private static void PartSystem(HediffWithComps __instance, DamageInfo?dinfo) { HediffComp_PartModule partModule = __instance.TryGetComp <HediffComp_PartModule>(); if (partModule != null) { partModule.SpecialPostAdd(dinfo); } }
public static void Postfix(HediffWithComps __instance, ref float __result) { if (__result > 0) { // Check for stabilized comp HediffComp_Stabilize comp = __instance.TryGetComp <HediffComp_Stabilize>(); if (comp != null) { __result = __result * (comp.BleedModifier); } } }
public override void Effect(Pawn target) { CasterPawn.Drawer.Notify_DebugAffected(); MoteMaker.ThrowText(this.CasterPawn.DrawPos, this.CasterPawn.Map, AbilityUser.StringsToTranslate.AU_CastSuccess, -1f); HediffWithComps hediff = (HediffWithComps)HediffMaker.MakeHediff(VampDefOf.ROMV_MindReadingHediff, this.CasterPawn, null); if (hediff.TryGetComp <HediffComp_ReadMind>() is HediffComp_ReadMind rm) { rm.MindBeingRead = target; } hediff.Severity = 1.0f;, null, null); }
public static bool CanBeStabilized(this Hediff diff) { HediffWithComps hediff = diff as HediffWithComps; if (hediff == null) { return(false); } if (hediff.BleedRate == 0f || hediff.IsTended() || hediff.IsPermanent()) { return(false); } HediffComp_Stabilize comp = hediff.TryGetComp <HediffComp_Stabilize>(); return(comp != null && !comp.Stabilized); }
public static bool FullyImmune(this Hediff hd) { HediffWithComps hediffWithComps = hd as HediffWithComps; if (hediffWithComps == null) { return(false); } HediffComp_Immunizable hediffComp_Immunizable = hediffWithComps.TryGetComp <HediffComp_Immunizable>(); if (hediffComp_Immunizable == null) { return(false); } return(hediffComp_Immunizable.FullyImmune); }
public static bool IsOld(this Hediff hd) { HediffWithComps hediffWithComps = hd as HediffWithComps; if (hediffWithComps == null) { return(false); } HediffComp_GetsOld hediffComp_GetsOld = hediffWithComps.TryGetComp <HediffComp_GetsOld>(); if (hediffComp_GetsOld == null) { return(false); } return(hediffComp_GetsOld.IsOld); }
public static bool IsTended(this Hediff hd) { HediffWithComps hediffWithComps = hd as HediffWithComps; if (hediffWithComps == null) { return(false); } HediffComp_TendDuration hediffComp_TendDuration = hediffWithComps.TryGetComp <HediffComp_TendDuration>(); if (hediffComp_TendDuration == null) { return(false); } return(hediffComp_TendDuration.IsTended); }
public bool HasAnyDisease(Pawn p) { foreach (Hediff h in { HediffWithComps hwc = h as HediffWithComps; HediffComp_Immunizable hci = null; if (hwc != null) { hci = hwc.TryGetComp <HediffComp_Immunizable>(); } if (hci != null) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public override void Apply(LocalTargetInfo target, LocalTargetInfo dest) { Props.sound = SoundDefOf.PsycastPsychicEffect;//SoundDefOf.PsycastPsychicPulse; base.Apply(target, dest); if (target.Pawn == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < 10*MorePsycasts_Mod.settings.flash_heal_heal_amount; i++) { Hediff_Injury hediff_Injury = FindInjury(target.Pawn); if (hediff_Injury != null) { hediff_Injury.Heal(0.1f); HediffWithComps hediffWithComps = hediff_Injury as HediffWithComps; if (hediffWithComps != null) { hediffWithComps.TryGetComp<HediffComp_GetsPermanent>().Props.becomePermanentChanceFactor *= (float)MorePsycasts_Mod.settings.flash_heal_scar_chance; } } } //SoundDefOf.PsycastPsychicEffect.PlayOneShot(new TargetInfo(target.Cell, parent.pawn.Map)); }
// Token: 0x0600004D RID: 77 RVA: 0x00003A84 File Offset: 0x00001C84 public void TrySealWounds() { IEnumerable <Hediff> enumerable = from hd in where hd.TendableNow(false) select hd; if (enumerable != null) { foreach (Hediff hediff in enumerable) { HediffWithComps hediffWithComps = hediff as HediffWithComps; if (hediffWithComps != null) { HediffComp_TendDuration hediffComp_TendDuration = hediffWithComps.TryGetComp <HediffComp_TendDuration>(); hediffComp_TendDuration.tendQuality = 2f; hediffComp_TendDuration.tendTicksLeft = Find.TickManager.TicksGame;; } } } }
public override void DoCell(Rect rect, Pawn pawn, PawnTable table) { if (pawn.Dead || == null || ! { return; } HediffWithComps mostSevere = FindMostSevereHediff(pawn); if (mostSevere == null) { return; } float deltaSeverity = GetTextFor(mostSevere); GUI.color = GetPrettyColorFor(deltaSeverity); Rect rect2 = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, Mathf.Min(rect.height, 30f)); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Text.WordWrap = false; Widgets.Label(rect2, GetTextFor(mostSevere).ToStringPercent()); Text.WordWrap = true; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; string tip = GetTip(pawn, mostSevere); if (!tip.NullOrEmpty()) { TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect2, tip); } float severityChangePerDayFromImmu = (float)AccessTools.Method(typeof(HediffComp_Immunizable), "SeverityChangePerDay") .Invoke(mostSevere.TryGetComp <HediffComp_Immunizable>(), null); float severityChangePerDayFromTendD = 0f; if (mostSevere.TryGetComp <HediffComp_TendDuration>()?.IsTended ?? false) { severityChangePerDayFromTendD = mostSevere.TryGetComp <HediffComp_TendDuration>().TProps.severityPerDayTended * mostSevere.TryGetComp <HediffComp_TendDuration>().tendQuality; } float immunityPerDay = 0f; ImmunityRecord immunityRecord =; if (immunityRecord != null) { immunityPerDay = immunityRecord.ImmunityChangePerTick(pawn, true, mostSevere) * GenDate.TicksPerDay; } GUI.color = Color.white; bool redFlag = !(severityChangePerDayFromTendD + severityChangePerDayFromImmu > immunityPerDay); Texture2D texture2D = redFlag ? StaticConstructorOnGameStart.SortingIcon : StaticConstructorOnGameStart.SortingDescendingIcon; GUI.color = redFlag ? HealthUtility.GoodConditionColor : HealthUtility.RedColor; Rect position2 = new Rect(rect.xMax - texture2D.width - 1f, rect.yMax - texture2D.height - 1f, texture2D.width, texture2D.height); GUI.DrawTexture(position2, texture2D); GUI.color = Color.white; }
private float GetTextFor(HediffWithComps hediff) => hediff?.TryGetComp <HediffComp_Immunizable>().Immunity - hediff?.Severity ?? -1f; //nullcheck for Comparer.
public override void CompTick() { base.CompTick(); if (base.parent.IsHashIntervalTick(30) && base.parent != null && base.parent is Pawn pawn) { bool selected = Find.Selector.SelectedObjects.Contains(Pawn); blooded = YautjaBloodedUtility.BloodStatus(Pawn, out BloodStatus); if (!blooded) {, partRecord); } #if DEBUG if (base.parent.IsHashIntervalTick(300) && selected) { Log.Message(string.Format("BloodStatus: {0}", BloodStatus)); } #endif if (BloodStatus.def == unmarkedDef) { #if DEBUG if (base.parent.IsHashIntervalTick(300) && selected) { Log.Message(string.Format("unmarkedDef: {0}", unmarkedDef)); } #endif unmarked = BloodStatus; #if DEBUG if (base.parent.IsHashIntervalTick(300) && selected) { Log.Message(string.Format("unmarked: {0}", unmarked)); } #endif if (this.MarkHedifflabel != null) { #if DEBUG if (base.parent.IsHashIntervalTick(300) && selected) { Log.Message(string.Format("{0}", this.MarkHedifflabel)); } #endif } } if (Pawn.records.GetAsInt(RecordDefOf.Kills) > TotalkillsRecord) { pawnKills = Pawn.records.GetAsInt(RecordDefOf.Kills); #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message("Records mismatch"); } if (Pawn.LastAttackedTarget.Thing is Pawn p) { Log.Message(string.Format("pawn: {0}, {1} ", p.Label, Pawn.LastAttackedTarget.Thing.Label)); } if (Pawn.LastAttackedTarget.Thing is Corpse c) { Log.Message(string.Format("corpse: {0}", c.Label)); } #endif if (Pawn.LastAttackedTarget != null && (Pawn.LastAttackedTarget.Thing is Pawn other && !Pawn.Dead)) { #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message("found pawn"); } #endif Corpse otherCorpse = other.Corpse; #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message("found corpse"); } #endif int omelee = other.RaceProps.Humanlike ? other.skills.GetSkill(SkillDefOf.Melee).Level : 0; #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message(string.Format("omelee: {0}", omelee)); } #endif int oshoot = other.RaceProps.Humanlike ? other.skills.GetSkill(SkillDefOf.Shooting).Level : 0; #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message(string.Format("oshoot: {0}", oshoot)); } #endif float mdps = other.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.MeleeDPS); #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message(string.Format("mdps: {0}", mdps)); } #endif float mhc = other.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.MeleeHitChance); #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message(string.Format("mhc: {0}", mhc)); } #endif float mdc = other.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.MeleeDodgeChance); #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message(string.Format("mdc: {0}", mdc)); } #endif if (other.kindDef.race == XenomorphRacesDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Queen && other.Dead) { markedDef = YautjaDefOf.RRY_Hediff_BloodedMXenomorphQueen; } else if (other.kindDef.race == XenomorphRacesDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Drone || other.kindDef.race == XenomorphRacesDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Runner || other.kindDef.race == XenomorphRacesDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Warrior || other.kindDef.race == XenomorphRacesDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Neomorph && other.Dead) { markedDef = YautjaDefOf.RRY_Hediff_BloodedMXenomorph; } else if (other.kindDef.race == XenomorphRacesDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Predalien && other.Dead) { markedDef = YautjaDefOf.RRY_Hediff_BloodedMPredalien; } else if (other.kindDef.race == YautjaDefOf.RRY_Alien_Yautja && other.story.adulthood.identifier.StartsWith("Yautja_BadBlood") && other.Dead) { markedDef = YautjaDefOf.RRY_Hediff_BloodedMBadBlood; } else if (other.kindDef.race == ThingDefOf.Human && !other.kindDef.factionLeader && other.Dead) { markedDef = YautjaDefOf.RRY_Hediff_BloodedMHuman; } else if (other.kindDef.race == ThingDefOf.Human && (other.kindDef.factionLeader || (other.kindDef.isFighter && other.kindDef.combatPower > (100 - (omelee + oshoot)))) && other.Dead) { markedDef = YautjaDefOf.RRY_Hediff_BloodedMWorthyHuman; } else if (other.kindDef.race != ThingDefOf.Human && !other.kindDef.factionLeader && other.RaceProps.Humanlike && other.Dead) { markedDef = YautjaDefOf.RRY_Hediff_BloodedMHumanlike; } else if (other.kindDef.race != ThingDefOf.Human && (other.kindDef.factionLeader || (other.kindDef.isFighter && other.kindDef.combatPower > (100 - (omelee + oshoot)))) && other.RaceProps.Humanlike && other.Dead) { markedDef = YautjaDefOf.RRY_Hediff_BloodedMWorthyHumanlike; } else if (other.kindDef.race == YautjaDefOf.RRY_Alien_Yautja && !other.story.adulthood.identifier.StartsWith("Yautja_BadBlood") && other.Dead && (other.Faction.PlayerGoodwill > 0 || other.Faction.IsPlayer)) { markedDef = YautjaDefOf.RRY_Hediff_BloodedMBadBlood; } else if (!other.kindDef.race.defName.StartsWith("RRY_Xenomorph_") && !other.RaceProps.Humanlike && other.Dead && (other.kindDef.combatPower > 100 || (other.kindDef.RaceProps.predator == true && other.kindDef.combatPower > 50))) { markedDef = YautjaDefOf.RRY_Hediff_BloodedM; } else { #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message(string.Format("Unworthy kill, ignoring")); } #endif TotalkillsRecord = Pawn.records.GetAsInt(RecordDefOf.Kills); return; } if (markedDef == null) { #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message(string.Format("markedDef is null, break failed")); } #endif } #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message(string.Format("markedDef: {0}", markedDef)); } #endif if ( { Hediff unblooded =; #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message("found unblooded"); } #endif #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message("removing old unblooded hediff"); } #endif; #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message("store info"); } if (selected) { Log.Message(string.Format( "{6} is storing other:{0}, corpse:{1}, MarkedhediffDef:{2}, predator:{3}, BodySize:{4}, combatPower:{5}", other.Label, otherCorpse.Label, markedDef, other.kindDef.RaceProps.predator, other.BodySize, other.kindDef.combatPower, Pawn.Name.ToStringShort )); } #endif this.pawn = other; this.corpse = otherCorpse; this.MarkedhediffDef = markedDef; this.MarkHedifflabel = other.KindLabel; this.predator = other.kindDef.RaceProps.predator; this.BodySize = other.BodySize; this.combatPower = other.kindDef.combatPower; #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message("adding hediff"); } #endif, Pawn, partRecord), partRecord, null); HediffWithComps blooded = (HediffWithComps); #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message("adding comp to hediff"); } #endif blooded.source = Pawn.LastAttackedTarget.Thing.def; blooded.comps[0].props = new HediffCompProperties_BloodedYautja { pawn = other, corpse = otherCorpse, MarkedhediffDef = markedDef, predator = other.kindDef.RaceProps.predator, BodySize = other.BodySize, combatPower = other.kindDef.combatPower }; HediffComp_BloodedYautja bloodedYautja = blooded.TryGetComp <HediffComp_BloodedYautja>(); #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message("info Stored"); } if (selected) { Log.Message(string.Format( "{6} stored other:{0}, corpse:{1}, MarkedhediffDef:{2}, predator:{3}, BodySize:{4}, combatPower:{5}", bloodedYautja.HediffProps.pawn, bloodedYautja.HediffProps.corpse, bloodedYautja.HediffProps.MarkedhediffDef, bloodedYautja.HediffProps.predator, bloodedYautja.HediffProps.BodySize, bloodedYautja.HediffProps.combatPower, Pawn.Name.ToStringShort )); } #endif } //else if (! && else if ( { #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message("old unmarked hediff found, checking combatPower"); } #endif if (this.combatPower < other.kindDef.combatPower) { #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message("new combatPower is higher, removing old unmarked hediff"); } #endif Hediff oldunmarked =;; #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message("store new info"); } if (selected) { Log.Message(string.Format( "{6} is storing other:{0}, corpse:{1}, MarkedhediffDef:{2}, predator:{3}, BodySize:{4}, combatPower:{5}", other.Label, otherCorpse.Label, markedDef, other.kindDef.RaceProps.predator, other.BodySize, other.kindDef.combatPower, Pawn.Name.ToStringShort )); } #endif this.pawn = other; this.corpse = otherCorpse; this.MarkedhediffDef = markedDef; this.MarkHedifflabel = other.KindLabel; this.predator = other.kindDef.RaceProps.predator; this.BodySize = other.BodySize; this.combatPower = other.kindDef.combatPower;, Pawn, partRecord), partRecord, null); HediffWithComps blooded = (HediffWithComps); #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message("adding comp to hediff"); } #endif blooded.source = Pawn.LastAttackedTarget.Thing.def; blooded.comps[0].props = new HediffCompProperties_BloodedYautja { pawn = other, corpse = otherCorpse, MarkedhediffDef = markedDef, predator = other.kindDef.RaceProps.predator, BodySize = other.BodySize, combatPower = other.kindDef.combatPower }; HediffComp_BloodedYautja bloodedYautja = blooded.TryGetComp <HediffComp_BloodedYautja>(); #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message("info Stored"); } if (selected) { Log.Message(string.Format( "{6} stored other:{0}, corpse:{1}, MarkedhediffDef:{2}, predator:{3}, BodySize:{4}, combatPower:{5}", bloodedYautja.HediffProps.pawn, bloodedYautja.HediffProps.corpse, bloodedYautja.HediffProps.MarkedhediffDef, bloodedYautja.HediffProps.predator, bloodedYautja.HediffProps.BodySize, bloodedYautja.HediffProps.combatPower, Pawn.Name.ToStringShort )); } #endif } } else { bool hasbloodedM = <Hediff>(x => x.def.defName.StartsWith(GenericmarkedDef.defName)); if (hasbloodedM) { foreach (var item in { if (item.def.defName.StartsWith(GenericmarkedDef.defName)) { #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message("old marked hediff found, checking combatPower"); } #endif if (this.combatPower < other.kindDef.combatPower) { #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message("new combatPower is higher, removing old marked hediff"); } #endif Hediff oldmarked = item; //; #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message("store new info"); } if (selected) { Log.Message(string.Format( "{6} is storing other:{0}, corpse:{1}, MarkedhediffDef:{2}, predator:{3}, BodySize:{4}, combatPower:{5}", other.Label, otherCorpse.Label, markedDef, other.kindDef.RaceProps.predator, other.BodySize, other.kindDef.combatPower, Pawn.Name.ToStringShort )); } #endif this.pawn = other; this.corpse = otherCorpse; this.MarkedhediffDef = markedDef; this.MarkHedifflabel = other.KindLabel; this.predator = other.kindDef.RaceProps.predator; this.BodySize = other.BodySize; this.combatPower = other.kindDef.combatPower;, Pawn, partRecord), partRecord, null); HediffWithComps blooded = (HediffWithComps); #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message("adding comp to hediff"); } #endif blooded.source = Pawn.LastAttackedTarget.Thing.def; blooded.comps[0].props = new HediffCompProperties_BloodedYautja { pawn = other, corpse = otherCorpse, MarkedhediffDef = markedDef, predator = other.kindDef.RaceProps.predator, BodySize = other.BodySize, combatPower = other.kindDef.combatPower }; HediffComp_BloodedYautja bloodedYautja = blooded.TryGetComp <HediffComp_BloodedYautja>(); #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message("info Stored"); } if (selected) { Log.Message(string.Format( "{6} stored other:{0}, corpse:{1}, MarkedhediffDef:{2}, predator:{3}, BodySize:{4}, combatPower:{5}", bloodedYautja.HediffProps.pawn, bloodedYautja.HediffProps.corpse, bloodedYautja.HediffProps.MarkedhediffDef, bloodedYautja.HediffProps.predator, bloodedYautja.HediffProps.BodySize, bloodedYautja.HediffProps.combatPower, Pawn.Name.ToStringShort )); } #endif } break; } } } } } TotalkillsRecord = Pawn.records.GetAsInt(RecordDefOf.Kills); } } }
public void CalcTick() { if (!Pawn.IsColonist) { return; } if (Pawn.Map != Find.CurrentMap) { return; } if (Pawn.Map == null) { return; } if (!Find.CurrentMap.mapPawns.FreeColonistsAndPrisoners.Any(x => x.def == YautjaDefOf.RRY_Alien_Yautja)) { return; } if (inducted != true) { inducted = false; } if (inductable != true) { inductable = false; } if (base.parent != null && base.parent is Pawn pawn && pawn.Map != null) { bool selected = Find.Selector.SelectedObjects.Contains(Pawn); blooded = YautjaBloodedUtility.BloodStatus(Pawn, out BloodStatus); if (BloodStatus.def == unmarkedDef) { unmarked = BloodStatus; if (this.MarkHedifflabel != null) { } } if (Pawn.records.GetAsInt(RecordDefOf.Kills) > TotalkillsRecord || (!inducted && inductable) || (inducted && inductable)) { // Log.Message(string.Format("kill incread: {0}\n!inducted: {1} && inductable: {2}", Pawn.records.GetAsInt(RecordDefOf.Kills) > TotalkillsRecord, !inducted, inductable)); pawnKills = Pawn.records.GetAsInt(RecordDefOf.Kills); if (Pawn.LastAttackedTarget != null && (Pawn.LastAttackedTarget.Thing is Pawn other && !Pawn.Dead)) { corpse = other.Corpse; Corpse otherCorpse = other.Corpse; int omelee = other.RaceProps.Humanlike ? other.skills.GetSkill(SkillDefOf.Melee).Level : 0; int oshoot = other.RaceProps.Humanlike ? other.skills.GetSkill(SkillDefOf.Shooting).Level : 0; float mdps = other.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.MeleeDPS); float mhc = other.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.MeleeHitChance); float mdc = other.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.MeleeDodgeChance); markedDef = YautjaBloodedUtility.GetMark(other.kindDef); if (markedDef == null) { if (other.kindDef.race == XenomorphRacesDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Queen && other.Dead) { markedDef = YautjaDefOf.RRY_Hediff_BloodedMXenomorphQueen; } else if (other.kindDef.race == XenomorphRacesDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Drone || other.kindDef.race == XenomorphRacesDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Runner || other.kindDef.race == XenomorphRacesDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Warrior || other.kindDef.race == XenomorphRacesDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Neomorph && other.Dead) { markedDef = YautjaDefOf.RRY_Hediff_BloodedMXenomorph; } else if (other.kindDef.race == ThingDefOf.Thrumbo && other.Dead) { markedDef = YautjaDefOf.RRY_Hediff_BloodedMXenomorph; } else if (other.kindDef.race == XenomorphRacesDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Predalien && other.Dead) { markedDef = YautjaDefOf.RRY_Hediff_BloodedMPredalien; } else if (other.kindDef.race == YautjaDefOf.RRY_Alien_Yautja && other.story.adulthood.identifier.StartsWith("Yautja_BadBlood") && other.Dead) { markedDef = YautjaDefOf.RRY_Hediff_BloodedMBadBlood; } else if (other.kindDef.race == ThingDefOf.Human && !other.kindDef.factionLeader && other.Dead) { markedDef = YautjaDefOf.RRY_Hediff_BloodedMHuman; } else if (other.kindDef.race == ThingDefOf.Human && (other.kindDef.factionLeader || (other.kindDef.isFighter && other.kindDef.combatPower > (100 - (omelee + oshoot)))) && other.Dead) { markedDef = YautjaDefOf.RRY_Hediff_BloodedMWorthyHuman; } else if (other.kindDef.race != ThingDefOf.Human && !other.kindDef.factionLeader && other.RaceProps.Humanlike && other.Dead) { markedDef = YautjaDefOf.RRY_Hediff_BloodedMHumanlike; } else if (other.kindDef.race != ThingDefOf.Human && (other.kindDef.factionLeader || (other.kindDef.isFighter && other.kindDef.combatPower > (100 - (omelee + oshoot)))) && other.RaceProps.Humanlike && other.Dead) { markedDef = YautjaDefOf.RRY_Hediff_BloodedMWorthyHumanlike; } else if (other.kindDef.race == YautjaDefOf.RRY_Alien_Yautja && !other.story.adulthood.identifier.StartsWith("Yautja_BadBlood") && other.Dead && (other.Faction.PlayerGoodwill > 0 || other.Faction.IsPlayer)) { markedDef = YautjaDefOf.RRY_Hediff_BloodedMBadBlood; } else if (!other.kindDef.race.defName.StartsWith("RRY_Xenomorph_") && !other.RaceProps.Humanlike && other.Dead && (other.kindDef.combatPower > 100 || (other.kindDef.RaceProps.predator == true && other.kindDef.combatPower > 50))) { markedDef = YautjaDefOf.RRY_Hediff_BloodedM; } else { TotalkillsRecord = Pawn.records.GetAsInt(RecordDefOf.Kills); return; } } if (markedDef == null) { } if ( { Hediff unblooded =; this.pawn = other; this.corpse = otherCorpse; this.MarkedhediffDef = markedDef; this.MarkHedifflabel = other.KindLabel; this.predator = other.kindDef.RaceProps.predator; this.BodySize = other.BodySize; this.combatPower = other.kindDef.combatPower; if (!inducted && !inductable) { this.inductable = true; } if (inducted || Pawn.kindDef.race == YautjaDefOf.RRY_Alien_Yautja) { inductable = false;;, Pawn, partRecord), partRecord, null); HediffWithComps blooded = (HediffWithComps); blooded.source = Pawn.LastAttackedTarget.Thing.def; blooded.comps[0].props = new HediffCompProperties_BloodedYautja { pawn = other, corpse = otherCorpse, MarkedhediffDef = markedDef, predator = other.kindDef.RaceProps.predator, BodySize = other.BodySize, combatPower = other.kindDef.combatPower }; HediffComp_BloodedYautja bloodedYautja = blooded.TryGetComp <HediffComp_BloodedYautja>(); } } else if ( { if (this.combatPower < other.kindDef.combatPower) { Hediff oldunmarked =;; this.pawn = other; this.corpse = otherCorpse; this.MarkedhediffDef = markedDef; this.MarkHedifflabel = other.KindLabel; this.predator = other.kindDef.RaceProps.predator; this.BodySize = other.BodySize; this.combatPower = other.kindDef.combatPower;, Pawn, partRecord), partRecord, null); HediffWithComps blooded = (HediffWithComps); blooded.source = Pawn.LastAttackedTarget.Thing.def; blooded.comps[0].props = new HediffCompProperties_BloodedYautja { pawn = other, corpse = otherCorpse, MarkedhediffDef = markedDef, predator = other.kindDef.RaceProps.predator, BodySize = other.BodySize, combatPower = other.kindDef.combatPower }; HediffComp_BloodedYautja bloodedYautja = blooded.TryGetComp <HediffComp_BloodedYautja>(); } } else { bool hasbloodedM = <Hediff>(x => x.def.defName.StartsWith(GenericmarkedDef.defName)); if (hasbloodedM) { foreach (var item in { if (item.def.defName.StartsWith(GenericmarkedDef.defName)) { if (this.combatPower <= other.kindDef.combatPower) { Hediff oldmarked = item; this.pawn = other; this.corpse = otherCorpse; this.MarkedhediffDef = markedDef; this.MarkHedifflabel = other.KindLabel; this.predator = other.kindDef.RaceProps.predator; this.BodySize = other.BodySize; this.combatPower = other.kindDef.combatPower;, Pawn, partRecord), partRecord, null); HediffWithComps blooded = (HediffWithComps); blooded.source = Pawn.LastAttackedTarget.Thing.def; blooded.comps[0].props = new HediffCompProperties_BloodedYautja { pawn = other, corpse = otherCorpse, MarkedhediffDef = markedDef, predator = other.kindDef.RaceProps.predator, BodySize = other.BodySize, combatPower = other.kindDef.combatPower }; HediffComp_BloodedYautja bloodedYautja = blooded.TryGetComp <HediffComp_BloodedYautja>(); } break; } } } } } TotalkillsRecord = Pawn.records.GetAsInt(RecordDefOf.Kills); } } }