// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		heatMapGen = this.GetComponent<HeatmapGenerator> ();
		Texture2D tempTex;
		float maxTime;
        float outOfBoundRatio;
		if (PresentationData.out_HGGazeData!=null)
            heatMapGen.GenerateMap (PresentationData.out_HGGazeData, 0, PresentationData.out_ExitTime, out tempTex, out maxTime, out outOfBoundRatio);
            heatmapHolder.GetComponent<Image> ().sprite = Sprite.Create (tempTex, new Rect(0,0,tempTex.width, tempTex.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f));
		    screenshotHolder.GetComponent<Image> ().sprite = Sprite.Create (PresentationData.out_Screenshot, new Rect(0,0,PresentationData.out_Screenshot.width, PresentationData.out_Screenshot.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f));
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        heatMapGen = this.GetComponent <HeatmapGenerator> ();
        Texture2D tempTex;
        float     maxTime;
        float     outOfBoundRatio;

        if (PresentationData.out_HGGazeData != null)
            heatMapGen.GenerateMap(PresentationData.out_HGGazeData, 0, PresentationData.out_ExitTime, out tempTex, out maxTime, out outOfBoundRatio);
            heatmapHolder.GetComponent <Image> ().sprite    = Sprite.Create(tempTex, new Rect(0, 0, tempTex.width, tempTex.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f));
            screenshotHolder.GetComponent <Image> ().sprite = Sprite.Create(PresentationData.out_Screenshot, new Rect(0, 0, PresentationData.out_Screenshot.width, PresentationData.out_Screenshot.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f));
Example #3
        private async Task HandleHeatmapGeneration()
             * Master list, this is really some shit.
             * Tag1
             *  Map1
             *   Game1
             *   Game2
             *  Map2
             *   Game1
             * Tag1
             *  Map1
             *   Game1
             *   Game2
             *  Map2
             *   Game1
            var tagMapGameList = new List <List <List <FaceItGameInfo> > >();

            //Get unique tags from all matches.
            var uniqueTags = _gameInfo.GroupBy(x => x.Tag.TagName).Select(x => x.First()).Select(x => x.Tag).ToList();

            foreach (var tag in uniqueTags)
                //This list will store a list of maps, that contains a list of matches
                var mapGameList = new List <List <FaceItGameInfo> >();

                //Findout what unique maps we have, based on each tag
                var uniqueMapsPerTag = _gameInfo.GroupBy(x => x.GetMapName()).Select(x => x.First()).ToList();

                foreach (var map in uniqueMapsPerTag)
                    //Get each match that matches the unique tag + map we are currently on.
                    var matchesPerMapByTag = _gameInfo.Where(x =>
                                                             x.Tag.TagName.Equals(tag.TagName, StringComparison.CurrentCulture) &&

                    //Make sure we only add lists with content.
                    if (matchesPerMapByTag.Count != 0)
                        //Now take the list that has matches by map, and add them to the list of tags.

                //Add to the 3d list.

            var listFiles = await HeatmapGenerator.CreateListFiles(tagMapGameList);

            string lists = "";

            foreach (var listFile in listFiles)
                lists += $"`{listFile.Name}`\n";

            await _log.LogMessage($"Generating heatmaps for the following lists:\n{lists}");

            var generatedFiles = new List <List <FileInfo> >();
            //List of tasks that we'll use to spawn multiple parsers.
            var heatmapTasks = new List <Task <List <FileInfo> > >();

            foreach (var listFile in listFiles)
                string seasonTag     = listFile.Name.Substring(0, listFile.Name.IndexOf('_'));
                string radarLocation = _dataService.RSettings.ProgramSettings.FaceItDemoPath + "\\Radars\\" + seasonTag;
                                                                             listFile.Name.Replace(listFile.Extension, "")));

                //Don't spawn more than 8 generators at a time
                if (heatmapTasks.Count >= 16)
                    var completed = await Task.WhenAny(heatmapTasks);

                    generatedFiles.Add(await completed);

            //Add the remaining tasks
            //Now we have a 2d array. Top level contains each map, bottom then each with a list of images.
            //The folder that each file is in, will be the upload target
            generatedFiles.AddRange((await Task.WhenAll(heatmapTasks)).ToList());

            //Now we have to put all the generated files into the upload dictionary
            foreach (var mapList in generatedFiles)
                foreach (var map in mapList)
                    _uploadDictionary.Add(map, map.Directory?.Name);
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
        Debug.Log("Enter Eval Scene");
        //set volume control
        //#if UNITY_ANDROID 		
        //        unity = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer");
        //        currentActivity = unity.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity");
        //        currentActivity.Call("ChangeVolumeControl");
        //        Debug.Log("Tried to active volume button control");
        //setup heatmap
        ApplicationChrome.statusBarState = ApplicationChrome.navigationBarState = ApplicationChrome.States.Hidden;
        heatMapGen = this.GetComponent<HeatmapGenerator>();
        Texture2D tempTex;
        float maxTime;
        float outOfBoundRatio;
        if (PresentationData.out_HGGazeData != null)
            heatMapGen.GenerateMap(PresentationData.out_HGGazeData, 0, PresentationData.out_ExitTime, out tempTex, out maxTime, out outOfBoundRatio);
            heatmapHolder.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = Sprite.Create(tempTex, new Rect(0, 0, tempTex.width, tempTex.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f));
            screenshotHolder.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = Sprite.Create(PresentationData.out_Screenshot, new Rect(0, 0, PresentationData.out_Screenshot.width, PresentationData.out_Screenshot.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f));

        //set up audio source
        if (audioSource == null)
            //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("get audio source"); 
            audioSource = gameObject.GetComponent<AudioSource>();

        if (audioSource.clip != null)
            audioSource.clip = null;
        pcmToUnityClip = new AudioProcessingJob();
        if ((PresentationData.out_RecordingFilePath != null) && (PresentationData.out_RecordingFilePath != ""))

        //set up slide transition data
        out_SlidesTransitionRecord = new List<KeyValuePair<float, int>>();

        if ((PresentationData.out_SlidesTransitionRecord != null) && (PresentationData.out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Count >= 0))
            out_SlidesTransitionRecord = PresentationData.out_SlidesTransitionRecord;
            //give it some test data
            out_SlidesTransitionRecord = new List<KeyValuePair<float, int>>();
            out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Add(new KeyValuePair<float, int>(0.0f, 0));
            out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Add(new KeyValuePair<float, int>(1.0f, 1));
            out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Add(new KeyValuePair<float, int>(5.0f, 2));
            out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Add(new KeyValuePair<float, int>(10.0f, 3));
            out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Add(new KeyValuePair<float, int>(15.0f, 4));
            out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Add(new KeyValuePair<float, int>(20.0f, 5));
            out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Add(new KeyValuePair<float, int>(22.0f, 6)); //the last shoot
            out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Add(new KeyValuePair<float, int>(26.0f, 7));
            out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Add(new KeyValuePair<float, int>(35.0f, 8));
            out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Add(new KeyValuePair<float, int>(55.0f, 9));
            out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Add(new KeyValuePair<float, int>(70.0f, 10));
            out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Add(new KeyValuePair<float, int>(82.0f, 11));

        //prepare duration data
        slideTimingRecord = new List<KeyValuePair<int, float>>();

        //for (int j = 0; j < out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Count; j++ )
        //    UnityEngine.Debug.Log(out_SlidesTransitionRecord[j].Key + " + " + out_SlidesTransitionRecord[j].Value);

        //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("brain power!! " + out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Count + " = " + (out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Count-1/6) + ")");
        startTimeForThumbnailGroup = new float[(out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Count-2)/ 6+1];
        //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("startTimeForThumbnailGroup has " + (out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Count - 2) / 6 + "+1 records");
        for (int i = 0; i < out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Count-1; i++)
            float time = out_SlidesTransitionRecord[i].Key;
            int slideNo = out_SlidesTransitionRecord[i].Value;

           //get the duration
            float dur = out_SlidesTransitionRecord[i + 1].Key - time;
            slideTimingRecord.Add(new KeyValuePair<int, float>(slideNo, dur));
            if (i % 6 == 0)
                //Debug.Log("*"+i+"* Group #" + (i / 6) + " starts on " + out_SlidesTransitionRecord[i].Key);
                startTimeForThumbnailGroup[i / 6] = out_SlidesTransitionRecord[i].Key;

            //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("transition is picked: " + dur + " (#" + slideNo + ")");
        isProcessingAudio = true;
Example #5
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
            Console.Title = "Bot Ido";

            //Always download users to make sure we can always get them
            var config = new DiscordSocketConfig
                AlwaysDownloadUsers = true

            var interactiveConfig = new InteractiveServiceConfig
                DefaultTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10)

            // Dependency injection. All objects use constructor injection.
            _client   = new DiscordSocketClient(config);
            _commands = new CommandService();
            _services = new ServiceCollection()
                        .AddSingleton <GuildHandler>()
                        .AddSingleton <CommandHandler>()
                        .AddSingleton <LogHandler>()
                        .AddSingleton <UserHandler>()
                        .AddSingleton <ScheduleHandler>()
                        .AddSingleton <DataService>()
                        .AddSingleton <Random>()
                        .AddSingleton <GoogleCalendar>()
                        .AddSingleton <YouTube>()
                        .AddSingleton <ReservationService>()
                        .AddSingleton <PlaytestService>()
                        .AddSingleton <RconService>()
                        .AddSingleton <SrcdsLogService>()
                        .AddSingleton <VoiceChannelHandler>()
                        .AddSingleton <ToolsService>()
                        .AddSingleton <VerificationService>()
                        .AddSingleton <IHelpService, HelpService>()
                        .AddSingleton(s => new InteractiveService(_client, interactiveConfig))

            _dataService = _services.GetRequiredService <DataService>();
            _log         = _services.GetRequiredService <LogHandler>();
            _services.GetRequiredService <GuildHandler>();
            _services.GetRequiredService <ScheduleHandler>();
            await _services.GetRequiredService <CommandHandler>().InstallCommandsAsync();

            _services.GetRequiredService <UserHandler>();
            _services.GetRequiredService <VoiceChannelHandler>();
            _services.GetRequiredService <SrcdsLogService>();
            _services.GetRequiredService <ToolsService>();

            //Google APIs
            _services.GetRequiredService <GoogleCalendar>();
            _services.GetRequiredService <YouTube>();

            // Remember to keep token private or to read it from an
            // external source! In this case, we are reading the token
            // from an environment variable. If you do not know how to set-up
            // environment variables, you may find more information on the
            // Internet or by using other methods such as reading from
            // a configuration.

            await _client.LoginAsync(TokenType.Bot,
                                     _services.GetRequiredService <DataService>().RSettings.ProgramSettings.BotToken);

            _dataService.SetLogHandler(_services.GetRequiredService <LogHandler>());

            //Set handlers for static classes
            DatabaseUtil.SetHandlers(_services.GetRequiredService <LogHandler>(),
                                     _services.GetRequiredService <DataService>());
            DownloadHandler.SetHandlers(_services.GetRequiredService <LogHandler>(),
                                        _services.GetRequiredService <DataService>());
            GeneralUtil.SetHandlers(_services.GetRequiredService <LogHandler>(),
                                    _services.GetRequiredService <DataService>(), _services.GetRequiredService <Random>());
            DemoParser.SetHandlers(_services.GetRequiredService <LogHandler>(),
                                   _services.GetRequiredService <DataService>());
            HeatmapGenerator.SetHandlers(_services.GetRequiredService <LogHandler>(),
                                         _services.GetRequiredService <DataService>());

            await _client.StartAsync();

            // Block this task until the program is closed.
            await Task.Delay(-1);
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        Debug.Log("Enter Eval Scene");
        //set volume control
        //#if UNITY_ANDROID
        //        unity = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer");
        //        currentActivity = unity.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity");
        //        currentActivity.Call("ChangeVolumeControl");
        //        Debug.Log("Tried to active volume button control");
        //setup heatmap
        ApplicationChrome.statusBarState = ApplicationChrome.navigationBarState = ApplicationChrome.States.Hidden;
        heatMapGen = this.GetComponent <HeatmapGenerator>();
        Texture2D tempTex;
        float     maxTime;
        float     outOfBoundRatio;

        if (PresentationData.out_HGGazeData != null)
            heatMapGen.GenerateMap(PresentationData.out_HGGazeData, 0, PresentationData.out_ExitTime, out tempTex, out maxTime, out outOfBoundRatio);
            heatmapHolder.GetComponent <Image>().sprite    = Sprite.Create(tempTex, new Rect(0, 0, tempTex.width, tempTex.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f));
            screenshotHolder.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Sprite.Create(PresentationData.out_Screenshot, new Rect(0, 0, PresentationData.out_Screenshot.width, PresentationData.out_Screenshot.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f));

        //set up audio source
        if (audioSource == null)
            //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("get audio source");
            audioSource = gameObject.GetComponent <AudioSource>();

        if (audioSource.clip != null)
            audioSource.clip = null;

        pcmToUnityClip = new AudioProcessingJob();
        if ((PresentationData.out_RecordingFilePath != null) && (PresentationData.out_RecordingFilePath != ""))

        //set up slide transition data
        out_SlidesTransitionRecord = new List <KeyValuePair <float, int> >();

        if ((PresentationData.out_SlidesTransitionRecord != null) && (PresentationData.out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Count >= 0))
            out_SlidesTransitionRecord = PresentationData.out_SlidesTransitionRecord;
            //give it some test data
            out_SlidesTransitionRecord = new List <KeyValuePair <float, int> >();
            out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Add(new KeyValuePair <float, int>(0.0f, 0));
            out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Add(new KeyValuePair <float, int>(1.0f, 1));
            out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Add(new KeyValuePair <float, int>(5.0f, 2));
            out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Add(new KeyValuePair <float, int>(10.0f, 3));
            out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Add(new KeyValuePair <float, int>(15.0f, 4));
            out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Add(new KeyValuePair <float, int>(20.0f, 5));
            out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Add(new KeyValuePair <float, int>(22.0f, 6)); //the last shoot
            out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Add(new KeyValuePair <float, int>(26.0f, 7));
            out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Add(new KeyValuePair <float, int>(35.0f, 8));
            out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Add(new KeyValuePair <float, int>(55.0f, 9));
            out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Add(new KeyValuePair <float, int>(70.0f, 10));
            out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Add(new KeyValuePair <float, int>(82.0f, 11));

        //prepare duration data
        slideTimingRecord = new List <KeyValuePair <int, float> >();

        //for (int j = 0; j < out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Count; j++ )
        //    UnityEngine.Debug.Log(out_SlidesTransitionRecord[j].Key + " + " + out_SlidesTransitionRecord[j].Value);

        //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("brain power!! " + out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Count + " = " + (out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Count-1/6) + ")");
        startTimeForThumbnailGroup = new float[(out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Count - 2) / 6 + 1];
        //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("startTimeForThumbnailGroup has " + (out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Count - 2) / 6 + "+1 records");
        for (int i = 0; i < out_SlidesTransitionRecord.Count - 1; i++)
            float time    = out_SlidesTransitionRecord[i].Key;
            int   slideNo = out_SlidesTransitionRecord[i].Value;

            //get the duration
            float dur = out_SlidesTransitionRecord[i + 1].Key - time;
            slideTimingRecord.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, float>(slideNo, dur));
            if (i % 6 == 0)
                //Debug.Log("*"+i+"* Group #" + (i / 6) + " starts on " + out_SlidesTransitionRecord[i].Key);
                startTimeForThumbnailGroup[i / 6] = out_SlidesTransitionRecord[i].Key;

            //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("transition is picked: " + dur + " (#" + slideNo + ")");

        isProcessingAudio = true;