public void giveReward(PlayerInventory inven, PlayerAttributes attr) { Item itemToAdd = new HealItem("Potion", 0, itemTypes.HealItem, 10); switch (reward) { case rewards.coins: itemToAdd = new Money("CoinBag", rewardAmount, itemTypes.Coin, coinAmount.coinBag); break; case rewards.potion: itemToAdd = new HealItem("Potion", rewardAmount, itemTypes.HealItem, 10); break; case rewards.poison: itemToAdd = new HealItem("Poison", rewardAmount, itemTypes.HealItem, -5); break; default: itemToAdd = new HealItem("Potion", 0, itemTypes.HealItem, 10); break; } inven.addItem(itemToAdd); attr.finishQuest(this); }
public override void Heal(int heal, GameObject source) { base.Heal(heal, source); HealItem healItem = source.GetComponent <HealItem>(); if (healItem) { healEffect = Instantiate(healItem.healParticule, gameObject.transform); Destroy(healEffect, 3); } }
//For Battles, need to make one for overworld public void SelectItem() { if (isHeal) { SelectAttack.instance.selectOption(); Debug.Log("Clicked and Ready"); HealItem healScript = GameObject.Find("Items").GetComponent <HealItem>(); healScript.icon = icon.sprite; healScript.hpHeal = item.healAmount; healScript.staminaHeal = item.staminaAmount; healScript.hungery = item.hungery; healScript.thirsty = item.thirsty; BattleManager.instance.itemScript = healScript; } }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision) { GameObject tempGo = collision.gameObject; if (tempGo.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Item")) { switch (tempGo.tag) { case "HealItem": HealItem healItem = tempGo.GetComponent <HealItem>(); IncreaseHealth(healItem.healSize); Destroy(healItem.gameObject); break; default: break; } } if (curState == HeroState.knockBack) { return; } if (tempGo.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("EnemyAttacker")) { if (tempGo == prevCollGo) { return; } prevCollGo = tempGo.transform.root.gameObject; Attacker enemyAttacker = tempGo.transform.parent.GetComponent <Attacker>(); DecreaseHealth(enemyAttacker.GetDamage()); if (health != 0) { tempGo = tempGo.transform.root.gameObject; KnockBack(tempGo); curState = HeroState.knockBack; } else { Die(); } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { attack.gameObject.SetActive(false); pyro.gameObject.SetActive(false); recov.gameObject.SetActive(false); sushi.gameObject.SetActive(false); healthtext.gameObject.SetActive(false); enCount = enemies.Length; gameOver = false; sceneNum = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex; i = 0; recovpo = FindObjectOfType <Recovpo>(); dmgSpell = FindObjectOfType <DamageNinpo>(); healItem = FindObjectOfType <HealItem>(); }
//Resources.Load<GameObject>(item.WorldObj) //Resources.Load<Sprite>(item.Icon) private void CreateHealItem(string title, int stackSize, int id, int healPower)// id 1000-1999 { HealItem item = new HealItem { Title = title, StackSize = stackSize, Id = id, HealPower = healPower }; item.Icon = "ItemSprite/" + id; if (item.Icon == null) { item.Icon = "ItemSprite/Unknown"; } item.WorldObj = "ItemObj/" + id; if (item.WorldObj == null) { item.WorldObj = "ItemObj/Unknown"; } IDB.Add(item); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { player = GameObject.Find("Player"); moneyBar = GameObject.Find("MoneyBar"); if (!isLoaded) { items = new Item[10]; items[0] = new Weapon("Sword", 1, itemTypes.Weapon, 7, 0.4f, 1); items[1] = new HealItem("Potion", 30, itemTypes.HealItem, 10); items[2] = new Tool("Hoe", 1, itemTypes.Tool, 1); items[3] = new Seed("Sunflower Seed", 10, itemTypes.Seed); setCoins(0); hotbar_hotbar = GameObject.Find("Hotbar_hotbar"); for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++) { hotbar_hotbar.transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent <HotbarItemUser>().setItem(items[i]); } setItems(items); } GameObject.Find("GroundItem").GetComponent <GroundItemInventory>().setItem(new HealItem("Poison", 30, itemTypes.HealItem, -5)); }
private void TryNewOnUnityEngineObject() { // we can't call new on UnityEngine.Object deriving types and Rider knows this! ItemPickup animator = new ItemPickup(); Item item = new HealItem(); }
private void OnLoadProfile() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedProfile)) { return; } if (!Profiles.Contains(SelectedProfile)) { return; } Profile profile = profileManager.LoadProfile(SelectedProfile); if (profile == null) { return; } if (profile.MapId == Session.Character.Map.Id) { Bot.Path.Clear(); Bot.Path.AddRange(profile.Path); using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(Session.Character.Map.Preview)) { var previous = new Position(0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < Bot.Path.Count; i++) { Position position = Bot.Path[i]; if (i != 0) { graphics.DrawLine(Pen, previous.X, previous.Y, position.X, position.Y); } graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.DarkRed, position.X, position.Y, 1, 1); previous = position; } } Bot.MapPreview = Session.Character.Map.Preview.ToBitmapSource(); } IEnumerable <Monster> monsters = Bot.Monsters.Where(x => profile.Monsters.Any(s => s == x.ModelId)); Bot.WhitelistedMonsters.Clear(); Bot.WhitelistedMonsters.AddRange(monsters); IEnumerable <Skill> buffs = Bot.BuffSkills.Where(x => profile.BuffSkills.Any(s => s == x.Id)); IEnumerable <Skill> skills = Bot.DamageSkills.Where(x => profile.DamageSkills.Any(s => s == x.Id)); Bot.UsedDamageSkills.Clear(); Bot.UsedBuffSkills.Clear(); Bot.UsedDamageSkills.AddRange(skills); Bot.UsedBuffSkills.AddRange(buffs); IEnumerable <ItemConfiguration> healItems = Bot.HealItems.Where(x => profile.HealItems.Any(s => s.ItemId == x.Item.Id)); foreach (ItemConfiguration configuration in healItems) { HealItem saved = profile.HealItems.First(x => x.ItemId == configuration.Item.Id); configuration.UseForHp = saved.UseForHp; configuration.UseForMp = saved.UseForMp; configuration.HpPercentage = saved.HpPercentage; configuration.MpPercentage = saved.MpPercentage; } Bot.UsedHealItems.Clear(); Bot.UsedHealItems.AddRange(healItems); Bot.PickUpGolds = profile.PickUpGolds; Bot.UseAmuletOfReturn = profile.UseAmuletOfReturn; Bot.PickUpSoundFlowers = profile.PickUpSoundFlowers; Bot.UseAncelloanBlessing = profile.UseAncelloanBlessing; Bot.UseAttackPotion = profile.UseAttackPotion; Bot.UseDefencePotion = profile.UseDefencePotion; Bot.UseEnergyPotion = profile.UseEnergyPotion; Bot.UseExperiencePotion = profile.UseExperiencePotion; Bot.UseFairyBoost = profile.UseFairyBoost; Bot.UseMateBlessing = profile.UseMateBlessing; Bot.UsePetFood = profile.UsePetFood; Bot.UseSoulstoneBlessing = profile.UseSoulstoneBlessing; }