Example #1
        public void NeighborCountIsCorrect()
            const int radius = 3;

            var board = new HexagonalBoard(radius);

            Assert.Equal(6, board.GetNeighbors(HexagonalBoard.Center).Count()); // the center of the board should always have 6 neighbors (since we assume a minimum radius of 1)

            for (int i = 1; i < radius; ++i)                                    // for all rings except the outer ring
                foreach (var tile in TilesOnRing(i))                            // all tiles
                    Assert.Equal(6, board.GetNeighbors(tile).Count());          // should have 6 neighbors

            foreach (var tile in TilesOnRing(radius))                                                                 // for all tiles in the outer ring
                bool IsCorner(Point3D coordinates) => coordinates.X == 0 || coordinates.Y == 0 || coordinates.Z == 0; // this is true only for the outer ring

                int expectedNeighbors = IsCorner(tile) ? 3 : 4;
                Assert.Equal(expectedNeighbors, board.GetNeighbors(tile).Count());                 // should have 3/4 neighbors
Example #2
        public void TileCountIsCorrect(int radius, int size)
            var board = new HexagonalBoard(radius);

            Assert.Equal(size, board.AllTiles.Count());