public void Update(ref Vector3 availableSize)
                Vector3 parentPosition;
                Vector3 parentSize;
                Matrix  parentMatrixInv;

                var parent = gameSideElement.VisualParent;

                if (parent is not null)
                    // parentCanvas is sized to the parent of the associated UIElement
                    var parentMatrix = parent.WorldMatrix;
                    parentPosition  = parentMatrix.TranslationVector + availableSize * 0.5f;
                    parentSize      = parent.RenderSize;
                    parentMatrixInv = Matrix.Invert(parent.WorldMatrix);
                    // Or to the total available size if it doesn't have a parent.
                    parentPosition  = availableSize * 0.5f;
                    parentSize      = availableSize;
                    parentMatrixInv = Matrix.Identity;
                parentCanvas.Size = parentSize;
                parentCanvas.SetCanvasPinOrigin(0.5f * Vector3.One); // Centered on origin

                var diffMatrix = Matrix.Multiply(parentMatrixInv, gameSideElement.WorldMatrix);
                var position   = diffMatrix.TranslationVector + parentSize * 0.5f;

                // canvas is sized to the associated UIElement
                canvas.Size = gameSideElement.RenderSize;
                // canvas is Z-offset by depth bias (+1 to differentiate with the adorner root canvas)
                canvas.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1 * (gameSideElement.DepthBias + 1)); // Because we are inside a canvas, only Left, Top and Front margins can be used.

                canvas.SetCanvasPinOrigin(0.5f * Vector3.One); // Centered on origin

                adorners.ForEach(a => a.Update(position));