Example #1
        //get difference on dot product
        public static Double Hand_Dot_Product(HandKeyData hkd0, HandKeyData hkd1)
            double answer = 0f;
            double tmp_dot;
            double fkd0_self_dot;
            double fkd1_self_dot;

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                //get dot metrix answer of finger on different hands
                tmp_dot = hkd0.Finger_[i].TipPosition.Dot(hkd1.Finger_[i].TipPosition);
                //fingertip of each hand do self dot metrix, and the answer is square tip-palm distance

                 * fkd0_self_dot = Self_Dot(hkd0.Finger_[i].TipPosition);
                 * fkd1_self_dot = Self_Dot(hkd1.Finger_[i].TipPosition);
                 * //chose the bigger one
                 * fkd0_self_dot = fkd0_self_dot > fkd1_self_dot ? fkd0_self_dot : fkd1_self_dot;
                fkd0_self_dot  = hkd0.Finger_[i].TipPosition.DistanceTo(new Vector(0, 0, 0));
                fkd1_self_dot  = hkd1.Finger_[i].TipPosition.DistanceTo(new Vector(0, 0, 0));
                fkd0_self_dot *= fkd1_self_dot;
                //get answer of it minus dot metrix.
                answer += fkd0_self_dot - tmp_dot;
Example #2
 public static void Hand_Normalized(ref HandKeyData hkd, float changing_parameters)
     for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
         Finger_Normalized(ref hkd.Finger_[i], changing_parameters);
     hkd.PalmPosition *= changing_parameters;
Example #3
        public static void Hand_Normalized(ref HandKeyData hkd0, ref HandKeyData hkd1)
            float changing_parameters;

            //get normalize ratio (middle finger ratio)
            changing_parameters = hkd0.Finger_[2].Length / hkd1.Finger_[2].Length;
            //do size normalize
            Hand_Normalized(ref hkd1, changing_parameters);
Example #4
        //method of using euclidean metric
        public static Double Hand_Euclid(HandKeyData hkd0, HandKeyData hkd1)
            double answer = 0;

            //plus difference of distance of tip-palm of each finger of 2 hands
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                answer += Math.Abs(hkd0.PalmPosition.DistanceTo(hkd0.Finger_[i].TipPosition)
                                   - hkd1.PalmPosition.DistanceTo(hkd1.Finger_[i].TipPosition));
Example #5
        //plus distance of each finger of 2 hands.
        public static Double Hand_Compare(HandKeyData hkd0, HandKeyData hkd1)
            double an = new double();

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                an += Finger_Compare(hkd0.Finger_[i], hkd1.Finger_[i]);
            //plus distance of plam position
            an += hkd0.PalmPosition.DistanceTo(hkd1.PalmPosition);