Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// The calculate bitrate limits.
        /// </summary>
        private void SetupBitrateLimits()
            // Base set of bitrates available.
            List <int> audioBitrates = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.AudioBitrates;

            // Defaults
            int max = 256;
            int low = 32;

            // Based on the users settings, find the high and low bitrates.
            HBAudioEncoder hbaenc  = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetAudioEncoder(EnumHelper <AudioEncoder> .GetShortName(this.Encoder));
            HBRate         rate    = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.AudioSampleRates.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == this.SampleRate.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            HBMixdown      mixdown = this.mixDown ?? HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetMixdown("dpl2");

            BitrateLimits limits = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetBitrateLimits(hbaenc, rate != null ? rate.Rate : 48000, mixdown);

            if (limits != null)
                max = limits.High;
                low = limits.Low;

            // Return the subset of available bitrates.
            List <int> subsetBitrates = audioBitrates.Where(b => b <= max && b >= low).ToList();

            this.bitrates = subsetBitrates;
            this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.Bitrates);

            // If the subset does not contain the current bitrate, request the default.
            if (!subsetBitrates.Contains(this.Bitrate))
                this.Bitrate = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetDefaultBitrate(hbaenc, rate != null ? rate.Rate : 48000, mixdown);
Example #2
        private bool IsPresetDisabled(Preset preset)
            bool isQsvEnabled   = this.userSettingService.GetUserSetting <bool>(UserSettingConstants.EnableQuickSyncEncoding);
            bool isNvencEnabled = this.userSettingService.GetUserSetting <bool>(UserSettingConstants.EnableNvencEncoder);
            bool isVcnEnabled   = this.userSettingService.GetUserSetting <bool>(UserSettingConstants.EnableVceEncoder);

            HBVideoEncoder foundEncoder = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetVideoEncoder(EnumHelper <VideoEncoder> .GetShortName(preset.Task.VideoEncoder));

            if (foundEncoder == null)

            if (VideoEncoderHelpers.IsQuickSync(preset.Task.VideoEncoder) && !isQsvEnabled)

            if (VideoEncoderHelpers.IsNVEnc(preset.Task.VideoEncoder) && !isNvencEnabled)

            if (VideoEncoderHelpers.IsVCN(preset.Task.VideoEncoder) && !isVcnEnabled)

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used.
        /// </returns>
        /// <param name="value">The value produced by the binding source.</param><param name="targetType">The type of the binding target property.</param><param name="parameter">The converter parameter to use.</param><param name="culture">The culture to use in the converter.</param>
        public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            AudioTrack track = value as AudioTrack;

            if (track != null && track.ScannedTrack != null)
                HBAudioEncoder encoder =
                    HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetAudioEncoder(EnumHelper <AudioEncoder> .GetShortName(track.Encoder));

                BindingList <HBMixdown> mixdowns = new BindingList <HBMixdown>();
                foreach (HBMixdown mixdown in HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.Mixdowns)
                    if (HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.MixdownIsSupported(


Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// The setup quality compression limits.
        /// </summary>
        private void SetupQualityCompressionLimits()
            HBAudioEncoder hbAudioEncoder = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetAudioEncoder(EnumHelper <AudioEncoder> .GetShortName(this.Encoder));

            if (hbAudioEncoder.SupportsQuality)
                RangeLimits limits = null;

                if (hbAudioEncoder.SupportsQuality)
                    limits = hbAudioEncoder.QualityLimits;

                if (limits != null)
                    double        value  = limits.Ascending ? limits.Low : limits.High;
                    List <double> values = new List <double> {

                    if (limits.Ascending)
                        while (value < limits.High)
                            value += limits.Granularity;
                        while (value > limits.Low)
                            value -= limits.Granularity;

                    this.encoderQualityValues = values;
                    this.encoderQualityValues = new List <double>();
                this.encoderQualityValues = new List <double>();

            // Default the audio quality value if it's out of range.
            if (Equals(this.EncoderRateType, AudioEncoderRateType.Quality))
                if (this.Quality.HasValue && !this.encoderQualityValues.Contains(this.Quality.Value))
                    this.Quality = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetDefaultQuality(hbAudioEncoder);

            this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.EncoderQualityValues);
Example #5
        public void Init()
            this.maxAllowedInstances = this.userSettingService.GetUserSetting <int>(UserSettingConstants.SimultaneousEncodes);

            // Allow QSV adapter scaling.
            this.qsvGpus           = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetQsvAdaptorList();
            this.totalQsvInstances = this.qsvGpus.Count * 2; // Allow two instances per GPU

            if (this.userSettingService.GetUserSetting <bool>(UserSettingConstants.EnableQuickSyncHyperEncode))
                // When HyperEncode is supported, we encode 1 job across multiple media engines.
                this.totalQsvInstances = 1;

            // Most Nvidia cards support 3 instances.
            this.totalNvidiaInstances = 3;

            // VCE Support still TBD
            this.totalVceInstances = 3;

            this.totalMfInstances = 1;

            // Whether using hardware or not, some CPU is needed so don't allow more jobs than CPU.
            if (this.maxAllowedInstances > Utilities.SystemInfo.MaximumSimultaneousInstancesSupported)
                this.maxAllowedInstances = Utilities.SystemInfo.MaximumSimultaneousInstancesSupported;
Example #6
        public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            if (values == null || values.Length != 2)

            IList <AudioEncoderRateType> fetchRateTypes = EnumHelper <AudioEncoderRateType> .GetEnumList().ToList();

            List <string> types = new List <string>();

            foreach (var item in fetchRateTypes)
                types.Add(EnumHelper <AudioEncoderRateType> .GetDisplay(item));

            AudioEncoder audioEncoder    = values[0] is AudioEncoder ? (AudioEncoder)values[0] : AudioEncoder.None;
            AudioEncoder fallbackEncoder = values[1] is AudioEncoder ? (AudioEncoder)values[1] : AudioEncoder.None;

            HBAudioEncoder selectedEncoder         = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetAudioEncoder(EnumHelper <AudioEncoder> .GetShortName(audioEncoder));
            HBAudioEncoder selectedFallbackEncoder = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetAudioEncoder(EnumHelper <AudioEncoder> .GetShortName(fallbackEncoder));

            if (selectedEncoder != null && selectedEncoder.IsPassthrough)
                if (selectedFallbackEncoder != null && !selectedFallbackEncoder.SupportsQuality)
                    types.Remove(EnumHelper <AudioEncoderRateType> .GetDisplay(AudioEncoderRateType.Quality));

Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Restrict the available mixdowns to those that the enocder actually supports.
        /// </summary>
        private void SetupMixdowns()
            this.mixdowns = new BindingList <HBMixdown>(HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.Mixdowns.ToList());

            HBAudioEncoder audioEncoder = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetAudioEncoder(EnumHelper <AudioEncoder> .GetShortName(this.Encoder));

            BindingList <HBMixdown> mixdownList = new BindingList <HBMixdown>();

            foreach (HBMixdown mixdown in HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.Mixdowns)
                if (HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.MixdownHasCodecSupport(mixdown, audioEncoder) || this.IsPassthru) // Show only supported, or all for passthru.

            this.mixdowns = new BindingList <HBMixdown>(mixdownList);
            this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.Mixdowns);

            // If the mixdown isn't supported, downgrade it to the best available.
            if (!this.Mixdowns.Contains(this.MixDown))
                this.mixDown = this.Mixdowns.LastOrDefault();
                this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.MixDown);
Example #8
        private void RefreshCopyMaskChoices()
            List <CopyMaskChoiceViewModel> oldChoices = new List <CopyMaskChoiceViewModel>(this.copyMaskChoices.Items);

            this.copyMaskChoices.Edit(copyMaskChoicesInnerList =>

                HBContainer container = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetContainer(this.EncodingWindowViewModel.Profile.ContainerName);
                foreach (HBAudioEncoder encoder in HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.AudioEncoders)
                    if ((encoder.CompatibleContainers & container.Id) > 0 && encoder.IsPassthrough && encoder.ShortName != AudioEncodingViewModel.AutoPassthroughEncoder)
                        bool enabled = true;
                        string codec = encoder.ShortName.Substring(5);
                        CopyMaskChoiceViewModel oldChoice = oldChoices.FirstOrDefault(choice => choice.Codec == codec);
                        if (oldChoice != null)
                            enabled = oldChoice.Enabled;

                        copyMaskChoicesInnerList.Add(new CopyMaskChoiceViewModel(codec, enabled));
Example #9
        private string GetAudioDescription()
            if (this.Task.AudioTracks.Count == 0)

            StringBuilder desc = new StringBuilder();

            if (this.Task.AudioTracks.Count >= 1)
                AudioTrack track1      = this.Task.AudioTracks[0];
                HBMixdown  mixdownName = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetMixdown(track1.MixDown);
                string     mixdown     = mixdownName != null ? ", " + mixdownName.DisplayName : string.Empty;
                desc.AppendLine(string.Format("{0}{1}", EnumHelper <AudioEncoder> .GetDisplay(track1.Encoder), mixdown));

            if (this.Task.AudioTracks.Count >= 2)
                AudioTrack track2      = this.Task.AudioTracks[1];
                HBMixdown  mixdownName = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetMixdown(track2.MixDown);
                string     mixdown     = mixdownName != null ? ", " + mixdownName.DisplayName : string.Empty;
                desc.AppendLine(string.Format("{0}{1}", EnumHelper <AudioEncoder> .GetDisplay(track2.Encoder), mixdown));

            if (this.Task.AudioTracks.Count > 2)
                desc.AppendLine(string.Format("+ {0} {1}", this.Task.AudioTracks.Count - 2, ResourcesUI.SummaryView_AdditionalAudioTracks));

        public static string GetExtensionForProfile(VCProfile profile, bool includeDot = true)
            HBContainer container = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetContainer(profile.ContainerName);

            if (container == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Could not find container with name " + profile.ContainerName, nameof(profile));

            string extension;

            if (container.DefaultExtension == "mkv")
                extension = "mkv";
            else if (container.DefaultExtension == "mp4" && profile.PreferredExtension == VCOutputExtension.Mp4)
                extension = "mp4";
                extension = "m4v";

            return(includeDot ? "." + extension : extension);
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AudioTrack"/> class.
        /// Create a track from a behaviour track.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="track">
        /// The Behavior track
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="sourceTrack">
        /// The source track we are dealing with.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="fallback">
        /// An encoder to fall back to.
        /// </param>
        public AudioTrack(AudioBehaviourTrack track, Audio sourceTrack, AudioEncoder fallback)
            AudioEncoder   chosenEncoder = track.Encoder;
            HBAudioEncoder encoderInfo   = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetAudioEncoder(EnumHelper <AudioEncoder> .GetShortName(track.Encoder));

            if (track.IsPassthru && (sourceTrack.Codec & encoderInfo.Id) == 0)
                chosenEncoder = fallback;
                encoderInfo   = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetAudioEncoder(EnumHelper <AudioEncoder> .GetShortName(track.Encoder));

            this.scannedTrack = sourceTrack;
            this.drc          = track.DRC;
            this.encoder      = chosenEncoder;
            this.gain         = track.Gain;
            this.mixDown      = track.MixDown != null ? track.MixDown.ShortName : "dpl2";

            // If the mixdown isn't supported, downgrade it.
            if (track.IsPassthru && track.MixDown != null && encoderInfo != null && !HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.MixdownIsSupported(track.MixDown, encoderInfo, sourceTrack.ChannelLayout))
                HBMixdown changedMixdown = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetDefaultMixdown(encoderInfo, (ulong)sourceTrack.ChannelLayout);
                if (changedMixdown != null)
                    this.mixDown = changedMixdown.ShortName;

            this.sampleRate      = track.SampleRate;
            this.encoderRateType = track.EncoderRateType;
            this.quality         = track.Quality;
            this.bitrate         = track.Bitrate;

Example #12
        private void RefreshEncoderChoices(string containerName, EncoderChoicesRefreshSource refreshSource)
            HBContainer container = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetContainer(containerName);

            HBVideoEncoder oldEncoder = null;

            if (this.selectedEncoder != null)
                oldEncoder = this.selectedEncoder.Encoder;

            this.encoderChoices = new List <VideoEncoderViewModel>();

            foreach (HBVideoEncoder encoder in HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.VideoEncoders)
                if ((encoder.CompatibleContainers & container.Id) > 0)
                    this.EncoderChoices.Add(new VideoEncoderViewModel {
                        Encoder = encoder


            HBVideoEncoder targetEncoder;

            switch (refreshSource)
            case EncoderChoicesRefreshSource.ContainerChange:
                targetEncoder = oldEncoder;

            case EncoderChoicesRefreshSource.ProfileChange:
                targetEncoder = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetVideoEncoder(this.Profile.VideoEncoder);

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(refreshSource), refreshSource, null);

            this.selectedEncoder = this.EncoderChoices.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Encoder == targetEncoder);

            if (this.selectedEncoder == null)
                this.selectedEncoder = this.EncoderChoices[0];

            // If it's a container change we need to commit the new encoder change.
            if (refreshSource == EncoderChoicesRefreshSource.ContainerChange && this.selectedEncoder.Encoder != oldEncoder)
                this.UpdateProfileProperty(nameof(this.Profile.VideoEncoder), this.selectedEncoder.Encoder.ShortName, raisePropertyChanged: false);

Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// The create audio.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="job">
        /// The job.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="Audio"/>.
        /// </returns>
        private static Audio CreateAudio(EncodeJob job)
            Audio audio = new Audio();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(job.AudioEncoderFallback))
                HBAudioEncoder audioEncoder = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetAudioEncoder(job.AudioEncoderFallback);
                Validate.NotNull(audioEncoder, "Unrecognized fallback audio encoder: " + job.AudioEncoderFallback);
                audio.FallbackEncoder = audioEncoder.Id;

            audio.CopyMask = (int)NativeConstants.HB_ACODEC_ANY;

            audio.AudioList = new List <AudioList>();
            foreach (AudioEncoding item in job.AudioEncodings)
                HBAudioEncoder encoder = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetAudioEncoder(item.Encoder);
                Validate.NotNull(encoder, "Unrecognized audio encoder:" + item.Encoder);

                HBMixdown mixdown = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetMixdown(item.Mixdown);
                Validate.NotNull(mixdown, "Unrecognized audio mixdown:" + item.Mixdown);

                AudioList audioTrack = new AudioList
                    Track             = item.InputNumber - 1,
                    DRC               = item.Drc,
                    Encoder           = encoder.Id,
                    Gain              = item.Gain,
                    Mixdown           = mixdown.Id,
                    NormalizeMixLevel = false,
                    Samplerate        = item.SampleRateRaw,
                    Name              = item.Name,

                if (!item.IsPassthru)
                    if (item.EncodeRateType == AudioEncodeRateType.Quality)
                        audioTrack.Quality = item.Quality;

                    if (item.EncodeRateType == AudioEncodeRateType.Compression)
                        audioTrack.CompressionLevel = item.Compression;

                    if (item.EncodeRateType == AudioEncodeRateType.Bitrate)
                        audioTrack.Bitrate = item.Bitrate;


        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used.
        /// </returns>
        /// <param name="value">The value produced by the binding source.</param><param name="targetType">The type of the binding target property.</param><param name="parameter">The converter parameter to use.</param><param name="culture">The culture to use in the converter.</param>
        public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            string mixdown = value as string;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mixdown))

            return(HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetMixdown("dpl2")); // Default
Example #15
        private HBAudioEncoder GetEncoderForLimits()
            HBAudioEncoder hbaenc = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetAudioEncoder(EnumHelper <AudioEncoder> .GetShortName(this.Encoder));

            if (hbaenc != null && hbaenc.IsPassthrough)
                hbaenc = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetAudioEncoder(EnumHelper <AudioEncoder> .GetShortName(this.fallbackEncoder));

        public SourceSubtitleViewModel(SubtitleDialogViewModel subtitleDialogViewModel, SourceSubtitle subtitle)
            this.SubtitleDialogViewModel = subtitleDialogViewModel;
            this.subtitle = subtitle;

            if (subtitle.TrackNumber != 0)
                this.inputSubtitle = this.mainViewModel.SelectedTitle.SubtitleList[subtitle.TrackNumber - 1];

            // CanPass
            this.presetsService.WhenAnyValue(x => x.SelectedPreset.Preset.EncodingProfile.ContainerName, containerName =>
                if (this.TrackNumber == 0)

                return(HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.SubtitleCanPassthrough(this.inputSubtitle.Source, HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetContainer(containerName).Id));
            }).ToProperty(this, x => x.CanPass, out this.canPass);

            // BurnedInEnabled
            this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.CanPass, canPass =>
                if (this.TrackNumber == 0)

                if (!canPass)

                if (!this.CanBurn)

            }).ToProperty(this, x => x.BurnedInEnabled, out this.burnedInEnabled);

            // When BurnedInEnabled changes, refresh to see if it should be updated to a predetermined value.
            this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.BurnedInEnabled).Subscribe(_ =>

            this.DuplicateSubtitle = ReactiveCommand.Create();
            this.DuplicateSubtitle.Subscribe(_ => this.DuplicateSubtitleImpl());

            this.RemoveSubtitle = ReactiveCommand.Create();
            this.RemoveSubtitle.Subscribe(_ => this.RemoveSubtitleImpl());
Example #17
        private bool CanAddTrack(AudioBehaviourTrack track, Audio sourceTrack, AudioEncoder fallback)
            if (fallback == AudioEncoder.None)
                HBAudioEncoder encoderInfo = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetAudioEncoder(EnumHelper <AudioEncoder> .GetShortName(track.Encoder));
                if (track.IsPassthru && (sourceTrack.Codec & encoderInfo.Id) == 0)

Example #18
        private void RemoveIfNotSupported(AudioEncoder encoder, Audio sourceTrack, List <AudioEncoder> encoders)
            if (sourceTrack == null)

            HBAudioEncoder encoderInfo = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetAudioEncoder(EnumHelper <AudioEncoder> .GetShortName(encoder));

            if ((sourceTrack.Codec & encoderInfo.Id) == 0)
Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the audio encoder to use, given the main encoder choice and the passthrough choice. The generic "Passthrough" choice
        /// on the main encoder picker is split out into the specific types via the "scope" dropdown.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="audioEncoderViewModel">The chosen audio encoder.</param>
        /// <param name="passthrough">The short encoder id of the passthrough option.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static HBAudioEncoder GetHBAudioEncoder(AudioEncoderViewModel audioEncoderViewModel, string passthrough)
            if (audioEncoderViewModel == null)

            if (audioEncoderViewModel.IsPassthrough)

Example #20
        public static OutputAudioTrackInfo GetDefaultSettings(SourceAudioTrack source, HBAudioEncoder encoder)
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source));

            if (encoder == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(encoder));

            var result = new OutputAudioTrackInfo
                Encoder    = encoder,
                Drc        = 0,
                Gain       = 0,
                SampleRate = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.SanitizeSampleRate(encoder, source.SampleRate)

            if (encoder.SupportsCompression)
                result.CompressionLevel = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetDefaultAudioCompression(encoder);

            HBMixdown mixdown = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetDefaultMixdown(encoder, (ulong)source.ChannelLayout);

            result.Mixdown = mixdown;

            // For some reason HB does not honor Quality when falling back to an encoder during auto-passthrough.
            // For now we do bitrate only.

            //if (encoder.SupportsQuality)
            //    result.EncodeRateType = AudioEncodeRateType.Quality;
            //    result.Quality = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetDefaultQuality(encoder);

            result.EncodeRateType = AudioEncodeRateType.Bitrate;
            result.Bitrate        = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetDefaultBitrate(encoder, result.SampleRate, mixdown);


Example #21
        public void UpdateWarningVisibility()
            bool        textSubtitleVisible = false;
            VCProfile   profile             = this.presetsService.SelectedPreset.Preset.EncodingProfile;
            HBContainer profileContainer    = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetContainer(profile.ContainerName);

            if (profileContainer.DefaultExtension == "mp4" && profile.PreferredExtension == VCOutputExtension.Mp4)
                foreach (SourceSubtitleViewModel sourceVM in this.SourceSubtitles)
                    if (sourceVM.Selected && sourceVM.SubtitleName.Contains("(Text)"))
                        textSubtitleVisible = true;

            this.TextSubtitleWarningVisible = textSubtitleVisible;

            bool anyBurned   = false;
            int  totalTracks = 0;

            foreach (SourceSubtitleViewModel sourceVM in this.SourceSubtitles)
                if (sourceVM.Selected)
                    if (sourceVM.BurnedIn)
                        anyBurned = true;

            foreach (SrtSubtitleViewModel srtVM in this.SrtSubtitles)
                if (srtVM.BurnedIn)
                    anyBurned = true;

            this.BurnedOverlapWarningVisible = anyBurned && totalTracks > 1;
Example #22
        private static void UpgradeEncodingProfileTo24(VCProfile profile)
            profile.VideoOptions = profile.X264Options;
            profile.VideoTunes   = profile.X264Tunes;
            profile.VideoPreset  = profile.X264Preset;
            profile.VideoProfile = profile.X264Profile;
            profile.VideoLevel   = profile.H264Level;

            // If QSV was the old encoder and QSV is available, use the QSV preset.
            string videoEncoderName = profile.VideoEncoder;

            if (HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetVideoEncoder(videoEncoderName) == null)
                if (videoEncoderName == "qsv_h264")
                    profile.VideoPreset = profile.QsvPreset;
Example #23
        private void RefreshFallbackEncoderChoices()
            if (this.EncodingWindowViewModel.Profile == null)

            HBContainer    container  = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetContainer(this.EncodingWindowViewModel.Profile.ContainerName);
            HBAudioEncoder oldEncoder = null;

            if (this.audioEncoderFallback != null)
                oldEncoder = this.audioEncoderFallback.Encoder;

            this.fallbackEncoderChoices = new List <AudioEncoderViewModel>();

            this.FallbackEncoderChoices.Add(new AudioEncoderViewModel {
                Encoder = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetAudioEncoder("none")

            foreach (HBAudioEncoder encoder in HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.AudioEncoders)
                if ((encoder.CompatibleContainers & container.Id) > 0 && !encoder.IsPassthrough)
                    this.FallbackEncoderChoices.Add(new AudioEncoderViewModel {
                        Encoder = encoder


            this.audioEncoderFallback = this.FallbackEncoderChoices.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Encoder == oldEncoder);

            if (this.audioEncoderFallback == null)
                this.audioEncoderFallback = this.FallbackEncoderChoices[1];

Example #24
        private void RefreshMixdownChoices()
            HBMixdown oldMixdown = null;

            if (this.SelectedMixdown != null)
                oldMixdown = this.SelectedMixdown.Mixdown;

            this.mixdownChoices = new List <MixdownViewModel>();

            HBAudioEncoder hbAudioEncoder = this.HBAudioEncoder;

            foreach (HBMixdown mixdown in HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.Mixdowns)
                // Only add option if codec supports the mixdown
                if (HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.MixdownHasCodecSupport(mixdown, hbAudioEncoder))
                    // Determine compatibility of mixdown with the input channel layout
                    // Incompatible mixdowns are grayed out
                    bool isCompatible = true;
                    if (this.main.HasVideoSource)
                        SourceAudioTrack track = this.GetTargetAudioTrack();
                        if (track != null)
                            isCompatible = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.MixdownHasRemixSupport(mixdown, (ulong)track.ChannelLayout);

                    this.MixdownChoices.Add(new MixdownViewModel {
                        Mixdown = mixdown, IsCompatible = isCompatible



Example #25
        public void Init()
            this.maxAllowedInstances = this.userSettingService.GetUserSetting <int>(UserSettingConstants.SimultaneousEncodes);

            // Allow QSV adapter scaling.
            this.qsvGpus           = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetQsvAdaptorList();
            this.totalQsvInstances = this.qsvGpus.Count * 2; // Allow two instances per GPU

            // Most Nvidia cards support 3 instances.
            this.totalNvidiaInstances = 3;

            // VCE Support still TBD
            this.totalVceInstances = 3;

            // Whether using hardware or not, some CPU is needed so don't allow more jobs than CPU.
            if (this.maxAllowedInstances > Utilities.SystemInfo.GetCpuCoreCount)
                this.maxAllowedInstances = Utilities.SystemInfo.GetCpuCoreCount;
Example #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used.
        /// </returns>
        /// <param name="value">
        /// The value produced by the binding source.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="targetType">
        /// The type of the binding target property.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="parameter">
        /// The converter parameter to use.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="culture">
        /// The culture to use in the converter.
        /// </param>
        public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            EncodeTask task = value as EncodeTask;

            if (task != null)
                string rfqp = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetVideoQualityRateControlName(EnumHelper <VideoEncoder> .GetShortName(task.VideoEncoder));

                string quality = task.VideoEncodeRateType == VideoEncodeRateType.ConstantQuality ? string.Format("{0} {1}", task.Quality, rfqp) : string.Format("{0} {1}", task.VideoBitrate, " kbps");
                string twoPass = null;

                if (task.VideoEncodeRateType == VideoEncodeRateType.AverageBitrate)
                    twoPass = task.TwoPass ? task.TurboFirstPass ? " (2-Pass with Turbo)" : " (2-Pass)" : string.Empty;

                return(string.Format("{0} - {1}{2}", EnumHelper <VideoEncoder> .GetDisplay(task.VideoEncoder), quality, twoPass));

Example #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the default mixdown when the mixdown is null or "none"
        /// </summary>
        private void GetDefaultMixdownIfNull()
            if (this.ScannedTrack == null)

            HBAudioEncoder aencoder         = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetAudioEncoder(EnumHelper <AudioEncoder> .GetShortName(this.encoder));
            HBMixdown      currentMixdown   = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetMixdown(this.mixDown);
            HBMixdown      sanitisedMixdown = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.SanitizeMixdown(currentMixdown, aencoder, (uint)this.ScannedTrack.ChannelLayout);
            HBMixdown      defaultMixdown   = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetDefaultMixdown(aencoder, (uint)this.ScannedTrack.ChannelLayout);

            if (this.mixDown == null || this.mixDown == "none")
                this.MixDown = defaultMixdown.ShortName;
            else if (sanitisedMixdown != null)
                this.MixDown = sanitisedMixdown.ShortName;
Example #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AudioTrack"/> class.
        /// Create a track from a behaviour track.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="track">
        /// The Behavior track
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="sourceTrack">
        /// The source track we are dealing with.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="fallback">
        /// An encoder to fall back to.
        /// </param>
        public AudioTrack(AudioBehaviourTrack track, Audio sourceTrack, AudioEncoder fallback)
            AudioEncoder   chosenEncoder = track.Encoder;
            HBAudioEncoder encoderInfo   = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetAudioEncoder(EnumHelper <AudioEncoder> .GetShortName(track.Encoder));

            if (track.IsPassthru && (sourceTrack.Codec & encoderInfo.Id) == 0)
                chosenEncoder = fallback;

            this.scannedTrack    = sourceTrack;
            this.drc             = track.DRC;
            this.encoder         = chosenEncoder;
            this.gain            = track.Gain;
            this.mixDown         = track.MixDown != null ? track.MixDown.ShortName : "dpl2";
            this.sampleRate      = track.SampleRate;
            this.encoderRateType = track.EncoderRateType;
            this.quality         = track.Quality;
            this.bitrate         = track.Bitrate;

Example #29
        public static void ErrorCheckEncodingProfile(VCProfile profile)
            // mp4v2 only available on x86
            string containerName = profile.ContainerName;

            if (HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetContainer(containerName) == null)
                if (containerName == "mp4v2")
                    profile.ContainerName = "av_mp4";

            // QSV H.264 only available on systems with the right hardware.
            string videoEncoderName = profile.VideoEncoder;

            if (HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetVideoEncoder(videoEncoderName) == null)
                if (videoEncoderName == "qsv_h264")
                    profile.VideoEncoder = "x264";

            foreach (var audioEncoding in profile.AudioEncodings)
                if (audioEncoding.Encoder == "fdk_aac")
                    // Make sure this version of VidCoder recognizes the encoder
                    HBAudioEncoder encoder = HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetAudioEncoder(audioEncoding.Encoder);
                    if (encoder == null)
                        audioEncoding.Encoder = "av_aac";
                        StaticResolver.Resolve <IAppLogger>().Log("Preset specified fdk_aac but it is not supported in this build of VidCoder. Fell back to av_aac.");
Example #30
        private static void ErrorCheckPreset(Preset preset)
            // mp4v2 only available on x86
            string containerName = preset.EncodingProfile.ContainerName;

            if (HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetContainer(containerName) == null)
                if (containerName == "mp4v2")
                    preset.EncodingProfile.ContainerName = "av_mp4";

            // QSV H.264 only available on systems with the right hardware.
            string videoEncoderName = preset.EncodingProfile.VideoEncoder;

            if (HandBrakeEncoderHelpers.GetVideoEncoder(videoEncoderName) == null)
                if (videoEncoderName == "qsv_h264")
                    preset.EncodingProfile.VideoEncoder = "x264";