private static IHashObjectList GetOrderInfoList(JavaScriptSerializer serializer, ArrayList linesList) { IHashObjectList orderInfoList = new HashObjectList(); foreach (HashObject thash in linesList) { var content = thash.GetValue <ArrayList>("content"); if (content.Count == 0) { continue; } IHashObject orderInfo = new HashObject(); foreach (HashObject contentItem in content) { var contentItemValue = contentItem.GetValue <HashObject>("value"); string key = contentItemValue.GetValue <string>("name"); if (!contentItemValue.ContainsKey("value")) { continue; } if (contentItemValue["value"] is ArrayList) { orderInfo[key] = serializer.Serialize(contentItemValue["value"]); continue; } orderInfo[key] = contentItemValue["value"].ToString(); } orderInfoList.Add(orderInfo); } return(orderInfoList); }
/// <summary> /// 拆分明细数据到表 /// </summary> public static DataTable SpliteContentToDataTableByUser(string user, string connectString, bool hasUpdate = false) { IHashObjectList list = new HashObjectList(); using (DbHelper db = new DbHelper(connectString, true)) { db.AddParameter("user", user); if (hasUpdate) { //获取有更新的数据 list = db.Select("SELECT tbd.content, (SELECT tb.status FROM tbill tb WHERE tb.tbid = tbd.tbid) AS tstatus FROM tbilldetail tbd JOIN tbill tbl ON tbl.tbid = tbd.tbid WHERE tbl.hasupdate=1 and tbd.`user`=@user"); } else { //获取所有数据 list = db.Select("select tbd.content, (select tb.status from tbill tb where tb.tbid = tbd.tbid) as tstatus from tbilldetail tbd where tbd.`user`=@user"); } } List <CatchDataTemplate> tList = new List <CatchDataTemplate>(); foreach (HashObject hash in list) { tList.Add(new CatchDataTemplate() { DetailContent = hash.GetValue <string>("content"), Status = hash.GetValue <string>("tstatus") }); } return(SpliteContentToDataTable(user, tList)); }
/// <summary> /// 多线程使用案例 /// </summary> public static void TestTask() { List <Task> tasks = new List <Task>(); HashObjectList datasourcecombase = new HashObjectList(); var listtask = Task.Run(() => { //1.查询列表 UnitsClass.IsSetTimeout(); datasourcecombase = new DALBase("erp", DBrwType.Write, true).GetDataList(HashObject.CreateWith("profileid", 10004621), "select * from bas_account where profileid=10004621;", SqlType.CmdText); }); tasks.Add(listtask); try { Task.WaitAll(tasks.ToArray()); } catch (Exception e) { throw; } Console.WriteLine(datasourcecombase.Count()); }
/// <summary> /// 直接分析对象数据,把数据转换为单据数据 /// </summary> internal static HashObject AnalysisData(string suser, IList data, CallBackMsg callBack) { try { List <CatchDataTemplate> tlist = new List <CatchDataTemplate>(); foreach (HashObject item in data) { tlist.Add(new CatchDataTemplate() { Status = item.GetValue <string>("status"), DetailContent = item.GetValue <HashObject>("detail").GetValue <string>("content") }); } callBack("开始拆分数据"); DataTable table = TaobaoDataHelper.SpliteContentToDataTable(suser, tlist); callBack("数据拆分完成"); HashObjectList billList = new HashObjectList(); HashObjectList detailList = new HashObjectList(); callBack("开始组装数据"); BuildBillDataFromTable(suser, false, table, billList, detailList, null, null); callBack("数据组装完成"); HashObject list = new HashObject(); list.Add("bill", billList); list.Add("detail", detailList); return(list); } catch (Exception e) { callBack(string.Format("Exception:{0}", e.Message)); } return(null); }
protected override DataTable DoQuery(DbHelper db) { JavaScriptSerializer serializer = JavaScriptSerializer.CreateInstance(); string sql = "select * from plugs"; DataTable table = db.ExecuteSQL(sql); table.Columns.Add("info"); table.Columns.Add("ppic1"); table.Columns.Add("ppic2"); table.Columns.Add("ppic3"); foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { IHashObjectList list = new HashObjectList(); IHashObject nr = new HashObject(); nr["001"] = string.Format("<a href='{0}' target='_blank'>下载地址</a> ", row["pdownpath"]); list.Add(nr); nr = new HashObject(); nr["002"] = string.Format("<a href='{0}' target='_blank'>视频地址</a>", row["pvideo"]); list.Add(nr); row["info"] = serializer.Serialize(list); string ppics = row["ppics"].ToString(); string[] picArray = ppics.Split(','); row["ppic1"] = picArray[0]; row["ppic2"] = picArray[1]; row["ppic3"] = picArray[2]; } return(table); }
internal void GetGoodMsg(string name, Action <object> callBack) { IHashObjectList list = new HashObjectList(); JavaScriptSerializer serializer = JavaScriptSerializer.CreateInstance(); string value = Net.GetNetDataPost(taodaxingUrl, string.Format("pattern=0&{0}&goodid=&page=1", name), contentType); HashObject hash = serializer.Deserialize <HashObject>(value); int code = hash.GetValue <int>("code"); if (code == 1) { throw new Exception(string.Format("没有查询到网店信息")); } callBack((object)GetDataList(hash)); while (code == 0) { var post = hash.GetValue <HashObject>("post"); value = Net.GetNetDataPost(taodaxingUrl, string.Format("pattern={0}&id={1}&page={2}&nt={3}", post["pattern"], post["id"], post["page"], post["nt"]), contentType); hash = serializer.Deserialize <HashObject>(value); code = hash.GetValue <int>("code"); if (code != 0) { break; } callBack(GetDataList(hash)); } }
/// <summary> /// 返回多行数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="parameters">参数</param> /// <param name="count">返回数量(默认20)</param> /// <param name="sqlName">SQL语句名称(默认:getdatalist)</param> /// <returns></returns> public HashObjectList GetDataList(HashObject parameters, string sqlName = "getdatalist", SqlType sqltype = SqlType.SqlName, int count = 0) { using (DbHelperWrapper dbhelper = new DbHelperWrapper(this._dbrwType, this._dbName, this._tableName, sqlName, parameters, sqltype)) { dbhelper.LogEnable = this.LogEnable; HashObjectList result = dbhelper.GetDataList(count); return(result); } }
private object GetLineData(Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, decimal> > data, List <string> xAxisData) { HashObject list = new HashObject(); HashObject title = new HashObject(); title.Add("text", "商品销量数量"); list.Add("title", title); HashObject legend = new HashObject(); legend.Add("data", data.Keys); list.Add("legend", legend); HashObject xAxis = new HashObject(); xAxis.Add("data", xAxisData); list.Add("xAxis", xAxis); HashObject yAxis = new HashObject(); yAxis.Add("type", "value"); list.Add("yAxis", yAxis); HashObjectList series = new HashObjectList(); list.Add("series", series); foreach (string key in data.Keys) { Dictionary <string, decimal> chatlist = data[key]; List <decimal> seriesData = new List <decimal>(); foreach (string item in xAxisData) { if (chatlist.ContainsKey(item)) { seriesData.Add(chatlist[item]); } else { seriesData.Add(0); } } HashObject seriesItem = new HashObject(); seriesItem.Add("name", key); seriesItem.Add("type", "line"); seriesItem.Add("data", seriesData); HashObject normal = new HashObject(); HashObject label = new HashObject(); HashObject itemStyle = new HashObject(); label.Add("show", true); normal.Add("label", label); itemStyle.Add("normal", normal); seriesItem.Add("itemStyle", itemStyle); series.Add(seriesItem); } return(list); }
public static IHashMapList DataTableToObjectList(DataTable table, int first, int count) { int rowCount = Math.Min(count, table.Rows.Count - first); HashObjectList records = new HashObjectList(rowCount); for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { records.Add(DataRowToObject(table, table.Rows[first + i])); } return(records); }
/// <summary> /// 获取指定列的值(传入) /// </summary> /// <param name="parameters"></param> /// <param name="selectColumns"></param> /// <param name="sqlType"></param> /// <returns></returns> public HashObjectList GetDataListColumns(HashObject whereParameters, string[] selectColumns, int count = 0) { //this.CheckForPrimary(parameters);//判断参数中是否包含主键列,如果不包含,抛出异常 string sql = SchemaManager.GetSelectColumnsSql(this._dbName, this._tableName, whereParameters, selectColumns); using (DbHelperWrapper dbhelper = new DbHelperWrapper(this._dbrwType, this._dbName, this._tableName, sql, whereParameters, SqlType.CmdText)) { dbhelper.LogEnable = this.LogEnable; HashObjectList result = dbhelper.GetDataList(count); return(result); } }
internal object GetSingleGoodMsg(string id) { IHashObjectList list = new HashObjectList(); string value = Net.GetNetDataPost(taodaxingUrl, string.Format("pattern=1&wwid=2&{0}&page=1", id), contentType); JavaScriptSerializer serializer = JavaScriptSerializer.CreateInstance(); HashObject hash = serializer.Deserialize <HashObject>(value); if (hash.GetValue <int>("code") == 0) { return(GetDataList(hash)[0]); } return("没有找到对应的数据"); }
private static List <GoodsInfo> GetSubOrderSkuList(ArrayList subOrders) { List <GoodsInfo> gList = new List <GoodsInfo>(); string[] subOrderKeys = { "itemInfo/skuText", "itemInfo/title", "quantity", "priceInfo" }; foreach (HashObject subOrder in subOrders) { GoodsInfo info = new GoodsInfo(); IHashObjectList subOrderSkuList = new HashObjectList(); var subList = subOrder.GetHashValue(subOrderKeys); ArrayList skuText = subList.GetDataEx <ArrayList>("skuText"); HashObject thash = new HashObject(); info.Amount = ((HashObject)subList[2]).GetValue <string>("quantity"); subOrderSkuList.Add(thash); foreach (HashObject skuTextItem in skuText) { ArrayList skuTextItemContent = skuTextItem.GetValue <ArrayList>("content"); IHashObject data = new HashObject(); foreach (HashObject skuTextItemContentDetial in skuTextItemContent) { if (!"namevalue".Equals(skuTextItemContentDetial.GetValue <string>("type"))) { continue; } HashObject tHash = skuTextItemContentDetial.GetValue <HashObject>("value"); if ("颜色分类:".Equals(tHash.GetValue <string>("name"))) { info.Color = tHash.GetValue <string>("value"); } if ("尺寸:".Equals(tHash.GetValue <string>("name"))) { info.Size = tHash.GetValue <string>("value"); } } if (data.Keys.Count == 0) { continue; } subOrderSkuList.Add(data); } if (subOrderSkuList.Count == 0) { continue; } info.PriceInfo = decimal.Parse(subList.GetDataEx <string>("priceInfo")); info.Title = subList.GetDataEx <string>("title"); gList.Add(info); } return(gList); }
public virtual async Task <IHashObjectList> ListAsync(string sql, IHashObject parms) { IHashObjectList list = new HashObjectList(); var cmd = GetCommand(sql, false, parms); using (var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior.SingleRow)) { while (await reader.ReadAsync()) { list.Add(ReaderTohashObj(reader)); } } return(list); }
public HashObjectList GetDataList(int count) { HashObjectList result = null; try { this.PrepareExecute("GetDataList"); DbHelper dbHelper = DbHelper.Create(this._connConfig.DBType, this._connConfig.ConnectionString); result = dbHelper.GetDataList(this.CmdText, this.Parameters, count, this.CmdType); } catch (Exception e) { this._log.Fail(e); } return(result); }
private IHashObjectList GetDataList(HashObject data) { IHashObjectList list = new HashObjectList(); foreach (HashObject item in data.GetValue <ArrayList>("data")) { HashObject copy = new HashObject(); copy.Add("gid", item["goodid"]); copy.Add("title", item["title"]); copy.Add("url", item["url"]); copy.Add("startDate", Utils.ConvertUnixDate(item.GetValue <long>("start"))); copy.Add("endDate", Utils.ConvertUnixDate(item.GetValue <long>("end"))); long temp = item.GetValue <long>("create"); copy.Add("create", temp == 0 ? "" : Utils.ConvertUnixDate(temp)); list.Add(copy); } return(list); }
public HashObject MinVersion(string client) { IHashObjectList files = new HashObjectList(); //HashObject file = new HashObject(); //file.Add("down", "log4net.dll1"); //file.Add("real", "log4net.dll"); //files.Add(file); //file = new HashObject(); //file.Add("down", "update.bat"); //file.Add("real", "update.bat"); //files.Add(file); HashObject data = new HashObject(); data.Add("version", ""); data.Add("files", files); data.Add("updateFile", "update.bat"); SureUpdateIds.Add(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); return(data); }
private static void BuildBillDataFromTable(string suser, bool onlyAdd, DataTable table, HashObjectList billList, HashObjectList detailList, DbHelper db = null, string ids = null, bool sureRate = true) { Dictionary <string, string> dic = GetExistBills(db, ids); List <string> dicDetail = GetExistBillDetails(db, ids); JavaScriptSerializer serializer = JavaScriptSerializer.CreateInstance(); foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { var ddid = row["订单ID"].ToString(); string id = Cuid.NewCuid().GetHashCode().ToString(); string oldid; if (dic.TryGetValue(ddid, out oldid)) { if (onlyAdd) { continue; } id = oldid; } string user = row["所属用户"].ToString(); if (user != suser) { throw new Exception("分析用户和数据保存用户不匹配,无法做数据保存"); } object sendDate = row["发货时间"]; object successDate = row["成交时间"]; Dictionary <string, decimal> goodsRate = GetGoodsRate(db, user); GoodsInfo[] ginfos = serializer.Deserialize <GoodsInfo[]>(row["货物信息"].ToString()); var sendWay = TaobaoDataHelper.GetLogisticsInfo(row["快递公司"]).IsEmptyObject() ? null : "快递"; string remark = GetRemark(row); decimal pall = Decimal.Parse(row["拍下总金额"].ToString()); decimal total = Decimal.Parse(row["支付金额"].ToString()); decimal ltotal = 0; decimal btotal = 0; decimal allPrice = 0; string address = TaobaoDataHelper.ReplaceHtmlText(row["具体地址"].ToString()); if (!dicDetail.Contains(ddid)) { for (int j = ginfos.Length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { GoodsInfo ginfo = ginfos[j]; string goodKey = GetGoodsKey(ginfo.Color, ginfo.Size, ginfo.Title); decimal rate = 0; if (db != null && (goodsRate == null || !goodsRate.ContainsKey(goodKey))) { if (!sureRate) { rate = 0; } else { throw new Exception(string.Format("【{3}】 color:{0} size:{1} title:{2}没有设置比例goodMatchRate", ginfo.Color, ginfo.Size, ginfo.Title, user)); } } else { if (db != null) { rate = goodsRate[goodKey]; } } decimal price = ginfo.PriceInfo / pall * total; if (j == 0) { price = total - allPrice; } allPrice += price; decimal tbtotal = (price * rate) * (decimal)(0.01); btotal += tbtotal; decimal tltotal = price - tbtotal; HashObject detailHash = new HashObject(); detailList.Add(detailHash); detailHash.Add("id", Cuid.NewCuid().GetHashCode()); detailHash.Add("bid", id); detailHash.Add("code", ddid); detailHash.Add("size", ginfo.Size); detailHash.Add("amount", ginfo.Amount); detailHash.Add("color", ginfo.Color); detailHash.Add("address", address); detailHash.Add("area", row["区域"]); detailHash.Add("total", price); detailHash.Add("remark", remark); detailHash.Add("ltotal", tltotal); detailHash.Add("sourceTitle", ginfo.Title); detailHash.Add("goodsstatus", int.Parse(row["发货状态status"].ToString()) >= 1 ? 2 : 1); detailHash.Add("sendway", sendWay); detailHash.Add("btotal", tbtotal); } ltotal = total - btotal; } if (IsNullDate(row["付款时间"])) { continue; } HashObject billHash = new HashObject(); billHash.Add("id", id); billHash.Add("date", row["付款时间"]); billHash.Add("taobaocode", row["旺旺名称"]); billHash.Add("cname", row["收货客户"]); billHash.Add("ctel", row["联系电话"]); billHash.Add("caddress", address); billHash.Add("carea", row["区域"]); billHash.Add("cremark", remark); billHash.Add("ltotal", ltotal); billHash.Add("status", row["发货状态status"]); billHash.Add("scode", TaobaoDataHelper.GetLogisticsInfo(row["物流单号"])); billHash.Add("sname", TaobaoDataHelper.GetLogisticsInfo(row["快递公司"])); billHash.Add("uid", GetUser(row["所属用户"], db == null)); billHash.Add("goodsstatus", 1); billHash.Add("billfrom", "抓取"); billHash.Add("createdate", row["创建时间"]); billHash.Add("zfbpaycode", row["支付宝交易号"]); billHash.Add("tbcode", ddid); billHash.Add("total", total); billHash.Add("btotal", btotal); billHash.Add("senddate", GetDate(sendDate)); billHash.Add("successdate", GetDate(successDate)); billList.Add(billHash); } }
internal static string SaveData(string suser, CallBackMsg callBack, bool onlyAdd = true) { DataTable table = TaobaoDataHelper.SpliteContentToDataTableByUser(suser, AppUtils.ConnectionString, true); if (table.Rows.Count == 0) { return("OK:没有需要分析的数据"); } using (DbHelper db = AppUtils.CreateDbHelper()) { try { string ids = GetTaobaoBillID(table); HashObjectList billList = new HashObjectList(); HashObjectList detailList = new HashObjectList(); callBack("开始分析数据"); callBack("开始构建数据"); BuildBillDataFromTable(suser, onlyAdd, table, billList, detailList, db, ids, false); StringBuilder insertBillDetailBuilder = new StringBuilder(@"insert into billdetail(id, bid, code, size, amount, color, address,area,total, remark, ltotal,sourceTitle,goodsstatus,sendway, btotal) values"); string sDetailFormate = "({0}, {1}, '{2}', '{3}', '{4}','{5}', '{6}', '{7}', {8}, '{9}',{10}, '{11}', {12}, '{13}', {14}),"; foreach (HashObject item in detailList) { //构建明细数据 insertBillDetailBuilder.AppendFormat(sDetailFormate, item["id"], item["bid"], item["code"], item["size"], item["amount"], item["color"], item["address"], item["area"], item["total"], item["remark"], item["ltotal"], item["sourceTitle"], item["goodsstatus"], item["sendway"], item["btotal"]); } string insertBillDetail = insertBillDetailBuilder.ToString(); insertBillDetail = insertBillDetail.Substring(0, insertBillDetail.Length - 1); StringBuilder doedIds = new StringBuilder();//影响到的主数据 StringBuilder insertBillBuilder = new StringBuilder(@"insert into bill(id, date, taobaocode,cname,ctel,caddress,carea,cremark, ltotal,status, scode, sname, uid, goodsstatus, billfrom, createdate, zfbpaycode,tbcode, total, btotal, senddate, successdate, `user`) values"); foreach (HashObject item in billList) { StringBuilder sformate = new StringBuilder("({0}, '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}','{5}', '{6}', '{7}', {8}, {9},'{10}', '{11}', {12}, {13}, '{14}','{15}', '{16}', '{17}', {18},{19} "); sformate.Append(IsNullDate(item["senddate"]) ? ",{20}" : ",'{20}'"); sformate.Append(IsNullDate(item["successdate"]) ? ",{21}" : ",'{21}'"); sformate.Append(",'{22}'"); sformate.Append("), "); doedIds.AppendFormat("{0},", item["id"]); //构建主表数据,如果已经存在,直接更改数据 insertBillBuilder.AppendFormat(sformate.ToString(), item["id"], item["date"], item["taobaocode"], item["cname"], item["ctel"], item["caddress"], item["carea"], item["cremark"], item["ltotal"], item["status"], item["scode"], item["sname"], item["uid"], item["goodsstatus"], item["billfrom"], item["createdate"], item["zfbpaycode"], item["tbcode"], item["total"], item["btotal"], item["senddate"], item["successdate"], suser); } string insertBill = insertBillBuilder.ToString(); insertBill = insertBill.Substring(0, insertBill.Length - 2); callBack("构建数据完毕"); callBack("开始保存数据"); if (billList.Count != 0) { db.BeginTransaction(); db.BatchExecute(string.Format("update tbill set hasupdate=0 where bid in {0}", ids)); db.BatchExecute(string.Format("{0} on duplicate key update `createdate`=values(`createdate`),`senddate`=values(`senddate`),`successdate`=values(`successdate`),`zfbpaycode`=values(`zfbpaycode`),`status`=values(`status`),`sname`=values(`sname`),`scode`=values(`scode`);", insertBill)); if (detailList.Count != 0) { db.BatchExecute(insertBillDetail);//直接新增,不修改 } //后期退款的单据,金额都为0 db.BatchExecute(string.Format("update bill set ltotal = 0, total=0, btotal=0 where status=9 and id in ({0})", doedIds.ToString().Substring(0, doedIds.Length - 1))); db.CommitTransaction(); } return(string.Format("OK:数据保存成功,分析处理了{0}条数据", billList.Count)); } catch (Exception e1) { if (db.HasBegunTransaction) { db.RollbackTransaction(); } return(string.Format("Exception:{0}", e1.Message)); } } }