public static void MathBlockHelper(TextWriter output, object root, HelperOptions options, dynamic context, object[] arguments)
            if (arguments.Length != 3 && arguments.Length != 4)
                throw new HandlebarsException("{{math}} helper must have exactly at least three arguments: (lvalue) op (rvalue) [digits]");

                var op = HandlebarsUtils.IsUndefinedBindingResult(arguments[1])
                                ? arguments[1].GetType().GetField("Value").GetValue(arguments[1])
                                : arguments[1]?.ToString();

                if (arguments[0] is DateTime ||
                    arguments[0] is TimeSpan)
                    CalcWithTime(op, output, options, arguments);
                else if (arguments[0] is Vector3)
                    CalcWithVector(op, output, options, arguments);
                    CalcWithDouble(op, output, options, arguments);
            catch (Exception error)
                throw new HandlebarsException($"{{math}} [{arguments?.Aggregate(string.Empty, (s, a) => s + $"{a}")}]:{EmpyrionScripting.ErrorFilter(error)}");
Example #2
        public static void CalcHelper(TextWriter output, dynamic context, object[] arguments)
            if (arguments.Length != 3)
                throw new HandlebarsException("{{calc}} helper must have exactly three argument: (lvalue) op (rvalue)");

                double.TryParse(arguments[0]?.ToString(), out var left);
                var op = HandlebarsUtils.IsUndefinedBindingResult(arguments[1])
                                ? arguments[1].GetType().GetField("Value").GetValue(arguments[1])
                                : arguments[1]?.ToString();
                double.TryParse(arguments[2]?.ToString(), out var right);

                switch (op)
                case "+": output.Write(left + right); break;

                case "-": output.Write(left - right); break;

                case "*": output.Write(left * right); break;

                case "/": output.Write(left / right); break;

                case "%": output.Write(left % right); break;
            catch (Exception error)
                throw new HandlebarsException($"{{calc}} [{arguments?.Aggregate(string.Empty, (s, a) => s + $"{a}")}]:{EmpyrionScripting.ErrorFilter(error)}");
        public static void TestBlockHelper(TextWriter output, object root, HelperOptions options, dynamic context, object[] arguments)
            if (arguments.Length != 3)
                throw new HandlebarsException("{{test}} helper must have exactly three argument: (testvalue) 'eq'|'le'|'leq'|'ge'|'geq'|'in' (compareto)");

                var left = arguments[0];
                var op   = HandlebarsUtils.IsUndefinedBindingResult(arguments[1])
                                ? arguments[1].GetType().GetField("Value").GetValue(arguments[1])
                                : arguments[1]?.ToString();
                var right = arguments[2];

                var renderTemplate = false;

                switch (op)
                case "=":
                case "==":
                case "eq": renderTemplate = Compare(left, right) == 0; break;

                case "<>":
                case "!=":
                case "neq": renderTemplate = Compare(left, right) != 0; break;

                case "<":
                case "le": renderTemplate = Compare(left, right) < 0; break;

                case "<=":
                case "leq": renderTemplate = Compare(left, right) <= 0; break;

                case ">":
                case "ge": renderTemplate = Compare(left, right) > 0; break;

                case ">=":
                case "geq": renderTemplate = Compare(left, right) >= 0; break;

                case "in": renderTemplate = In(left, right); break;

                if (renderTemplate)
                    options.Template(output, context as object);
                    options.Inverse(output, context as object);
            catch (Exception error)
                throw new HandlebarsException($"{{test}} [{arguments?.Aggregate(string.Empty, (s, a) => s + $"{a} ")}]:{EmpyrionScripting.ErrorFilter(error)}");