public void AddFoodItem(FoodItem item)
            var quantityType = HKQuantityType.GetQuantityType(HKQuantityTypeIdentifierKey.DietaryEnergyConsumed);
            var quantity     = HKQuantity.FromQuantity(HKUnit.Joule, item.Joules);

            var now = NSDate.Now;

            var metadata       = new NSDictionary(HKMetadataKey.FoodType, item.Name);
            var caloriesSample = HKQuantitySample.FromType(quantityType, quantity, now, now, metadata);

            HealthStore.SaveObject(caloriesSample, (success, error) => {
                if (success)
                    FoodItems.Insert(item, 0);
                    var indexPathForInsertedFoodItem = NSIndexPath.FromRowSection(0, 0);
                    InvokeOnMainThread(() => {
                        TableView.InsertRows(new NSIndexPath[] { indexPathForInsertedFoodItem }, UITableViewRowAnimation.Automatic);
                    Console.WriteLine("An error occured saving the food {0}. In your app, try to handle this gracefully. " +
                                      "The error was: {1}.", item.Name, error);
        public void SaveWorkout()
            // Obtain the `HKObjectType` for active energy burned.
            var activeEnergyType = HKQuantityType.Create(HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.ActiveEnergyBurned);

            if (activeEnergyType == null)

            var beginDate = WorkoutBeginDate;
            var endDate   = WorkoutEndDate;

            var          timeDifference = endDate.Subtract(beginDate);
            double       duration       = timeDifference.TotalSeconds;
            NSDictionary metadata       = null;

            var workout = HKWorkout.Create(HKWorkoutActivityType.Walking,
                                           HKQuantity.FromQuantity(HKUnit.Mile, 0.0),

            var finalActiveEnergySamples = ActiveEnergySamples;

            if (HealthStore.GetAuthorizationStatus(activeEnergyType) != HKAuthorizationStatus.SharingAuthorized ||
                HealthStore.GetAuthorizationStatus(HKObjectType.GetWorkoutType()) != HKAuthorizationStatus.SharingAuthorized)

            HealthStore.SaveObject(workout, (success, error) => {
                if (!success)
                    Console.WriteLine($"An error occured saving the workout. In your app, try to handle this gracefully. The error was: {error}.");

                if (finalActiveEnergySamples.Count > 0)
                    HealthStore.AddSamples(finalActiveEnergySamples.ToArray(), workout, (addSuccess, addError) => {
                        // Handle any errors
                        if (addError != null)
                            Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred adding the samples. In your app, try to handle this gracefully. The error was: {error.ToString()}.");
        void SaveWeightIntoHealthStore(double value)
            var weightQuantity = HKQuantity.FromQuantity(HKUnit.Pound, value);
            var weightType     = HKQuantityType.GetQuantityType(HKQuantityTypeIdentifierKey.BodyMass);
            var weightSample   = HKQuantitySample.FromType(weightType, weightQuantity, NSDate.Now, NSDate.Now, new NSDictionary());

            HealthStore.SaveObject(weightSample, (success, error) => {
                if (!success)
                    Console.WriteLine("An error occured saving the weight sample {0}. " +
                                      "In your app, try to handle this gracefully. The error was: {1}.", weightSample, error.LocalizedDescription);

        void SaveHeightIntoHealthStore(double value)
            var heightQuantity = HKQuantity.FromQuantity(HKUnit.Inch, value);
            var heightType     = HKQuantityType.GetQuantityType(HKQuantityTypeIdentifierKey.Height);
            var heightSample   = HKQuantitySample.FromType(heightType, heightQuantity, NSDate.Now, NSDate.Now, new NSDictionary());

            HealthStore.SaveObject(heightSample, (success, error) => {
                if (!success)
                    Console.WriteLine("An error occured saving the height sample {0}. " +
                                      "In your app, try to handle this gracefully. The error was: {1}.", heightSample, error);

        public void AddStepCountEntry(StepCountEntry entry)
            var date         = new NSDate();
            var quantityType = HKObjectType.GetQuantityType(HKQuantityTypeIdentifierKey.StepCount);
            var countUnit    = HKUnit.Count;
            var quantity     = HKQuantity.FromQuantity(countUnit, entry.Count);
            var sample       = HKQuantitySample.FromType(quantityType, quantity, date, date);

            HealthStore.SaveObject(sample, new Action <bool, NSError>((success, error) => {
                if (!success || error != null)
                    //There may have been an add error for some reason.
                    AlertManager.ShowError("Health Kit", "Unable to add step count sample: " + error);
                    //Refresh all app wide blood glucose UI fields.
                    RefreshQuantityValue(HKQuantityTypeIdentifierKey.StepCount, quantityType);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method handles all the HealthKit gymnastics to add a blood glucose entry to the HealthKit data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entry">Entry.</param>
        public void AddBloodGlucoseEntry(BloodGlucoseEntry entry)
            var date         = new NSDate();
            var quantityType = HKObjectType.GetQuantityType(HKQuantityTypeIdentifierKey.BloodGlucose);
            var mgPerDL      = HKUnit.FromString("mg/dL");
            var quantity     = HKQuantity.FromQuantity(mgPerDL, entry.BloodGlucoseValue);
            var sample       = HKQuantitySample.FromType(quantityType, quantity, date, date);

            HealthStore.SaveObject(sample, new Action <bool, NSError>((success, error) => {
                if (!success || error != null)
                    //There may have been an add error for some reason.
                    AlertManager.ShowError("Health Kit", "Unable to add glucose sample: " + error);
                    //Refresh all app wide blood glucose UI fields.
                    RefreshQuantityValue(HKQuantityTypeIdentifierKey.BloodGlucose, quantityType);