Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get help based on the target, help type, etc
        /// Help engine retrieve help based on following schemes,
        ///     1. if help target is empty, get default help
        ///     2. if help target is not a search pattern, try to retrieve exact help
        ///     3. if help target is a search pattern or step 2 returns no helpInfo, try to search for help
        ///        (Search for pattern in command name followed by pattern match in help content)
        ///     4. if step 3 returns exact one helpInfo object, try to retrieve exact help.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="helpRequest">Help request object</param>
        /// <returns>An array of HelpInfo object</returns>
        private IEnumerable <HelpInfo> DoGetHelp(HelpRequest helpRequest)
            // Reset SearchPaths
            _searchPaths = null;

            _lastHelpCategory = helpRequest.HelpCategory;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(helpRequest.Target))
                HelpInfo helpInfo = GetDefaultHelp();

                if (helpInfo != null)
                    yield return(helpInfo);

                yield return(null);
                bool isMatchFound = false;
                if (!WildcardPattern.ContainsWildcardCharacters(helpRequest.Target))
                    foreach (HelpInfo helpInfo in ExactMatchHelp(helpRequest))
                        isMatchFound = true;
                        yield return(helpInfo);

                if (!isMatchFound)
                    foreach (HelpInfo helpInfo in SearchHelp(helpRequest))
                        isMatchFound = true;
                        yield return(helpInfo);

                    if (!isMatchFound)
                        // Throwing exception here may not be the
                        // best thing to do. Instead we can choose to
                        //    a. give a hint
                        //    b. just silently return an empty search result.
                        // Solution:
                        //    If it is an exact help target, throw exception.
                        //    Otherwise, return empty result set.
                        if (!WildcardPattern.ContainsWildcardCharacters(helpRequest.Target) && this.LastErrors.Count == 0)
                            Exception   e           = new HelpNotFoundException(helpRequest.Target);
                            ErrorRecord errorRecord = new ErrorRecord(e, "HelpNotFound", ErrorCategory.ResourceUnavailable, null);
                            yield break;
Example #2
 private IEnumerable <HelpInfo> DoGetHelp(HelpRequest helpRequest)
     this._searchPaths      = null;
     this._lastHelpCategory = helpRequest.HelpCategory;
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(helpRequest.Target))
         HelpInfo defaultHelp = this.GetDefaultHelp();
         if (defaultHelp != null)
             yield return(defaultHelp);
         yield return(null);
         bool iteratorVariable1 = false;
         if (!WildcardPattern.ContainsWildcardCharacters(helpRequest.Target))
             foreach (HelpInfo iteratorVariable2 in this.ExactMatchHelp(helpRequest))
                 iteratorVariable1 = true;
                 yield return(iteratorVariable2);
         if (!iteratorVariable1)
             foreach (HelpInfo iteratorVariable3 in this.SearchHelp(helpRequest))
                 iteratorVariable1 = true;
                 yield return(iteratorVariable3);
             if ((!iteratorVariable1 && !WildcardPattern.ContainsWildcardCharacters(helpRequest.Target)) && (this.LastErrors.Count == 0))
                 Exception   exception = new HelpNotFoundException(helpRequest.Target);
                 ErrorRecord item      = new ErrorRecord(exception, "HelpNotFound", ErrorCategory.ResourceUnavailable, null);