Example #1
 private static void Haras()
     Harass = TH.AddSubMenu("Harass");
     Harass.AddLabel("Settings [Q]");
     Harass.Add("Hq", new CheckBox("Use Harass [Q]"));
     Harass.AddLabel("Settings [W]");
     Harass.Add("Hw", new CheckBox("Use Harass [W]"));
Example #2
        private static void OnComplete(EventArgs args)
            if (Xerath.Hero != Champion.Xerath)
            Chat.Print("[Addon] [Champion] [Xerath]", System.Drawing.Color.Blue);

            Drawing.OnDraw += DrawsOnDraws;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast   += Obj_AI_Base_OnProcessSpellCast;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnNewPath            += Obj_AI_Base_OnNewPath;
            Gapcloser.OnGapcloser            += OnGapcloser;
            Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += OnInterruptableSpell;
            Game.OnTick += Game_OnUpdate;

            Xe    = MainMenu.AddMenu("Xerath", "Xerath");
            Combo = Xe.AddSubMenu("Combo");
            Combo.Add("Qc", new CheckBox("Use [Q]"));
            Combo.Add("Qcc", new CheckBox("Use [Q] IsCharnell", false));
            Combo.Add("Wc", new CheckBox("Use [W]"));
            Combo.Add("Wcc", new CheckBox("Use [W] IsCharnell", false));
            Combo.Add("Ec", new CheckBox("Use [E]"));
            Combo.Add("Ecc", new CheckBox("Use [E] IsCharnell", false));
            Combo.Add("Rc", new CheckBox("Use [R] Combo", false));
            Combo.AddLabel("Settings [Range]");
            Combo.Add("rangeQ", new Slider("Max Range > %", 300, 0, 300));
            Combo.Add("rangeQ2", new Slider("Min Range > %", 200, 0, 200));
            Harass = Xe.AddSubMenu("Harass");
            Harass.Add("Hq", new CheckBox("Use [Q]"));
            Harass.Add("Hw", new CheckBox("Use [W]"));
            Harass.Add("He", new CheckBox("Use [E]"));
            Harass.AddLabel("Percent Mana");
            Harass.Add("mana", new Slider("Mana Percent > %", 75, 1));
            Lane = Xe.AddSubMenu("LaneClear");
            Lane.Add("Ql", new CheckBox("Use [Q]"));
            Lane.Add("Wl", new CheckBox("Use [W]"));
            Lane.AddLabel("Mana Percent");
            Lane.Add("manal", new Slider("Mana Percent > %", 50, 1));
            Lane.AddLabel("Minions Percent");
            Lane.Add("Min", new Slider("Minion Percent [Q] > %", 3, 1, 6));
            Lane.Add("MinW", new Slider("Minion Percent [W] > %", 3, 1, 6));
            Jungle = Xe.AddSubMenu("JungleClear");
            Jungle.Add("Qj", new CheckBox("Use [Q]"));
            Jungle.Add("Wj", new CheckBox("Use [W]"));
            Jungle.AddLabel("Mana Percent");
            Jungle.Add("manaj", new Slider("Mana Percent > %", 50, 1));
            Utimate = Xe.AddSubMenu("Utimate");
            Utimate.AddLabel("Key [T]");
            Utimate.Add("Key", new KeyBind("Shoot charge on press", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T'));
            Misc = Xe.AddSubMenu("Misc");
            Misc.Add("gape", new CheckBox("Use [E] GapClose"));
            Misc.Add("inte", new CheckBox("Use [E] Interrupt"));
            Draws = Xe.AddSubMenu("Drawings");
            Draws.Add("Dq", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Draw"));
            Draws.Add("Dw", new CheckBox("Use [W] Draw"));
            Draws.Add("De", new CheckBox("Use [E] Draw"));
            Draws.Add("Dr", new CheckBox("Use [R] Draw"));
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Initialize Ezreal Config
        /// </summary>
        public Config()
                Main = MainMenu.AddMenu("Shulepin™ | Ezreal", "Ezreal");
                    Main.AddLabel("███████╗ ███████╗ ██████╗   ███████╗   █████╗   ██╗");
                    Main.AddLabel("██╔════════╝ ╚═════███╔╝  ██╔════██╗ ██╔════════╝ ██╔════██╗██╗", 0);
                    Main.AddLabel("█████╗             ███╔╝    ██████╔╝  █████╗     ███████║ ██╗", 25);
                    Main.AddLabel("██╔════╝            ███╔╝      ██╔════██╗ ██╔═════╝     ██╔════██║ ██╗", 0);
                    Main.AddLabel("██████╗    ███████╗ ██║      ██║ ███████╗██║      ██║ ███████╗", 25);
                    Main.AddLabel("╚══════════╝    ╚════════════╝ ╚══╝       ╚══╝  ╚═══════════╝  ╚══╝       ╚══╝ ╚════════════╝", 0);

                    Main.AddGroupLabel("Welcome Shulepin™ Ezreal");
                    Main.AddLabel("You can configure the addon on the left by navigating through the menu entries.");
                    Main.AddLabel("Any suggestions or feedback write in the topic on the forum");
                    Main.AddLabel("Thanks for using Ezreal addon.");

                    Combo = Main.AddSubMenu("» Combo");
                        Combo.AddGroupLabel("● Combo Settings ●");
                        Combo.Add("Style", new ComboBox("Combo Style", 1, new[] { "Normal", "Weaving" }));
                        Combo.AddGroupLabel("● Spell Settings ●");
                        Combo.Add("Q.Use", new CheckBox("Use Q", true));
                        Combo.Add("W.Use", new CheckBox("Use W", true));
                        Combo.Add("E.Use", new CheckBox("Use E", false));
                        Combo.Add("R.Use", new CheckBox("Use R", true));
                        Combo.Add("R.Mode", new ComboBox("R Mode", 0, new[] { "Enemy HP", "Hit Count Enemies" }));
                        Combo.Add("R.HP", new Slider("Min. HP(%) For R ({0}%)", 35, 0, 100));
                        Combo.Add("R.Count", new Slider("Min. Enemies For R ({0})", 3, 1, 5));
                        Combo.Add("R.Range", new Slider("Max R Range ({0})", 1500, 500, 5000));
                        Combo.AddLabel("Key Settings:");
                        Combo.Add("R.Force", new KeyBind("Force R Key", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'G'));
                        Combo.AddGroupLabel("● Mana Settings ●");
                        Combo.Add("Q.Mana", new Slider("Min. Mana For Q [{0}%]", 0, 0, 100));
                        Combo.Add("W.Mana", new Slider("Min. Mana For W [{0}%]", 30, 0, 100));
                        Combo.Add("E.Mana", new Slider("Min. Mana For E [{0}%]", 30, 0, 100));
                        Combo.Add("R.Mana", new Slider("Min. Mana For R [{0}%]", 0, 0, 100));
                        Combo.AddGroupLabel("● Prediction Settings ●");
                        Combo.Add("Q.Hit", new ComboBox("HitChance For Q", 2, new[] { "Low", "Medium", "High" }));
                        Combo.Add("W.Hit", new ComboBox("HitChance For W", 2, new[] { "Low", "Medium", "High" }));
                        Combo.Add("R.Hit", new ComboBox("HitChance For R", 2, new[] { "Low", "Medium", "High" }));

                    Harass = Main.AddSubMenu("» Harass");
                        Harass.AddGroupLabel("● Harass Settings ●");
                        Harass.Add("Enabled", new CheckBox("Enabled", true));
                        Harass.AddLabel("Use On:");
                        foreach (var enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies)
                            Harass.Add(enemy.ChampionName, new CheckBox(enemy.ChampionName, true));
                        Harass.AddGroupLabel("● Spell Settings ●");
                        Harass.Add("Q.Use", new CheckBox("Use Q", true));
                        Harass.Add("W.Use", new CheckBox("Use W", false));
                        Harass.AddGroupLabel("● Mana Settings ●");
                        Harass.Add("Q.Mana", new Slider("Min. Mana For Q [{0}%]", 50, 0, 100));
                        Harass.Add("W.Mana", new Slider("Min. Mana For W [{0}%]", 75, 0, 100));
                        Harass.AddGroupLabel("● Prediction Settings ●");
                        Harass.Add("Q.Hit", new ComboBox("HitChance For Q", 2, new[] { "Low", "Medium", "High" }));
                        Harass.Add("W.Hit", new ComboBox("HitChance For W", 2, new[] { "Low", "Medium", "High" }));

                    AutoHarass = Main.AddSubMenu("» Auto Harass");
                        AutoHarass.AddGroupLabel("● Auto Harass Settings ●");
                        AutoHarass.Add("Enabled", new CheckBox("Enabled", true));
                        AutoHarass.Add("AutoHarass.Key", new KeyBind("Toggle Key", true, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'A')).OnValueChange += (sender, args) =>
                            AutoHarass.Get <CheckBox>("Enabled").CurrentValue = args.NewValue;
                        AutoHarass.AddLabel("Use On:");
                        foreach (var enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies)
                            AutoHarass.Add(enemy.ChampionName, new CheckBox(enemy.ChampionName, true));
                        AutoHarass.AddGroupLabel("● Spell Settings ●");
                        AutoHarass.Add("Q.Use", new CheckBox("Use Q", true));
                        AutoHarass.AddGroupLabel("● Mana Settings ●");
                        AutoHarass.Add("Q.Mana", new Slider("Min. Mana For Q [{0}%]", 50, 0, 100));
                        AutoHarass.AddGroupLabel("● Prediction Settings ●");
                        AutoHarass.Add("Q.Hit", new ComboBox("HitChance For Q", 2, new[] { "Low", "Medium", "High" }));

                    LastHit = Main.AddSubMenu("» Last Hit");
                        LastHit.AddGroupLabel("● Last Hit Settings ●");
                        LastHit.Add("Enabled", new CheckBox("Enabled", true));
                        LastHit.Add("Mode", new ComboBox("Last Hit Mode", 1, new[] { "Use Always As Possible", "Use On Unkillable Minion" }));
                        LastHit.AddGroupLabel("● Spell Settings ●");
                        LastHit.Add("Q.Use", new CheckBox("Use Q", true));
                        LastHit.AddGroupLabel("● Mana Settings ●");
                        LastHit.Add("Q.Mana", new Slider("Min. Mana For Q [{0}%]", 50, 0, 100));

                    LaneClear = Main.AddSubMenu("» Lane Clear");
                        LaneClear.AddGroupLabel("● Lane Clear Settings ●");
                        LaneClear.Add("Enabled", new CheckBox("Enabled", true));
                        LaneClear.AddGroupLabel("● Spell Settings ●");
                        LaneClear.Add("Q.Use", new CheckBox("Use Q", true));
                        LaneClear.AddGroupLabel("● Mana Settings ●");
                        LaneClear.Add("Q.Mana", new Slider("Min. Mana For Q [{0}%]", 50, 0, 100));

                    JungleClear = Main.AddSubMenu("» Jungle Clear");
                        JungleClear.AddGroupLabel("● Jungle Clear Settings ●");
                        JungleClear.Add("Enabled", new CheckBox("Enabled", true));
                        JungleClear.AddGroupLabel("● Spell Settings ●");
                        JungleClear.Add("Q.Use", new CheckBox("Use Q", true));
                        JungleClear.AddGroupLabel("● Mana Settings ●");
                        JungleClear.Add("Q.Mana", new Slider("Min. Mana For Q [{0}%]", 50, 0, 100));

                    KS = Main.AddSubMenu("» Kill Steal");
                        KS.AddGroupLabel("● Kill Steal Settings ●");
                        KS.Add("Enabled", new CheckBox("Enabled", true));
                        KS.AddLabel("Use On:");
                        foreach (var enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies)
                            KS.Add(enemy.ChampionName, new CheckBox(enemy.ChampionName, true));
                        KS.AddGroupLabel("● Spell Settings ●");
                        KS.Add("Q.Use", new CheckBox("Use Q", true));
                        KS.Add("W.Use", new CheckBox("Use W", false));
                        KS.Add("R.Use", new CheckBox("Use R", true));
                        KS.AddGroupLabel("● Mana Settings ●");
                        KS.Add("Q.Mana", new Slider("Min. Mana For Q [{0}%]", 0, 0, 100));
                        KS.Add("W.Mana", new Slider("Min. Mana For W [{0}%]", 0, 0, 100));
                        KS.Add("R.Mana", new Slider("Min. Mana For R [{0}%]", 0, 0, 100));
                        KS.AddGroupLabel("● Prediction Settings ●");
                        KS.Add("Q.Hit", new ComboBox("HitChance For Q", 2, new[] { "Low", "Medium", "High" }));
                        KS.Add("W.Hit", new ComboBox("HitChance For W", 2, new[] { "Low", "Medium", "High" }));
                        KS.Add("R.Hit", new ComboBox("HitChance For R", 2, new[] { "Low", "Medium", "High" }));

                    Flee = Main.AddSubMenu("» Flee");
                        Flee.AddGroupLabel("● Flee Settings ●");
                        Flee.Add("Enabled", new CheckBox("Enabled", true));
                        Flee.AddGroupLabel("● Spell Settings ●");
                        Flee.Add("E.Use", new CheckBox("Use E", true));

                    Draw = Main.AddSubMenu("» Drawings");
                        Draw.AddGroupLabel("● Draw Settings ●");
                        Draw.Add("Q.Draw", new CheckBox("Draw Q Range", true));
                        Draw.Add("W.Draw", new CheckBox("Draw W Range", true));
                        Draw.Add("E.Draw", new CheckBox("Draw E Range", true));
                        Draw.Add("R.Draw", new CheckBox("Draw R Range", false));
                        Draw.Add("AutoHarass.Status", new CheckBox("Draw Auto Harass Status", true));
                        Draw.AddGroupLabel("● Damage Indicator Settings ●");
                        Draw.Add("DamageIndicator.Enabled", new CheckBox("Enabled", false));

                    Misc = Main.AddSubMenu("» Miscellaneous");
                        Misc.AddGroupLabel("● Skin Changer ●");
                        Misc.Add("SkinChanger.Enabled", new CheckBox("Enabled", true));
                        Misc.Add("SkinChanger.ID", new ComboBox("Select Skin", 0, new[] { "Classic", "Nottingham Ezreal", "Striker Ezreal", "Frosted Ezreal", "Explorer Ezreal", "Pulsefire Ezreal", "TPA Ezreal", "Debonair Ezreal", "Ace of Spades Ezreal", "Arcade Ezreal", "Amethyst Chroma", "Meteorite Chroma", "Obsidian Chroma", "Pearl Chroma", "Rose Quartz Chroma", "Ruby Chroma", "Sandstone Chroma", "Striped Chroma" }));
                        Misc.AddGroupLabel("● Anti Gapcloser ●");
                        Misc.Add("E.Gap", new CheckBox("Use E", true));
                        Misc.AddGroupLabel("● Tear Stack ●");
                        Misc.Add("Tear.Use", new CheckBox("Enabled", true));
                        Misc.Add("Tear.Mana", new Slider("Min. Mana For Tear Stacking [{0}%]", 80, 0, 100));

                Logging.AddEntry(LoggingEntryType.Debug, "@Config.cs: Menu class initialized");
            catch (Exception e)
                Logging.AddEntry(LoggingEntryType.Error, "@Config.cs: Can't initialize menu - {0}", e);
Example #4
 internal static void Execute()
     casio = MainMenu.AddMenu("Cassiopeia", "Cassiopeia");
     Combo = casio.AddSubMenu("Combo");
     Combo.Add("Qc", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Enemy"));
     Combo.Add("Wc", new CheckBox("Use [W] Enemy"));
     Combo.Add("Ec", new CheckBox("Use [E] Enemy"));
     Combo.Add("Eca", new CheckBox("Use [E] even if not poisoned", false));
     Combo.Add("DisAA", new CheckBox("Smart disableAA in Combo", true));
     Combo.Add("QAA", new CheckBox("Use [Q] + AA"));
     Combo.Add("EAA", new CheckBox("Use [E] + AA"));
     Combo.AddLabel("Settings [W]");
     Combo.Add("minWw", new Slider("Min enemies to use [W]", 1, 1, 5));
     Combo.AddLabel("Settings [R]");
     Combo.Add("Rc", new CheckBox("Use [R] In Combo"));
     Combo.AddLabel("Percent Enemys [R]");
     Combo.Add("Re", new Slider("Min enemies to ult", 2, 1, 5));
     Combo.Add("Rb", new CheckBox("Only ult if main target is stunnable"));
     Combo.Add("Raim", new Slider("R hitbox modifier", -20, -825, 0));
     Harass = casio.AddSubMenu("Harass");
     Harass.Add("Qh", new CheckBox("[Q]"));
     Harass.Add("Eh", new CheckBox("[E]"));
     Harass.AddLabel("Mana Percent");
     Harass.Add("mana", new Slider("Mana Percent > %", 30, 0));
     Hara = casio.AddSubMenu("AutoHarass");
     Hara.Add("AutoQ", new CheckBox("Auto [Q]"));
     Hara.AddLabel("Mana Percent");
     Hara.Add("mana", new Slider("Mana Percent > %", 65, 0));
     KillSteal = casio.AddSubMenu("KillSteal");
     KillSteal.Add("KsQ", new CheckBox("KillSteal [Q]"));
     KillSteal.Add("KsW", new CheckBox("KillSteal [W]", false));
     KillSteal.Add("KsE", new CheckBox("KillSteal [E]"));
     KillSteal.Add("KsR", new CheckBox("KillSteal [R]", false));
     Farm = casio.AddSubMenu("Farming");
     Farm.Add("Qf", new CheckBox("Use [Q]"));
     Farm.Add("Wf", new CheckBox("Use [W]"));
     Farm.Add("Ef", new CheckBox("Use [E]"));
     Farm.Add("Buff", new CheckBox("Position [Buff]", false));
     Farm.Add("Elast", new CheckBox("LastHit [E]"));
     Farm.AddLabel("Settings [Q/W]");
     Farm.Add("Qq", new Slider("Percent Minion [Q] > %", 2, 1, 6));
     Farm.Add("Ww", new Slider("Percent Minion [W] > %", 3, 1, 6));
     Farm.AddLabel("Mana Percent");
     Farm.Add("Manal", new Slider("Mana Percent > %", 25, 0));
     Farm.Add("Qj", new CheckBox("Use [Q]"));
     Farm.Add("Wj", new CheckBox("Use [W]"));
     Farm.Add("Ej", new CheckBox("Use [E]"));
     Farm.Add("AAw", new CheckBox("AA Weaving"));
     Farm.AddLabel("Mana Percent");
     Farm.Add("Manaj", new Slider("Mana Percent > %", 25, 0));
     Misc = casio.AddSubMenu("Misc");
     Misc.Add("Gap", new CheckBox("GapClose"));
     Misc.Add("Int", new CheckBox("Interrupt"));
     Misc.Add("AAoff", new CheckBox("Disable AA if can E (For URF)", false));
     Draws = casio.AddSubMenu("Draws");
     Draws.Add("DQ", new CheckBox("Draws [Q]"));
     Draws.Add("DW", new CheckBox("Draws [W]"));
     Draws.Add("DE", new CheckBox("Draws [E]"));
     Draws.Add("DR", new CheckBox("Draws [R]"));
Example #5
        private static void OnGalioLoad(EventArgs args)
            if (Player.Instance.ChampionName == "Galio")
                if (Player.Instance.ChampionName != "Galio")

            Q = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 825, SkillShotType.Circular, 250, 500, 400);
            W = new Spell.Chargeable(SpellSlot.W, 275, 450, 0);
            E = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 600, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 300, 150)
                AllowedCollisionCount = 1
            R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 4000, SkillShotType.Circular);

            menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Galio", "Galio");
            prediction = menu.AddSubMenu("-> Prediction");
            prediction.AddLabel("--> Prediction <--");
            prediction.Add("Qhit", new Slider("HitChance --> Q", 75, 1, 100));
            prediction.Add("Ehit", new Slider("HitChance --> E", 50, 1, 100));
            prediction.AddLabel("Change combo? Not recommended");
            prediction.Add("HitBox", new ComboBox("Combos", 0, "Q -> E -> W -> R", "W Rage -> Q -> E"));
            prediction.AddLabel("The 2nd combo is still not working trying to solve the problem");

            Combo = menu.AddSubMenu("-> Combo");
            Combo.AddLabel("--> Combo < --");
            Combo.Add("Qc", new CheckBox("Q -> Combo"));
            Combo.Add("Wc", new CheckBox("W -> Combo"));
            Combo.Add("Ec", new CheckBox("E -> Combo"));
            Combo.Add("Rc", new CheckBox("R -> Combo", false));
            Combo.AddLabel("[R] Settings");
            Combo.Add("CorretCurso", new Slider("How would you like to use Uti?", 800, 1, 2000));
            Combo.Add("UtiEnemy", new Slider("Minimum of Enemies", 2, 1, 5));

            Harass = menu.AddSubMenu("-> Harass");
            Harass.AddLabel("--> Harass < --");
            Harass.Add("Hq", new CheckBox("Q -> Harass"));
            Harass.Add("He", new CheckBox("E -> Harass", false));
            Harass.AddLabel("Harass Mana");
            Harass.Add("Hqm", new Slider("Mana -> [Q]", 50, 1, 100));
            Harass.Add("Hem", new Slider("Mana -> [E]", 70, 1, 100));
            Clear = menu.AddSubMenu("-> Clear");
            Clear.AddLabel("--> LaneClear and JungleClear < --");
            Clear.Add("Lq", new CheckBox("Q -> LaneClear"));
            Clear.Add("Jq", new CheckBox("Q -> JungleClear"));
            Clear.AddLabel("-> Clear Mana <-");
            Clear.Add("Lqm", new Slider("Mana [Q]", 50, 1, 100));
            Clear.Add("Jqm", new Slider("Mana [Q]", 50, 1, 100));
            Automatic = menu.AddSubMenu("-> Automatic");
            Automatic.AddLabel("--> Automatic < --");
            Automatic.Add("Ruti", new CheckBox("R -> Ally"));
            Automatic.Add("Re", new CheckBox("R -> Automatic"));
            Drawings = menu.AddSubMenu("-> Drawing");
            Drawings.AddLabel("--> Drawing < --");
            Drawings.Add("Dq", new CheckBox("Q -> Drawing"));
            Drawings.Add("Dw", new CheckBox("W -> Drawing"));
            Drawings.Add("De", new CheckBox("E -> Drawing"));
            Drawings.Add("Dr", new CheckBox("R -> Drawing"));

            Drawing.OnDraw += OnDrawing;
            Game.OnTick    += OnTick;