Example #1
        public virtual void TestListLocatedStatus()
            string        testHarPath = this.GetType().GetResource("/test.har").AbsolutePath;
            URI           uri         = new URI("har://" + testHarPath);
            HarFileSystem hfs         = new HarFileSystem(localFileSystem);

            hfs.Initialize(uri, new Configuration());
            // test.har has the following contents:
            //   dir1/1.txt
            //   dir1/2.txt
            ICollection <string> expectedFileNames = new HashSet <string>();

            // List contents of dir, and ensure we find all expected files
            Path path = new Path("dir1");
            RemoteIterator <LocatedFileStatus> fileList = hfs.ListLocatedStatus(path);

            while (fileList.HasNext())
                string fileName = fileList.Next().GetPath().GetName();
                Assert.True(fileName + " not in expected files list", expectedFileNames
            Assert.Equal("Didn't find all of the expected file names: " +
                         expectedFileNames, 0, expectedFileNames.Count);
Example #2
        public virtual void TestNegativeInitWithAnUnsupportedVersion()
            // NB: should wait at least 1 second to ensure the timestamp of the master
            // index will change upon the writing, because Linux seems to update the
            // file modification
            // time with 1 second accuracy:
            // write an unsupported version:
            WriteVersionToMasterIndexImpl(7777, new Path(harPath, "_masterindex"));
            // init the Har:
            HarFileSystem hfs = new HarFileSystem(localFileSystem);

            // the metadata should *not* be reused from cache:
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse(hfs.GetMetadata() == harFileSystem.GetMetadata());
            URI uri = new URI("har://" + harPath.ToString());

                hfs.Initialize(uri, new Configuration());
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail("IOException expected.");
            catch (IOException)
Example #3
        public virtual void TestPositiveInitWithoutUnderlyingFS()
            // Init HarFS with no constructor arg, so that the underlying FS object
            // is created on demand or got from cache in #initialize() method.
            HarFileSystem hfs = new HarFileSystem();
            URI           uri = new URI("har://" + harPath.ToString());

            hfs.Initialize(uri, new Configuration());
Example #4
        public virtual void TestPositiveNewHarFsOnTheSameUnderlyingFs()
            // Init 2nd har file system on the same underlying FS, so the
            // metadata gets reused:
            HarFileSystem hfs = new HarFileSystem(localFileSystem);
            URI           uri = new URI("har://" + harPath.ToString());

            hfs.Initialize(uri, new Configuration());
            // the metadata should be reused from cache:
            Assert.True(hfs.GetMetadata() == harFileSystem.GetMetadata());
Example #5
        public virtual void TestPositiveListFilesNotEndInColon()
            // re-initialize the har file system with host name
            // make sure the qualified path name does not append ":" at the end of host name
            URI uri = new URI("har://file-localhost" + harPath.ToString());

            harFileSystem.Initialize(uri, conf);
            Path p1 = new Path("har://file-localhost" + harPath.ToString());
            Path p2 = harFileSystem.MakeQualified(p1);

Example #6
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        private HarFileSystem CreateHarFileSystem(Configuration conf, Path aHarPath)
            Path indexPath       = new Path(aHarPath, "_index");
            Path masterIndexPath = new Path(aHarPath, "_masterindex");

            WriteVersionToMasterIndexImpl(HarFileSystem.Version, masterIndexPath);
            HarFileSystem harFileSystem = new HarFileSystem(localFileSystem);
            URI           uri           = new URI("har://" + aHarPath.ToString());

            harFileSystem.Initialize(uri, conf);
Example #7
        public virtual void TestNegativeInitWithoutIndex()
            // delete the index file:
            Path indexPath = new Path(harPath, "_index");

            localFileSystem.Delete(indexPath, false);
            // now init the HarFs:
            HarFileSystem hfs = new HarFileSystem(localFileSystem);
            URI           uri = new URI("har://" + harPath.ToString());

                hfs.Initialize(uri, new Configuration());
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail("Exception expected.");
            catch (IOException)
Example #8
        public virtual void TestPositiveLruMetadataCacheFs()
            // Init 2nd har file system on the same underlying FS, so the
            // metadata gets reused:
            HarFileSystem hfs = new HarFileSystem(localFileSystem);
            URI           uri = new URI("har://" + harPath.ToString());

            hfs.Initialize(uri, new Configuration());
            // the metadata should be reused from cache:
            Assert.True(hfs.GetMetadata() == harFileSystem.GetMetadata());
            // Create more hars, until the cache is full + 1; the last creation should evict the first entry from the cache
            for (int i = 0; i <= hfs.MetadataCacheEntriesDefault; i++)
                Path p = new Path(rootPath, "path1/path2/my" + i + ".har");
                CreateHarFileSystem(conf, p);
            // The first entry should not be in the cache anymore:
            hfs = new HarFileSystem(localFileSystem);
            uri = new URI("har://" + harPath.ToString());
            hfs.Initialize(uri, new Configuration());
            Assert.True(hfs.GetMetadata() != harFileSystem.GetMetadata());