bool CheckBoundingBoxes(HRigidBody a1, HRigidBody b1)
        float   tol  = 0.1f;
        Vector3 a    = a1.transform.position;
        float   aRad = a1.radius;
        Vector3 b    = b1.transform.position;
        float   bRad = b1.radius;

        if (a.x + aRad + tol < b.x - bRad - tol)
            return(false);                                             // a is left of b
        if (a.x - aRad - tol > b.x + bRad + tol)
            return(false);                                             // a is right of b
        if (a.y + aRad + tol < b.y - bRad - tol)
            return(false);                                             // a is left of b
        if (a.y - aRad - tol > b.y + bRad + tol)
            return(false);                                             // a is right of b
        if (a.z + aRad + tol < b.z - bRad - tol)
            return(false);                                             // a is left of b
        if (a.z - aRad - tol > b.z + bRad + tol)
            return(false);   // a is right of b
        return(true);        // boxes overlap
Example #2
 void checkBounds(HRigidBody body)
     if (body.transform.position.x > bounds - body.radius)
         body.directions = -body.directions;
     else if (body.transform.position.x < 0 + body.radius)
         body.directions = -body.directions;
     if (body.transform.position.y > bounds - body.radius)
         body.directions = -body.directions;
     else if (body.transform.position.y < 0 + body.radius)
         body.directions = -body.directions;
     if (body.transform.position.z > bounds - body.radius)
         body.directions = -body.directions;
     else if (body.transform.position.z < 0 + body.radius)
         body.directions = -body.directions;
Example #3
 public void stepSimulation(HRigidBody body)
     if ((gravity > 0) && !body.isStatic && body.transform.position.y < bounds - body.radius - 1)
         body.AddForce(body.mass * gravity * Vector3.down);
     else if ((gravity < 0) && !body.isStatic && body.transform.position.y > body.radius + 1)
         body.AddForce(body.mass * gravity * Vector3.down);
     body.applyGravity = true;
     body.velocityVector += (body.netForceVector / body.mass * Time.deltaTime);
     body.oldPosition     = body.transform.position;
     if (!physics)
         body.transform.position += body.directions * Time.deltaTime;
         body.transform.position += body.velocityVector * Time.deltaTime;
         if (body.transform.position == body.oldPosition)
             body.didMove = false;
             body.didMove = true;
Example #4
    bool overlapTest(int i, int k)
        HRigidBody a = objects [i];
        HRigidBody b = objects [k];

        if (a.mins [0].value <b.mins [0].value && a.maxs [0].value> b.mins [0].value ||
            b.mins [0].value <a.mins [0].value && b.maxs [0].value> a.mins [0].value ||
            a.mins[0].value > b.mins[0].value && a.maxs[0].value <b.maxs[0].value ||
                                                                  b.mins[0].value> a.mins[0].value && b.maxs[0].value < a.maxs[0].value)
            if (a.mins [1].value <b.mins [1].value && a.maxs [1].value> b.mins [1].value ||
                b.mins [1].value <a.mins [1].value && b.maxs [1].value> a.mins [1].value ||
                a.mins[1].value > b.mins[1].value && a.maxs[1].value <b.maxs[1].value ||
                                                                      b.mins[1].value> a.mins[1].value && b.maxs[1].value < a.maxs[1].value)
                if (a.mins [2].value <b.mins [2].value && a.maxs [2].value> b.mins [2].value ||
                    b.mins [2].value <a.mins [2].value && b.maxs [2].value> a.mins [2].value ||
                    a.mins[2].value > b.mins[2].value && a.maxs[2].value <b.maxs[2].value ||
                                                                          b.mins[2].value> a.mins[2].value && b.maxs[2].value < a.maxs[2].value)
                    pm.addPair(i, k);
Example #5
    //For particle/plane
    //public float bodyPlaneMultFactor = 1f;
    void ApplyImpulse(HRigidBody body)
        //float randomization = 0.000f;
        //Vector3 randomizedVector = new Vector3 (Random.Range (-1, 1) * randomization, Random.Range (-1, 1) * randomization, Random.Range (-1, 1) * randomization);
        //planeCollisionNormal = planeCollisionNormal + randomizedVector;
        Vector3 N  = planeCollisionNormal;
        Vector3 V  = body.velocityVector;
        Vector3 Vn = Vector3.Dot(N, V) * N;
        Vector3 Vt = V - Vn;
        Vector3 newVelocityVector = Vt - coefficientOfRestitution * Vn;

        body.velocityVector = newVelocityVector;
    int distributeObject(HRigidBody h)
        bool done = false;

        HRigidBody[] tmp     = FindObjectsOfType <HRigidBody> ();
        int          loop    = 0;
        float        buffer  = bounds / 16f;
        float        buffer2 = buffer * 2;

        while (!done)
            h.transform.position = new Vector3((bounds - buffer2) * Random.value + buffer, (bounds - buffer2) * Random.value + buffer, (bounds - buffer2) * Random.value + buffer);
            if (tmp.Length == 1)
                done = true;
                for (int m = 0; m < tmp.Length; m++)
                    if ( != tmp [m].name)
                        bool overlap = CheckBoundingBoxes(h, tmp [m]);
                        if (!overlap)
                            done = true;
            for (int l = 0; l < planeIndices.Length; l++)
                int result = narrowPhase.CheckGroundPlaneContacts(new CollisionObject(h, planeIndices [l]));
                if (result == 2 | result == 1)
                    done = false;
            if (loop > 100)
        h.oldPosition = h.transform.position;
    public void makeObjects()
        narrowPhase = GetComponent <NarrowPhase> ();
//		narrowPhase = gameObject.AddComponent<NarrowPhase>();
//		narrowPhase.sweepAndPrune = GetComponent<SweepAndPrune> ();
//		narrowPhase.octTree = GetComponent<OctTreeAlg> ();
//		narrowPhase.mask = GetComponent<SpatialMasking> ();
//		narrowPhase.simple = GetComponent<Simple> ();
//		narrowPhase.boundsThing = GetComponent<Bounds> ();

        //GameControl.gameControl.createObjects = this;
        simple             = GetComponent <Simple>();
        simple.narrowPhase = narrowPhase;
        mass   = GameControl.gameControl.objectMass;
        speed  = GameControl.gameControl.speed;
        drag   = GameControl.gameControl.drag;
        bounds = GameControl.gameControl.bounds;
        //space = GameControl.gameControl.spacing;
        staticRadius = GameControl.gameControl.radius;
        radiusRange  = GameControl.gameControl.radiusRange;
        //spacing = new Vector3 (space, space, space);
        dimension  = GameControl.gameControl.numObjects;
        nextUpdate = Time.time;
        int count = 0;

        while (count < dimension)
            GameObject particle = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
            float      radius   = GameControl.gameControl.radius;
            radius += Random.value * radiusRange;
            //float radius = radiusRandomizer ();
            if (radius > maxRadius)
                maxRadius = radius;
            if (radius < minRadius)
                minRadius = radius;
            particle.transform.localScale = new Vector3(radius * 2, radius * 2, radius * 2);
            particle.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().material.color =;
   = "Sphere (" + count + ")";
            HRigidBody h = particle.AddComponent <HRigidBody> ();
            if (GameControl.gameControl.massScales)
                h.mass = (4f / 3f) * Mathf.PI * Mathf.Pow(radius, 3) * mass;
                h.mass = mass;
            h.velocityExponent = 2.0f;
            h.drag             = drag;
            h.isStatic         = false;
            h.radius           = radius;
            averageRadius     += radius;

            narrowPhase.bounds = GameControl.gameControl.bounds;
            int i = distributeObject(h);
            if (i == 1)
                Text msg = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ErrorText").GetComponent <Text>();
                msg.text = "Error: Too many objects for bounding volume: Use fewer objects, enlarge area size, or make radius smaller";
                start    = false;
            int[] direction  = { -1, 1 };
            float speedRange = 0f;
            h.velocityVector = new Vector3(direction [Random.Range(0, 2)]
                                           * (Random.value * speedRange + speed), direction [Random.Range(0, 2)]
                                           * (Random.value * speedRange + speed), direction [Random.Range(0, 2)]
                                           * (Random.value * speedRange + speed));

        #region arrange objects in grid

         * //static objects in grid
         * for (int k = 0; k < dimension; k++) {
         *      for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) {
         *              for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
         *                      GameObject particle = GameObject.CreatePrimitive (PrimitiveType.Sphere);
         *                      float radius = Random.value * radiusRange + staticRadius;
         *                      //if (count > dimension * dimension * dimension - 100) {
         *                      //	radius = 10.0f;
         *                      //} else
         *                      //	radius = 0.05f;
         *                      particle.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (radius * 2, radius * 2, radius * 2);
         *                      //particle.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (rad * 2, rad * 2, rad * 2);
         *                      particle.transform.position = new Vector3 (i * spacing.x + offset, j * spacing.y + offset, k * spacing.z + offset);
         *                      particle.GetComponent<Renderer> ().material.color =;
         *             = "Sphere (" + count + ")";
         *                      count++;
         *                      HRigidBody h = particle.AddComponent<HRigidBody> ();
         *                      h.mass = mass;
         *                      h.velocityExponent = 2.0f;
         *                      h.drag = drag;
         *                      h.isStatic = false;
         *                      h.radius = radius;
         *                      averageRadius += radius;
         *                      if (!randomPlacement){
         *                              //h.velocityVector = new Vector3 (-1, 2, -3);
         *                      }
         *                      if (randomPlacement) {
         *                              narrowPhase.bounds = GameControl.gameControl.bounds;
         *                              int[] direction = { -1, 1 };
         *                              float speedRange = speed / 5f;
         *                              h.velocityVector = new Vector3 (direction [Random.Range (0, 2)]
         * (Random.value * speedRange + speed), direction [Random.Range (0, 2)]
         * (Random.value * speedRange + speed), direction [Random.Range (0, 2)]
         * (Random.value * speedRange + speed));
         *                              bool done = false;
         *                              HRigidBody[] tmp = FindObjectsOfType<HRigidBody> ();
         *                              int loop = 0;
         *                              while (!done) {
         *                                      particle.transform.position = new Vector3 ((bounds - 4f) * Random.value + 2f, (bounds - 4f) * Random.value + 2f, (bounds - 4f) * Random.value + 2f);
         *                                      if (tmp.Length == 1)
         *                                              done = true;
         *                                      else {
         *                                              for (int m = 0; m < tmp.Length; m++) {
         *                                                      if ( != tmp [m].name) {
         *                                                              bool overlap = CheckBoundingBoxes (h, tmp [m]);
         *                                                              if (!overlap)
         *                                                                      done = true;
         *                                                      }
         *                                              }
         *                                      }
         *                                      for (int l = 0; l < planeIndices.Length; l++) {
         *                                              int result = narrowPhase.CheckGroundPlaneContacts (new CollisionObject (h, planeIndices [l]));
         *                                              if (result == 2 | result == 1) {
         *                                                      done = false;
         *                                              }
         *                                      }
         *                                      //loop++;
         *                              }
         *                              h.oldPosition = h.transform.position;
         *                      }
         *              }
         *      }
         * }
        averageRadius /= count;
        GameControl.gameControl.avgRadius = averageRadius;
        GameControl.gameControl.maxRadius = maxRadius;
        GameControl.gameControl.minRadius = minRadius;
        HRigidBody[] tmp    = FindObjectsOfType <HRigidBody> ();
        float        avgVol = (4f / 3f) * Mathf.PI * (Mathf.Pow(averageRadius, 3f));
        #region variance test

        float percObjVol = (dimension * avgVol) / (bounds * bounds * bounds);
        GameControl.gameControl.percObjVol = percObjVol;

         * bounds = GameControl.gameControl.bounds = narrowPhase.bounds = (int)Mathf.Pow((avgVol * dimension) / 0.01f, 1f/3f);
         * definePlanes (bounds);
         * speed = (float)bounds / 25.6f;
         * GameControl.gameControl.speed = speed;
         * foreach (HRigidBody h in FindObjectsOfType<HRigidBody>()) {
         *      distributeObject (h);
         *      int[] direction = { -1, 1 };
         *      float speedRange = 0f;
         *      h.velocityVector = new Vector3 (direction [Random.Range (0, 2)]
         * (Random.value * speedRange + speed), direction [Random.Range (0, 2)]
         * (Random.value * speedRange + speed), direction [Random.Range (0, 2)]
         * (Random.value * speedRange + speed));
         * }
         * if (GameControl.gameControl.whichBroad == 1) {
         *      StreamWriter sr;
         *      GameControl.gameControl.fileName = "j" + GameControl.gameControl.testNum + "radiusDist" + ".dat";
         *      if (!File.Exists ("j" + GameControl.gameControl.testNum + "radiusDist" + ".dat")) {
         *              //sr = File.CreateText ("j" + GameControl.gameControl.testNum + "TimeTest" + whichBroad + ".dat");
         *              sr = File.CreateText ("j" + GameControl.gameControl.testNum + "radiusDist" + ".dat");
         *              sr.WriteLine ("#     X     Y     Z");
         *      } else {
         *              //sr = File.AppendText ("j" + GameControl.gameControl.testNum + "TimeTest" + whichBroad + ".dat");
         *              sr = File.AppendText ("j" + GameControl.gameControl.testNum + "radiusDist" + ".dat");
         *      }
         *      sr.WriteLine (perc1);
         *      sr.WriteLine (perc2);
         *      sr.WriteLine (perc3);
         *      sr.WriteLine (perc4);
         *      sr.WriteLine (perc5);
         *      sr.Close ();
         * }
        //StartCoroutine (timer ());
        if (start)
Example #8
 public EndPoint(HRigidBody i, float v, bool m)
     body  = i;
     value = v;
     isMin = m;
Example #9
 public void addParticleCollision(HRigidBody h, HRigidBody i)
     cols.Add(new CollisionObject(h, i));
Example #10
    public void addPlaneCollision(HRigidBody h, int i)
        CollisionObject obj = new CollisionObject(h, planeIndices[i]);

Example #11
    public void Insert(HRigidBody body)
        if (objects.Count <= 1 && activeChildren == 0)
            curLifeSpan = -1;
        Vector3 dimensions = region.Max - region.Min;

        if ((region.Max.y - region.Min.y) / 2 < minSize)
        #region octants
        Vector3 half   = dimensions / 2.0f;
        Vector3 center = region.Min + half;
        //Find or create subdivided regions for each octant in the current region
        BoundingBox[] childOctant = new BoundingBox[8];
        if (children == null)
            children = new OctTree[8];
        childOctant[0] = (children[0] != null) ? children[0].region : new BoundingBox(region.Min, center);
        childOctant[1] = (children[1] != null) ? children[1].region : new BoundingBox(new Vector3(center.x, region.Min.y, region.Min.z), new Vector3(region.Max.x, center.y, center.z));
        childOctant[2] = (children[2] != null) ? children[2].region : new BoundingBox(new Vector3(center.x, region.Min.y, center.z), new Vector3(region.Max.x, center.y, region.Max.z));
        childOctant[3] = (children[3] != null) ? children[3].region : new BoundingBox(new Vector3(region.Min.x, region.Min.y, center.z), new Vector3(center.x, center.y, region.Max.z));
        childOctant[4] = (children[4] != null) ? children[4].region : new BoundingBox(new Vector3(region.Min.x, center.y, region.Min.z), new Vector3(center.x, region.Max.y, center.z));
        childOctant[5] = (children[5] != null) ? children[5].region : new BoundingBox(new Vector3(center.x, center.y, region.Min.z), new Vector3(region.Max.x, region.Max.y, center.z));
        childOctant[6] = (children[6] != null) ? children[6].region : new BoundingBox(center, region.Max);
        childOctant[7] = (children[7] != null) ? children[7].region : new BoundingBox(new Vector3(region.Min.x, center.y, center.z), new Vector3(center.x, region.Max.y, region.Max.z));

        if (drawOcts)
            DrawOctTree.drawOctTree.list.Add(childOctant [0]);
            DrawOctTree.drawOctTree.list.Add(childOctant [1]);
            DrawOctTree.drawOctTree.list.Add(childOctant [2]);
            DrawOctTree.drawOctTree.list.Add(childOctant [3]);
            DrawOctTree.drawOctTree.list.Add(childOctant [4]);
            DrawOctTree.drawOctTree.list.Add(childOctant [5]);
            DrawOctTree.drawOctTree.list.Add(childOctant [6]);
            DrawOctTree.drawOctTree.list.Add(childOctant [7]);
        //First, is the item completely contained within the root bounding box?
        //note2: I shouldn't actually have to compensate for this. If an object is out of our predefined bounds, then we have a problem/error.
        //          Wrong. Our initial bounding box for the terrain is constricting its height to the highest peak. Flying units will be above that.
        //             Fix: I resized the enclosing box to 256x256x256. This should be sufficient.
        if (region.Contains(body.transform, body.radius))
            bool found = false;
            //we will try to place the object into a child node. If we can't fit it in a child node, then we insert it into the current node object list.
            for (int a = 0; a < 8; a++)
                //is the object contained within a child quadrant?
                if (childOctant [a].Contains(body.transform, body.radius))
                    if (children [a] != null)
                        children [a].Insert(body);                            //Add the item into that tree and let the child tree figure out what to do with it
                        List <HRigidBody> newList = new List <HRigidBody> ();
                        children [a]          = new OctTree(childOctant [a], newList, narrowPhase, minSize);
                        hasChildren           = true;
                        children [a].parent   = this;
                        children [a].name     = name + a;
                        children [a].isActive = true;
                        activeChildren       |= (byte)(1 << a);
                        children [a].BuildTree();
                    found = true;
            if (!found)
Example #12
 public CollisionObject(HRigidBody b1, Plane p)
     body1 = b1;
     plane = p;
Example #13
 public CollisionObject(HRigidBody ba, HRigidBody bb)
     body1 = ba;
     body2 = bb;