private void EnsureResourcesDependenciesHashComputed()
     if (this._resourcesDependenciesHash == null)
         this._resourcesDependenciesHash = HashCodeCombiner.GetDirectoryHash(base.VirtualPath);
        internal static Assembly GetCodeDirectoryAssembly(VirtualPath virtualDir, CodeDirectoryType dirType, string assemblyName, StringSet excludedSubdirectories, bool isDirectoryAllowed)
            string path = virtualDir.MapPath();

            if (!isDirectoryAllowed && Directory.Exists(path))
                throw new HttpException(System.Web.SR.GetString("Bar_dir_in_precompiled_app", new object[] { virtualDir }));
            bool        supportLocalization  = IsResourceCodeDirectoryType(dirType);
            string      cacheKey             = assemblyName;
            BuildResult buildResultFromCache = BuildManager.GetBuildResultFromCache(cacheKey);
            Assembly    a = null;

            if ((buildResultFromCache != null) && (buildResultFromCache is BuildResultCompiledAssembly))
                if (buildResultFromCache is BuildResultMainCodeAssembly)
                    _mainCodeBuildResult = (BuildResultMainCodeAssembly)buildResultFromCache;
                a = ((BuildResultCompiledAssembly)buildResultFromCache).ResultAssembly;
                if (!supportLocalization)
                if (!isDirectoryAllowed)
                BuildResultResourceAssembly assembly2 = (BuildResultResourceAssembly)buildResultFromCache;
                if (HashCodeCombiner.GetDirectoryHash(virtualDir) == assembly2.ResourcesDependenciesHash)
            if (!isDirectoryAllowed)
            if ((dirType != CodeDirectoryType.LocalResources) && !StringUtil.StringStartsWithIgnoreCase(path, HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPathInternal))
                throw new HttpException(System.Web.SR.GetString("Virtual_codedir", new object[] { virtualDir.VirtualPathString }));
            if (!Directory.Exists(path))
                if (dirType != CodeDirectoryType.MainCode)
                if (!ProfileBuildProvider.HasCompilableProfile)
            DateTime utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
            CodeDirectoryCompiler compiler = new CodeDirectoryCompiler(virtualDir, dirType, excludedSubdirectories);
            string outputAssemblyName      = null;

            if (a != null)
                outputAssemblyName = a.GetName().Name;
                compiler._onlyBuildLocalizedResources = true;
                outputAssemblyName = BuildManager.GenerateRandomAssemblyName(assemblyName);
            BuildProvidersCompiler compiler2 = new BuildProvidersCompiler(virtualDir, supportLocalization, outputAssemblyName);

            compiler._bpc = compiler2;
            CompilerResults results = compiler2.PerformBuild();

            if (results != null)
                DateTime time2 = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMilliseconds(3000.0);
                    if (UnsafeNativeMethods.GetModuleHandle(results.PathToAssembly) == IntPtr.Zero)
                        a = results.CompiledAssembly;
                        goto Label_01E6;
                }while (DateTime.UtcNow <= time2);
                throw new HttpException(System.Web.SR.GetString("Assembly_already_loaded", new object[] { results.PathToAssembly }));
            if (a == null)
            if (dirType == CodeDirectoryType.MainCode)
                _mainCodeBuildResult = new BuildResultMainCodeAssembly(a);
                buildResultFromCache = _mainCodeBuildResult;
            else if (supportLocalization)
                buildResultFromCache = new BuildResultResourceAssembly(a);
                buildResultFromCache = new BuildResultCompiledAssembly(a);
            buildResultFromCache.VirtualPath = virtualDir;
            if (BuildManager.OptimizeCompilations && (dirType != CodeDirectoryType.LocalResources))
                buildResultFromCache.AddVirtualPathDependencies(new SingleObjectCollection(virtualDir.AppRelativeVirtualPathString));
            if (dirType != CodeDirectoryType.LocalResources)
                buildResultFromCache.CacheToMemory = false;
            BuildManager.CacheBuildResult(cacheKey, buildResultFromCache, utcNow);
Example #3
        internal static Assembly GetCodeDirectoryAssembly(VirtualPath virtualDir,
                                                          CodeDirectoryType dirType, string assemblyName,
                                                          StringSet excludedSubdirectories, bool isDirectoryAllowed)
            string physicalDir = virtualDir.MapPath();

            if (!isDirectoryAllowed)
                // The directory should never exist in a precompiled app
                if (Directory.Exists(physicalDir))
                    throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Bar_dir_in_precompiled_app, virtualDir));

            bool supportLocalization = IsResourceCodeDirectoryType(dirType);

            // Determine the proper cache key based on the type of directory we're processing
            string cacheKey = assemblyName;

            // Try the cache first
            BuildResult result         = BuildManager.GetBuildResultFromCache(cacheKey);
            Assembly    resultAssembly = null;

            // If it's cached, just return it
            if (result != null)
                // It should always be a BuildResultCompiledAssembly, though if there is
                // a VirtualPathProvider doing very bad things, it may not (VSWhidbey 341701)
                Debug.Assert(result is BuildResultCompiledAssembly);
                if (result is BuildResultCompiledAssembly)
                    // If it's the main code assembly, keep track of it so we can later call
                    // the AppInitialize method
                    if (result is BuildResultMainCodeAssembly)
                        Debug.Assert(dirType == CodeDirectoryType.MainCode);
                        Debug.Assert(_mainCodeBuildResult == null);
                        _mainCodeBuildResult = (BuildResultMainCodeAssembly)result;

                    resultAssembly = ((BuildResultCompiledAssembly)result).ResultAssembly;

                    if (!supportLocalization)

                    // We found a preserved resource assembly.  However, we may not be done,
                    // as the culture specific files may have changed.

                    // But don't make any further checks if the directory is not allowed (precomp secenario).
                    // In that case, we should always return the assembly (VSWhidbey 533498)
                    if (!isDirectoryAllowed)

                    BuildResultResourceAssembly buildResultResAssembly = (BuildResultResourceAssembly)result;

                    string newResourcesDependenciesHash = HashCodeCombiner.GetDirectoryHash(virtualDir);

                    // If the resources hash (which includes satellites) is up to date, we're done
                    if (newResourcesDependenciesHash == buildResultResAssembly.ResourcesDependenciesHash)

            // If app was precompiled, don't attempt compilation
            if (!isDirectoryAllowed)

            // Check whether the virtual dir is mapped to a different application,
            // which we don't support (VSWhidbey 218603).  But don't do this for LocalResource (VSWhidbey 237935)
            if (dirType != CodeDirectoryType.LocalResources && !StringUtil.StringStartsWithIgnoreCase(physicalDir, HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPathInternal))
                throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Virtual_codedir, virtualDir.VirtualPathString));

            // If the directory doesn't exist, we may be done
            if (!Directory.Exists(physicalDir))
                // We're definitely done if it's not the main code dir
                if (dirType != CodeDirectoryType.MainCode)

                // If it is the main code dir, we're only done is there is no profile to compile
                // since the profice gets built as part of the main assembly.
                if (!ProfileBuildProvider.HasCompilableProfile)

            // Otherwise, compile it


            DateTime utcStart = DateTime.UtcNow;

            CodeDirectoryCompiler cdc = new CodeDirectoryCompiler(virtualDir,
                                                                  dirType, excludedSubdirectories);

            string outputAssemblyName = null;

            if (resultAssembly != null)
                // If resultAssembly is not null, we are in the case where we just need to build
                // the localized resx file in a resources dir (local or global)
                outputAssemblyName = resultAssembly.GetName().Name;
                cdc._onlyBuildLocalizedResources = true;
                outputAssemblyName = BuildManager.GenerateRandomAssemblyName(assemblyName);

            BuildProvidersCompiler bpc =
                new BuildProvidersCompiler(virtualDir, supportLocalization, outputAssemblyName);

            cdc._bpc = bpc;

            // Find all the build provider we want to compile from the code directory

            // Give them to the BuildProvidersCompiler

            // Compile them into an assembly
            CompilerResults results = bpc.PerformBuild();

            // Did we just compile something?
            if (results != null)
                Debug.Assert(result == null);
                Debug.Assert(resultAssembly == null);

                // If there is already a loaded module with the same path, try to wait for it to be unloaded.
                // Otherwise, we would end up loading this old assembly instead of the new one (VSWhidbey 554697)
                DateTime waitLimit = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMilliseconds(3000);
                for (;;)
                    IntPtr hModule = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetModuleHandle(results.PathToAssembly);
                    if (hModule == IntPtr.Zero)

                    Debug.Trace("CodeDirectoryCompiler", results.PathToAssembly + " is already loaded. Waiting a bit");


                    // Stop trying if the timeout was reached
                    if (DateTime.UtcNow > waitLimit)
                        Debug.Trace("CodeDirectoryCompiler", "Timeout waiting for old assembly to unload: " + results.PathToAssembly);
                        throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Assembly_already_loaded, results.PathToAssembly));

                resultAssembly = results.CompiledAssembly;

            // It is possible that there was nothing to compile (and we're not in the
            // satellite resources case)
            if (resultAssembly == null)

            // For the main code directory, use a special BuildResult that takes care of
            // calling AppInitialize if it finds one
            if (dirType == CodeDirectoryType.MainCode)
                // Keep track of it so we can later call the AppInitialize method
                _mainCodeBuildResult = new BuildResultMainCodeAssembly(resultAssembly);

                result = _mainCodeBuildResult;
            else if (supportLocalization)
                result = new BuildResultResourceAssembly(resultAssembly);
                result = new BuildResultCompiledAssembly(resultAssembly);

            result.VirtualPath = virtualDir;

            // If compilations are optimized, we need to include the right dependencies, since we can no longer
            // rely on everything getting wiped out when something in App_Code changes.
            // But don't do this for local resources, since they have their own special way of
            // dealing with dependencies (in BuildResultResourceAssembly.ComputeSourceDependenciesHashCode).
            // It's crucial *not* to do it as it triggers a tricky infinite recursion due to the fact
            // that GetBuildResultFromCacheInternal calls EnsureFirstTimeDirectoryInitForDependencies if
            // there is at least one dependency
            if (BuildManager.OptimizeCompilations && dirType != CodeDirectoryType.LocalResources)
                result.AddVirtualPathDependencies(new SingleObjectCollection(virtualDir.AppRelativeVirtualPathString));

            // Top level assembly should not be cached to memory.  But LocalResources are *not*
            // top level files, and do benefit from memory caching
            if (dirType != CodeDirectoryType.LocalResources)
                result.CacheToMemory = false;

            // Cache it for next time
            BuildManager.CacheBuildResult(cacheKey, result, utcStart);
