Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether the provided password is in the Enzoic database of known, compromised passwords.
        /// @see <a href="https://www.enzoic.com/docs/passwords-api">https://www.enzoic.com/docs/passwords-api</a>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="password">The password to be checked</param>
        /// <param name="revealedInExposure">Out parameter.  Whether the password was exposed in a known data Exposure. If this value
        /// is false, the password was found in common password cracking dictionaries, but has not been directly exposed as a user
        /// password in a data breach or other Exposure.</param>
        /// <param name="relativeExposureFrequency">This is a gauge of how frequently the password has been seen in data breaches.
        /// The value is simply the percent of data
        /// breaches indexed by Enzoic that have contained at least one instance of this password, i.e. if the value is 13,
        /// that means 13% of the exposures that Enzoic has indexed contained this password at least one time. This value can
        /// be used to gauge how dangerous this password is by how common it is.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the password is a known, compromised password and should not be used</returns>
        public bool CheckPassword(string password, out bool revealedInExposure, out int?relativeExposureFrequency)
            string md5    = Hashing.CalcMD5(password);
            string sha1   = Hashing.CalcSHA1(password);
            string sha256 = Hashing.CalcSHA256(password);

            String response = MakeRestCall(
                apiBaseURL + PASSWORDS_API_PATH +
                "?partial_md5=" + md5.Substring(0, 10) +
                "&partial_sha1=" + sha1.Substring(0, 10) +
                "&partial_sha256=" + sha256.Substring(0, 10),
                "GET", null);

            if (response != "404")
                dynamic responseObj = JObject.Parse(response);

                foreach (dynamic candidate in responseObj.candidates)
                    if (candidate.md5 == md5 ||
                        candidate.sha1 == sha1 ||
                        candidate.sha256 == sha256)
                        revealedInExposure        = candidate.revealedInExposure;
                        relativeExposureFrequency = candidate.relativeExposureFrequency;

            revealedInExposure        = false;
            relativeExposureFrequency = null;