Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the hand data from the device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="interactionSourceState">The InteractionSourceState retrieved from the platform.</param>
        private void UpdateHandData(InteractionSourceState interactionSourceState)
            using (UpdateHandDataPerfMarker.Auto())
                // Articulated hand support is only present in the 18362 version and beyond Windows
                // SDK (which contains the V8 drop of the Universal API Contract). In particular,
                // the HandPose related APIs are only present on this version and above.
                if (!articulatedHandApiAvailable)

                SpatialInteractionSourceState sourceState = interactionSourceState.source.GetSpatialInteractionSourceState();

                if (sourceState == null)

#endif // WINDOWS_UWP

                HandPose handPose = sourceState.TryGetHandPose();

                if (handPose != null && handPose.TryGetJoints(WindowsMixedRealityUtilities.SpatialCoordinateSystem, jointIndices, jointPoses))
                    for (int i = 0; i < jointPoses.Length; i++)
                        Vector3    jointPosition    = jointPoses[i].Position.ToUnityVector3();
                        Quaternion jointOrientation = jointPoses[i].Orientation.ToUnityQuaternion();

                        // We want the joints to follow the playspace, so fold in the playspace transform here to
                        // put the joint pose into world space.
                        jointPosition    = MixedRealityPlayspace.TransformPoint(jointPosition);
                        jointOrientation = MixedRealityPlayspace.Rotation * jointOrientation;

                        TrackedHandJoint handJoint = ConvertHandJointKindToTrackedHandJoint(jointIndices[i]);

                        if (handJoint == TrackedHandJoint.IndexTip)
                            lastIndexTipRadius = jointPoses[i].Radius;

                        unityJointPoses[handJoint] = new MixedRealityPose(jointPosition, jointOrientation);

        /// <summary>
        /// Update the hand data from the device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="interactionSourceState">The InteractionSourceState retrieved from the platform.</param>
        private void UpdateHandData(InteractionSourceState interactionSourceState)
            // Articulated hand support is only present in the 18362 version and beyond Windows
            // SDK (which contains the V8 drop of the Universal API Contract). In particular,
            // the HandPose related APIs are only present on this version and above.
            if (!articulatedHandApiAvailable)

            PerceptionTimestamp perceptionTimestamp = PerceptionTimestampHelper.FromHistoricalTargetTime(DateTimeOffset.Now);
            IReadOnlyList <SpatialInteractionSourceState> sources = SpatialInteractionManager?.GetDetectedSourcesAtTimestamp(perceptionTimestamp);
            foreach (SpatialInteractionSourceState sourceState in sources)
                if (sourceState.Source.Id.Equals(interactionSourceState.source.id))
#endif // WINDOWS_UWP

                    HandPose handPose = sourceState.TryGetHandPose();

                    if (handPose != null && handPose.TryGetJoints(WindowsMixedRealityUtilities.SpatialCoordinateSystem, jointIndices, jointPoses))
                        for (int i = 0; i < jointPoses.Length; i++)
                            Vector3    jointPosition    = jointPoses[i].Position.ToUnityVector3();
                            Quaternion jointOrientation = jointPoses[i].Orientation.ToUnityQuaternion();

                            // We want the joints to follow the playspace, so fold in the playspace transform here to
                            // put the joint pose into world space.
                            jointPosition    = MixedRealityPlayspace.TransformPoint(jointPosition);
                            jointOrientation = MixedRealityPlayspace.Rotation * jointOrientation;

                            TrackedHandJoint handJoint = ConvertHandJointKindToTrackedHandJoint(jointIndices[i]);

                            if (handJoint == TrackedHandJoint.IndexTip)
                                lastIndexTipRadius = jointPoses[i].Radius;

                            unityJointPoses[handJoint] = new MixedRealityPose(jointPosition, jointOrientation);

 public void ChangeSaveAnimationState(
     string animName = "",
     HandPose.HandPoseType selectedHandAnim = HandPose.HandPoseType.NoSelection,
     AnimationClip handPoseAnim             = null)
     this.animName         = animName;
     this.selectedHandAnim = selectedHandAnim;
     if (handPoseAnim is null)
         handPoseAnim = HandPose.GetHandAnimationClip(this.selectedHandAnim);
     this.handPoseAnim = handPoseAnim;
        private HandPose GenerateOpenFingersPose(string name, Finger[] fingers)
            var nonThumbOtherFingers = (new[] { Finger.Index, Finger.Middle, Finger.Ring, Finger.Pinky }).Except(fingers);
            var fingersOpenPose      = new HandPose(name, new PalmPose(new AnyHandContext(), PoseDirection.Forward, PoseDirection.Up),
                                                    new FingerPose(fingers, FingerFlexion.Open, PoseDirection.Up),
                                                    new FingertipDistanceRelation(fingers, RelativeDistance.NotTouching, nonThumbOtherFingers.Union(new[] { Finger.Thumb })));

            if (nonThumbOtherFingers.Any())
                fingersOpenPose.PoseConstraints.Add(new FingerPose(nonThumbOtherFingers, PoseDirection.Down | PoseDirection.Backward | PoseDirection.Forward | PoseDirection.Left | PoseDirection.Right));
Example #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Calculate the best pre-recorded snap-point to grab an object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="grabbable">The snappable object.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// If the snappable is object is valid, the best SnapPoint to grab it alongside the
 /// Hand-Pose to use when grabbing at that position.
 /// </returns>
 public ObjectSnappingAddress SnapForGrabbable(GameObject grabbable)
     if (grabbable != null &&
         grabbable.TryGetComponent <Snappable>(out Snappable snappable))
         HandPose      userPose = this.puppet.TrackedPose(snappable.transform);
         BaseSnapPoint snapPose = snappable.FindBestSnapPose(userPose, out ScoredHandPose bestPose);
         if (snapPose != null)
             return(new ObjectSnappingAddress(snappable, snapPose, bestPose));
 public void ChangeSaveAnimationState(
     string animName            = "",
     int selectStateIndex       = 0,
     AnimationClip handPoseAnim = null)
     this.animName = animName;
     // TODO: 一時対処
     this.selectedHandAnim = HandPose.HandPoseType.NoSelection;
     if (handPoseAnim is null)
         handPoseAnim = HandPose.GetHandAnimationClip(this.selectedHandAnim);
     this.handPoseAnim = handPoseAnim;
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Relay to the Puppet to set the ghost hand to the desired static pose
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="handGrabPoint">The point to read the HandPose from</param>
        public void SetPose(HandGrabPoint handGrabPoint)
            HandPose userPose = handGrabPoint.HandPose;

            if (userPose == null)

            Transform relativeTo = handGrabPoint.RelativeTo;

            SetGripPose(handGrabPoint.RelativeGrip, relativeTo);
        public async Task Init()
            // Step1: Define the Rock-Paper-Scissors gestures
            // Create a pose for 'Rock'...
            var rockPose = new HandPose("RockPose", new FingerPose(new AllFingersContext(), FingerFlexion.Folded));

            rockPose.Triggered += (s, arg) => UserStrategyChanged?.Invoke(GameStrategy.Rock);

            // ...another for 'Paper'...
            var paperPose = new HandPose("PaperPose", new PalmPose(new AnyHandContext(), PoseDirection.Left | PoseDirection.Right, PoseDirection.Forward),
                                         new FingerPose(new AllFingersContext(), FingerFlexion.Open));

            paperPose.Triggered += (s, arg) => UserStrategyChanged?.Invoke(GameStrategy.Paper);

            // ...and last one for 'Scissors'...
            var scissorsPose = new HandPose("ScissorsPose", new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Index, Finger.Middle }, FingerFlexion.Open),
                                            new FingertipDistanceRelation(Finger.Index, RelativeDistance.NotTouching, Finger.Middle),
                                            new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Ring, Finger.Pinky }, FingerFlexion.Folded));

            scissorsPose.Triggered += (s, arg) => UserStrategyChanged?.Invoke(GameStrategy.Scissors);

            // ...a PassThroughtGestureSegment is a structural gesture segment that provides a way to simplify a gesture state machine construction by 'short-circuiting'
            // between gesture segments connectd to it and gesture segements it connects to. It helps reduce the number of SubPaths that needs to be defined.
            // Very handy when you need to define a Clique (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clique_(graph_theory)#1)
            // as in this case where Rock, Paper and Scissors are all connected to each other...
            var epsilonState = new PassThroughGestureSegment("Epsilon");

            // ...this pose is an artificial stop pose. Namely, we want to keep the gesture detector in one of the pose states without ending the gesture so we add this
            // pose as a pose that completes the gesture assuming the user will not perform it frequently.
            // As long as the user continues to perform the 'Rock', 'Paper' or 'Scissors' poses we will remain within the gesture's state machine.
            var giveUpPose = new HandPose("GiveUpPose", new PalmPose(new AnyHandContext(), PoseDirection.Forward, PoseDirection.Up),
                                          new FingerPose(new AllFingersContext(), FingerFlexion.Open));

            _gameGesture = new Gesture("RockPaperScissorGesture", epsilonState, giveUpPose);
            // ...add a sub path back and forth from the PassthroughGestureSegment to the various poses
            _gameGesture.AddSubPath(epsilonState, rockPose, epsilonState);
            _gameGesture.AddSubPath(epsilonState, paperPose, epsilonState);
            _gameGesture.AddSubPath(epsilonState, scissorsPose, epsilonState);

            // In case the user performs a pose that is not one of the game poses the gesture resets and this event will trigger
            _gameGesture.IdleTriggered += (s, arg) => UserStrategyChanged?.Invoke(GameStrategy.None);

            // Step2: Connect to Gesture Detection Service, route StatusChanged event to the UI and register the gesture
            _gesturesService = GesturesServiceEndpointFactory.Create();
            _gesturesService.StatusChanged += (oldStatus, newStatus) => GesturesDetectionStatusChanged?.Invoke(oldStatus, newStatus);
            await _gesturesService.ConnectAsync();

            await _gesturesService.RegisterGesture(_gameGesture);
Example #9
        // It defines and registers the Rotate Right Gesture.
        private static async Task RegisterRotateLeftGesture()
            var hold = new HandPose("Hold", new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Thumb, Finger.Index }, FingerFlexion.Open, PoseDirection.Forward),
                                    new FingertipDistanceRelation(Finger.Index, RelativeDistance.NotTouching, Finger.Thumb),
                                    new FingertipPlacementRelation(Finger.Index, RelativePlacement.Right, Finger.Thumb));

            var rotate = new HandPose("Rotate", new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Thumb, Finger.Index }, FingerFlexion.Open, PoseDirection.Forward),
                                      new FingertipDistanceRelation(Finger.Index, RelativeDistance.NotTouching, Finger.Thumb),
                                      new FingertipPlacementRelation(Finger.Index, RelativePlacement.Above, Finger.Thumb));

            _rotateLeftGesture            = new Gesture("RotateLeft", hold, rotate);
            _rotateLeftGesture.Triggered += (s, e) => OnGestureDetected(s, e, ConsoleColor.Yellow);

            await _gesturesService.RegisterGesture(_rotateLeftGesture, isGlobal : true);
        private Gesture GenerateSwipeGesure(string name, PoseDirection direction)
            var fingers   = new[] { Finger.Index, Finger.Middle, Finger.Ring };
            var fingerSet = new HandPose("FingersSet", new PalmPose(new AnyHandContext(), direction, orientation: PoseDirection.Forward),
                                         new FingertipDistanceRelation(Finger.Middle, RelativeDistance.Touching, new[] { Finger.Index, Finger.Ring }),
                                         new FingerPose(fingers, PoseDirection.Forward));

            var fingersBent = new HandPose("FingersBent", new PalmPose(new AnyHandContext(), direction, orientation: PoseDirection.Forward),
                                           new FingertipDistanceRelation(Finger.Middle, RelativeDistance.Touching, new[] { Finger.Index, Finger.Ring }),
                                           new FingerPose(fingers, direction | PoseDirection.Backward));

            var swipeGesture = new Gesture(name, fingerSet, fingersBent);

Example #11
        private async Task RegisterThankYouGesture()
            //var forw = new PalmMotion("forward", MotionPlane.Depth);
            var thankyou1 = new HandPose(
                new PalmPose(Hand.RightHand, PoseDirection.Up | PoseDirection.Backward),
                new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Ring, Finger.Pinky, Finger.Middle, Finger.Index, Finger.Thumb }, FingerFlexion.Open),
                new FingertipDistanceRelation(Finger.Index, RelativeDistance.Touching, Finger.Middle),
                new FingertipDistanceRelation(Finger.Thumb, RelativeDistance.Touching, Finger.Index));

            var thxGesture = new Gesture("thxgesture", thankyou1);

            thxGesture.Triggered += (s, arg) => GestureChanged?.Invoke(arg.GestureSegment.Name);
            await _gesturesService.RegisterGesture(thxGesture, isGlobal : true);
Example #12
        private HandPose TrackedPose()
            if (!_handGrabInteractor.Hand.GetJointPosesLocal(out ReadOnlyHandJointPoses localJoints))
            HandPose result = new HandPose(_handGrabInteractor.Hand.Handedness);

            for (int i = 0; i < FingersMetadata.HAND_JOINT_IDS.Length; ++i)
                HandJointId jointID = FingersMetadata.HAND_JOINT_IDS[i];
                result.JointRotations[i] = localJoints[jointID].rotation;
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the Snap Point on this Snappabe with the best score to the given hand pose.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userPose">The hand pose to be compared with this snappable.</param>
        /// <param name="bestHandPose">The most similar Hand Pose that snaps to the object, with its score.</param>
        /// <returns>The SnapPoint that is closer to the hand</returns>
        public BaseSnapPoint FindBestSnapPose(HandPose userPose, out ScoredHandPose bestHandPose)
            BaseSnapPoint bestSnap = null;

            bestHandPose = ScoredHandPose.Null();
            foreach (var snapPose in this.snapPoints)
                ScoredHandPose pose = snapPose.CalculateBestPose(userPose);
                if (pose.Score > bestHandPose.Score)
                    bestSnap     = snapPose;
                    bestHandPose = pose;
 public static Pose Interpolate(Pose from, Pose to, float time)
     return(new Pose {
         headPosition = Vector3.Lerp(from.headPosition, to.headPosition, time),
         headRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(from.headRotation, to.headRotation, time),
         handLeftPosition = Vector3.Lerp(from.handLeftPosition, to.handLeftPosition, time),
         handLeftRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(from.handLeftRotation, to.handLeftRotation, time),
         handRightPosition = Vector3.Lerp(from.handRightPosition, to.handRightPosition, time),
         handRightRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(from.handRightRotation, to.handRightRotation, time),
         voiceAmplitude = Mathf.Lerp(from.voiceAmplitude, to.voiceAmplitude, time),
         controllerLeftPose = ControllerPose.Interpolate(from.controllerLeftPose, to.controllerLeftPose, time),
         controllerRightPose = ControllerPose.Interpolate(from.controllerRightPose, to.controllerRightPose, time),
         handLeftPose = HandPose.Interpolate(from.handLeftPose, to.handLeftPose, time),
         handRightPose = HandPose.Interpolate(from.handRightPose, to.handRightPose, time),
Example #15
    void CollectInput(ref HandPose hand, ref ControllerPose controller, ref HandInput i)
        i.handTrigger          = hand.gripFlex;
        i.previousIndexTrigger = i.indexTrigger;
        i.indexTrigger         = hand.indexFlex;

        if (i.indexTrigger >= IndexThreshold && i.previousIndexTrigger < IndexThreshold)
            i.indexPressFrame = context.renderFrame;

        i.isPointing  = true;
        i.isPressingX = controller.button1IsDown;
        i.isPressingY = controller.button2IsDown;
        i.stick       = controller.joystickPosition;
Example #16
        private static async Task RegisterFourFingerGesture()
            // Start with defining the poses:
            var closedFist  = new HandPose("ClosedFist", new FingerPose(new AllFingersContext(), FingerFlexion.Folded));
            var fourFingers = new HandPose("FourFingers", new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Index, Finger.Middle, Finger.Ring, Finger.Pinky }, FingerFlexion.Open, PoseDirection.Forward),
                                           new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Thumb }, FingerFlexion.Folded));

            // Then define the gesture using the hand pose objects defined above forming a simple state machine: closedFist -> fourFingers
            fourFingerGesture            = new Gesture("FourFingers", closedFist, fourFingers);
            fourFingerGesture.Triggered += (s, e) => OnGestureDetected(s, e, ConsoleColor.Green);

            // Step 3: Register the gesture
            // Registering the like gesture _globally_ (i.e. isGlobal:true), by global registration we mean this gesture will be
            // detected even it was initiated not by this application or if the this application isn't in focus
            await _gesturesService.RegisterGesture(fourFingerGesture, isGlobal : true);
Example #17
        private static async Task RegisterDropTheMicGesture()
            // Our starting pose is a full fist pointing down and/or forward
            var fist = new HandPose("Fist", new PalmPose(new AnyHandContext(), PoseDirection.Down | PoseDirection.Forward),
                                    new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Index, Finger.Middle, Finger.Ring }, FingerFlexion.Folded));
            // Final pose is when the hand is "open" i.e. spread
            var spread = new HandPose("Spread", new PalmPose(new AnyHandContext(), PoseDirection.Down | PoseDirection.Forward),
                                      new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Thumb, Finger.Index, Finger.Middle, Finger.Ring }, FingerFlexion.Open));

            // ... finally define the gesture using the hand pose objects defined above forming a simple state machine: fist -> spread
            _dropTheMicGesture            = new Gesture("DropTheMic", fist, spread);
            _dropTheMicGesture.Triggered += (s, e) => OnGestureDetected(s, e, ConsoleColor.Blue);

            // Registering the like gesture _globally_ (i.e. isGlobal:true), by global registration we mean this gesture will be
            // detected even it was initiated not by this application or if the this application isn't in focus
            await _gesturesService.RegisterGesture(_dropTheMicGesture, isGlobal : true);
Example #18
        public async Task Init()
            // Set the gesture service
            _gesturesService = GesturesServiceEndpointFactory.Create("localhost");
            _gesturesService.StatusChanged += (oldVal, newVal) => GesturesDetectionStatusChanged?.Invoke(oldVal, newVal);
            await _gesturesService.ConnectAsync();

            var hurufI = new HandPose(
                new PalmPose(Hand.RightHand, PoseDirection.Up | PoseDirection.Forward),
                new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Pinky }, FingerFlexion.Open),
                new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Index, Finger.Ring, Finger.Middle }, FingerFlexion.Folded));

            hurufI.Triggered += (s, arg) => GestureChanged?.Invoke(arg.GestureSegment.Name);

            var piece = new HandPose(
                new PalmPose(Hand.RightHand, PoseDirection.Up | PoseDirection.Forward),
                new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Index, Finger.Middle }, FingerFlexion.Open),
                new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Pinky, Finger.Ring, }, FingerFlexion.Folded));

            piece.Triggered += (s, arg) => GestureChanged?.Invoke(arg.GestureSegment.Name);

            var baik = new HandPose(
                new PalmPose(Hand.RightHand, PoseDirection.Left | PoseDirection.Forward),
                new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Ring, Finger.Pinky, Finger.Middle }, FingerFlexion.OpenStretched),
                new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Index, Finger.Thumb, }, FingerFlexion.Folded));

            baik.Triggered += (s, arg) => GestureChanged?.Invoke(arg.GestureSegment.Name);

            var alphabetGesture = new PassThroughGestureSegment("performing_state");

            _detectedGesture = new Gesture("Sample_Gesture", alphabetGesture);
            _detectedGesture.AddSubPath(alphabetGesture, hurufI, alphabetGesture);
            _detectedGesture.AddSubPath(alphabetGesture, piece, alphabetGesture);
            _detectedGesture.AddSubPath(alphabetGesture, baik, alphabetGesture);

            await _gesturesService.RegisterGesture(_detectedGesture, isGlobal : true);

            await RegisterLikeGesture();
            await RegisterThankYouGesture();
Example #19
        // It defines and registers the Rotate Right Gesture.
        private static async Task RegisterRotateRightGesture()
            // Start with defining the first pose
            var hold = new HandPose("Hold", new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Thumb, Finger.Index }, FingerFlexion.Open, PoseDirection.Forward),
                                    new FingertipDistanceRelation(Finger.Index, RelativeDistance.NotTouching, Finger.Thumb),
                                    new FingertipPlacementRelation(Finger.Index, RelativePlacement.Right, Finger.Thumb));
            // define the second pose
            var rotate = new HandPose("Rotate", new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Thumb, Finger.Index }, FingerFlexion.Open, PoseDirection.Forward),
                                      new FingertipDistanceRelation(Finger.Index, RelativeDistance.NotTouching, Finger.Thumb),
                                      new FingertipPlacementRelation(Finger.Index, RelativePlacement.Below, Finger.Thumb));

            // define the gesture using the hand pose objects defined above forming a simple state machine
            _rotateRightGesture            = new Gesture("RotateRight", hold, rotate);
            _rotateRightGesture.Triggered += (s, e) => OnGestureDetected(s, e, ConsoleColor.Blue);

            await _gesturesService.RegisterGesture(_rotateRightGesture, isGlobal : true);
Example #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the desired rotation values for each joint based on the provided SnapAddress.
        /// Apart from the rotations it also writes in the syntheticHand if it should allow rotations
        /// past that.
        /// When no snap is provided, it frees all fingers allowing unconstrained tracked motion.
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateFingers(HandPose handPose, HandFingerFlags grabbingFingers, float strength)
            Quaternion[] desiredRotations = handPose.JointRotations;
            _syntheticHand.OverrideAllJoints(desiredRotations, strength);

            for (int fingerIndex = 0; fingerIndex < Constants.NUM_FINGERS; fingerIndex++)
                int          fingerFlag    = 1 << fingerIndex;
                JointFreedom fingerFreedom = handPose.FingersFreedom[fingerIndex];
                if (fingerFreedom == JointFreedom.Constrained &&
                    ((int)grabbingFingers & fingerFlag) != 0)
                    fingerFreedom = JointFreedom.Locked;
                _syntheticHand.SetFingerFreedom((HandFinger)fingerIndex, fingerFreedom);
Example #21
 public static PoseFrame Interpolate(PoseFrame a, PoseFrame b, float t)
     return(new PoseFrame
         headPosition = Vector3.Lerp(a.headPosition, b.headPosition, t),
         headRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(a.headRotation, b.headRotation, t),
         handLeftPosition = Vector3.Lerp(a.handLeftPosition, b.handLeftPosition, t),
         handLeftRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(a.handLeftRotation, b.handLeftRotation, t),
         handRightPosition = Vector3.Lerp(a.handRightPosition, b.handRightPosition, t),
         handRightRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(a.handRightRotation, b.handRightRotation, t),
         voiceAmplitude = Mathf.Lerp(a.voiceAmplitude, b.voiceAmplitude, t),
         controllerLeftPose = ControllerPose.Interpolate(a.controllerLeftPose, b.controllerLeftPose, t),
         controllerRightPose = ControllerPose.Interpolate(a.controllerRightPose, b.controllerRightPose, t),
         handLeftPose = HandPose.Interpolate(a.handLeftPose, b.handLeftPose, t),
         handRightPose = HandPose.Interpolate(a.handRightPose, b.handRightPose, t),
Example #22
        private async Task RegisterLikeGesture()
            // Our starting pose is a fist
            var fist = new HandPose("Fist", new PalmPose(new AnyHandContext(), PoseDirection.Left | PoseDirection.Right),
                                    new FingerPose(new AllFingersContext(), FingerFlexion.Folded));
            // In the final pose the thumb flexion will open in the "up" direction
            var like = new HandPose("Like", new PalmPose(new AnyHandContext(), PoseDirection.Left | PoseDirection.Right),
                                    new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Index, Finger.Middle, Finger.Ring, Finger.Pinky }, FingerFlexion.Folded),
                                    new FingerPose(Finger.Thumb, FingerFlexion.Open, PoseDirection.Up));

            // ... finally define the gesture using the hand pose objects defined above forming a simple state machine: fist -> Like
            _likeGesture            = new Gesture("LikeGesture", fist, like);
            _likeGesture.Triggered += (s, arg) => GestureChanged?.Invoke(arg.GestureSegment.Name);

            // Registering the like gesture _globally_ (i.e. isGlobal:true), by global registration we mean this gesture will be
            // detected even it was initiated not by this application or if the this application isn't in focus
            await _gesturesService.RegisterGesture(_likeGesture, isGlobal : true);
Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the best pre-recorded snap-point to grab an object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="grabbable">The snappable object.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// If the snappable is object is valid, the best SnapPoint to grab it alongside the
        /// Hand-Pose to use when grabbing at that position.
        /// </returns>
        private (BaseSnapPoint, ScoredHandPose)? SnapForGrabbable(GameObject grabbable)
            if (grabbable == null)

            if (grabbable.TryGetComponent <Snappable>(out Snappable snappable))
                HandPose      userPose = this.puppet.TrackedPose(snappable.transform);
                BaseSnapPoint snapPose = snappable.FindBestSnapPose(userPose, out ScoredHandPose bestPose);
                if (snapPose != null)
                    return(snapPose, bestPose);
Example #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Interpolate between two ScoredHandPose. Both ScoredHandPoses must have the same direction.
        /// This method does not only moves the hands, but also adjusts the score linearly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from">The base ScoredHandPose to interpolate from.</param>
        /// <param name="to">The target ScoredHandPose to interpolate to.</param>
        /// <param name="t">The interpolation factor, 0 for the base, 1 for the target value.</param>
        /// <returns>A ScoredHandPose between base and target, null if they are not interpolable.</returns>
        public static ScoredHandPose?Lerp(ScoredHandPose from, ScoredHandPose to, float t)
            if (from.Direction != to.Direction)
                UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("ScoredHandPose must have same direction for interpolation");

            float    score = UnityEngine.Mathf.Lerp(from.Score, to.Score, t);
            HandPose?pose  = HandPose.Lerp(from.Pose, to.Pose, t);

            if (!pose.HasValue)
                UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("ScoredHandPose interpolation error");
            return(new ScoredHandPose(pose.Value, score, from.Direction));
Example #25
    private string GetHandPoseTriggerName(HandPose pose)
        string poseName;

        if (pose == HandPose.hold)
            poseName = "Hold";
        else if (pose == HandPose.pinch)
            poseName = "Pinch";
            poseName = "Relax";

Example #26
        private static async Task RegisterRotateRightGesture()
            // Start with defining the first pose, ...
            var hold = new HandPose("Hold", new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Thumb, Finger.Index }, FingerFlexion.Open, PoseDirection.Forward),
                                    new FingertipDistanceRelation(Finger.Index, RelativeDistance.NotTouching, Finger.Thumb),
                                    new FingertipPlacementRelation(Finger.Index, RelativePlacement.Above, Finger.Thumb));
            // ... define the second pose, ...
            var rotate = new HandPose("Rotate", new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Thumb, Finger.Index }, FingerFlexion.Open, PoseDirection.Forward),
                                      new FingertipDistanceRelation(Finger.Index, RelativeDistance.NotTouching, Finger.Thumb),
                                      new FingertipPlacementRelation(Finger.Index, RelativePlacement.Right, Finger.Thumb));

            // ... finally define the gesture using the hand pose objects defined above forming a simple state machine: hold -> rotate
            _rotateGesture            = new Gesture("RotateRight", hold, rotate);
            _rotateGesture.Triggered += (s, e) => OnGestureDetected(s, e, ConsoleColor.Yellow);

            // Step 3: Register the gesture
            // Registering the like gesture _globally_ (i.e. isGlobal:true), by global registration we mean this gesture will be
            // detected even it was initiated not by this application or if the this application isn't in focus
            await _gesturesService.RegisterGesture(_rotateGesture, isGlobal : true);
    private void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))

        foreach (var pose in Poses)
            Handedness handedness = ComparePose(pose);
            if (handedness != Handedness.None)
                currentPose            = pose;
                currentPose.handedness = handedness;

        currentPose = None;
        private async void PageLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Step 1: Connect to Microsoft Gestures service
            _gesturesService = GesturesServiceEndpointFactory.Create();
            var dispatcher = CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread().Dispatcher;

            _gesturesService.StatusChanged += async(s, arg) => await dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => GesturesServiceStatus.Text = $"[{arg.Status}]");

            Unloaded += async(s, arg) =>
                await _gesturesService?.Disconnect();

            await _gesturesService.ConnectAsync();

            // Step 2: Define your custom gesture
            // Start with defining the first pose, ...
            var hold = new HandPose("Hold", new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Thumb, Finger.Index }, FingerFlexion.Open, PoseDirection.Forward),
                                    new FingertipDistanceRelation(Finger.Index, RelativeDistance.NotTouching, Finger.Thumb),
                                    new FingertipPlacementRelation(Finger.Index, RelativePlacement.Above, Finger.Thumb));
            // ... define the second pose, ...
            var rotate = new HandPose("Rotate", new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Thumb, Finger.Index }, FingerFlexion.Open, PoseDirection.Forward),
                                      new FingertipDistanceRelation(Finger.Index, RelativeDistance.NotTouching, Finger.Thumb),
                                      new FingertipPlacementRelation(Finger.Index, RelativePlacement.Right, Finger.Thumb));

            // ... finally define the gesture using the hand pose objects defined above forming a simple state machine: hold -> rotate
            _rotateGesture            = new Gesture("RotateRight", hold, rotate);
            _rotateGesture.Triggered += async(s, args) => await dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                var rotateTransform = new RotateTransform {
                    CenterX = Arrow.ActualWidth / 2, CenterY = Arrow.ActualHeight / 2
                rotateTransform.Angle = ++_rotateTimes * 90;
                Arrow.RenderTransform = rotateTransform;

            // Step 3: Register the gesture (When window focus is lost (gained) the service will automatically unregister (register) the gesture)
            //         To manually control the gesture registration, pass 'isGlobal: true' parameter in the function call below
            await _gesturesService.RegisterGesture(_rotateGesture);
Example #29
        private void UpdateAnimStates()
            bool     grabbing = _grabber.GrabbedObject != null;
            HandPose grabPose = m_defaultGrabPose;

            if (grabbing)
                HandPose customPose = _grabber.GrabbedObject.GetComponent <HandPose>();
                if (customPose != null)
                    grabPose = customPose;
            // Pose
            HandPoseId handPoseId = grabPose.PoseId;

            m_animator.SetInteger(_animParamIndexPose, (int)handPoseId);

            // Flex
            // blend between open hand and fully closed fist
            float flex = OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.Axis1D.PrimaryHandTrigger, m_controller);

            m_animator.SetFloat(_animParamIndexFlex, flex);

            // Point
            bool  canPoint = !grabbing || grabPose.AllowPointing;
            float point    = canPoint ? _pointBlend : 0.0f;

            m_animator.SetLayerWeight(_animLayerIndexPoint, point);

            // Thumbs up
            bool  canThumbsUp = !grabbing || grabPose.AllowThumbsUp;
            float thumbsUp    = canThumbsUp ? _thumbsUpBlend : 0.0f;

            m_animator.SetLayerWeight(_animLayerIndexThumb, thumbsUp);

            float pinch = OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.Axis1D.PrimaryIndexTrigger, m_controller);

            m_animator.SetFloat("Pinch", pinch);
        private void ChangeSelectionHandAnimation()
            if (usePreviousAnimationOnHandAnimation)
                var animController    = originalAvatar.StandingAnimController;
                var previousAnimation = animController[AnimationsGUI.HANDANIMS[(int)selectedHandAnim - 1]];

                // 未設定でなければ以前設定されていたものをHandPoseAnimationとして使う
                if (previousAnimation != null && previousAnimation.name != AnimationsGUI.HANDANIMS[(int)selectedHandAnim - 1])
                    handPoseAnim = previousAnimation;
                    handPoseAnim = HandPose.GetHandAnimationClip(selectedHandAnim);
                handPoseAnim = HandPose.GetHandAnimationClip(selectedHandAnim);
Example #31
 public void OnRightHand(HandPose transition)
     Moment now = HolofunkModel.Clock.Now;
     lock (m_rightHandModel.StateMachine) {
         Spam.Model.WriteLine("PlayerModel.OnRightHand: received transition " + transition);
         m_rightHandModel.StateMachine.OnNext(LoopieEvent.FromHandPose(transition), now);