public void EndGame() { finalScore = score.GetScore(); StartCoroutine(hsController.PostScores(MainMenu.pseudo, score.GetScore())); cameraController.LaunchEndGameEffect(); StartCoroutine(End()); }
private void SubmitName(string username) { int distance = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Distance"); int bananas = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Bananas"); int score = 60 * distance + 40 * bananas; HSController HS = new HSController(); StartCoroutine(HS.PostScores(username, score, distance, bananas)); StartCoroutine(HS.GetScores()); }
public void onClicTak() ///obsługa przycisku na scenie, zapis do systemu rankingowego { if (nick != "null") { StartCoroutine(comm.PostScores(timer, movesCounter, pointsCounter, nick, currentTabSize, currentMode)); } else { SceneManager.LoadScene("nullName"); } }
void OnGUI() { = practiceskin; GUI.Box(new Rect(Screen.width - 100, 0, 60, 60), scor.ToString()); string msg = "FINAL SCORE: " + scor; if (gameover) { if (checkifhighscore(scor)) { if (userHasHitReturn == false) { string newscore = "NEW HIGHSCORE: " + scor + "\nENTER YOUR NAME:"; windownewscor = GUI.Window(0, windownewscor, DoMyNewScore, newscore); } else { if (posted == false) { StartCoroutine(hs.PostScores(namePlayer, scor)); posted = true; } window = GUI.Window(0, window, DoMyScores, "HIGHSCORES"); } } else { if (writing == false) { if (read == false) { StartCoroutine(hs.GetScores()); read = true; } getscores(); window = GUI.Window(0, window, DoMyScores, "HIGHSCORES"); } } } }
void OnGUI() { GameObject shipInfo = GameObject.Find("MonkeyShip"); GameObject cameraInfo = GameObject.Find("Main Camera"); //GUI.Label (new Rect (0, 20, 150, 100), "Screen DPI: " + Screen.dpi); scoreStyle.fontSize = (int)(Screen.width * 0.03); GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width * 0.4f, Screen.height * 0.05f, Screen.width * 0.3f, Screen.height * 0.4f), "Score: " + (int)Mathf.Round(score), scoreStyle); // Show game over menu // Submit highscore via return key on keyboard Event e = Event.current; if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.Return && submitted == false) { gameover = false; highScoreScript.StartCoroutine(highScoreScript.PostScores(stringToEdit, (int)Mathf.Round(score))); submitted = true; Debug.Log("You have successfully submitted name: " + stringToEdit + " Score: " + (int)Mathf.Round(score)); StartCoroutine("Submitted"); } }
public void SendHS() { HS.StartCoroutine(HS.PostScores(EnterName.text, Int32.Parse(EnterValue.text))); transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
void OnGUI() { int menuWidth = (int)(Screen.width * 0.6); int menuHeight = (int)(Screen.height * 0.7); int xStart = Screen.width / 2 - menuWidth / 2; int yStart = (int)(Screen.height * 0.2); int xOfsset = (int)(menuWidth * 0.2); int yOfsset = (int)(Screen.height * 0.1); // GameObject grid = GameObject.Find ("Grid"); // var gridScript = grid.GetComponent<Grid> (); //GUI.Box (new Rect (0, 0, menuWidth * 0.45f, yOfsset), "max:" + gridScript.maxHeight ()); GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 0, menuWidth * 0.45f, yOfsset), "Player Score: " + player_score); if (gameType == 2) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(25, 50, menuWidth * 0.6f, yOfsset), comPlay ? "Computer Control" : "Player Control")) { comPlay = !comPlay; if (comPlay) { GameObject shapeMaker = GameObject.Find("ShapeMaker"); var shapeMakerScript = shapeMaker.GetComponent <ShapeMakerScript> (); var shape = shapeMakerScript.lastShape; var kaka = shape.AddComponent <PathFinder> (); kaka.cube = shapeMakerScript.cube; } } } if (!pause && enterName) { stringToEdit = GUI.TextField(new Rect((float)xStart + xOfsset, (float)(yStart + yOfsset * 3), menuWidth * 0.6f, yOfsset), stringToEdit, 25); if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)xStart + xOfsset, (float)(yStart + yOfsset * 4), menuWidth * 0.6f, yOfsset), "Submit Score")) { //GameObject HScont = GameObject.Find ("HSController"); //var HScontScript = HScont.GetComponent<Grid> (); StartCoroutine(HSController.PostScores(stringToEdit, player_score)); enterName = false; } } if (pause) { GUI.Box(new Rect(xStart, yStart, menuWidth, menuHeight), "Game Paused"); if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)xStart + xOfsset, (float)yStart + yOfsset, menuWidth * 0.6f, yOfsset), "Resume Game")) { //ResetGame(); pause = false; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)xStart + xOfsset, (float)(yStart + yOfsset * 2.5), menuWidth * 0.6f, yOfsset), "Restart Game")) { //ResetGame(); Application.LoadLevel("MainScene"); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect((float)xStart + xOfsset, (float)(yStart + yOfsset * 4), menuWidth * 0.6f, yOfsset), "Exit to main menu")) { Application.LoadLevel("MainMenuScene"); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width - 105, 5, 100, 60), "Sound: ON/OFF")) { GameObject sound = GameObject.Find("Korobeiniki3"); if ( { = false; } else { = true; } } } }
public void GameOver() { StartCoroutine(HSController.PostScores(PrefsManager.GetName(), _score)); GSAppExampleControl.Instance.LoadScene(ESceneNames.Arena); }