public void PickupObject(GameObject objectToPickup) { heldGameObject = objectToPickup; if (heldGameObject.GetComponent <ObjectState>().currentState == ObjectState.ObjectStates.Holstered) { // begin reloading a new gun in holster heldGameObject.GetComponentInParent <g_HolsterScript>().BeginRefresh(); } heldGameObject.GetComponent <ObjectState>().PickupObject(); //make our object's gameobject a child of our hand's mesh heldGameObject.transform.parent = TransformDeepChildExtension.FindDeepChild(transform, "Mesh"); for (int i = 0; i < Objects.Count; i++) { //go through our list of possible types of objects and find the one that //we currently have if (heldGameObject.GetComponent <ObjectState>().ID == Objects[i].ObjectID) { currentObject = Objects[i]; PlaySound(currentObject.pickupSound); } } //make the rigidbody kinematic so the gun doesn't fall down heldGameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = true; handState = HandStates.Wielding; }
public void DropObject() { //if we currently have something if (handState == HandStates.Wielding && heldGameObject != null) { heldGameObject.transform.parent = null; heldGameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = false; currentObject.ObjectName = ""; //throw the object based on our body and hand's current velocity Vector3 throwVector; throwVector = Quaternion.Euler(0, transform.eulerAngles.y, 0) * (GetComponent <MotionController>().GetVelocity() + transform.root.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().velocity); heldGameObject.GetComponent <G_ThrowObject>().Throw(throwVector); heldGameObject.GetComponent <ObjectState>().currentState = ObjectState.ObjectStates.Free; heldGameObject = null; handState = HandStates.Empty; } }
public override void SelectHandState() { Console.WriteLine( + "... Please type '" + HandStates[0] + "' , '" + HandStates[1] + "' , '" + HandStates[2] + "' , '" + HandStates[3] + "' , '" + HandStates[4] + "'"); string choice = Console.ReadLine(); choice = choice.ToLower(); while (HandStates.Contains(choice) != true) { Console.WriteLine(choice + " is NOT a valid move!"); Console.WriteLine( + "... Please type '" + HandStates[0] + "' , '" + HandStates[1] + "' , '" + HandStates[2] + "' , '" + HandStates[3] + "' , '" + HandStates[4] + "'"); choice = Console.ReadLine(); } SetGesture(choice); }
private void AttackCheck() { switch (currentAttackState) { case HandStates.Spoon: if (currentAttackState != lastAttackState) { lastAttackState = currentAttackState; } if (!refrences.ShoulderAnimator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsTag("Attack")) { spoonCollider.enabled = false; if (Input.mouseScrollDelta.y != 0f) { currentAttackState = HandStates.Transition; nextAttackState = HandStates.Flashlight; } } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { refrences.ShoulderAnimator.SetTrigger("Attacking"); spoonAnimator.SetTrigger("Attacking"); spoonCollider.enabled = true; } break; case HandStates.Flashlight: if (currentAttackState != lastAttackState) { refrences.Flashlight.SetActive(true); lastAttackState = currentAttackState; } if (currentFlashlightChargeTime > 0f) { if (Input.GetMouseButton(0) && !flashlightOn) { flashlightOn = true; timeSinceFlashlightOn = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad; } else if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { flashlightOn = true; } else if (flashlightOn && Time.timeSinceLevelLoad >= timeSinceFlashlightOn + minFlashlightOnTime) { flashlightOn = false; } } else { flashlightOn = false; } if (flashlightOn) { currentFlashlightChargeTime = Mathf.Max(currentFlashlightChargeTime - Time.deltaTime, 0f); } refrences.lightconeSprite.material.SetFloat("BatteryLife", currentFlashlightChargeTime / maxFlashlightChargeTime); refrences.lightCone.SetActive(flashlightOn); shoulderDegree += Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse Y") * MouseSensetivity * Time.deltaTime; shoulderDegree = Mathf.Clamp(shoulderDegree, ShoulderMinDegree, ShoulderMaxDegree); refrences.ShoulderTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(refrences.ShoulderTransform.localRotation.eulerAngles.x, refrences.ShoulderTransform.localRotation.eulerAngles.y, shoulderDegree); if (Input.mouseScrollDelta.y != 0f) { currentAttackState = HandStates.Transition; nextAttackState = HandStates.Spoon; flashlightOn = false; } break; case HandStates.Transition: if (currentAttackState != lastAttackState) { if (lastAttackState == HandStates.Flashlight) { refrences.Flashlight.SetActive(false); refrences.ShoulderTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, 14.114f); } lastAttackState = currentAttackState; } spoonEffectTime = Mathf.Clamp(spoonEffectTime + (nextAttackState == HandStates.Spoon ? Time.deltaTime / spoonTransitionTime : -Time.deltaTime / spoonTransitionTime), 0f, 1f); spoonRenderer.material.SetFloat("SpoonEffectTime", spoonEffectTime); if (spoonEffectTime == 1f || spoonEffectTime == 0f) { currentAttackState = nextAttackState; } break; case HandStates.None: break; } }