/// <summary>
    ///  Create each state switch to the given state's transition ,and add them to the transition list.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="nextFsmStateName">the state which them will switch to</param>
    /// <param name="fsmTransitionConditionArray">Some transition conditions</param>
    public void CreateAnyFSMStateToFSMStateTransition(string nextFsmStateName, IFSMTransitionCondition[] fsmTransitionConditionArray)
        string nextFSMStateNameHash = HashTool.StringToHash(nextFsmStateName);

        FSMState nextFSMState = null;

        bool nextFSMStateExist = m_FSMStateDic.TryGetValue(nextFSMStateNameHash, out nextFSMState);

        if (nextFSMStateExist == false)
            Debug.LogErrorFormat("The nextFSMStateName:{0} is not exist", nextFsmStateName);


        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, FSMState> kv in m_FSMStateDic)
            FSMState fsmState = kv.Value;

            if (fsmState != m_Entry &&
                fsmState != m_Exit &&
                fsmState != m_EndFSMState &&
                fsmState != nextFSMState)
                fsmState.AddTransition(nextFSMState, fsmTransitionConditionArray);
    /// <summary>
    /// Create a transition which represent the state switch to another state,and add it to the transition list.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="fsmStateName">The state name</param>
    /// <param name="nextFSMStateName">The name of the next state</param>
    /// <param name="fsmTransitionConditionArray">Some transition conditions</param>
    public FSMTransition CreateFSMStateToAnotherFSMStateTransition(string fsmStateName, string nextFSMStateName, IFSMTransitionCondition[] fsmTransitionConditionArray)
        //convert the state name to hash value,to improve performance
        string fsmStateNameHash = HashTool.StringToHash(fsmStateName);

        FSMState fsmState = null;

        bool fsmStateExist = m_FSMStateDic.TryGetValue(fsmStateNameHash, out fsmState);

        if (fsmStateExist == false)
            Debug.LogErrorFormat("The fsmStateName:{0} is not exist", fsmStateName);


        //convert the state name to hash value,to improve performance
        string nextFSMStateNameHash = HashTool.StringToHash(nextFSMStateName);

        FSMState nextFSMState = null;

        bool nextFSMStateExist = m_FSMStateDic.TryGetValue(nextFSMStateNameHash, out nextFSMState);

        if (nextFSMStateExist == false)
            Debug.LogErrorFormat("The nextFSMStateName:{0} is not exist", nextFSMStateName);


        return(fsmState.AddTransition(nextFSMState, fsmTransitionConditionArray));
    /// <summary>
    /// Set the end state
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="fsmStateName">The state name</param>
    /// <param name="endStateToExitStateFSMTransitionConditionArray">Some conditions of endState switch to the exitState</param>
    public void SetEndState(string fsmStateName, IFSMTransitionCondition[] endStateToExitStateFSMTransitionConditionArray)
        if (fsmStateName == null || fsmStateName == "")
            Debug.LogError("the fsmStateName can not be null or Empty");


        FSMState fsmState = null;

        //convert the state name to hash value,to improve performance
        string fsmStateNameHash = HashTool.StringToHash(fsmStateName);

        bool exist = m_FSMStateDic.TryGetValue(fsmStateNameHash, out fsmState);

        if (exist == true)
            this.m_EndFSMState = fsmState;

            m_Exit = new FSMExit("FSMExit");


            this.m_EndFSMState.AddTransition(m_Exit, endStateToExitStateFSMTransitionConditionArray);
            Debug.LogErrorFormat("The {0} is not exist", fsmStateName);
    /// <summary>
    /// Set the default state
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="fsmStateName">The state name</param>
    public void SetDefaultState(string fsmStateName)
        if (fsmStateName == null || fsmStateName == "")
            Debug.LogError("the fsmStateName can not be null or Empty");


        FSMState fsmState = null;

        //convert the state name to hash value,to improve performance
        string fsmStateNameHash = HashTool.StringToHash(fsmStateName);

        bool exist = m_FSMStateDic.TryGetValue(fsmStateNameHash, out fsmState);

        if (exist == true)
            this.m_DefaultFSMState = fsmState;
            Debug.LogErrorFormat("The {0} is not exist", fsmStateName);
    /// <summary>
    /// Delete the specific transition in the state
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="fsmStateName">The state name</param>
    /// <param name="fsmTransition">The specific transition</param>
    public void DeleteFSMStateToAnotherFSMStateTransition(string fsmStateName, FSMTransition fsmTransition)
        //convert the state name to hash value,to improve performance
        string fsmStateNameHash = HashTool.StringToHash(fsmStateName);

        FSMState fsmState = null;

        bool fsmStateExist = m_FSMStateDic.TryGetValue(fsmStateNameHash, out fsmState);

        if (fsmStateExist == true)
            Debug.LogErrorFormat("The fsmStateName:{0} is not exist", fsmStateName);
    /// <summary>
    /// Delete state from the dictionary according to its name
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="fsmStateName">the state name</param>
    public void DeleteState(string fsmStateName)
        if (fsmStateName == null || fsmStateName == "")
            Debug.LogError("the fsmStateName can not be null or empty");


        //convert the state name to hash value,to improve performance
        string fsmStateNameHash = HashTool.StringToHash(fsmStateName);

        if (m_FSMStateDic.ContainsKey(fsmStateNameHash) == true)
            Debug.LogErrorFormat("The finite state machine do not have the state:{0}", fsmStateName);
    /// <summary>
    /// Get the state name,then convert it to hash string as the key, and the state as the value,
    /// Add them to the dictionary
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="fsmState">the state</param>
    public void AddState(FSMState fsmState)
        if (fsmState == null)
            Debug.LogError("the fsmState can not be null");


        string fsmStateName = fsmState.FSMStateName;

        //convert the state name to hash value,to improve performance
        string fsmStateNameHash = HashTool.StringToHash(fsmStateName);

        if (m_FSMStateDic.ContainsKey(fsmStateNameHash) == false)
            m_FSMStateDic.Add(fsmStateNameHash, fsmState);
            Debug.LogErrorFormat("The finite state machine already have the state:{0}", fsmState.FSMStateName);