public void Wrapper_Ctor_Converts_Null_Wrapped_Dictionary_To_Case_Insensitive_Dictionary() { _Headers = new HeadersDictionary(null); _Headers.Add("one", new string[] { "value" }); Assert.AreEqual("value", _Headers["ONE"]); }
protected override void Reset_To_RawStringArray() { _Headers = new HeadersDictionary() { { _Key, _RawStringArray }, }; }
protected override void OnAssigned(string key, string[] value) { if (!_DoingInitialCopy) { switch ((key ?? "").ToLower()) { case "content-length": _Response.ContentLength64 = Parser.ParseInt64(HeadersDictionary.JoinCookedHeaderValues(value)) ?? 0L; break; case "keep-alive": _Response.KeepAlive = Parser.ParseBool(HeadersDictionary.JoinCookedHeaderValues(value)) ?? true; break; case "transfer-encoding": if ( (value ?? new string[0]) .Any(r => (r ?? "").Trim().ToLower() == "chunked") ) { _Response.SendChunked = true; } break; case "www-authenticate": _Response.AddHeader("WWW-Authenticate", HeadersDictionary.JoinCookedHeaderValues(value)); break; default: _Response.Headers[key] = HeadersDictionary.JoinCookedHeaderValues(value); break; } } }
public void headers_dictionary_is_case_insensitive() { var dico = HeadersDictionary.Create(new Dictionary <string, string[]> { ["accept"] = new[] { "application/json" } }); Assert.True(dico.ContainsKey("AccePT")); }
protected override void Reset_To_RawStringArray() { _WrappedDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string[]>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) { { _Key, _RawStringArray }, }; _Headers = new HeadersDictionary(_WrappedDictionary); }
public void Initialising_Dictonary_To_Null_Array_Produces_Null_Results() { _Headers = new HeadersDictionary(null); Assert.IsNull(_Headers[_Key]); Assert.IsNull(_Headers.Get(_Key)); Assert.IsNull(_Headers.GetValues(_Key)); Assert.IsNull(_Headers.GetCommaSeparatedValues(_Key)); }
public void when_get_headers_item_as_string_first_is_taken() { var dico = HeadersDictionary.Create(new Dictionary <string, string[]> { ["accept"] = new[] { "application/json", "text/html" } }); var accept = dico["accept", HeadersValueType.FirstOnly]; Assert.Equal("application/json", accept); }
//Only for case when user refuse token or error. // public void ReopenBrowser() { OpenBrowserForRedditAuth(headers); } public void OpenBrowserForRedditAuth(HeadersDictionary settings) { string base_url = ""; var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(base_url); var header = string.Join("&", settings.GetFormmatedHeadersList()); var uri = sb.Append(header).ToString(); Application.OpenURL(uri); }
when_get_headers_item_as_string_concatenation_is_done() { var dico = HeadersDictionary.Create(new Dictionary <string, string[]> { ["accept"] = new[] { "application/json", "text/html" } }); var accept = dico["accept", HeadersValueType.Concatened]; Assert.Equal("application/json;text/html", accept); }
public void Wrapper_Ctor_Keys_Use_Whatever_Comparison_The_Original_Dictionary_Has() { var existingDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string[]>(StringComparer.Ordinal); _Headers = new HeadersDictionary(existingDictionary); _Headers.Add("one", new string[] { "value" }); Assert.IsNull(_Headers["ONE"]); }
public static HeadersDictionary Create(Dictionary <string, string[]> values) { var me = new HeadersDictionary(); foreach (var item in values) { me.Add(item.Key, item.Value); } return(me); }
public void GetContext_Environment_ResponseHeaders_Writes_Are_Applied_In_Real_Time() { var actualHeaders = _HttpListener.MockContext.MockResponse.Object.Headers; _ProcessRequestAction = (env) => { var headers = new HeadersDictionary((IDictionary <string, string[]>)_PipelineEnvironment[EnvironmentKey.ResponseHeaders]) { ["aB"] = "cD" }; Assert.AreEqual("cD", actualHeaders.Get("aB")); }; InitialiseAndStart(); }
public void GetContext_Environment_ResponseHeaders_Is_Case_Insensitive() { _ProcessRequestAction = (env) => { var headers = new HeadersDictionary((IDictionary <string, string[]>)_PipelineEnvironment[EnvironmentKey.ResponseHeaders]) { ["aB"] = "cD" }; }; InitialiseAndStart(); var headers = new HeadersDictionary((IDictionary <string, string[]>)_PipelineEnvironment[EnvironmentKey.ResponseHeaders]); Assert.AreEqual("cD", headers["Ab"]); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new object. /// </summary> /// <param name="response"></param> /// <param name="collection"></param> public HeadersWrapper_Response(IHttpListenerResponse response) : base(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) { _Response = response; _DoingInitialCopy = true; try { foreach (var key in response.Headers.AllKeys) { var value = response.Headers[key]; base[key] = HeadersDictionary.SplitRawHeaderValue(value).ToArray(); } } finally { _DoingInitialCopy = false; } }
/// <summary> /// See interface docs. /// </summary> /// <param name="key"></param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual string[] this[string key] { get { var headerValue = _Collection[key]; return(headerValue == null ? null : HeadersDictionary.SplitRawHeaderValue(headerValue)?.ToArray()); } set { if (key == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key)); } _Collection[key] = HeadersDictionary.JoinCookedHeaderValues(value); } }
public static async Task <T> ApiAction <T>(Uri uri, Method method, object obj, Dictionary <string, string> sHeader)//method you need to use if you have to add body to request { var request = new RestRequest(uri, method); request.AddJsonBody(obj);//or you could use AddXMLBody or even AddBody foreach (var v in sHeader.ToList()) { request.AddHeader(v.Key, v.Value); } foreach (var v in HeadersDictionary.ToList()) { request.AddHeader(v.Key, v.Value); } return(await ApiAction <T>(request)); }
/// <summary> /// Only for data look like this "data=data&info=info" /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static HeadersDictionary GetHeadersFromUriData(this string text) { if (!text.Contains("&")) { return(null); } try { HeadersDictionary headers = new HeadersDictionary(); foreach (var s in text.Split('&')) { var index = s.Split('='); headers.Add(index[0], index[1]); } return(headers); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e); } return(null); }
public static async Task <T> ApiAction <T>(Uri uri, Method method, Dictionary <string, string> parameters, Dictionary <string, string> sHeader) { var request = new RestRequest(uri, method); foreach (var p in parameters) { request.AddParameter(p.Key, p.Value); } foreach (var v in sHeader.ToList()) { request.AddHeader(v.Key, v.Value); } foreach (var v in HeadersDictionary.ToList()) { request.AddHeader(v.Key, v.Value); } return(await ApiAction <T>(request)); }
public void Dictionary_Wrapper_Properties_Expose_Wrappers_Correctly(string wrapperPropertyName, string headersPropertyName, string environmentKey, Type wrapperType) { var wrapperPropertyInfo = typeof(OwinContext).GetProperty(wrapperPropertyName); var headersPropertyInfo = typeof(OwinContext).GetProperty(headersPropertyName); // If the headers are null then the wrapper is null (cannot expose a stub, it would not reflect environment) Assert.IsNull(wrapperPropertyInfo.GetValue(_Context, null)); // Can assign wrapper to underlying headers property and wrapper property will expose same object, it will // not create a new wrapper for it. var wrapper = Activator.CreateInstance(wrapperType); headersPropertyInfo.SetValue(_Context, wrapper); Assert.AreSame(wrapper, wrapperPropertyInfo.GetValue(_Context, null)); Assert.AreSame(wrapper, wrapperPropertyInfo.GetValue(_Context, null)); TestInitialise(); // If the headers property is a simple dictionary then a wrapper will be created for it and subsequent // fetches return the same wrapper var d1 = new HeadersDictionary(); _Environment[environmentKey] = d1; var w1 = wrapperPropertyInfo.GetValue(_Context, null); Assert.AreSame(wrapperType, w1.GetType()); Assert.AreSame(w1, wrapperPropertyInfo.GetValue(_Context, null)); // If the underlying headers are changed then a new wrapper is created var d2 = new HeadersDictionary(); _Environment[environmentKey] = d2; var w2 = wrapperPropertyInfo.GetValue(_Context, null); Assert.AreSame(wrapperType, w2.GetType()); Assert.AreSame(w2, wrapperPropertyInfo.GetValue(_Context, null)); }
public void Static_SplitRawHeaderValue_Round_Trips_With_JoinCookedHeaderValues(string [] splitValues, string headerValue) { var splitHeaderValues = HeadersDictionary.SplitRawHeaderValue(headerValue); if (splitValues == null) { Assert.IsNull(splitHeaderValues); } else { Assert.IsTrue(splitValues.SequenceEqual(splitHeaderValues)); } var rejoinedHeader = HeadersDictionary.JoinCookedHeaderValues(splitHeaderValues); if (headerValue == null) { Assert.IsNull(rejoinedHeader); } else { Assert.AreEqual(headerValue, rejoinedHeader); } }
public void Static_SplitRawHeaderValue_Returns_Correct_Array_For_Header_Value(string[] expected, string rawString) { var actual = HeadersDictionary.SplitRawHeaderValue(rawString); Assert.IsTrue(expected.SequenceEqual(actual)); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WebDavResponse"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="dispatcher">The WebDAV HTTP method dispatcher</param> /// <param name="response">The ASP.NET Core HTTP response</param> public WebDavResponse(IWebDavDispatcher dispatcher, HttpResponse response) { _response = response; Dispatcher = dispatcher; Headers = new HeadersDictionary(_response.Headers); }
/// <summary> /// Downloads the tile image using the URL values passed across. /// </summary> /// <param name="options"></param> /// <param name="urlValues"></param> /// <param name="clientEndpoint"></param> /// <param name="headers"></param> /// <param name="outcome"></param> /// <param name="displayOutcome"></param> /// <returns></returns> private void FetchTileServerImage(Options options, FakeUrlEncodedValues urlValues, IPAddress clientEndpoint, HeadersDictionary headers, WebRequestOutcome outcome, RequestOutcome displayOutcome) { var tileServerSettings = Plugin.TileServerSettingsManagerWrapper.GetRealTileServerSettings( urlValues.MapProvider, urlValues.Name ); if (tileServerSettings != null) { var tileImageUrl = _TileServerUrlTranslator.ExpandUrlParameters( tileServerSettings.Url, urlValues, tileServerSettings.Subdomains ); var request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(tileImageUrl); request.Method = "GET"; request.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.Deflate | DecompressionMethods.GZip; foreach (var headerKey in headers.Keys) { var value = headers[headerKey]; switch (headerKey.ToLower()) { case "accept": request.Accept = value; break; case "accept-encoding": break; case "connection": break; case "content-length": break; case "content-type": request.ContentType = value; break; case "date": break; case "expect": request.Expect = value; break; case "host": break; case "if-modified-since": break; case "proxy-connection": break; case "range": break; case "referer": request.Referer = value; break; case "transfer-encoding": request.TransferEncoding = value; break; case "user-agent": request.UserAgent = value; break; default: request.Headers[headerKey] = value; break; } } request.AuthenticationLevel = AuthenticationLevel.None; request.Credentials = null; request.UseDefaultCredentials = false; request.KeepAlive = true; request.Timeout = 1000 * options.TileServerTimeoutSeconds; lock (_SyncLock) { if (!_TileServerNameToCookieCollection.TryGetValue(urlValues.Name, out var cookies)) { cookies = new CookieCollection(); _TileServerNameToCookieCollection.Add(urlValues.Name, cookies); } foreach (Cookie cookie in cookies) { request.CookieContainer.Add(cookie); } } var forwarded = request.Headers["Forwarded"] ?? ""; if (forwarded.Length > 0) { forwarded = $"{forwarded}, "; } forwarded = $"{forwarded}for={clientEndpoint}"; request.Headers["Forwarded"] = forwarded; try { using (var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse()) { using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { using (var responseStream = response.GetResponseStream()) { var buffer = new byte[1024]; var bytesRead = 0; do { bytesRead = responseStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); if (bytesRead > 0) { memoryStream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } } while(bytesRead > 0); } outcome.ImageBytes = memoryStream.ToArray(); displayOutcome.FetchedFromTileServer = true; displayOutcome.TileServerResponseStatusCode = (int)response.StatusCode; } var cookies = new CookieCollection(); foreach (Cookie cookie in response.Cookies) { cookies.Add(cookie); } lock (_SyncLock) { _TileServerNameToCookieCollection[urlValues.Name] = cookies; } } } catch (WebException ex) { if (ex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.Timeout) { displayOutcome.TimedOut = true; } else { displayOutcome.WebExceptionErrorMessage = ex.Message; outcome.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError; if (ex.Response is HttpWebResponse httpResponse) { if (httpResponse.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { outcome.StatusCode = httpResponse.StatusCode; displayOutcome.TileServerResponseStatusCode = (int)httpResponse.StatusCode; } } } } } }
public void TestInitialise() { _Headers = new HeadersDictionary(); }
public void Static_JoinCookedHeaderValues_Ignores_Null_And_Empty_Values(string[] rawStringArray, string expected) { var actual = HeadersDictionary.JoinCookedHeaderValues(rawStringArray); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void Wrapper_Ctor_Accepts_Null_Wrapped_Dictionary() { _Headers = new HeadersDictionary(null); Assert.AreEqual(0, _Headers.Count); }
public void TestInitialise() { _WrappedDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string[]>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); _Headers = new HeadersDictionary(_WrappedDictionary); }