Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// HTTP GET file from HTTP action f, saving it to path (via a temporary file).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="action">Action on which to update the progress</param>
        /// <param name="timeout">Whether to apply a timeout</param>
        /// <param name="dataRxDelegate">Delegate called every 500ms with the data transferred</param>
        /// <param name="path">Path to save file to.</param>
        /// <returns>Result of the task used to GET the file</returns>
        public static String Get(AsyncAction action, bool timeout, HTTP.DataCopiedDelegate dataRxDelegate, string path, string hostname, Delegate f, params object[] p)
            Session session = action.Session;
            action.RelatedTask = XenAPI.Task.create(session, "downloadTask", hostname);

                HTTP.UpdateProgressDelegate progressDelegate = delegate(int percent)
                        action.Tick(percent, action.Description);

                return HTTPHelper.Get(progressDelegate, action.GetCancelling, timeout, dataRxDelegate, action.Connection,
                    action.RelatedTask, ref session, path, hostname, f, p);
                action.Session = session;
                Task.destroy(session, action.RelatedTask);
Example #2
        public static String Get(HTTP.UpdateProgressDelegate progressDelegate, HTTP.FuncBool cancellingDelegate, bool timeout,
                                 HTTP.DataCopiedDelegate dataRxDelegate, IXenConnection connection, XenRef <Task> task, ref Session session, string path,
                                 string hostname, Delegate f, params object[] p)
            log.DebugFormat("HTTP GETTING file from {0} to {1}", hostname, path);

            // Cannot use ref param in anonymous method, so save it here and restore it later
            Session _session = session;

            HTTP.DataCopiedDelegate dataCopiedDelegate = delegate(long bytes)
                if (progressDelegate != null)
                    int progress = (int)(100 * (double)Task.DoWithSessionRetry(connection, ref _session,
                                                                               (Task.TaskProgressOp)Task.get_progress, task.opaque_ref));


                if (dataRxDelegate != null)

            HTTP.FuncBool cancellingDelegate2 = (HTTP.FuncBool) delegate()
                return(XenAdminConfigManager.Provider.ForcedExiting ||
                       cancellingDelegate != null && cancellingDelegate());

                List <object> args = new List <object>();
                args.Add(task.opaque_ref);  // task_id
            catch (Exception e)
                log.Debug($"Caught exception doing HTTP GET from {hostname} to {path}", e);

                if (e is WebException && e.InnerException is IOException && Win32.GetHResult(e.InnerException as IOException) == Win32.ERROR_DISK_FULL)
                    throw e.InnerException;
                else if (e is CancelledException || e.InnerException is CancelledException)
                    throw new XenAdmin.CancelledException();
                else if (e.InnerException.Message == "Received error code HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden\r\n from the server")
                    // RBAC Failure
                    List <Role> roles = connection.Session.Roles;
                    throw new Exception(String.Format(Messages.RBAC_HTTP_FAILURE, roles[0].FriendlyName()), e);
                    throw e.InnerException;

            return(PollTaskForResult(connection, ref session, cancellingDelegate2, task));
Example #3
 public static void host_rrd(HTTP.DataCopiedDelegate dataCopiedDelegate, HTTP.FuncBool cancellingDelegate, int timeout_ms, string hostname, IWebProxy proxy, string path, string task_id, string session_id, bool json)
     Get(dataCopiedDelegate, cancellingDelegate, timeout_ms, hostname, "/host_rrd", proxy, path, new object[] { "task_id", task_id, "session_id", session_id, "json", json });
Example #4
 public static void get_wlb_report(HTTP.DataCopiedDelegate dataCopiedDelegate, HTTP.FuncBool cancellingDelegate, int timeout_ms, string hostname, IWebProxy proxy, string path, string task_id, string session_id, string report, params string[] args)
     Get(dataCopiedDelegate, cancellingDelegate, timeout_ms, hostname, "/wlb_report", proxy, path, new object[] { "task_id", task_id, "session_id", session_id, "report", report, args });
Example #5
 private static void Get(HTTP.DataCopiedDelegate dataCopiedDelegate, HTTP.FuncBool cancellingDelegate, int timeout_ms, string hostname, string remotePath, IWebProxy proxy, string localPath, params object[] args)
     HTTP.Get(dataCopiedDelegate, cancellingDelegate, HTTP.BuildUri(hostname, remotePath, args), proxy, localPath, timeout_ms);
Example #6
 public static void get_wlb_diagnostics(HTTP.DataCopiedDelegate dataCopiedDelegate, HTTP.FuncBool cancellingDelegate, int timeout_ms, string hostname, IWebProxy proxy, string path, string task_id, string session_id)
     Get(dataCopiedDelegate, cancellingDelegate, timeout_ms, hostname, "/wlb_diagnostics", proxy, path, new object[] { "task_id", task_id, "session_id", session_id });
Example #7
 public static void get_system_status(HTTP.DataCopiedDelegate dataCopiedDelegate, HTTP.FuncBool cancellingDelegate, int timeout_ms, string hostname, IWebProxy proxy, string path, string task_id, string session_id, string entries, string output)
     Get(dataCopiedDelegate, cancellingDelegate, timeout_ms, hostname, "/system-status", proxy, path, new object[] { "task_id", task_id, "session_id", session_id, "entries", entries, "output", output });
Example #8
 public static void get_pool_xml_db_sync(HTTP.DataCopiedDelegate dataCopiedDelegate, HTTP.FuncBool cancellingDelegate, int timeout_ms, string hostname, IWebProxy proxy, string path, string task_id, string session_id)
     Get(dataCopiedDelegate, cancellingDelegate, timeout_ms, hostname, "/pool/xmldbdump", proxy, path, new object[] { "task_id", task_id, "session_id", session_id });
Example #9
 public static void get_pool_patch_download(HTTP.DataCopiedDelegate dataCopiedDelegate, HTTP.FuncBool cancellingDelegate, int timeout_ms, string hostname, IWebProxy proxy, string path, string task_id, string session_id, string uuid)
     Get(dataCopiedDelegate, cancellingDelegate, timeout_ms, hostname, "/pool_patch_download", proxy, path, new object[] { "task_id", task_id, "session_id", session_id, "uuid", uuid });
Example #10
 public static void get_export_raw_vdi(HTTP.DataCopiedDelegate dataCopiedDelegate, HTTP.FuncBool cancellingDelegate, int timeout_ms, string hostname, IWebProxy proxy, string path, string task_id, string session_id, string vdi)
     Get(dataCopiedDelegate, cancellingDelegate, timeout_ms, hostname, "/export_raw_vdi", proxy, path, new object[] { "task_id", task_id, "session_id", session_id, "vdi", vdi });
Example #11
 public static void rrd_updates(HTTP.DataCopiedDelegate dataCopiedDelegate, HTTP.FuncBool cancellingDelegate, int timeout_ms, string hostname, IWebProxy proxy, string path, string task_id, string session_id, long start, string cf, long interval, bool host, string uuid, bool json)
     Get(dataCopiedDelegate, cancellingDelegate, timeout_ms, hostname, "/rrd_updates", proxy, path, new object[] { "task_id", task_id, "session_id", session_id, "start", start, "cf", cf, "interval", interval, "host", host, "uuid", uuid, "json", json });
Example #12
 public static void get_export_metadata(HTTP.DataCopiedDelegate dataCopiedDelegate, HTTP.FuncBool cancellingDelegate, int timeout_ms,
                                        string hostname, IWebProxy proxy, string path, string task_id, string session_id, string uuid)
     Get(dataCopiedDelegate, cancellingDelegate, timeout_ms, hostname, "/export_metadata", proxy, path,
         "task_id", task_id, "session_id", session_id, "uuid", uuid);
Example #13
 public static void get_host_logs_download(HTTP.DataCopiedDelegate dataCopiedDelegate, HTTP.FuncBool cancellingDelegate, int timeout_ms,
                                           string hostname, IWebProxy proxy, string path, string task_id, string session_id)
     Get(dataCopiedDelegate, cancellingDelegate, timeout_ms, hostname, "/host_logs_download", proxy, path,
         "task_id", task_id, "session_id", session_id);