Example #1
        public ActionResult OKButtonClick()
            if (AppData.DBConnectionString == "")
                TempData["WarningMessage"] = "Scoring database not yet selected";
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "StartScreen"));

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Section"));
Example #2
        public ActionResult OKButtonClick()
            if (AppData.DBConnectionString == "")
                TempData["warningMessage"] = "Scoring database not yet selected";
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "StartScreen"));
            if (Settings.ShowHandRecord || Settings.ValidateLeadCard)

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "EnterSection"));
Example #3
        public ActionResult OKButtonClick(int tabletDeviceNumber, int newRoundNumber)
            TabletDeviceStatus tabletDeviceStatus = AppData.TabletDeviceStatusList[tabletDeviceNumber];
            Section            section            = AppData.SectionsList.Find(x => x.SectionID == tabletDeviceStatus.SectionID);

            if (section.TabletDevicesPerTable > 1)  // Tablet devices are moving, so need to check if new table is ready
                // Get the move for this tablet device
                RoundsList roundsList = new RoundsList(tabletDeviceStatus.SectionID, newRoundNumber);
                Move       move       = roundsList.GetMove(tabletDeviceStatus.TableNumber, tabletDeviceStatus.PairNumber, tabletDeviceStatus.Direction);

                if (move.NewTableNumber == 0)  // Move is to phantom table, so go straight to RoundInfo
                    tabletDeviceStatus.Update(0, Direction.Sitout, newRoundNumber);
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "ShowRoundInfo", new { tabletDeviceNumber }));

                // Check if the new table (the one we're trying to move to) is ready.  Expanded code here to make it easier to understand
                bool        newTableReady;
                TableStatus newTableStatus = AppData.TableStatusList.Find(x => x.SectionID == section.SectionID && x.TableNumber == move.NewTableNumber);
                if (newTableStatus == null)
                    newTableReady = false;  // New table not yet registered (unlikely but possible)
                else if (newTableStatus.RoundNumber == newRoundNumber)
                    newTableReady = true;  // New table has already been advanced to next round by another tablet device, so is ready
                else if (newTableStatus.RoundNumber < newRoundNumber - 1)
                    newTableReady = false;  // New table hasn't yet reached the previous round (unlikely but possible)
                    // New table is on the previous round
                    // It is ready for the move if all tablet device locations are ready.  Sitout locations were set to 'ready' previously
                    if (section.TabletDevicesPerTable == 2 && newTableStatus.ReadyForNextRoundNorth && newTableStatus.ReadyForNextRoundEast)
                        newTableReady = true;
                    else if (section.TabletDevicesPerTable == 4 && newTableStatus.ReadyForNextRoundNorth && newTableStatus.ReadyForNextRoundSouth && newTableStatus.ReadyForNextRoundEast && newTableStatus.ReadyForNextRoundWest)
                        newTableReady = true;
                        newTableReady = false;

                if (newTableReady)  // Reset tablet device and table statuses for new round
                    tabletDeviceStatus.Update(move.NewTableNumber, move.NewDirection, newRoundNumber);
                    newTableStatus.Update(move.NewTableNumber, newRoundNumber);
                else  // Go back and wait
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "ShowMove", new { tabletDeviceNumber, newRoundNumber, tableNotReadyNumber = move.NewTableNumber }));
            else  // Tablet device not moving and is the only tablet device at this table
                tabletDeviceStatus.RoundNumber = newRoundNumber;
                TableStatus newTableStatus = AppData.TableStatusList.Find(x => x.SectionID == tabletDeviceStatus.SectionID && x.TableNumber == tabletDeviceStatus.TableNumber);
                newTableStatus.Update(tabletDeviceStatus.TableNumber, newRoundNumber);

            // Refresh settings and hand records for the start of the round
            if (Settings.ShowHandRecord || Settings.ValidateLeadCard)
            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "ShowPlayerNumbers", new { tabletDeviceNumber }));