public override void Action(string[] args)
        List <HackableObject> connections = new List <HackableObject>();

        foreach (Router r in Router.unlockedRouters)

        // invalid arguments
        if (args.Length != 1)
            comRef.PrintToTerminal("Please input device name after \"hack\" command.");
        // everything good!
            HackableObject toHack = FindHackableObjectByUID(connections, args[0]);
            if (toHack != null)
                // SUCCESS PATH
                if ( && !   // hackable object found and not

                    comRef.PrintToTerminal("<color=\"green\">" + toHack.ToString() + " successfully hacked.</color>");
                    AudioHelper.PlaySound("hack", false);

                    // already active
                    // for loop through all hackable objects and turn them off
                    /// TODO: Make sure to check if object should be made inactive
                    /// or not (i.e. camera, etc. should not be when others are hacked)
                    foreach (Router r in Router.unlockedRouters)

                    // FAILURE PATH
                else if (     // hackable object active
                    comRef.PrintToTerminal("Already connected to " + toHack.ToString());
                else     // hackable object offline
                    comRef.PrintToTerminal("<color=\"red\">ERROR: " + toHack.ToString() + " is offline.</color>");
                    AudioHelper.PlaySound("error", false);
            else     // hackable object not found
                comRef.PrintToTerminal("<color=\"red\">ERROR: Connection doesn't exist.</color>");
                AudioHelper.PlaySound("error", false);