protected override void ProcessCertificate(HandshakeCertificate certificate)
            if (_state != HandshakeState.ReceivedClientHello)
                throw new AlertException(AlertDescription.UnexpectedMessage,
                                         "Client certificate received at the wrong time");
            if (!_certificateRequestSent)
                throw new AlertException(AlertDescription.UnexpectedMessage,
                                         "Client certificate received even though request was not sent");

            if (certificate.CertificateList.Count > 0)
                _clientCertificateReceived = true;

            // Validate certificate chain
            if (_certificateValidationCallback != null && !_certificateValidationCallback(certificate.CertificateList))
                throw new AlertException(AlertDescription.AccessDenied,
                                         "Client certificate was not accepted");

            // Wait for client key exchange
            _state = HandshakeState.ReceivedCertificate;
        protected override void ProcessCertificate(HandshakeCertificate certificate)
            if (_state != HandshakeState.ReceivedServerHello)
                throw new AlertException(AlertDescription.UnexpectedMessage,
                                         "Certificate received at the wrong time");

            if (certificate.CertificateList.Count == 0)
                throw new AlertException(AlertDescription.BadCertificate,
                                         "Certificate chain has no entries");

            string keyexAlg = _cipherSuite.KeyExchangeAlgorithm.CertificateKeyAlgorithm;
            string signAlg  = _cipherSuite.SignatureAlgorithm.CertificateKeyAlgorithm;

            // Check that certificate is valid
            X509Certificate cert = _serverCertificates[0];

            if (keyexAlg != null && !keyexAlg.Equals(cert.GetKeyAlgorithm()))
                throw new AlertException(AlertDescription.BadCertificate,
                                         "Certificate type " + cert.GetKeyAlgorithm() + " doesn't match key exchange type " + keyexAlg);
            if (signAlg != null && !signAlg.Equals(cert.GetKeyAlgorithm()))
                throw new AlertException(AlertDescription.BadCertificate,
                                         "Certificate type " + cert.GetKeyAlgorithm() + " doesn't match signature type " + signAlg);

            // Validate certificate chain
            if (!_certificateValidationCallback(certificate.CertificateList))
                throw new AlertException(AlertDescription.AccessDenied,
                                         "Server certificate was not accepted");

            // Wait for server key exchange, certificate request or server hello done
            _state = HandshakeState.ReceivedCertificate;
Example #3
 // Messages received by both
 protected virtual void ProcessCertificate(HandshakeCertificate certificate)
        protected override void ProcessClientHello(HandshakeClientHello clientHello)
            if (_state == HandshakeState.Finished)
                throw new AlertException(AlertDescription.NoRenegotiation,
                                         "Renegotiation not supported");
            else if (_state != HandshakeState.Initial)
                throw new AlertException(AlertDescription.UnexpectedMessage,
                                         "Client hello received at the wrong time");

            // Find the compressions that match our supported compressions
            List <Byte> matchedCompressions = new List <Byte>();

            foreach (Byte id in _supportedCompressions)
                if (clientHello.CompressionMethods.Contains(id))
            if (matchedCompressions.Count == 0)
                throw new AlertException(AlertDescription.HandshakeFailure,
                                         "None of the compression methods offered by client is accepted");

            _clientVersion = clientHello.ClientVersion;
            _cipherSuite   = SelectCipherSuite(_pluginManager, _clientVersion, _minVersion, _maxVersion, clientHello.CipherSuites, new List <UInt16>(_supportedCipherSuites), _certificateSelectionCallback, _availableCertificates);
            _version       = _cipherSuite.ProtocolVersion;

            // Select the certificate and private key we are going to send
            int certificateIndex = _certificateSelectionCallback(_cipherSuite, _availableCertificates.ToArray());

            if (certificateIndex >= 0 && certificateIndex < _availableCertificates.Count)
                _selectedPrivateKey = _availablePrivateKeys[certificateIndex];

            // TODO: Create the server hello message correctly
            HandshakeServerHello serverHello = new HandshakeServerHello(_version);

            serverHello.CipherSuite       = _cipherSuite.CipherSuiteID;
            serverHello.CompressionMethod = matchedCompressions[0];

            // Initialize the handshake randoms and cipher suite
            _connectionState.ClientRandom = clientHello.Random.GetBytes();
            _connectionState.ServerRandom = serverHello.Random.GetBytes();

            // TODO: If we resumed our session, set state to SendChangeCipherSpec and return

            // Send certificate if required and valid
            if (!_cipherSuite.IsAnonymous)
                if (_serverCertificates.Count == 0)
                    throw new AlertException(AlertDescription.HandshakeFailure,
                                             "Certificate required but not selected");

                string keyexAlg = _cipherSuite.KeyExchangeAlgorithm.CertificateKeyAlgorithm;
                string signAlg  = _cipherSuite.SignatureAlgorithm.CertificateKeyAlgorithm;

                X509Certificate cert = _serverCertificates[0];
                if (keyexAlg != null && !keyexAlg.Equals(cert.GetKeyAlgorithm()))
                    throw new AlertException(AlertDescription.HandshakeFailure,
                                             "Selected certificate type " + cert.GetKeyAlgorithm() + " doesn't match key exchange type " + keyexAlg);
                if (signAlg != null && !signAlg.Equals(cert.GetKeyAlgorithm()))
                    throw new AlertException(AlertDescription.HandshakeFailure,
                                             "Selected certificate type " + cert.GetKeyAlgorithm() + " doesn't match signature type " + signAlg);

                HandshakeCertificate certificate = new HandshakeCertificate(_version);

            byte[] serverKeys = _cipherSuite.KeyExchangeAlgorithm.GetServerKeys(_maxVersion);
            if (serverKeys != null)
                // Generate the signature for server keys
                byte[] dataToSign = new byte[_connectionState.ClientRandom.Length + _connectionState.ServerRandom.Length + serverKeys.Length];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(_connectionState.ClientRandom, 0, dataToSign, 0, _connectionState.ClientRandom.Length);
                Buffer.BlockCopy(_connectionState.ServerRandom, 0, dataToSign, _connectionState.ClientRandom.Length, _connectionState.ServerRandom.Length);
                Buffer.BlockCopy(serverKeys, 0, dataToSign, _connectionState.ClientRandom.Length + _connectionState.ServerRandom.Length, serverKeys.Length);
                byte[] signature = GenerateSignature(_selectedPrivateKey, dataToSign);

                // Combine the server keys with the signature
                byte[] signedKeys = new byte[serverKeys.Length + signature.Length];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(serverKeys, 0, signedKeys, 0, serverKeys.Length);
                Buffer.BlockCopy(signature, 0, signedKeys, serverKeys.Length, signature.Length);

                HandshakeMessage keyex = new HandshakeMessage(HandshakeMessageType.ServerKeyExchange, _version, signedKeys);

            // Send certificate request if needed
            if (!_cipherSuite.IsAnonymous && _certificateRequest != null)
                _certificateRequestSent = true;

            HandshakeMessage serverHelloDone = new HandshakeMessage(HandshakeMessageType.ServerHelloDone, _version);


            // Wait for client certificate or client key exchange
            _state = HandshakeState.ReceivedClientHello;
        public bool ReadPacket(Stream stream)
            byte[] header    = new byte[5];
            int    readBytes = 0;

            while (readBytes < header.Length)
                readBytes += stream.Read(header, readBytes, header.Length - readBytes);

            Record record = new Record(header);

            readBytes = 0;
            while (readBytes < record.Fragment.Length)
                readBytes += stream.Read(record.Fragment, readBytes, record.Fragment.Length - readBytes);


            if (record.Type == 22)
                HandshakeMessage hs = HandshakeMessage.GetInstance(VERSION, record.Fragment);
                if (hs == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Skipped handling packet");

                Console.WriteLine("adding bytes to hash " + record.Fragment.Length);
                _handshakeStream.Write(record.Fragment, 0, record.Fragment.Length);

                if (hs.Type == HandshakeMessageType.ServerHello)
                    HandshakeServerHello sh = (HandshakeServerHello)hs;
                    _serverRandom = sh.Random.GetBytes();
                    if (sh.ServerVersion != VERSION)
                        throw new Exception("Version doesn't match");
                else if (hs.Type == HandshakeMessageType.Certificate)
                    Console.WriteLine("Found certificate");
                    HandshakeCertificate cert = (HandshakeCertificate)hs;

                    _rsaPublicKey = null;
                    foreach (X509Certificate c in cert.CertificateList)

                        if (_rsaPublicKey == null)
                            X509Certificate c2 = new X509Certificate(c);
                            _rsaPublicKey = new CertificatePublicKey(c2);
                else if (hs.Type == HandshakeMessageType.ServerHelloDone)

                    byte[] seed = new byte[64];
                    Array.Copy(_clientRandom, 0, seed, 0, 32);
                    Array.Copy(_serverRandom, 0, seed, 32, 32);
                    PrintBytes("hash seed", seed);

                    _masterSecret = _cipherSuite.KeyExchangeAlgorithm.GetMasterSecret(_cipherSuite.PseudoRandomFunction, seed);
                    PrintBytes("master secret", _masterSecret);

                    seed = new byte[64];
                    Array.Copy(_serverRandom, 0, seed, 0, 32);
                    Array.Copy(_clientRandom, 0, seed, 32, 32);

                    ConnectionState connectionState = new ConnectionState(_clientRandom, _serverRandom, _masterSecret);
                    _recordHandler.SetCipherSuite(_cipherSuite, connectionState);

                else if (hs.Type == HandshakeMessageType.Finished)
                    Console.WriteLine("Got Finished message!!!");
            else if (record.Type == 20)
                Console.WriteLine("Got change cipher spec from server");
            else if (record.Type == 21)
                // This is an alert
                if (record.Fragment.Length >= 2 && record.Fragment[1] == 0)
                    // Close notify
                    Console.WriteLine("Close notify received");
            else if (record.Type == 23)
                Console.WriteLine("Got data: " + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(record.Fragment));

        protected override void ProcessServerHelloDone(HandshakeMessage serverHelloDone)
            if (_state != HandshakeState.ReceivedCertificate &&
                _state != HandshakeState.ReceivedServerKeyExchange &&
                _state != HandshakeState.ReceivedCertificateRequest)
                throw new AlertException(AlertDescription.UnexpectedMessage,
                                         "Server hello done received at the wrong time");

            bool clientCertificateSent = false;

            if (_clientCertificateRequested)
                // Ask for correct certificate from the callback
                int certificateIndex = _certificateSelectionCallback(_availableCertificates.ToArray(), _serverCertificates);
                if (certificateIndex >= 0 && certificateIndex < _availableCertificates.Count)
                    _selectedPrivateKey = _availablePrivateKeys[certificateIndex];

                // If certificate was selected, send it to server
                if (_clientCertificates.Count > 0)
                    HandshakeCertificate certificate = new HandshakeCertificate(_version);

                    clientCertificateSent = true;
                    // TODO: In case of SSLv3 we should send warning alert instead?
                    HandshakeCertificate certificate = new HandshakeCertificate(_version);

            // Send client key exchange message
            byte[] clientKeys = null;
            if (_serverCertificates.Count > 0)
                var cert = _serverCertificates[0];
                CertificatePublicKey publicKey = new CertificatePublicKey(cert);
                this.logger?.Trace($"OID (lookup with[oid]) of key from server certificate: {publicKey.Oid}");
                var data = Asn1Object.FromByteArray(cert.GetKeyAlgorithmParameters());
                this.logger?.Trace($" OID of key parameters from server certificate: {data}");
                clientKeys = _cipherSuite.KeyExchangeAlgorithm.GetClientKeys(_version, _maxVersion, publicKey);
            HandshakeMessage keyex = new HandshakeMessage(HandshakeMessageType.ClientKeyExchange, _version, clientKeys);


            if (clientCertificateSent)
                // Get all handshake messages
                byte[] handshakeMessages = _handshakeStream.ToArray();

                // FIXME: Generate the signature of handshakeMessages with client cert signature
                //        this breaks if client certificate signature is different type than negotiated
                byte[] signature = GenerateSignature(_selectedPrivateKey, handshakeMessages);

                // Create CertificateVerify message and send it to server
                HandshakeMessage verify = new HandshakeMessage(HandshakeMessageType.CertificateVerify, _version, signature);

            // Generate the master secret from key exchange
            _connectionState.MasterSecret = GenerateMasterSecret(_version, _cipherSuite, _connectionState);

            // Wait for changecipherspec+finished
            _state = HandshakeState.SendChangeCipherSpec;