Example #1
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void terminateLongRunningRestTransactionalEndpointWithCustomTimeoutQuery() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
		 public virtual void TerminateLongRunningRestTransactionalEndpointWithCustomTimeoutQuery()
			  GraphDatabaseAPI database = StartDatabaseWithTimeout();
			  KernelTransactionMonitor timeoutMonitor = database.DependencyResolver.resolveDependency( typeof( KernelTransactionMonitor ) );
			  OpenEnterpriseNeoServer neoServer = StartNeoServer( ( GraphDatabaseFacade ) database );
			  long customTimeout = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis( 10 );
			  HTTP.Response beginResponse = HTTP.withHeaders( HttpHeaderUtils.MAX_EXECUTION_TIME_HEADER, customTimeout.ToString() ).POST(TransactionUri(neoServer), quotedJson("{ 'statements': [ { 'statement': 'CREATE (n)' } ] }"));
			  assertEquals( "Response should be successful.", 201, beginResponse.Status() );

			  string transactionEndPoint = beginResponse.Location();
			  _fakeClock.forward( 3, TimeUnit.SECONDS );

			  HTTP.Response response = HTTP.POST( transactionEndPoint, quotedJson( "{ 'statements': [ { 'statement': 'CREATE (n)' } ] }" ) );
			  assertEquals( "Response should be successful.", 200, response.Status() );

			  _fakeClock.forward( 11, TimeUnit.SECONDS );

			  response = HTTP.POST( transactionEndPoint, quotedJson( "{ 'statements': [ { 'statement': 'CREATE (n)' } ] }" ) );
			  assertEquals( "Response should be successful.", 200, response.Status() );

			  HTTP.Response commitResponse = HTTP.POST( transactionEndPoint + "/commit" );
			  assertEquals( "Transaction should be already closed and not found.", 404, commitResponse.Status() );

			  assertEquals( "Transaction should be forcefully closed.", TransactionNotFound.code().serialize(), commitResponse.Get("errors").findValue("code").asText() );
			  AssertDatabaseDoesNotHaveNodes( database );
Example #2
        public static long ExtractTxId(HTTP.Response response)
            int    lastSlash  = response.Location().LastIndexOf('/');
            string txIdString = response.Location().Substring(lastSlash + 1);

Example #3
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldReturnCorrectStatusCodeOnDeadlock() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        public virtual void ShouldReturnCorrectStatusCodeOnDeadlock()
            // Given
            using (Transaction tx = Graphdb().beginTx())

            // When I lock node:First
            HTTP.Response begin = _http.POST("db/data/transaction", quotedJson("{ 'statements': [ { 'statement': 'MATCH (n:First) SET n.prop=1' } ] }"));

            // and I lock node:Second, and wait for a lock on node:First in another transaction

            // and I wait for those locks to be pending
            assertTrue(_secondNodeLocked.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS));

            // and I then try and lock node:Second in the first transaction
            HTTP.Response deadlock = _http.POST(begin.Location(), quotedJson("{ 'statements': [ { 'statement': 'MATCH (n:Second) SET n.prop=1' } ] }"));

            // Then
            assertThat(deadlock.Get("errors").get(0).get("code").TextValue, equalTo(DeadlockDetected.code().serialize()));
Example #4
 private static HTTP.Response StartTx(HTTP.Builder http)
     HTTP.Response tx = http.Post("db/data/transaction");
     assertThat(tx.Status(), equalTo(201));
     assertThat(tx, containsNoErrors());
Example #5
        private static HTTP.Response ExecuteUpdateStatement(HTTP.Response tx, long value, HTTP.Builder http)
            string updateQuery = "MATCH (n:" + _label + ") SET n." + PROPERTY + "=" + value;

            HTTP.RawPayload json = quotedJson("{'statements': [{'statement':'" + updateQuery + "'}]}");
            return(http.Post(tx.Location(), json));
Example #6
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public void startServerWithConfiguredUser() throws java.io.IOException
        public virtual void StartServerWithConfiguredUser()
            // Set the password
            HTTP.Response post = HTTP.withBasicAuth("neo4j", "neo4j").POST(_server.baseUri().resolve("/user/neo4j/password").ToString(), HTTP.RawPayload.quotedJson("{'password':'******'}"));
            assertEquals(200, post.Status());
Example #7
        private static bool AssertElementAtMetaIndex(HTTP.Response response, int[] indexes, string element)
                IEnumerator <JsonNode> meta = GetJsonNodeWithName(response, "meta").GetEnumerator();

                int i = 0;
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java iterators are only converted within the context of 'while' and 'for' loops:
                for (int metaIndex = 0; meta.hasNext() && i < indexes.Length; metaIndex++)
                    JsonNode node = meta.Current;
                    if (!node.Null)
                        string type = node.get("type").TextValue;
                        if (type.Equals(element))
                            assertEquals("Expected " + element + " to be at indexes " + Arrays.ToString(indexes) + ", but found it at " + metaIndex, indexes[i], metaIndex);
                            assertNotEquals("Expected " + element + " at index " + metaIndex + ", but found " + type, indexes[i], metaIndex);
                return(i == indexes.Length);
            catch (JsonParseException)
Example #8
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldHavePredefinedRoles() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        public virtual void ShouldHavePredefinedRoles()
            // Given

            // When
            string method = "POST";
            string path   = "db/data/transaction/commit";

            HTTP.RawPayload payload  = HTTP.RawPayload.quotedJson("{'statements':[{'statement':'CALL dbms.security.listRoles()'}]}");
            HTTP.Response   response = HTTP.withBasicAuth("neo4j", "secret").request(method, Server.baseUri().resolve(path).ToString(), payload);

            // Then
            assertThat(response.Status(), equalTo(200));
            ArrayNode errors = ( ArrayNode )response.Get("errors");

            assertThat("Should have no errors", errors.size(), equalTo(0));
            ArrayNode results = ( ArrayNode )response.Get("results");
            ArrayNode data    = ( ArrayNode )results.get(0).get("data");

            assertThat("Should have 5 predefined roles", data.size(), equalTo(5));
            Stream <string> values = data.findValues("row").Select(row => row.get(0).asText());

            assertThat("Expected specific roles", values.collect(Collectors.toList()), hasItems("admin", "architect", "publisher", "editor", "reader"));
Example #9
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
//ORIGINAL LINE: private void assertQueryGetsValue(ServerControls server, String query, long value) throws Throwable
        private void AssertQueryGetsValue(ServerControls server, string query, long value)
            HTTP.Response response = HTTP.POST(server.HttpURI().resolve("db/data/transaction/commit").ToString(), quotedJson("{ 'statements': [ { 'statement': '" + query + "' } ] }"));

            assertEquals("[]", response.Get("errors").ToString());
            JsonNode result = response.Get("results").get(0);

            assertEquals("value", result.get("columns").get(0).asText());
            assertEquals(value, result.get("data").get(0).get("row").get(0).asLong());
Example #10
 private OtherThreadExecutor.WorkerCommand <object, object> WriteToFirstAndSecond()
     return(state =>
         HTTP.Response post = _http.POST("db/data/transaction", quotedJson("{ 'statements': [ { 'statement': 'MATCH (n:Second) SET n.prop=1' } ] }"));
         _http.POST(post.location(), quotedJson("{ 'statements': [ { 'statement': 'MATCH (n:First) SET n.prop=1' } ] }"));
         return null;
Example #11
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void cantChangeToCurrentPassword() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        public virtual void CantChangeToCurrentPassword()
            // Given

            // When
            HTTP.Response res = HTTP.withBasicAuth("neo4j", "neo4j").POST(_server.baseUri().resolve("/user/neo4j/password").ToString(), HTTP.RawPayload.quotedJson("{'password':'******'}"));

            // Then
            assertThat(res.Status(), equalTo(422));
Example #12
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldReturnEmptyMapForEmptyProperties()
        public virtual void ShouldReturnEmptyMapForEmptyProperties()
            // Given
            string node = HTTP.POST(Server().baseUri().resolve("db/data/node").ToString()).location();
            string rel  = HTTP.POST(node + "/relationships", quotedJson("{'to':'" + node + "', " + "'type':'LOVES'}")).location();

            // When
            HTTP.Response res = HTTP.GET(rel + "/properties");

            // Then
            MatcherAssert.assertThat(res.RawContent(), equalTo("{ }"));
Example #13
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldGetHelpfulErrorOnProcedureThrowsException() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        public virtual void ShouldGetHelpfulErrorOnProcedureThrowsException()
            // When
            using (ServerControls server = CreateServer(typeof(MyFunctions)).newServer())
                // Then
                HTTP.Response response = HTTP.POST(server.HttpURI().resolve("db/data/transaction/commit").ToString(), quotedJson("{ 'statements': [ { 'statement': 'RETURN org.neo4j.harness.funcThatThrows()' } ] }"));

                string error = response.Get("errors").get(0).get("message").asText();
                assertEquals("Failed to invoke function `org.neo4j.harness.funcThatThrows`: Caused by: java.lang" + ".RuntimeException: This is an exception", error);
Example #14
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldReportCommunityEdition() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
            public virtual void ShouldReportCommunityEdition()
                // Given
                string releaseVersion = Server.Database.Graph.DependencyResolver.resolveDependency(typeof(KernelData)).version().ReleaseVersion;

                // When
                HTTP.Response res = HTTP.GET(FunctionalTestHelper.managementUri() + "/" + VersionAndEditionService.SERVER_PATH);

                // Then
                assertEquals(200, res.Status());
                assertThat(res.Get("edition").asText(), equalTo("community"));
                assertThat(res.Get("version").asText(), equalTo(releaseVersion));
Example #15
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldHandleStringFixtures() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        public virtual void ShouldHandleStringFixtures()
            // Given two files in the root folder
            File targetFolder = TestDir.directory();

            // When
            using (ServerControls server = GetServerBuilder(targetFolder).withFixture("CREATE (a:User)").newServer())
                // Then
                HTTP.Response response = HTTP.POST(server.HttpURI().ToString() + "db/data/transaction/commit", quotedJson("{'statements':[{'statement':'MATCH (n:User) RETURN n'}]}"));

                assertThat(response.Get("results").get(0).get("data").size(), equalTo(1));
Example #16
        static StackObject *get_Bytes_0(ILIntepreter __intp, StackObject *__esp, IList <object> __mStack, CLRMethod __method, bool isNewObj)
            ILRuntime.Runtime.Enviorment.AppDomain __domain = __intp.AppDomain;
            StackObject *ptr_of_this_method;
            StackObject *__ret = ILIntepreter.Minus(__esp, 1);

            ptr_of_this_method = ILIntepreter.Minus(__esp, 1);
            HTTP.Response instance_of_this_method = (HTTP.Response) typeof(HTTP.Response).CheckCLRTypes(StackObject.ToObject(ptr_of_this_method, __domain, __mStack));

            var result_of_this_method = instance_of_this_method.Bytes;

            return(ILIntepreter.PushObject(__ret, __mStack, result_of_this_method));
Example #17
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldWorkWithInjectableFromKernelExtension() throws Throwable
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        public virtual void ShouldWorkWithInjectableFromKernelExtension()
            // When
            using (ServerControls server = CreateServer(typeof(MyFunctionsUsingMyService)).newServer())
                // Then
                HTTP.Response response = HTTP.POST(server.HttpURI().resolve("db/data/transaction/commit").ToString(), quotedJson("{ 'statements': [ { 'statement': 'RETURN my.hello() AS result' } ] }"));

                assertEquals("[]", response.Get("errors").ToString());
                JsonNode result = response.Get("results").get(0);
                assertEquals("result", result.get("columns").get(0).asText());
                assertEquals("world", result.get("data").get(0).get("row").get(0).asText());
Example #18
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldIgnoreEmptyFixtureFiles() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        public virtual void ShouldIgnoreEmptyFixtureFiles()
            // Given two files in the root folder
            File targetFolder = TestDir.directory();

            FileUtils.writeToFile(new File(targetFolder, "fixture1.cyp"), "CREATE (u:User)\n" + "CREATE (a:OtherUser)", false);
            FileUtils.writeToFile(new File(targetFolder, "fixture2.cyp"), "", false);

            // When
            using (ServerControls server = GetServerBuilder(targetFolder).withFixture(targetFolder).newServer())
                // Then
                HTTP.Response response = HTTP.POST(server.HttpURI().ToString() + "db/data/transaction/commit", quotedJson("{'statements':[{'statement':'MATCH (n:User) RETURN n'}]}"));

                assertThat(response.Get("results").get(0).get("data").size(), equalTo(1));
Example #19
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void terminateSingleInstanceRestTransactionThatWaitsForLock() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        public virtual void TerminateSingleInstanceRestTransactionThatWaitsForLock()
            ServerControls server = _cleanupRule.add(TestServerBuilders.newInProcessBuilder().withConfig(GraphDatabaseSettings.auth_enabled, Settings.FALSE).withConfig(GraphDatabaseSettings.lock_manager, LockManagerName).withConfig(OnlineBackupSettings.online_backup_enabled, Settings.FALSE).newServer());

            GraphDatabaseService db = server.Graph();

            HTTP.Builder http = withBaseUri(server.HttpURI());

            long value1 = 1L;
            long value2 = 2L;


            HTTP.Response tx1 = StartTx(http);
            HTTP.Response tx2 = StartTx(http);

            AssertNumberOfActiveTransactions(2, db);

            HTTP.Response update1 = ExecuteUpdateStatement(tx1, value1, http);
            assertThat(update1.Status(), equalTo(200));
            assertThat(update1, containsNoErrors());

            System.Threading.CountdownEvent latch = new System.Threading.CountdownEvent(1);
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Java wildcard generics have no direct equivalent in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: java.util.concurrent.Future<?> tx2Result = executeInSeparateThread("tx2", () ->
            Future <object> tx2Result = ExecuteInSeparateThread("tx2", () =>
                Response update2 = ExecuteUpdateStatement(tx2, value2, http);


            Terminate(tx2, http);
            Commit(tx1, http);

            HTTP.Response update3 = ExecuteUpdateStatement(tx2, value2, http);
            assertThat(update3.Status(), equalTo(404));

            tx2Result.get(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);

            AssertNodeExists(db, value1);
Example #20
        public virtual void RollbackAnOpenTransaction()
            // Given
            HTTP.Response firstReq = POST(DataUri + "transaction", HTTP.RawPayload.quotedJson("{ 'statements': [ { 'statement': 'CREATE (n) RETURN id(n)' } ] }"));
            string        location = firstReq.Location();

            // Document
            ResponseEntity response = GenConflict.get().expectedStatus(200).delete(location);

            // Then
            IDictionary <string, object> result = jsonToMap(response.Entity());


            int?id = ResultCell(firstReq, 0, 0);

            assertThat(GET(getNodeUri(id)).status(), @is(404));
Example #21
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Theory public void shouldNotRejectIndexValueThatIsJustSmallerThanConfiguredSize(String uniqueness)
        public virtual void ShouldNotRejectIndexValueThatIsJustSmallerThanConfiguredSize(string uniqueness)

            // When
            string nodeURI = HTTP.POST(_server.baseUri().ToString() + "db/data/node").header("Location");

            Random r     = new Random();
            string value = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < 4_000; i++)
                value += ( char )(r.Next(26) + 'a');
            HTTP.Response response = HTTP.POST(_server.baseUri().ToString() + "db/data/index/node/favorites?uniqueness=" + uniqueness, quotedJson("{ 'value': '" + value + " ', 'uri':'" + nodeURI + "', 'key': 'some-key' }"));

            // Then
            assertThat(response.Status(), @is(201));
Example #22
 private string ParseErrorMessage(HTTP.Response response)
         JsonNode data = JsonHelper.jsonNode(response.RawContent());
         if (data.has("errors") && data.get("errors").has(0))
             JsonNode firstError = data.get("errors").get(0);
             if (firstError.has("message"))
     catch (JsonParseException)
         fail("Unexpected error parsing Json!");
Example #23
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void clientErrorShouldRollbackTheTransaction() throws org.neo4j.server.rest.domain.JsonParseException
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        public virtual void ClientErrorShouldRollbackTheTransaction()
            // Given
            HTTP.Response first = POST(TxUri(), quotedJson("{'statements': [{'statement': 'CREATE (n {prop : 1})'}]}"));
            assertThat(first.Status(), @is(201));
            assertThat(first, containsNoErrors());
            long txId = ExtractTxId(first);

            // When
            HTTP.Response malformed = POST(TxUri(txId), quotedJson("{'statements': [{'statement': '" + Query + "'}]}"));

            // Then

            // malformed POST contains expected error
            assertThat(malformed.Status(), @is(200));
            assertThat(malformed, hasErrors(ErrorStatus));

            // transaction was rolled back on the previous step and we can't commit it
            HTTP.Response commit = POST(first.StringFromContent("commit"));
            assertThat(commit.Status(), @is(404));
Example #24
        public override string ExecuteQuery(RESTSubject subject, string call, IDictionary <string, object> @params, System.Action <ResourceIterator <IDictionary <string, object> > > resultConsumer)
            HTTP.RawPayload payload  = ConstructQuery(call);
            HTTP.Response   response = HTTP.withHeaders(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, subject.PrincipalCredentials).request(POST, CommitURL(), payload);

                string error = ParseErrorMessage(response);
                if (error.Length > 0)
                Consume(resultConsumer, JsonHelper.jsonNode(response.RawContent()));
            catch (JsonParseException)
                fail("Unexpected error parsing Json!");

Example #25
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldAllowExecutingEnterpriseBuiltInProceduresWithAuthDisabled() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        public virtual void ShouldAllowExecutingEnterpriseBuiltInProceduresWithAuthDisabled()
            // Given

            // When
            string method = "POST";
            string path   = "db/data/transaction/commit";

            HTTP.RawPayload payload  = HTTP.RawPayload.quotedJson("{'statements':[{'statement':'CALL dbms.listQueries()'}]}");
            HTTP.Response   response = HTTP.request(method, Server.baseUri().resolve(path).ToString(), payload);

            // Then
            assertThat(response.Status(), equalTo(200));
            ArrayNode errors = ( ArrayNode )response.Get("errors");

            assertThat("Should have no errors", errors.size(), equalTo(0));
            ArrayNode results = ( ArrayNode )response.Get("results");
            ArrayNode data    = ( ArrayNode )results.get(0).get("data");

            assertThat("Should see our own query", data.size(), equalTo(1));
Example #26
File: Client.cs Project: shz/pointy
        // The client state machine

        void Kill()
            // Stop the response in its tracks.  This will trigger the done
            // callback, which will similarly kill any reading on the request.
            // Note that this will actually flow back and cause Kill() to be
            // executed a second time; this is fine, because both the response
            // and our Dispose method gracefully handle meing called multiple
            // times.
            if (Response != null)
                var temp = Response;
                Response = null;
            // This will wipe out the socket, stopping any current reading
            // in its tracks.
Example #27
File: Client.cs Project: shz/pointy
        public void Start()
            // Set up the state
            Ready = true;
            Autoread = true;
            Request = null;
            Response = null;
            Version = HTTP.Version.HTTP1_0;
            Method = null;
            Path = null;
            Headers = null;
            DataAdapter = null;

            // If there's already a reader chugging away, simply setting
            // autoread will take care of it.  Otherwise, we need to restart
            // the reading.
Example #28
File: Client.cs Project: shz/pointy
        public void EndHeaders()
            // Now that headers are over, all reading should be manual
            Autoread = false;

            // Prep the request
            DataAdapter = new Core.RequestDataAdapter(async delegate
                await ReadAsync();
            Request = new HTTP.Request(DataAdapter);
            Request.Headers = Headers;
            Request.Method = Method;
            Request.Protocol = Protocol;

            // Parse out the URI, which ends up being more annoying than it
            // should be.  Stay tuned...
            var uri = new Uri(Path, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);

            // Set the path
            if (uri.IsAbsoluteUri)
                Request.Path = uri.AbsolutePath;
                Request.Path = Path.Split('?')[0];

            // Set the host
            string temp;
            if (Headers.TryGetValue("host", out temp))
                Request.Host = temp;
            else if (uri.IsAbsoluteUri)
                Request.Host = uri.Host;
                Request.Host = null;

            // Set the query
            if (uri.IsAbsoluteUri)
                Request.Query = Util.FormUrlEncoding.Parse(uri.Query.Length > 0 ? uri.Query.Substring(1) : "");
                var split = Path.Split(QuerySep, 2);
                Request.Query = Util.FormUrlEncoding.Parse(split.Length > 1 ? split[1] : "");

            // Build the response
            bool keepAlive = Version == HTTP.Version.HTTP1_1;
            if (Headers.TryGetValue("connection", out temp))
                temp = temp.ToLower();
                if (temp == "close")
                    keepAlive = false;
                else if (temp == "keep-alive")
                    keepAlive = true;
            Response = new HTTP.Response(Version, this, keepAlive, delegate(bool forceDisconnect)
                // Now that we're done, we should kill the client if
                // either the request expects it, or the response
                // requires it.
                if (forceDisconnect || !keepAlive)

            // Since we've set up the request, it'll get scheduled at the END of the current
            // read call.  This prevents issues with overlapping reads, because reads are
            // guaranteed to have finished before we run any response logic.