public override void Render(Camera camera) { if (parent.saveLevelDialog.Active) { parent.saveLevelDialog.Render(null); } else { ScreenSpaceQuad ssquad = ScreenSpaceQuad.GetInstance(); // This clear is not needed in desktop build but is required to clear z-buffer in WinRT version. // TODO (****) Maybe issue is that z-test should be off for this? InGame.Clear(new Color(20, 20, 20)); // Fill the background with the thumbnail if valid. RenderTarget2D smallThumb = InGame.inGame.SmallThumbNail as RenderTarget2D; if (smallThumb != null && !smallThumb.IsDisposed) { SpriteBatch batch = UI2D.Shared.SpriteBatch; batch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.Opaque); { // Stretch thumbnail across whole screen. Don't worry about distorting it // since it's blurred anyway. Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle dstRect = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle((int)BokuGame.ScreenPosition.X, (int)BokuGame.ScreenPosition.Y, (int)BokuGame.ScreenSize.X, (int)BokuGame.ScreenSize.Y); Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle srcRect; if (BokuGame.ScreenPosition.Y > 0) { // Set srcRect to ignore part of image at top of screen. int y = (int)(BokuGame.ScreenPosition.Y * smallThumb.Height / (float)BokuGame.ScreenSize.Y); srcRect = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(0, y, smallThumb.Width, smallThumb.Height - y); } else { // Set srcRect to cover full thumbnail. srcRect = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(0, 0, smallThumb.Width, smallThumb.Height); } batch.Draw(smallThumb, dstRect, srcRect, Color.White); } batch.End(); } else { // No thumbnail so just clear to black. InGame.Clear(new Color(20, 20, 20)); } InGame.SetViewportToScreen(); if (parent.newWorldDialog.Active) { // Hide the dialog if auth UI is active. Just keeps things cleaner. if (!AuthUI.IsModalActive) { // If options menu is active, render instead of main menu. parent.newWorldDialog.Render(BokuGame.ScreenSize); } } else { // Render menu using local camera. = new Point((int)BokuGame.ScreenSize.X, (int)BokuGame.ScreenSize.Y);; Fx.ShaderGlobals.SetCamera(;; { CameraSpaceQuad quad = CameraSpaceQuad.GetInstance(); // Position Home icon on same baseline as menu title text. // Assume uniform scaling. float height = *; float y = height / 2.0f - 0.18f; quad.Render(, parent.homeTexture, new Vector2(-2.4f, y), new Vector2(1.2f, 1.2f), "TexturedRegularAlpha"); } // Render sign out button if user is logged in. Vector2 screenSize = BokuGame.ScreenSize; // Messages will only render if active. parent.saveChangesMessage.Render(); parent.saveChangesWithDiscardMessage.Render(); parent.shareSuccessMessage.Render(); parent.noCommunityMessage.Render(); shared.communityShareMenu.Render(); HelpOverlay.Render(); } } } // end of Render()
public override void Render(Camera camera) { GraphicsDevice device = BokuGame.bokuGame.GraphicsDevice; HelpOverlay.RefreshTexture(); RenderTarget2D rt = UI2D.Shared.RenderTargetDepthStencil1280_720; Vector2 screenSize = BokuGame.ScreenSize; Vector2 rtSize = new Vector2(rt.Width, rt.Height); if (skipFrames > 0 || shared.waitingForStorage) { InGame.Clear(Color.Black); --skipFrames; return; } shared.liveFeed.FeedSize = shared.liveFeed.ResetScrollBoxSize; InGame.SetRenderTarget(rt); // Clear the screen & z-buffer. InGame.Clear(Color.Black); // Apply the background. ScreenSpaceQuad quad = ScreenSpaceQuad.GetInstance(); Vector2 position = Vector2.Zero; quad.Render(shared.backgroundTexture, position, rtSize, @"TexturedNoAlpha"); Color textColor = new Color(21, 125, 178); if (parent.newWorldDialog.Active) { // Hide the dialog if auth UI is active. Just keeps things cleaner. if (!AuthUI.IsModalActive) { // If options menu is active, render instead of main menu. parent.newWorldDialog.Render(new Vector2(rt.Width, rt.Height)); } } else if (shared.optionsMenu.Active) { // Hide the menu if auth UI is active. Just keeps things cleaner. if (!AuthUI.IsModalActive) { // If options menu is active, render instead of main menu. shared.optionsMenu.Render(); } } else { // Render url SpriteBatch batch = UI2D.Shared.SpriteBatch; UI2D.Shared.GetFont Font = UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont24; Vector2 size = Font().MeasureString(shared.screenUrl); Vector2 pos = new Vector2(rt.Width / 2 - size.X / 2, 586); batch.Begin(); TextHelper.DrawString(Font, shared.screenUrl, pos, textColor); batch.End(); shared.urlBox.Set(pos, pos + size); // Hide the menu if auth UI is active. Just keeps things cleaner. if (!AuthUI.IsModalActive) { // Render menu using local cameras. ShaderGlobals.SetCamera(; = Matrix.CreateTranslation(0.0f, -0.3f, 0.0f);; } // Render Boku. ShaderGlobals.SetCamera(shared.bokuCamera); string oldRig = BokuGame.bokuGame.shaderGlobals.PushLightRig(ShaderGlobals.GreeterRigName); // TODO (****) How to temporarily disable point lights??? // Do we really need to? //Luz.SetToEffect(true); // disable scene point lights if (BokuGame.bMarsMode) { shared.boku.Movement.Position = new Vector3(-0.0f, 0.25f, -0.5f); shared.boku.ReScale = 0.50f; //quad = ScreenSpaceQuad.GetInstance(); //float wid=shared.jplTexture.Width/2; //position = new Vector2(1250-(wid), 20); //quad.Render(shared.jplTexture, position, new Vector2(wid, shared.jplTexture.Height/2), @"TexturedRegularAlpha"); } else { shared.boku.Movement.Position = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } fVal += 0.01f; // Be sure to set the right camera so the env map looks correct. ShaderGlobals.SetCamera(shared.bokuCamera); shared.boku.RenderObject.Render(shared.bokuCamera); // TODO (****) How to temporarily disable point lights??? //Luz.SetToEffect(false); // re-enable scene point lights BokuGame.bokuGame.shaderGlobals.PopLightRig(oldRig); } InGame.RestoreRenderTarget(); InGame.Clear(new Color(20, 20, 20)); InGame.SetViewportToScreen(); // Copy the rendered scene to the backbuffer. { ScreenWarp.FitRtToScreen(rtSize); quad.Render(rt, ScreenWarp.RenderPosition, ScreenWarp.RenderSize, @"TexturedNoAlpha"); } // Render news feed. if (!shared.optionsMenu.Active) { shared.liveFeed.Render(); } // Hide overlay if auth UI is active. if (!AuthUI.IsModalActive) { HelpOverlay.Render(); } // Render text dialogs if being shown by OptionsMenu. // TODO (****) Need to get rid of rendering to RTs where possible. // TODO (****) Need to split OptionsMenu from MainMenu. if (shared.optionsMenu.Active) { InGame.inGame.shared.smallTextDisplay.Render(); InGame.inGame.shared.scrollableTextDisplay.Render(); } MainMenu.Instance.prevSessionCrashedMessage.Render(); MainMenu.Instance.noCommunityMessage.Render(); MainMenu.Instance.noSharingMessage.Render(); } // end of Render()