /// <para>Returned history is oldest to newest.</para>
            /// </summary>
            public void GetNext(out List <EntryVersion> history, out int entryId)
                history = null; entryId = -1;
                if (rdrAllHistory == null)
                    rdrAllHistory = cmdSelAllHistory.ExecuteReader();
                List <HistRec> recs = new List <HistRec>();

                if (lastHistRec != null)
                    lastHistRec = null;
                while (true)
                    if (!rdrAllHistory.Read())
                        if (recs.Count != 0)
                            toVersions(recs, out history, out entryId);
                    // Retrieve data from reader
                    HistRec hrec = new HistRec
                        EntryId           = rdrAllHistory.GetInt32("id"),
                        EntryHw           = rdrAllHistory.GetString("hw"),
                        EntryTrg          = rdrAllHistory.GetString("trg"),
                        EntryStatus       = (EntryStatus)(sbyte)rdrAllHistory.GetSByte("status"),
                        EntryDeleted      = ((sbyte)rdrAllHistory.GetSByte("deleted")) == 1,
                        ModifUserId       = rdrAllHistory.GetInt32("user_id"),
                        ModifTimeUtc      = new DateTime(rdrAllHistory.GetDateTime("timestamp").Ticks, DateTimeKind.Utc),
                        ModifNote         = rdrAllHistory.GetString("note"),
                        ModifBulkRef      = rdrAllHistory.GetInt32("bulk_ref"),
                        ModifChangeType   = rdrAllHistory.GetByte("chg"),
                        ModifHwBefore     = rdrAllHistory.GetFieldType("hw_before") == DBNull.Value.GetType() ? null : rdrAllHistory.GetString("hw_before"),
                        ModifTrgBefore    = rdrAllHistory.GetFieldType("trg_before") == DBNull.Value.GetType() ? null : rdrAllHistory.GetString("trg_before"),
                        ModifStatusBefore = rdrAllHistory.GetFieldType("status_before") == DBNull.Value.GetType() ? (byte)99 : rdrAllHistory.GetByte("status_before"),
                    // No-DBNull workaround: fix empties
                    if (hrec.ModifHwBefore == "")
                        hrec.ModifHwBefore = null;
                    if (hrec.ModifTrgBefore == "")
                        hrec.ModifTrgBefore = null;
                    if (hrec.ModifChangeType != 4)
                        hrec.ModifStatusBefore = 99;
                    // Same entry?
                    if (recs.Count == 0 || recs[recs.Count - 1].EntryId == hrec.EntryId)
                    lastHistRec = hrec;
                toVersions(recs, out history, out entryId);
Example #2
 private void toVersions(List <HistRec> recs, out List <EntryVersion> history, out int entryId)
     entryId = recs[0].EntryId;
     history = new List <EntryVersion>();
     // Sort records newest to oldest
     recs.Sort((x, y) => y.ModifTimeUtc.CompareTo(x.ModifTimeUtc));
     // Resolve HW, TRG and STATUS for each version
     string[]      verHw     = new string[recs.Count];
     string[]      verTrg    = new string[recs.Count];
     EntryStatus[] verStatus = new EntryStatus[recs.Count];
     for (int i = 0; i != recs.Count; ++i)
         HistRec rec = recs[i];
         // Newest: take entry, "propagate" all the way to oldest
         if (i == 0)
             for (int j = 0; j != recs.Count; ++j)
                 verHw[j]     = rec.EntryHw;
                 verTrg[j]    = rec.EntryTrg;
                 verStatus[j] = rec.EntryStatus;
         // Change has "before" value: propagate to earlier versions
         if (rec.ModifHwBefore != null)
             for (int j = i + 1; j < verHw.Length; ++j)
                 verHw[j] = rec.ModifHwBefore;
         if (rec.ModifTrgBefore != null)
             for (int j = i + 1; j < verTrg.Length; ++j)
                 verTrg[j] = rec.ModifTrgBefore;
         if (rec.ModifStatusBefore != 99)
             for (int j = i + 1; j < verStatus.Length; ++j)
                 verStatus[j] = (EntryStatus)rec.ModifStatusBefore;
     // Moving now from oldest to newest, build history
     // First and last item are special: they always contain entry
     // First coz we must "anchor" entry; last because it's always present in non-commented form
     for (int i = recs.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
         HistRec      rec   = recs[i];
         CedictEntry  entry = parser.ParseEntry(verHw[i] + " " + verTrg[i], -1, null);
         EntryVersion ev    = new EntryVersion
             Timestamp = rec.ModifTimeUtc,
             User      = idToUserName[rec.ModifUserId],
             Status    = verStatus[i],
             BulkRef   = rec.ModifBulkRef,
             Comment   = rec.ModifNote,
             Entry     = null,
         // First and last version always get entry
         if (i == 0 || i == recs.Count - 1)
             ev.Entry = entry;
         // Also if HW or TRG changed from earlier (i + 1) version
         else if (verHw[i] != verHw[i + 1] || verTrg[i] != verTrg[i + 1])
             ev.Entry = entry;
         // Append to history