private string AppendNextMacros(string macroName, string lastMacroString, HierarchyExplorerConfiguration currentConfig)
            string ret = lastMacroString;
            string sql = "Select " + currentConfig.MacroFieldProps.NextField + " FROM " + currentConfig.MacroFieldProps.TableName +
                         " WHERE " + currentConfig.MacroFieldProps.IdField + " = '" + macroName + "'";// ExportConfiguration.NextMacroSql.Replace("%ID%", macroName);
            SqlCommand     sqlSubSelectCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, ExportConfiguration.SqlConnection);
            SqlDataAdapter sqlSubDataAdapter   = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlSubSelectCommand);
            DataTable      subDt = new DataTable();

            if (subDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                string nextMacroId = subDt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nextMacroId))
                    ret = ret + " → " + nextMacroId;
                    ret = ret + AppendNextMacros(nextMacroId, ret, currentConfig);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UsedMacrosList))
                UsedMacrosList += ",";
            UsedMacrosList += "'" + macroName + "'";
        public void Explore(string classList, string hierarchyName)
            HierarchyExplorerConfiguration currentConfig = ExportConfiguration.HierarchyExplorerConfigs[hierarchyName];

            this.UsedMacrosList     = "";
            currentConfig.ClassList = classList;
            string         sql = currentConfig.Hierarchy.AddRootWhereToSql(currentConfig.SQL);
            SqlCommand     sqlSelectCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, ExportConfiguration.SqlConnection);
            SqlDataAdapter sqlAdapter       = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlSelectCommand);
            DataTable      RootData         = new DataTable();

            Data = new DataTable();
            sqlAdapter.FillSchema(Data, SchemaType.Source);
            Data.PrimaryKey = null;
            foreach (DataColumn dc in Data.Columns)
                if (dc.DataType == typeof(string))
                    dc.MaxLength = int.MaxValue;
                if (dc.Unique)
                    dc.Unique = false;
            AddSubRows(Data, RootData, 0, "", currentConfig, new List <string>());
            if (currentConfig.MacroFieldProps != null)
                string notUsedSql = "SELECT " + currentConfig.MacroFieldProps.IdField + " FROM " + currentConfig.MacroFieldProps.TableName +
                                    " WHERE " + currentConfig.MacroFieldProps.IdField + " NOT IN (" + UsedMacrosList + ")";
                SqlCommand     notUsedCommand = new SqlCommand(notUsedSql, ExportConfiguration.SqlConnection);
                SqlDataAdapter notUsedAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(notUsedCommand);
                DataTable      notUsedDt      = new DataTable();
                NotUsedMacrosList = "";
                bool first = true;
                foreach (DataRow dr in notUsedDt.Rows)
                    if (first)
                        first = false;
                        NotUsedMacrosList += ",";
                    NotUsedMacrosList += "'" + dr[0].ToString() + "'";
 private string AppendNextMacros(string macroName, string lastMacroString, HierarchyExplorerConfiguration currentConfig)
     string ret = lastMacroString;
     string sql = "Select " + currentConfig.MacroFieldProps.NextField + " FROM " + currentConfig.MacroFieldProps.TableName +
         " WHERE " + currentConfig.MacroFieldProps.IdField + " = '" + macroName + "'";// ExportConfiguration.NextMacroSql.Replace("%ID%", macroName);
     SqlCommand sqlSubSelectCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, ExportConfiguration.SqlConnection);
     SqlDataAdapter sqlSubDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlSubSelectCommand);
     DataTable subDt = new DataTable();
     if (subDt.Rows.Count > 0)
         string nextMacroId = subDt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nextMacroId))
             ret = ret + " → " + nextMacroId;
             ret = ret + AppendNextMacros(nextMacroId, ret, currentConfig);
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UsedMacrosList))
         UsedMacrosList += ",";
     UsedMacrosList += "'" + macroName + "'";
     return ret;
 private string AppendNextMacros(string macroName, HierarchyExplorerConfiguration currentConfig)
     return AppendNextMacros(macroName, macroName, currentConfig);
 private void AddSubRows(DataTable mainData, DataTable fetchedData, int tabsToAdd, string ValueForFieldEqualToParent, HierarchyExplorerConfiguration currentConfig, List<string> parentFields)
     if (fetchedData != null && tabsToAdd < currentConfig.Hierarchy.MaxDepth)
         foreach (DataRow dr in fetchedData.Rows)
             if (currentConfig.Hierarchy.NoLoops)
                 bool indexContainsInParentIds = false;
                 for (int i = 0; i < currentConfig.Hierarchy.IdFields.Length; i++)
                     if (parentFields.Contains(dr[currentConfig.Hierarchy.IdFields[i]].ToString()))
                         indexContainsInParentIds = true;
                 if (indexContainsInParentIds)
             string subsql = currentConfig.Hierarchy.AddParentWhereToSql(currentConfig.SQL, dr);
             SqlCommand sqlSubSelectCommand = new SqlCommand(subsql, ExportConfiguration.SqlConnection);
             SqlDataAdapter sqlSubDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlSubSelectCommand);
             DataTable subDt = new DataTable();
             string hierarchyPrefix = "";
             for (int i = 0; i < tabsToAdd; i++)
                 if (i == 0)
                     hierarchyPrefix += "";
                 hierarchyPrefix += "     ";
                 if (i == tabsToAdd - 1)
                     hierarchyPrefix += "↳";
             dr[currentConfig.Hierarchy.CaptionField] = hierarchyPrefix + dr[currentConfig.Hierarchy.CaptionField];
             if (currentConfig.MacroFieldProps != null)
                 foreach (MacroField macroField in currentConfig.MacroFields)
                     if (dr[macroField.Name] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr[macroField.Name].ToString()))
                         dr[macroField.Name] = AppendNextMacros(dr[macroField.Name].ToString(), currentConfig);
             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ValueForFieldEqualToParent) || dr[currentConfig.Hierarchy.FieldEqualToParent].ToString() == ValueForFieldEqualToParent)
             string tmpValueForFieldEqualToParent = (Data.Columns.Contains(currentConfig.Hierarchy.FieldEqualToParent)) ?  dr[currentConfig.Hierarchy.FieldEqualToParent].ToString() : "";
             List<string> newParentFields = new List<string>();
             for (int i = 0; i < currentConfig.Hierarchy.IdFields.Length; i++)
                 //addWhere += ParentIdFields[i] + "='" + parentRow[IdFields[i]] + "' and ";
             AddSubRows(mainData, subDt, tabsToAdd + 1, tmpValueForFieldEqualToParent, currentConfig, newParentFields);
             //foreach (DataRow subdr in subDt.Rows)
             //    Data.ImportRow(subdr);
 private void AddSubRows(DataTable mainData, DataTable fetchedData, int tabsToAdd, string ValueForFieldEqualToParent, HierarchyExplorerConfiguration currentConfig, List <string> parentFields)
     if (fetchedData != null && tabsToAdd < currentConfig.Hierarchy.MaxDepth)
         foreach (DataRow dr in fetchedData.Rows)
             if (currentConfig.Hierarchy.NoLoops)
                 bool indexContainsInParentIds = false;
                 for (int i = 0; i < currentConfig.Hierarchy.IdFields.Length; i++)
                     if (parentFields.Contains(dr[currentConfig.Hierarchy.IdFields[i]].ToString()))
                         indexContainsInParentIds = true;
                 if (indexContainsInParentIds)
             string         subsql = currentConfig.Hierarchy.AddParentWhereToSql(currentConfig.SQL, dr);
             SqlCommand     sqlSubSelectCommand = new SqlCommand(subsql, ExportConfiguration.SqlConnection);
             SqlDataAdapter sqlSubDataAdapter   = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlSubSelectCommand);
             DataTable      subDt = new DataTable();
             string hierarchyPrefix = "";
             for (int i = 0; i < tabsToAdd; i++)
                 if (i == 0)
                     hierarchyPrefix += "";
                 hierarchyPrefix += "     ";
                 if (i == tabsToAdd - 1)
                     hierarchyPrefix += "↳";
             dr[currentConfig.Hierarchy.CaptionField] = hierarchyPrefix + dr[currentConfig.Hierarchy.CaptionField];
             if (currentConfig.MacroFieldProps != null)
                 foreach (MacroField macroField in currentConfig.MacroFields)
                     if (dr[macroField.Name] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr[macroField.Name].ToString()))
                         dr[macroField.Name] = AppendNextMacros(dr[macroField.Name].ToString(), currentConfig);
             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ValueForFieldEqualToParent) || dr[currentConfig.Hierarchy.FieldEqualToParent].ToString() == ValueForFieldEqualToParent)
             string        tmpValueForFieldEqualToParent = (Data.Columns.Contains(currentConfig.Hierarchy.FieldEqualToParent)) ?  dr[currentConfig.Hierarchy.FieldEqualToParent].ToString() : "";
             List <string> newParentFields = new List <string>();
             for (int i = 0; i < currentConfig.Hierarchy.IdFields.Length; i++)
                 //addWhere += ParentIdFields[i] + "='" + parentRow[IdFields[i]] + "' and ";
             AddSubRows(mainData, subDt, tabsToAdd + 1, tmpValueForFieldEqualToParent, currentConfig, newParentFields);
             //foreach (DataRow subdr in subDt.Rows)
             //    Data.ImportRow(subdr);
 private string AppendNextMacros(string macroName, HierarchyExplorerConfiguration currentConfig)
     return(AppendNextMacros(macroName, macroName, currentConfig));