SHA256CryptoServiceProvider _hasher = new SHA256CryptoServiceProvider(); // using FIPS-compliant provider instead of MD5 public string ComputeHash(params string[] sqls) { var sql = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, sqls); var hash = HexUtil.ByteArrayToHex(_hasher.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sql))); return(hash); }
public static string BytesToLiteral(object value) { Util.CheckParam(value, nameof(value)); var str = "0x" + HexUtil.ByteArrayToHex(DbDriverUtil.GetBytes(value)); return(str); }
public static string BytesToLiteral(object value) { Util.CheckParam(value, nameof(value)); byte[] bytes = DbDriverUtil.GetBytes(value); Util.Check(bytes != null, "Bytes to literal: invalid input value type {0}", value.GetType()); return("x'" + HexUtil.ByteArrayToHex(bytes) + "'"); }
private static string ComputeHash(string password, byte[] salt, int iterationCount, int hashSize) { var hasher = new System.Security.Cryptography.Rfc2898DeriveBytes(password, salt, iterationCount); var bytes = hasher.GetBytes(hashSize); var strHash = HexUtil.ByteArrayToHex(bytes); return(strHash); }
public static string Encrypt(string value, string purpose = "Generic") { var bytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(value); var encrBytes = MachineKey.Protect(bytes, purpose); var result = HexUtil.ByteArrayToHex(encrBytes); return(result); }
public override Linq.Translation.SqlGen.SqlStatement GetLiteral(Guid literal) { var bytes = literal.ToByteArray(); var hex = HexUtil.ByteArrayToHex(bytes); var result = "X'" + hex + "'"; return(result); }
private void GenerateAndPrintKey(SymmetricAlgorithm alg) { alg.GenerateKey(); alg.GenerateIV(); var algName = alg.GetType().Name.PadRight(30); var hexKey = HexUtil.ByteArrayToHex(alg.Key); Debug.WriteLine($"Algorithm: {algName}, keySize(bits): {alg.KeySize}, key: {hexKey}"); }
public static string BytesToLiteral(object value) { if (value == null || value == DBNull.Value) { return(SqlTerms.Null.Text); } byte[] bytes = DbDriverUtil.GetBytes(value); Util.Check(bytes != null, "Bytes to literal: invalid input value type {0}", value.GetType()); return("hextoraw('" + HexUtil.ByteArrayToHex(bytes) + "')"); }
private static string BytesToLiteral(DbTypeInfo typeInfo, object value) { if (value == null || value == DBNull.Value) { return("NULL"); } var bytes = (byte[])value; return(@"E'\\x" + HexUtil.ByteArrayToHex(bytes) + "'"); }
private static string BytesToLiteral(object value) { if (value == null || value == DBNull.Value) { return("NULL"); } var bytes = DbDriverUtil.GetBytes(value); return(@"E'\\x" + HexUtil.ByteArrayToHex(bytes) + "'"); }
public string ComputeMd5(string value) { // FIPS-compliant MD5 var md5 = SHA256CryptoServiceProvider.Create(); var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value); var hash = md5.ComputeHash(bytes); var hashStr = HexUtil.ByteArrayToHex(hash); return(hashStr); }
public static string ToLogString(this byte[] values, string prefix = null) { const int MaxTake = 64; if (values == null) { return("(null)"); } var bytes = values.Length > MaxTake?values.Take(MaxTake).ToArray() : values; var hex = HexUtil.ByteArrayToHex(bytes); var suffix = (values.Length > MaxTake) ? " ..." : string.Empty; return(Util.SafeFormat("{0}{1}{2}", prefix, hex, suffix)); }
public static string BytesToLiteral(object value) { Util.CheckParam(value, nameof(value)); switch (value) { case Guid g: return("0x" + HexUtil.ByteArrayToHex(g.ToByteArray())); case byte[] bytes: return("0x" + HexUtil.ByteArrayToHex(bytes)); case Binary bin: return("0x" + HexUtil.ByteArrayToHex(bin.GetBytes())); default: Util.Throw("BytesToLiteral: invalid input value type {0}", value.GetType()); return(null); //never happends } }
private void GenerateKey(SymmetricAlgorithm alg) { alg.GenerateKey(); alg.GenerateIV(); Debug.WriteLine("Algorithm: " + alg.GetType().Name.PadRight(30) + " keySize(bits): " + alg.KeySize + " key: " + HexUtil.ByteArrayToHex(alg.Key)); }
public static string BinaryToLiteral(object value) { var bin = (Binary)value; return("0x" + HexUtil.ByteArrayToHex(bin.GetBytes())); }
public static string BytesToLiteral(DbTypeInfo typeDef, object value) { var bytes = (byte[])value; return("0x" + HexUtil.ByteArrayToHex(bytes)); }
private static string ConvertBinaryToLiteral(DbTypeInfo typeInfo, object value) { var bytes = (byte[])value; return("x'" + HexUtil.ByteArrayToHex(bytes) + "'"); }