Example #1
        static public HSVBit getFromColor(Color color)
            HSVBit hsvBit = new HSVBit();

            float redPrim   = (float)color.R / 255;
            float greenPrim = (float)color.G / 255;
            float bluePrim  = (float)color.B / 255;

            float cMax = HSVBit.maxValue(redPrim, greenPrim, bluePrim);
            float cMin = HSVBit.minValue(redPrim, greenPrim, bluePrim);

            float delta = cMax - cMin;

            if (delta == 0)
                hsvBit.HUE = 0;
                if (cMax == redPrim)
                    hsvBit.HUE = 60 * (((greenPrim - redPrim) / delta) % 6);
                else if (cMax == greenPrim)
                    hsvBit.HUE = 60 * ((bluePrim - redPrim) / delta + 2);
                else if (cMax == bluePrim)
                    hsvBit.HUE = 60 * ((redPrim - greenPrim) / delta + 4);

            if (cMax == 0)
                hsvBit.saturation = 0;
                hsvBit.saturation = delta / cMax;

            hsvBit.value = cMax;

Example #2
        private void pictureBox1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)

            int          helperValue = 0;
            List <Point> listOfDrawnPoints;

            if (isMouseDown == true && drawingType == DrawingType.FreeHand)//check to see if the mouse button is down

                if (lastPoint != null)//if our last point is not null, which in this case we have assigned above

                    //Rozpoczęcie nanoszenia zmian na obiekt pictureBox1
                    using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(pictureBox1.Image))
                        //pobranie listy narysowanych pikseli
                        listOfDrawnPoints = this.EnumerateLineNoDiagonalSteps(lastPoint.X, lastPoint.Y, e.X, e.Y);

                        //generowanie modeli histogramów w oparciu o piksele które zostały zamalowane
                        foreach (var x in listOfDrawnPoints)
                            HSVBit hsvBit = directBitmapOrig.GetPixelHSV(x.X, x.Y);
                            Color  color  = directBitmapOrig.GetPixel(x.X, x.Y);
                            drawnPointList.Add(new DrawnPoint(directBitmapOrig.GetPixel(x.X, x.Y), x));

                            //Dane histogramu RGB

                            //Dane hhhistogramu HSV
                            histogramDataLineRGB.HSV_HHisto.TryGetValue(hsvBit.HUE, out helperValue);
                            histogramDataLineRGB.HSV_HHisto[hsvBit.HUE] = helperValue + 1;

                            histogramDataLineRGB.HSV_SHisto.TryGetValue(hsvBit.saturation, out helperValue);
                            histogramDataLineRGB.HSV_SHisto[hsvBit.saturation] = helperValue + 1;

                            histogramDataLineRGB.HSV_VHisto.TryGetValue(hsvBit.value, out helperValue);
                            histogramDataLineRGB.HSV_VHisto[hsvBit.value] = helperValue + 1;

                            //Dodawanie wygenerowanych danych do zbiorów danych połączonych z hisotgramami w Form1
                            formCaller.ser1.Points.AddXY(color.R, histogramDataLineRGB.redHisto[color.R]);
                            formCaller.ser2.Points.AddXY(color.G, histogramDataLineRGB.greenHisto[color.G]);
                            formCaller.ser3.Points.AddXY(color.B, histogramDataLineRGB.blueHisto[color.B]);

                            formCaller.seriesHExt.Points.AddXY(hsvBit.HUE, histogramDataLineRGB.HSV_HHisto[hsvBit.HUE]);
                            formCaller.seriesSExt.Points.AddXY(hsvBit.saturation, histogramDataLineRGB.HSV_SHisto[hsvBit.saturation]);
                            formCaller.seriesVExt.Points.AddXY(hsvBit.value, histogramDataLineRGB.HSV_VHisto[hsvBit.value]);

                        //"Zamalowywanie narysowanych punktów na czarno
                        foreach (var x in listOfDrawnPoints)
                            directBitmap.SetPixel(x.X, x.Y, Color.Black);
                        g.DrawImage(directBitmap.Bitmap, new Point(0, 0));

                        //Narysowanie nowego obrazu z użyciem directBitmap (obiketu edytowanego)

                    //odświeżenie obiektu pictureBox1
                    pictureBox1.Invalidate();//refreshes the picturebox

                    //przypisanie zmiennej przechowywującej ostatni punkt na którym zarejestrowano zdarzenie ruchu myszki
                    lastPoint = e.Location;
                    drawnPointList.Add(new DrawnPoint(directBitmap.GetPixel(lastPoint.X, lastPoint.Y), lastPoint));
Example #3
        public void neighborhoodOperationHSV(int[] mask, DirectBitmap directBitmapPre, DirectBitmap directBitmapPost, KernelMethod _method = KernelMethod.NoBorders, SccalingMethod sccalingMethod = SccalingMethod.Cut, Boolean directionEdge = false)
            int    maskSize         = (int)Math.Sqrt(mask.Length);
            int    calculatedPixel  = 0;
            HSVBit calculatedHSVBit = new HSVBit();
            int    maskSum          = mask.Min() < 0 ? 1 : mask.Sum();
            int    maskSumInner     = 0;

            List <float> angles = new List <float>();

            int[] bitMapToScale = null;

            int minPixel = directBitmapPre.getMin();
            int maxPixel = directBitmapPre.getMax();

            int maskValue;

            int xo;
            int yo;

            int lowerXOverlap  = 0;
            int higherXOverlap = 0;
            int lowerYOverlap  = 0;
            int higherYOverlap = 0;

            int yiInner = 0;

            int calculatedPixelIndexX = 0;
            int calculatedPixelIndexY = 0;

            Color  helpColor;
            HSVBit helperhSVBit;

            int overlap     = 0; // = maskSize / 2;
            int maskOverlap = maskSize / 2;

            switch (_method)
            case KernelMethod.NoBorders:
                overlap = maskSize / 2;

            case KernelMethod.CloneBorder:
                overlap = 0;

            case KernelMethod.UseExisting:
                overlap = 0;

            //Iterate through image
            for (int x = overlap; x < directBitmapPre.Width - overlap; ++x)
                for (int y = overlap; y < directBitmapPre.Height - overlap; ++y)
                    //Iterate through image

                    //Iterate through mask
                    for (int xi = 0; xi < maskSize; xi++)
                        for (int yi = 0; yi < maskSize; yi++)
                            maskValue = mask[xi + (yi * maskSize)];
                            xo        = x + xi - maskOverlap;
                            yo        = y + yi - maskOverlap;

                            calculatedPixelIndexX = x + xi - maskOverlap;
                            calculatedPixelIndexY = y + yi - maskOverlap;

                            if ((x == 0 && y == 0) || (x == directBitmapPre.Width && y == directBitmapPre.Height))
                                higherXOverlap = 0;

                            if (_method == KernelMethod.UseExisting && (calculatedPixelIndexX < 0 || calculatedPixelIndexY < 0 || calculatedPixelIndexX >= directBitmapPre.Width || calculatedPixelIndexY >= directBitmapPre.Height))

                            if (_method == KernelMethod.CloneBorder && (calculatedPixelIndexX < 0 || calculatedPixelIndexY < 0 || calculatedPixelIndexX >= directBitmapPre.Width || calculatedPixelIndexY >= directBitmapPre.Height))
                                var cloneIndexValue = mask[xi + (yi * maskSize)];

                                for (int i = 0; i < cloneIndexValue; i++)
                                    angles.Add(directBitmapPre.GetPixelHSV(x, y).HUE);

                                calculatedHSVBit.value += (directBitmapPre.GetPixelHSV(xi, yi).saturation *cloneIndexValue);

                            var cloneIndexValueMain = mask[xi + (yi * maskSize)];
                            maskSumInner += cloneIndexValueMain;

                            for (int i = 0; i < cloneIndexValueMain; i++)
                                angles.Add(directBitmapPre.GetPixelHSV(calculatedPixelIndexX, calculatedPixelIndexY).HUE);

                            //calculatedHSVBit.HUE += (directBitmapPre.GetPixelHSV(x, y).HUE * cloneIndexValueMain);
                            calculatedHSVBit.saturation += (directBitmapPre.GetPixelHSV(calculatedPixelIndexX, calculatedPixelIndexY).saturation *cloneIndexValueMain);
                            calculatedHSVBit.value      += (directBitmapPre.GetPixelHSV(calculatedPixelIndexX, calculatedPixelIndexY).value *cloneIndexValueMain);

                    if (_method == KernelMethod.UseExisting)
                        calculatedHSVBit.HUE        = this.MeanAngle(angles.ToArray());
                        calculatedHSVBit.saturation = maskSum == 1 ? calculatedHSVBit.saturation : calculatedHSVBit.saturation / maskSumInner;
                        calculatedHSVBit.value      = maskSum == 1 ? calculatedHSVBit.value : calculatedHSVBit.value / maskSumInner;
                        //calculatedPixel = maskSum == 1 ? calculatedPixel : calculatedPixel / maskSumInner;
                        var bit = directBitmapPost.GetPixelHSV(x, y);
                        // calculatedPixel /= maskSum;
                        calculatedHSVBit.HUE        = this.MeanAngle(angles.ToArray());
                        calculatedHSVBit.saturation = maskSum == 1 ? calculatedHSVBit.saturation : calculatedHSVBit.saturation / maskSumInner;
                        calculatedHSVBit.value      = maskSum == 1 ? calculatedHSVBit.value : calculatedHSVBit.value / maskSumInner;

                    int newPixel = calculatedPixel;

                    if (sccalingMethod != SccalingMethod.Scale)
                        newPixel = this.ScalePixelValue(newPixel, sccalingMethod, sccalingMethod == SccalingMethod.Scale ? minPixel : 0, sccalingMethod == SccalingMethod.Scale ? maxPixel : 255);

                    if (sccalingMethod != SccalingMethod.Scale)
                        var bit = directBitmapPost.GetPixelHSV(x, y);

                        calculatedHSVBit.saturation = bit.saturation;

                        calculatedHSVBit.HUE = bit.HUE;
                        //apply cut scalling
                        if (calculatedHSVBit.value > 1)
                            calculatedHSVBit.value = 1;

                        if (calculatedHSVBit.value < 0)
                            calculatedHSVBit.value = 0;

                        directBitmapPost.SetPixel(x, y, calculatedHSVBit.getColor());
                        bitMapToScale[x + (y * directBitmapPre.Width)] = newPixel;
                    maskSumInner                = 0;
                    calculatedPixel             = 0;
                    calculatedHSVBit.HUE        = 0;
                    calculatedHSVBit.saturation = 0;
                    calculatedHSVBit.value      = 0;
Example #4
        private void pictureBox1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)

            List <Point> listOfDrawnPoints;
            int          helperValue = 0;

            switch (drawingType)
            case DrawingType.Retclange:
                int XStart = 0;
                int XEnd   = 0;

                int YStart = 0;
                int YEnd   = 0;

                if (lastPoint == Point.Empty)
                    lastPoint = e.Location;
                    _nextPoint = e.Location;
                    var differenceX = _nextPoint.X - lastPoint.X;
                    var differenceY = _nextPoint.Y - lastPoint.Y;
                    if (Math.Abs(differenceX) > 20)
                        if (differenceX > 0)
                            _nextPoint.X = lastPoint.X + 20;
                            XStart       = lastPoint.X;
                            XEnd         = _nextPoint.X;
                            _nextPoint.X = lastPoint.X - 20;
                            XStart       = _nextPoint.X;
                            XEnd         = lastPoint.X;

                    if (Math.Abs(differenceY) > 20)
                        if (differenceY > 0)
                            _nextPoint.Y = lastPoint.Y + 20;
                            YStart       = lastPoint.Y;
                            YEnd         = _nextPoint.Y;
                            _nextPoint.Y = lastPoint.Y - 20;
                            YStart       = _nextPoint.Y;
                            YEnd         = lastPoint.Y;

                if (_nextPoint != Point.Empty)
                    listOfDrawnPoints = this.EnumerateLineNoDiagonalSteps(lastPoint.X, lastPoint.Y, lastPoint.X, _nextPoint.Y);
                    listOfDrawnPoints.AddRange(this.EnumerateLineNoDiagonalSteps(lastPoint.X, _nextPoint.Y, _nextPoint.X, _nextPoint.Y));
                    listOfDrawnPoints.AddRange(this.EnumerateLineNoDiagonalSteps(_nextPoint.X, _nextPoint.Y, _nextPoint.X, lastPoint.Y));
                    listOfDrawnPoints.AddRange(this.EnumerateLineNoDiagonalSteps(_nextPoint.X, lastPoint.Y, lastPoint.X, lastPoint.Y));

                    foreach (var x in listOfDrawnPoints)
                        drawnPointList.Add(new DrawnPoint(directBitmapOrig.GetPixel(x.X, x.Y), x));
                    foreach (var x in listOfDrawnPoints)
                        // drawnPointList.Add(new DrawnPoint(bitmap.GetPixel(x.X,x.Y), x));

                        directBitmap.SetPixel(x.X, x.Y, Color.Black);
                    using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(pictureBox1.Image))
                        g.DrawImage(directBitmap.Bitmap, new Point(0, 0));

                    int Width  = Math.Abs(XStart - XEnd);
                    int Height = Math.Abs(YStart - YEnd);

                    Color[] valuesToPass = new Color[Width * Height];

                    int xInner = 0;
                    int yInner = 0;

                    for (int x = XStart; x < XEnd; x++)
                        for (int y = YStart; y < YEnd; y++)
                            valuesToPass[xInner + (yInner * Width)] = directBitmapOrig.GetPixel(x, y);

                        yInner = 0;

                    Form3 form3 = new Form3(Height, Width, valuesToPass, lastPoint, _nextPoint, this);
                    _nextPoint = Point.Empty;
                    _lastPoint = Point.Empty;


            case DrawingType.FreeHand:
                lastPoint = e.Location;    //we assign the lastPoint to the current mouse position: e.Location ('e' is from the MouseEventArgs passed into the MouseDown event)

                drawnPointList.Add(new DrawnPoint(Color.Pink, lastPoint));
                isMouseDown = true;    //we set to true because our mouse button is down (clicked)

            case DrawingType.Line:
                if (lastPoint == Point.Empty)
                    lastPoint = e.Location;
                    _nextPoint = e.Location;
                    using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(pictureBox1.Image))
                        listOfDrawnPoints = this.EnumerateLineNoDiagonalSteps(lastPoint.X, lastPoint.Y, _nextPoint.X, _nextPoint.Y);

                        foreach (var x in listOfDrawnPoints)
                            Color  color  = directBitmapOrig.GetPixel(x.X, x.Y);
                            HSVBit hsvBit = directBitmapOrig.GetPixelHSV(x.X, x.Y);
                            drawnPointList.Add(new DrawnPoint(directBitmapOrig.GetPixel(x.X, x.Y), x));

                            histogramDataLineRGB.HSV_HHisto.TryGetValue(hsvBit.HUE, out helperValue);
                            histogramDataLineRGB.HSV_HHisto[hsvBit.HUE] = helperValue + 1;

                            histogramDataLineRGB.HSV_SHisto.TryGetValue(hsvBit.saturation, out helperValue);
                            histogramDataLineRGB.HSV_SHisto[hsvBit.saturation] = helperValue + 1;

                            histogramDataLineRGB.HSV_VHisto.TryGetValue(hsvBit.value, out helperValue);
                            histogramDataLineRGB.HSV_VHisto[hsvBit.value] = helperValue + 1;

                            //formCaller.histogramDataLineRGBProp = histogramDataLineRGB;

                            formCaller.ser1.Points.AddXY(color.R, histogramDataLineRGB.redHisto[color.R]);
                            formCaller.ser2.Points.AddXY(color.G, histogramDataLineRGB.greenHisto[color.G]);
                            formCaller.ser3.Points.AddXY(color.B, histogramDataLineRGB.blueHisto[color.B]);

                            formCaller.seriesHExt.Points.AddXY(hsvBit.HUE, histogramDataLineRGB.HSV_HHisto[hsvBit.HUE]);
                            formCaller.seriesSExt.Points.AddXY(hsvBit.saturation, histogramDataLineRGB.HSV_SHisto[hsvBit.saturation]);
                            formCaller.seriesVExt.Points.AddXY(hsvBit.value, histogramDataLineRGB.HSV_VHisto[hsvBit.value]);

                        foreach (var x in listOfDrawnPoints)
                            directBitmap.SetPixel(x.X, x.Y, Color.Black);
                        g.DrawImage(directBitmap.Bitmap, new Point(0, 0));

                    pictureBox1.Invalidate();    //refreshes the picturebox
                    lastPoint = new Point();

                    drawnPointList.Add(new DrawnPoint(directBitmap.GetPixel(lastPoint.X, lastPoint.Y), lastPoint));

            case DrawingType.ManyLines:
                if (lastPoint == Point.Empty)
                    lastPoint = e.Location;
                    _nextPoint = e.Location;

                    using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(pictureBox1.Image))
                        listOfDrawnPoints = this.EnumerateLineNoDiagonalSteps(lastPoint.X, lastPoint.Y, _nextPoint.X, _nextPoint.Y);

                        foreach (var x in listOfDrawnPoints)
                            HSVBit hsvBit = directBitmapOrig.GetPixelHSV(x.X, x.Y);
                            Color  color  = directBitmapOrig.GetPixel(x.X, x.Y);
                            drawnPointList.Add(new DrawnPoint(directBitmapOrig.GetPixel(x.X, x.Y), x));
                            //formCaller.histogramDataLineRGBProp = histogramDataLineRGB;

                            formCaller.ser1.Points.AddXY(color.R, histogramDataLineRGB.redHisto[color.R]);
                            formCaller.ser2.Points.AddXY(color.G, histogramDataLineRGB.greenHisto[color.G]);
                            formCaller.ser3.Points.AddXY(color.B, histogramDataLineRGB.blueHisto[color.B]);

                            histogramDataLineRGB.HSV_HHisto.TryGetValue(hsvBit.HUE, out helperValue);
                            histogramDataLineRGB.HSV_HHisto[hsvBit.HUE] = helperValue + 1;

                            histogramDataLineRGB.HSV_SHisto.TryGetValue(hsvBit.saturation, out helperValue);
                            histogramDataLineRGB.HSV_SHisto[hsvBit.saturation] = helperValue + 1;

                            histogramDataLineRGB.HSV_VHisto.TryGetValue(hsvBit.value, out helperValue);
                            histogramDataLineRGB.HSV_VHisto[hsvBit.value] = helperValue + 1;

                            formCaller.seriesHExt.Points.AddXY(hsvBit.HUE, histogramDataLineRGB.HSV_HHisto[hsvBit.HUE]);
                            formCaller.seriesSExt.Points.AddXY(hsvBit.saturation, histogramDataLineRGB.HSV_SHisto[hsvBit.saturation]);
                            formCaller.seriesVExt.Points.AddXY(hsvBit.value, histogramDataLineRGB.HSV_VHisto[hsvBit.value]);

                        foreach (var x in listOfDrawnPoints)
                            // drawnPointList.Add(new DrawnPoint(bitmap.GetPixel(x.X,x.Y), x));

                            directBitmap.SetPixel(x.X, x.Y, Color.Black);
                        g.DrawImage(directBitmap.Bitmap, new Point(0, 0));

                    pictureBox1.Invalidate();  //refreshes the picturebox

                    lastPoint = _nextPoint;    //keep assigning the lastPoint to the current mouse position
                    drawnPointList.Add(new DrawnPoint(directBitmap.GetPixel(lastPoint.X, lastPoint.Y), lastPoint));